Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Yesterday was "Constitution Day," apparently, so Sarah Palin posted picture of her pretending to read and understand the document. Oh, and she also used the opportunity to ask for more money. Duh!

This is the tweet that Palin, or Palin's ghost tweeter, posted yesterday:
The tweet links to her Facebook page which features the above photo. The interesting thing about the photo is that it also features, along with the ubiquitous SarahPAC stamp, the name of the person who took the picture. Which I assume is Palin's way of demonstrating that she is trying to avoid having any more lawsuits filed against her for copyright infringement.

So look you can teach an old, tired, emaciated dog new tricks.

You know, though I did not read it yesterday, I have read the Constitution as well. And that's why I know that MOST of the people who support Sarah Palin have no idea what it says.

They seem to believe that it claims this is God's country, deems the Bible as the ONLY textbook needed in public schools, and says that a black man shall NEVER be elected to the White House. Or something like that.

Sadly for them, not everybody agrees. As evidenced by the fact that a bunch of pagan freedom hating Atheists took out this ad in a number of papers around the country:

 I know, right? I mean how dare these people use facts to confuse the American people into realizing that most of the radical the Right Wing nutjobs can barely spell "Constitution" much less understand it.

Well anyway, happy day after Constitution day everyone!


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Can Sarah Palin actually read small print with that WONKY EYE? Understanding what is written would be a Miracle. The Bitch is too illiterate to comprehend what Our Constitutional Scholars intended. She must be looking at the PIMP'S HANDBOOK OF CONDOM PRESERVATION.

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Enlarge that picture if you want to see the ear of the kitchen baby! These things can skip a generation.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Wow, that is the same weird ear, minus the ruffles. It has that weird shaped opening into the ear canal, just like the ruffled ear baby in the kitchen.

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Two very uneducated comments.

      Signed, Not Kristy

    3. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Really 2:58?
      Sarah has weird ears. She does.
      But Ruffles had a deformity. Severe deformity.
      Sarah did Not birth
      Tri-G , but he could still have Sarah's DNA ( Bristol).
      One of yhe Tri-gs( not batwing eat Tri-g ) has the bar in the middle of yhe eat cartilidge like Sarah.

  3. lostinmn12:45 PM

    The good news is we can still see she's got the Belmonts on. What they hell kind of forty year old woman still wears falsies if she doesn't need to?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      Yep, she re teated!

    2. Anonymous11:31 PM

      +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 :)

  4. Someone needs to repair the header on that pic:

    "Hmm, this must be the Librul Constitution Copy... I don't see a word mentioning God anywhere" - Sarah Palin

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Well, Sarah, you ignorant twit, the UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT determined the ACA was CONSTITUTIONAL, so put that in your snarly, nasty, matted old wig and smoke it!

    And by the way, idiot woman, when was it acceptable to EXTORT the President of the United States??? Yeah, I call thugs when I see them!

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM


  7. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I would LOVE to see her 'quizzed' in a public forum on her knowledge of the US Constitution. I mean, not with a ton of prep, but out of the blue, off the cuff sort of engagement that would reveal her utter ignorance and bust her on her lying. Re-read the Constitution my ass. She is really a monster in her duplicitous behavior.

    1. Evelyn Waugh1:26 PM

      You and your gotcha questions, 1:01!

      Like which amendment gave women the right to vote? What year did it take effect?
      Which amendment allowed the income tax? When did it take effect?

      Which amendment allows for a speedy trial and the right of the accused to face his accuser? What is habeas corpus?

      Which amendment limits the number of terms a president can serve, and why was it passed?

      Was prohibition caused by an amendment? Was it ended with an amendment? What is prohibition, anyway?

      The President used to be sworn into office on a certain day, but then that day was changed. Why? And when?

      When can a member of Congress raise his own salary? Is there an amendment that addresses that question?

      How old must a citizen be to take a seat in the House of Representatives? The U.S. Senate? The Presidency?

      Sarah? Any of 'em and all of 'em. Since you just reread the Constitution yesterday, you'll have all the answers on the tip of your tongue. Let's begin!

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      We all read and saw the film "Game Change". Sarah is retarded and does not learn easily. She has to memorize her answers which she did on FOX when they actually had her on their programs! (Hannity and van 'what's her name'!). She was (and is) supplied the questions, so that she can provide the answer.

      Plus, she'd flunk the Constitution questions noted above. Big time!!!!

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Well, when I'm vice president, I'll be the one who makes laws in the Senate, you betcha.

    4. Sally in MI2:32 PM

      My MIL was a big Heritage Foundation and Pat Robertson supporter. One Thanksgiving she whipped her copy of the HF Constitution out of her purse and proposed a little question and answer quiz. Her lawyer nephew, and her History teacher nephew took charge, asking HER how many amendments there were. Slow, shaky smile. She had no idea. See they carry these around, like their Bibles (altho, I have never seen Sarah anywhere near a Bible..anyone???) and have never even opened them. They rely of Rusha nd Beck and Robertson and Fox to tell them what to think. Sad and scary.

    5. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Oh, yeah, and which part of the Constitution describes the United States of America as a Christian nation?
      Which part specifies any religion at all?

      We'll wait for the answer.

  8. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Sure, glancing at an historical relic sure does make her an expert, also too. If THIS is what she uses for 'proof' of her deep knowledge of the Constitution, then I'm an expert on ANYTHING I can lay my eyes on. What a load of hooey.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Constitution? I saw that, oh gosh, where was it that I saw that Constitution? Well, I saw it. That counts.

  9. Anonymous1:08 PM

    She's curling her large man-hand into a ball to "root" for the good parts, like the 2nd Amendment and whatnot.

    "Cause the Constitution, that is not a scary, competitive thing, under the umbrella of job creation, is an awesome thing. Shout out to the founding father's with god on our side also."

    It must have been hard pretending to read for the camera. (But it's more believable than that time on the campaign bus when she pretended to be caught off-guard reading to Trig with a huge book and turning the pages without him being able to focus at all. I mean, it might as well have been upside down.)

    I wish I could find the clip for that. It was an MSM interview. She's 'reading' to Trig and notices a camera and interviewer, and then hands him off once we all saw she was cuddling with her 'son.'

    1. Anonymous2:25 PM

      I don't think that Trig came along on the bus trip. In fact, Sarah claimed that it was a "family vacation" but Todd and Willow left very early. Bristol never came, and I don't think that Trig was there either. That left Piper, Chuck and Sally Heath to make it a Palin "fractured family" vacation. Piper didn't have a very good time either, pushing reporters and blaming them for spoiling the "vacation." Piper, it was never a vacation. It was a publicity tour meant to convince Roger Ailes that the Blood Libel thing didn't matter, and that Palin could still stir up lots of publicity. Oh, yes, she could do that, but it wasn't presidential publicity. In the end, she ended up stealing the spotlight from both Mitt and Michele. Spoiled sport.

    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      It was a vacation. Not a bus at all, "It is a very high-end Motor Coach, complete with all the luxuries one would expect in a high-end home."
      She rilly knows how to save her money. "Paid for by SarahPAC"

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      I recall that bus tour -- not in her One Nation mobile (that was repaired by is nested at a BFF in Gravel Land (Wasilla) - that was mentioned on an FEC document awhile back.

      The bus tour where $creech had Trig in her arms somewhere in the L48 where it was literally freezing - and he had on little shorts and no socks. It was during her VP "camp pain" -- IMers will remember that ...

      $arah Paylin -- $he puts the "con" in Constitution - you betcha also too!

    4. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

      I wonder if she'll use a sleigh for her xmas book?

    5. Anita -- again, coffee through the nose I'm laughing so hear. Wonder if she'll have the sleigh shrink wrapped?

      Did you see the movie Elf? The Clausometer kept Santa's sleigh running (well, along with a jet pack). Maybe Sarah's sleigh will have a "Screechometer" to keep it running.

    6. Anita Winecooler5:29 PM

      Loved "Elf"! "Schreechometer" is all she's got left, "postagemeter's" got a cash flow problem.

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Sorry this is O/T Gryphen, but this is TOO good not to share...DAMN our president is GOOD! He just keeps hitting them with that ol' 9th Dimension Chess when they are barely playing Checkers. Like taking candy from a whole lot of babies.

    Obama’s Genius Labeling of GOP Demands Extortion Has Already Won The Debt Ceiling Fight


    ...President Obama effectively ended any Republican hopes of getting a political victory on the debt ceiling when he called their demands extortion. Nobody likes being extorted. The American people don’t like feeling like they are being shaken down. The White House knows this, which is why they are using such strong language to criticize the Republicans. Obama is doing the same thing to House Republicans that he has been doing to the entire party for the last few years. The president is defining them before they can define themselves.

    Obama is taking the same tactics that he used to define Mitt Romney in the summer of 2012 and applying them to John Boehner and his House Republicans. While Republicans are fighting among themselves and gearing up for another pointless run at defunding Obamacare, the president is already winning the political battle over the debt ceiling. His comments today were a masterstroke of strategy that will pay political dividends now and in the future. If the president is successful anytime a Republican talks about defunding Obamacare, the American people will think extortion. Republicans keep insisting on unconstitutional plots to kill Obamacare, and the president is calling them out on it.


    1. Sally in MI2:29 PM

      It's about time he calls it like it is. His first term was so hard because he is a nice man, and really thought the GOP could act like reasoning humans instead of Norquist robots. Awesome, Mr. President.
      Meanwhile, they 'unveiled' their big replacement for the ACA. Big surprise. It does nothing for pre-existing conditions, and a whole lot for the insurance industry.

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    This was her One Nation bus tour to nowhere right? Family trip? 2010? She's a normal shaped woman here, hard to think she felt the need to run obsessively (10 miles or more a day) and drop 30 or so pounds to become a bag of bones.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Yes. The photo is from the beginning of her One Nation bus tour family vacation paid for by SarahPAC...the trip that was cut short because she was sued by the organization that had trademarked 'One Nation."

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Trust me, she didn't run - it's the drugs! Plus, she's aged horribly - evil inside and out!

    3. Sally in MI2:26 PM

      I don't think she was ever a serious runner. Nor did she ever breastfeed Trig. Remember when the McCain staff hid her away at one of his ranches for ddebate prep? Trig would have been about 5 months old and still nursing. Palin went running (impossible to do with milk filled boobs) and tripped and fell. Yeah, the expert runner fell down. Add that to the photo of her floating over the curb in one marathon, arriving at the finish of another in full makeup, with dry hair, and no underarm sweat, and so many others. Just another Palin myth.

    4. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Impressive analysis on your part there, Sally, as always. Add it to the list of blatant Sarah lies and distortions.

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      She's a complete klutz. Just look at how awkwardly she walked when she was a contestant for Miss Wasilla. And she hasn't gotten any more graceful since then.

    6. Anonymous5:12 PM

      And why does $he always look so stooped over whenever she is photographed with others? I think $he believes it's cozyin' up looking - but in reality it makes her look like a hunch back.

    7. Anonymous9:10 PM

      She looks like a hunch back because she is a hunch back. Just look at her pictures. The woman is only 50 something. Not an age when one has such a notable dowager hump. Yey, that is Sarah's most prominent feature. She lost her spine along the way and this will only get worse for her as time marches on and on and on.
      Anyone else would have been standing at attention and with strength. Not Sarah, she is a chronic slouch.

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    She had to be reminded by a Pee that it was Constitution Day vesterday. She didn't do it on her own.

  13. Anonymous1:28 PM

    FEEL GOOD story of the day! I just donated!

  14. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Sarah Palin doesn't look like that anymore...older photo!

    Plus, it so damned obvious (in listening to her all these years) that she has zero knowledge of its content!

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      They can't show current photos due to her rapid decline accelerated by her unhealthy lifestyle. Red Bull, Adderall, laxatives and the awful things she will do to keep moving.

      Her body dysmorphia is more noticeable as her hair falls out, her head gets large and the body shrinks. She can't think right and her taste in clothes has not improved. It takes it's toll on Todd, he looks like a dirt bag more and more. She wears falsies and they end up lopsided and weird beyond description.

      I am wondering if she will ever be able to converse in public again. She may never be seen in public again (other then the gas out to dinner times). Only very staged and set up TV? Her last hope may be to do a radio show with Mark Levin. I can't imagine much more of a future for her.

      Clock is ticking and she is too frightened to come out. That spells doom.

      I will give her another week to prove she can be in reality and dealing with people without all her aids and cover ups.

      That is to be kind, she has been dead to the
      world for a long time now.

    2. I love the idea of her telling us that she is RE-Reading the Constitution!


      Just sittin' "waiting for the guys to load the equipment"...aaaand reading your Constitution...Again.

      Well, I would say most of us did read the Constitution in school (my class had to learn the Preamble by heart.)

      Hey Sarah,

      You *know* America By Heart,

      do you *know* the Preamble to your Precious Constitution?

      How about the Bill of Rights?

      Declaration of Independence?

      Do you know the Difference between ANY of these things?

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      well said, 2:41... $arah does not dare show herself in public except for the most staged settings. $he sticks around for a few photo opps and then scoots as fast as she can. $he dares not mingle with the "rill" people.

      $arah launches her hateful,bumbling spew from the safety of her Facebook and Twitter bunker. $he does not have the courage to appear anywhere that she might be asked a question, or to defend her venomous viewpoints.

      It is SO telling that $arah is never mentioned anywhere in Alaska (except with derision or in jokes) - and NO politician wants any association with her (as in Parnell in the last election - never a word from either of them during the campaign, nor will there be this go around).

      Yep, it is painfully obvious that the half term, half wit is runnin' scared. It shows on her face. That Karma can be a bitch and we are seeing it happen to $arah right before our eyes. Pathetic, really ....

  15. Anonymous1:53 PM

    That was two years ago and she didn't look like an scrawny old meth head. No wonder she won't come out from behind her rock. She looks bad and is terrified to address matters in person or anyway straight forward.

    1. Leland2:53 PM

      Excuse me? "From behind her rock"? More like from UNDER it!

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      YES, UNDER!

    3. Sally in MI4:54 PM

      Wasn't it 2010 when she was flirting with running for something?

  16. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Did she say anything about her son's luscious, delicious, inked, warrior body (while sticking her tongue out)? That warrior body fought for the right of mothers to say inappropriate things about their son's bodies, after all.

  17. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Why is Sarah's fist clenched? It's the first time that she realized the "We the People" comes from the Constitution. She had been saying it for so long that she thought that she made it up. No.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Sarah is trying to give Ben Franklin a hand job.

    2. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Even Ben would turn that bitch down, and he didn't take a pass on very many others. Or any for that matter. Ben says run along and go tell the British that you petsonally know Margaret Thatcher, who is the Queen of England. But Miz Bendadick Arnold Palin, don't be touching my dick. The British might be cumming, but Im Mericun, not a faggot Euro-pagan.

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Why is Sarah's fist clenched?

      WTF? Her water is leaking....

      TAWD... Sarah's tubes done got untied again...


    4. Actually...

      Ben was a Big Fan of French prostitutes.

      Why not?

    5. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

      She's got her hand clenched because she wrote "Constitution not Constipation" on her palm.

  18. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Palin's $13,708.44 Bus Wrap looked like copyright infringement on wheels. Why did she quit the tour?
    Bus isn’t really a Bus…. It is a very high-end Motor Coach, complete with all the luxuries one would expect in a high-end home. Let’s take a look….

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Sarah Palin didn't understand Jack Shit on the motor coach tour and she doesn't understand now. She is locked up and some adult is at the helm of her scam for the time being. I can't wait to see the next batch of posed shots by Craighead. I am so happy she gets copyright law and can be at Sarah's side.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Where is this bus/motorhome and who owns it?

      I would not be surprised if this vehicle is stored on one of Sarah Palin's property, a relative's, friend's or SarahPac employee's property and SarahPac is paying high storage fees to somebody.

    3. Sally in MI4:53 PM

      I think it was rented for the summer, and then the PAC paid for the illegal wrap. I'm surprised she didn't roll it out again this summer to hawk her next idiotic book.

    4. Anonymous5:36 PM

      It was stored at a friend's or family member - it was listed in the FEC info, the one where POSTAGE made such a $plash.

      Speaking of bus tours: who can forget $neaky $creech being outed for taking a plane, then getting into the bus near the campaign (or book tour, whatever) location, then climbing outa the bus full of $miles and waves after her "road trip." Bwahahahah!!

    5. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Why did Sarah quit the tour? What was its purpose anyway? Sarah was trying to sell "American the Beautiful" and instead she showed us how totally ignorant she was about American History and just about anything else. In addition to ringing those bells and firing those warning shots (Paul Revere's revised ride), Sarah also visited the Statute of Liberty (her spelling in a tweet, repeated, not a typo). When a reporter asked Palin what she took away from her visit, you'd think that the logical answer would be in the statue's name, Lady Liberty. She was a gift from France, given on the 100 year anniversary of our revolution-- which inspired the French Revolution. (Sarah Palin: They had a revolution, too? Did Paul Revere ride to France to warn the peasants?)

      Instead, Sarah Palin said that the Statue of LIBERTY was a warning not to go making the same mistakes that other other countries in Europe have been making. Huh? Where does she get that stuff? (It must be the bells, ringing in her head, not to mention those warning shots).

      What else went wrong with that trip? It wasn't a family vacation. Todd and Willow left. Bristol and Trig never came. Piper pushed reporters away when that was probably the purpose of the trip, publicity. Piper scolded the reporters for ruining her family vacation, even though it was just Chuckles and Sally, Piper and Sarah. Oh, and Palin tried to steal attention from Mitt and Michele each announcing that they would run for president. Palin may have been trying to show Roger Ailes that she could still get lots of attention, but in the end, she got all the wrong kind of attention. With her PAC logo plastered all over the bus, I assume that she spent more money on the trip than the advertising generated.

    6. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Cash Cow -- you are rivaling Gina M for best Palineeze!

      Freedom! Liberty! Warrior Bodies!

      $$$end money! Bwahahahah

    7. Anonymous6:47 PM

      5:36 PM She's come a long way, Baby. Sneaking on planes when she was to bus, "road trip" LOL! Now she claims she hunts at an undisclosed location when hub just buys a secret remote luxury Big Game Playground near Lake Iliamna. Rainbow Bay Lodge is one of the most luxurious, et rustic, lodges in Alaska. Situated on the remote shores of Lake Iliamna. Trophy kills, what a way to make money, Palin.

  19. Anonymous2:26 PM

    TJ: Grandma Sarah since this is Constitution Day, please tell us again the story of Paul Revere

    SP: Okay Tri-PP and Trig-G

    "He who warned, uh, the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."

    Sarah Palin
    Miss Wasilla Beauty Pageant Contestant
    2008 Republican Party Vice President Candidate

    1. Sally in MI4:51 PM

      Well, let's see. She is 'sure' full of crap. She is 'free' to lie for more money. And those arms are pretty scrawny to be holding any weapon that might hurt someone. Best give her a water pistol. Maybe she could spend some quality time with her grandkids and Trig.

  20. Anonymous2:39 PM

    To those of you with the PDS and foul mouth/language, Shealah Craighead has been Palin's official photographer since the 2008 Presidential Campaign. No where in her post did she request any donation to her PAC. She understands the Constitution just as well as you do.

    1. Leland2:55 PM

      "understands the Constitution...."?


    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Yeah, uh huh, that SARAHPAC log plastered on every photo she posts isn't ASKING FOR MONEY? Are you so stupid that you don't understand the implication of that logo? Are you such an ass that you have to defend this ignorant twat.

      Yep, that's foul mouth language and when it comes to Baldy, it's easy to let it flow. She is a sham, a con artist, a grifter, a murderer, a felon, a whore and a piece of crap parent. There, that's more like it. And she uses the Constitution like toilet paper, breaking any and every rule and law she can just to see if she can get away with it.

      She's a cheat, a pathological liar and a thief who steals from her blind-eyed supporters. Wake up you stupid asshole, she's STEALING FROM YOU!!!

      She wouldn't last two minutes in a conversation about the Constitution. She'd just be spewing platitudes and faux patriotic sayings to rile the red meat crowd, but she wouldn't be saying anything of substance since she doesn't have anything of substance to say.

      Go back to C4P, you are guaranteed to get busted if you hang around here for long. We here at IM don't cotton to liars and criminals.

    3. Anonymous3:03 PM

      I remember Shealah Craighead's profile photo of the Palin rat's nest hair style. She has been on salary for a long time.

      Sarah is an expert on our friends in North Korea, also, too. All the while she keeps an eye on Putin's head when it is in Amurica's air space. No one knows Paul Revere like Sarah Palin. Just because you say Sarah understands the Constitution just as well as you do, it must be so.

    4. Anonymous3:03 PM

      LOL! You don't read very well do you? Or maybe your comprehension is a bit off.

    5. Anonymous3:05 PM

      shut up bristle.

    6. Anonymous5:31 PM

      When Sarah or her PAC put the PAC logo on anything, they are asking for money. It is not informational; there is no information and no need to identify the photo since the photographer already identified the photo with her name and the copyright symbol.

      It would be interesting to contact Ms.Craighead and ask what her contractual arrangement is with Palin. Does Craighead follow Palin around with permission to take photos, and then make money selling the photos on line? Does Palin hire her for specific events or as a blanket "consultant fee" from her PAC? Is Craighead paid a fair salary to be Sarah's official photographer? Does she grant Palin complete and total use of the photos in exchange for a fair salary? Or is it maybe the fame of being associated with Sarah Palin?

      The difference between the Craighead photo and the September 11 photo is that the September 11 photo has its own website, and it is far more famous than the photo of Palin looking in a display case. It also has a clearly stated copyright policy, since the photo is so famous and there has been so much demand for it. The newspaper lost their own readers on September 11. They received comments from people about how much it meant to them, considering the terrible events of the day. They chose to donate any money (from licensing the photo) to a disaster relief fund.

      Craighead profits from taking the photos of Sarah. Craighead either profits financially and/or by getting the prestige of having taken Sarah's photo. The Record of Bergen, NJ does not profit from the photo. They hold the well publicized copyright of their photo because they want it to be used in a proper and dignified way. And, they certainly did not intend for anyone to stick their PAC logo on that beautiful image for the purpose of raising money for Sarah's PAC. All that Sarah's PAC has is Sarah's Facebook and the fund raising letters, the latest of which offers Sarah's Christmas book in return for a donation. Selling a book about Christmas IS commercializing Christmas, By Sarah Palin.

  21. Anonymous2:58 PM

    are you really this stupid or acting stupid?
    her pac logo/website is on the photo in the post which is to remind you all to go to the site and send money. criminy! really? you don't understand how the world works??
    if she didn't want money and was "just sayin" she wouldn't include the pac addy!!!!

    she understands the constitution? well then why does she think it was written by jesus? she believes the constitution was written to enforce religion in the country when one of the main founding principles of our country is FREEDOM OF RELIGION-to practice or not, whatever religion you choose and it shall be separate from government.

  22. ...and today is Wednesday, September 18th, and all you boys and girls with the sloped foreheads and unibrows at the Pee Pond know what that means, don't you? No, it ain't Howdy-Doody Time, you bunch of old fucks. Pull up your Depends and guess again.

    Never mind, just listen, suckers. Tonight is the night for the Harvest Moon, the closest full moon to the Autumn Equinox. Now don't get all caught up in all them fancy-schmancy scientilliquistic words, cuz to all of you REAL great patriots in flyover country, you just need to remember *one* thing, all you sugar-britches:

    Momma Grizzly's got a bunch of hungry kids and a scrawny pimp of an ex here that's bitchin and complaining saying they is ALL hungry, but they're too damn busy to get a job---any of em. All of em. And I got "I don't know how damn many" grand kids running around here, because I can't remember which lie we told last.

    Plus, if uou add all of the needy friends and all of the teenagers here, that's a lot of hungry (and a lot of drigs). And y'all know Momma Grizzly hasn't been prognosticating and analizating or hell, even co-operating with that Fat Old Bastard Roger Ailes who keeps firing my scrawny ass. He says if I don't go to rehab, that I can kiss his ass and then he laughed. Do you believe that he disrespected your Queen Quitter like that? How dare he tell me the truth as though I were a mature adult!

    So send money, thataways so I can send a message to... um, the establishment and the, um, Obama and his fat-ass wife and nappy-headed kids cuz we ain't prejudiced or nuthin. And the RINOs, because its all about jobs..

    Please hurry. I can't take this crying and complaining anymore. Come on, send me a hundred dollars, and I'll send you a Christmas Book that Brancy wrote, oh shit, I mean that you'll love it because I can't wait to read it for the first time myself, also too. And plus I'll send you a pitcher of my poonie and an autograph... wait, Todd, why'd you put that in a telestrator, dumbass? That package is $200 and you know it!
    Ok, so you say $100 is too much? Okay how about $60, and I'll send you a $14 book if I remember to do it. Of course, I'd remember better if you send more.

    And one more thing. Benghazi! Ya scared yet? Send me $ and it'll all be okay.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM


      Just reading about the moon in your comment reminded me of another IMer copying Bill O's genius quote:

      Bill O'Reilly recently spoke with David Silverman, the man who calls himself the President of American Atheists.

      O'Reilly: "I'll tell you why [religion is] not a scam, in my opinion," he told Silverman. "Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. You can't explain why the tide goes in."

      It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

      And then I shudder because people actually try and say he is "intelligent" because he can come up with segues in his car??

      Get the F outta here!!

  23. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Gryphen....did you see at HP about the formation of an atheist superpac? I thought you might be interested.

  24. Anonymous3:04 PM

    haha, who dressed her & who knew she reads?

  25. Anonymous3:08 PM

    2:39 Then Ms. Craighead must be out of a job, since $carah has not had any recent photos published since the one in New York. I do not think THAT one was a professional photo, with the pink blouse, black see-throug skirt, hooker shoes and fake boobs. By the way, you forgot "grow up" "get a life" "you are so stupid" YOU might be out of work next.

  26. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Well, maybe now she'll know what it is the vice president does.

  27. WA Skeptic3:57 PM

    It looks as if Ms. Palin is shopping in an old freezer section of a grocery store: I've been at the National Archives, and it's so dim in the room (to protect the documents from the light-fading effect) you can hardly see.


    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      I so agree w/you 3:57! I've been there too and the document is very difficult to read...Sarah ain't reading it even though she is projecting differently AGAIN. She's a fraud!!!

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Of course her lips are glossed and pur$ed prettily for the "candid" money $hot.

      $arah Paylin put the "ho" in phony!

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Sarah can't read that old fashioned hand writing. She asked the guard, "Why didn't they use a computer to write that thing? Don't they have Word?"

  28. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Aint that picture of Sain't Sarah from a few years back? What Sarah really did on Constitution Day was got drunk under the sun. It is her daily routine since she legally stopped being governor and started prostituting for FOX.

  29. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Are you sure that's the Constitution and not the store floor map to Saks Fifth Avenue Sarah is looking at?

    Damn It! Where's the high priced freaking shit on this floor?

    1. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Sarah stopped shopping at Saks when the NRC took away her charge card in 2008. (Hope Todd likes the silk undies). I think that Sarah's style is mail order catalog, the trashier the better.

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      Frederick's of Hollywood. She buys the crotchless panties so they will match her slightly-used underwear that her cooch has rotted out. It doesn't take long, and it doesn't appear that wearing a condom will repel that dick-eating bacteria that she carries about. Normally, I don't put much stock in an "abstinence only" policy, but with Sarah, it's not "pause before you play". It's more like "Just take a pass on that nasty ass".

  30. Anonymous4:49 PM

    She is not looking at the Constitution. She is looking at her reflection in the glass. She is nothing but a poser and this is just another one of her many staged photo ops.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      The reason that Sarah has a clenched fist is because she doesn't like the way her hair looks in her reflection. That kid has been getting in trouble when I leave her alone! That does it! I need a hair stylist. Get that kid on a bus to.....where are those hair schools anyway?

    2. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Constipation. You can do it, Sarah.

  31. Anonymous5:04 PM

    ha! unflippinbelievable! scara your own words!

  32. Anonymous5:07 PM

    That is so staged. Never had she had a long interview where she is talking normal with anyone. She never does interviews, why? She can't and I believe she has never ever read the constitution. I believer she read Dr. Suez Are You My Mommy?.

  33. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Her old opponent has been the nicest kindest gentleman to her. Never even mentioning her stupidness. Never responding to her stupidness. Nothing, nada! He had no opponent once he and his campaign advisors knew that old goat beagle chose her stupidness. And he is still the same, never caring to even acknowledge the psycho.

  34. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I've seen that ear somewhere before.

  35. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Stay off the 8th floor, Sarree. We don't sell them "You better fuck me now cuz I'll never be this drunk again until next weekend" HighHo shoes that go wiith the big fake titties that miraculously get huge when you lose 35 lbs, but don't have a damn bit of cleavage. This is Saks Fith Avenue, not Suks anything that walks by. You're not welcome here, Wasillabilly. And take your pimp with you. He has condoms hanging out of his coat pocket, in case you need one or three later.

  36. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Back in 2010, when Palin made her first appearance on FOX , she was interviewed by Glenn Beck.
    Beck asked Palin who her favorite Founding Father was
    and she answered
    " All of em "..hmmm...where have we heard that before ??!!
    Then she said " diver " a few times ,
    " they all came together " and " George Washington rose to the top " .
    It was hilarious .
    Palin also talked about candidates " prostituting " themselves.
    Obviously Todd was on her mind.
    BTW- What ever happened to Palin ?
    Gretchen Carlson has a new show on FOX , Elisabeth Hasselback is now on Fox and Friends , Megyn Kelly has her own show
    and Palin is on a milk carton.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Yes, she does seem to be missing from Fox lately, bwahaha.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      I think she got a pink slip. Sean Hannity tweeted "Miss U" on her facebook - maybe he gets a raise from Ailes to "play nice" with the fruitcake.

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      @5:30 My favorite memory of Palin being interview by Beck involved the Statue of Liberty. Beck arranged for the interview to take place with the Statue of Liberty in the background, and Palin knew about it ahead of time. When Beck asked for her feelings about the statue and what it meant to Palin, she was flustered and unprepared. She tried to laugh it off by saying that she had Track google trivia for her, such as how many points there were in the crown of the statues and how many windows.

      That's an example of how Palin thinks. It wasn't Katie Couric. Beck was her Tea Party pal, and this was Fox, not CBS. She knew about the statue ahead of time and chose to try to learn trivia instead the the basic history and meaning of the statue. And when Beck asked Palin something that she couldn't answer, she got all defensive.

    4. Anonymous8:48 PM

      Sarah has a clenched fist because someone took her blackberry away for the photo. Without it, her hand reverts into a claw.

    5. Anonymous9:08 PM

      It's been 6 weeks or maybe two months since she got to toss her word salad on Fox.

      Bristol, the new Palin Political Pund-ant, has yet to make any earth-shaking political analyses.

      Willow? Did she get her beauty license yet or did that 20K for hair school not pan out.

      Track and his needy buddies? Still lounging on that free room and board?

      Pimp Daddy Todd got hisself a brand new gig far far away from his "family." Where there are perteptual rainbows and happy endings. right Pimp Daddy?

      Great tidings and happy endings. Merry Put-Christ-Back-in-Christmas, Palins.

  37. She's searching for the part of the constitution that lays out the rules for copyrights and photographs.

    (I haven't read the comments yet)

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      She just noticed her reflection in the glass, and is thinking to herself, "Who's *that* ugly bitch?"

      Sarah only looks at 5 yr old pics of herself.

  38. Anonymous7:38 PM

    The only thing I have to say about this is HA HA HA she gave the photographer credit. Tee Hee Hee

  39. Anita Winecooler7:57 PM

    She's posing for the camera. She's checking the film on her tongue in the reflection. Probably wadded up her chewing gum and stuck it under one of the displays.

  40. Caroll Thompson8:17 PM

    G: Sarah did not read the that document yesterday. As you may recall, that photo is from her "vacation" bus tour up the east coast on the tease to become the Republican nominee for the President of the USA.

    I know you have no belief in God, but I have to say this just the same; I thank the Good Lord every day that Obama is President and I know that God is leaving the door open for Hillary.

    God Bless America. I was very proud to serve my Country in the US Navy during the Vietnam Era; what say you Sarah Palin? What I say is that Republicans do not own God - read the Bible and you will find that Jesus was a Socialist.

  41. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Anonymous8:48 PM
    Sarah has a clenched fist because someone took her blackberry away for the photo. Without it, her hand reverts into a claw.

    Good one ROFLOL

  42. Anonymous9:20 AM


    Does Sarah Palin know what she is celebrating?

    Notice of Implementation of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day on September 17 of Each Year AGENCY: Office of Innovation and Improvement, Department of Education. ACTION: Notice of implementation of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.

    SUMMARY: The Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement announces that, pursuant to legislation passed by Congress, educational institutions receiving Federal funding are required to hold an educational program pertaining to the United States Constitution on September 17 of each year. This notice implements this provision as it applies to educational institutions receiving Federal funding from the Department.

    In other words, Sarah Palin is celebrating Constitution Day mandated for institutions receiving federal funds from BIG GOVERNMENT

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      That's if I read it correctly.

  43. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Too late..... clean up aisle one

  44. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Sarah Palin's facebook Constitution picture:

    Jean Balmes
    Our schools are not doing a good job with our children, our President is letting so many important issues and this new health care is just an example. So please do something. Thanks for lessening.
    2 hours ago



    Willow dropped out of high school as a Sophomore

    Bristol was sexually active in high school.

    Bristol missed school because she was pregnant.






    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Don't say Alaska or President Obama.
      Alaska or President Obama didn't raise Sarah Palin's kids.

      They raised themselves.

    2. Anonymous11:50 AM

      It's not Immoral Minority's or its readers fault.

  45. Anonymous11:27 AM

    SP's facebook

    Paul Mcumber
    I will bet you have the Constitution memorized, where most Politicians just now the title !!
    !6 hours ago

    Yeh right Paul. Ask Sarah about Paul Revere, what a vp does, what does she read, name a Supreme Court case, who her favorite founding father is, how many days in a week.......

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Or where are her daughters?

    2. Anonymous12:18 PM

      11:31 AM Wherever they can have sex with Trial Daddies.

    3. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Ask Sarah who has porked Bristol and Willow over all these years.

  46. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Former Valley creamery owner pleads guilty to federal charges

    Is Sarah Palin worried?

  47. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Tony Crawford
    I think if she did run she would probably win. John mcCain was a rino and everybody knew it. If a true conservative ran on their values instead of playing the fence like they think will get more votes. Well it actually has the opposite effect. Run on conservative values and id vote for ya

    Tony you do know that Sarah Palin is not running for anything. She just won't tell you dummies.

  48. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Sarah Palin has a high school crush/hate relationship for President Obama. Sarah posted a new I hate Obama picture. Let it go Sarah. President Obama is not into you. Let him go!

  49. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Brian MacKinnon
    On Putin's behind...are you going to be the next senator from Alaska? I hope,I hope,I hope.

    Sarah Palin next senator from Alaska?
    Nope Nope Nope


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