Wednesday, September 25, 2013

MSNBC's Krystal Ball calls out the "conservatives of conscience" for not standing up to those in their party who are lying about Obamacare.

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A partial transcript:  

"The GOP is saying to young people we would like to have the government stick an unnecessary trans-vaginal probe if you want an abortion but when it comes to health insurance don’t take any government help. Don’t go to the state or federal government operated insurance exchanges to buy private insurance. Stay away. Stay uninsured. Skip that pap smear. Skip that tetanus shot. Skip that prenatal care. Skip that cholesterol test. And if you die an agonizing death and unnecessary death; one that could have been prevented by the health insurance reform that bears the President’s name, at least you know your death would have not been in vain. You would have died to serve the noble and patriotic cause, not of conservatism but of hurting this President and denying him a victory. In the words of the Wall Street Journal, 'The GOP is flying a Kamikaze mission against this President and Obamacare. They are willing to destroy themselves, their political future. That they would also encourage young people to go uninsured and risk financial catastrophe and death from preventable disease means that they aren’t just willing to sacrifice their own careers to hurt this President. They would sacrifice the lives of young people if it helped them score political points. That is not Conservative, it is a national disgrace. Republicans, Conservatives of conscience, if there was ever a time to take back your party from the forces of anarchy, chaos and insanity, and self-destruction, now is that time."

Very well said. 

H/T to Addicting Info


  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    hey, i like her thought process

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    "They would sacrifice the lives of young people if it helped them score political points."

    The same could be said of useless wars.

    1. Boscoe3:11 PM

      Well, we ARE talking about the party that considered Obama not bombing Syria to be "a humiliation".

      I bet they'd change their tune in a heartbeat if there was a legal mandate requiring the children of congress and senate folks to fight on the front lines in any conflict they vote us into. Let THEIR kids die first, I say.

  3. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "They would sacrifice the lives of young people if it helped them score political points. "

    Because the lives of 'ewe-people' are worth so much less than the political careers of the cruel and heartless members of the GOP.

    Young people and poor people tend to vote for Democrats so the Republican party is all too anxious to sacrifice them for a selfish purpose. Win-win for their side.

  4. lostinmn3:32 PM

    Sara tweet before the sun rises in the morning?

  5. Wow! Very well said.

  6. Anonymous3:39 PM

    50 simple and easy facts to counteract the lies about ObamaCare.

  7. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Only slightly O/T McClatchy to drop retiree health insurance after December 2014.

    (There are other ACA stories posted here as well. Kodiak reporter Maggie Wall, who reports on the Alaska legislature and state government issues, doesn't have insurance and says she'll share what she learns on her radio show's Facebook page.)

  8. angela3:59 PM

    Sadly, the sane portion of the GOP are basically cowards. If they speak up once they get pummeled by the nut wing of the party. They behave like schizophrenic infants. I think people like McCain (normally unhinged about war and Susan Rice) are really starting to worry about their legacy. These baggers are so disaffected they couldn't care less if the entire country fell apart. It would prove all of their delusions. Ms. Ball is sane----thus she knows crazy when it is stomping the country.

  9. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Not only young people
    No real American should buy Obamacare

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      So you don't mind paying the bills for people who go to the hospital and don't have insurance, can't pay their bills.

      Generous of you.

    2. Anonymous5:09 PM

      OK. I'll bite. Why shouldn't anyone purchase health insurance under the exchanges under Obamacare?

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      No, fuckface. As a matter of fact, I don't mind. In fact, I already do pay a share of the care for the uninsured, it's called "uncompensated care," as does every other person with health insurance. The Affordable Care Act will help remedy that to a large degree. But you're too much of an ignorant selfish fuck to know that.

    4. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Hmmm...I have a choice between paying for emergency care for the uninsured, which tends to be of the more expensive, catastrophic variety, OR I can help subsidize much less expensive regular care, including preventative health care, which usually prevents conditions from becoming more serious.

      Obamacare is less expensive, more effective and considerably more compassionate. Not much of a choice as far as I'm concerned.

    5. Anonymous7:49 PM

      And that's from a practical, financial argument - how much more humane is the ethical one.

    6. Anonymous11:30 PM

      Then there are I presume "real Americans" who can afford insurance but chose to not even pay their share in an employer's plan. Then they boo hoo they can't see a doctor for even a bladder infection. They believe they are entitled to charity treatment at ER's. I am weary of BS about families at or below poverty level wanting handouts. People with enough money chose to buy posessions, hit bars, vacations gambling they won't need medical care.

      Hell.."real Americans" piss and moan buy crap they can live without then are delusional surgery, treatments and care is due them.

      Are you suggesting a real American would not want to contribute to insurance for self or their children?? That is idiotic. I bet if you have severe pain you won't stay home choosing death instead of having your appendix removed or your gallbladder become gangrenous...asshole.

      BTW ACA is so less newborns, babies, children, adults, grand parents won't die unnecessarily. It is for life not the lies told to murder granny or in cold blooded intent sentence a baby with any defect to death.

    7. Anita Winecooler1:11 PM

      Well, we got two choices here in real America. Democrats have Affordable Care, aka Obama Care, GOP has "Die Quicker".

  10. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Senator Murkowski, as reported in the ADN, said her office has been deluged with calls to defund Obamacare.

    Please take a few moments to contact her office - the need to access to health care insurance and health care is crucial to we Alaskans.

    We need to deluge her office - Alaskans need the Affordable Care Act.

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Yeah, she's being deluged by all the teabaggers who voted for Miller.

    2. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Just sent her a message in support of ACA from down here in Louisiana.

    3. hedgewytch7:22 AM

      I think she's full of it. I sent her several letters telling her NOT to.

  11. Sharon5:02 PM

    This isn't worth talking about can not be more obvious. I just can't bother to listen to any of this anymore, just close my eyes and wait till 2014.

  12. I said it was going to get U G L Y! You think this week is bad....shhhhhiitttt...wait until next week!

    I'm hoping Louie Gorhmet or whatever the fuck his name is from Texas...tries to outdo Cruz's 21 hour shitting and peeing in a diaper "fuckedupblusterfest" and sets himself on fire LIVE on C-SPAN to stop the ACA from going into effect on Oct 1st!

    Now THAT I would watch....over and over and over and over and over....AGAIN!

    I also wonder if Baldy has come to the realization that on Oct 1st the Koch (brothers) that she's been sucking on for the last week or so is going to be the size of the Toad's little baby penis and just as worthless...since nothing she's said will stop the inevitable!

    Ummm...probably not! LOL!!!

  13. Anonymous7:01 PM

    We keep shaking our heads trying to figure out just HOW the Republicans can be THAT delusional.

    Today, I heard the echo of me telling others to "follow the money" when you want to make sense of things.

    Then it hit me: the reason you hear of idiots like Cruz saying the most obscene lies, is to GET MONEY.

    Yep. They all have websites that claim such shit as how Obamacare will cause your house to blow up, and get your 12 year old daughter anally raped...but if you send $35 or more to Ted Cruz, he will see to it that its stopped dead.

    The ones we should feel sorry for, and shake our heads in disbelief over, are the braindead fools who actually hit that big red DONATE button on those websites, sending their welfare check money to the buffoons who scare the crap out of them, with lies no one should be ignorant enough to believe.


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