Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Iranian President says that his country NEVER intends to build nuclear weapons and expresses desire to work out deal with America. John McCain's seizure to happen in 3..2..1

Courtesy of NBC News:

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told NBC News on Wednesday that his administration will never develop nuclear weapons and that he has full authority to make a deal with the West on the disputed atomic program. 

In Rouhani's first interview with a U.S. news outlet since his election, he spoke to NBC News National and International correspondent/anchor Ann Curry at the presidential compound in Tehran. The interview will air on NBC Nightly News at 6:30 p.m. ET. 

Rouhani spoke after a slew of signs that he is cautiously open to defrosting relations with the U.S., which were in deep freeze under the isolating leadership of his predecessor, the inflammatory Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Elected in June with just over 50 percent of the vote, he was the only non-conservative in a field of hard-liners. 

In his inaugural address, he spoke of engagement with the West to end sanctions over Iran's disputed nuclear program. "The Iranian people voted 'yes' to moderation," he said in his speech.

What the hell? Since when does Iran want to work with America, and promises not to develop nukes?

President Obama sent Rouhani a letter after the election — a rarity in itself — saying the the U.S. is "ready to resolve the nuclear issue in a way that allows Iran to demonstrate that its nuclear program is for exclusively peaceful purposes,'' White House spokesman Jay Carney said Wednesday.

Well of course, Mr. Cool Hand Luke gave him a call and talked to him like an actual human being.

Why is this President so determined to keep using diplomacy? Doesn't he realize how anti-American that is?

IF Iran actually makes this deal, and presents evidence that it really is dismantling any plans to build nuclear weapons, and this leads to an increased level of trust and cooperation between our two countries THAT will undermine the Republicans in a big way.

They can no longer use Iran as their fall back Middle Eastern boogie man, and they will have a muhc harder time frightening the American people into voting for them.

President Obama will have removed a threat that the Republicans, including John "Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran" McCain, have failed to deal with effectively for over thirty years.

Now let me give you a little sneak preview into how the Right Wing is going to respond to this:

"President Hassan Rouhani is just a figurehead. He has no power, and nothing he promises is of any value!"

"It's a trick! Those Iranians are a sneaky bunch and they KNOW our President is too weak to call them out on their bullshit!"

"No doubt President Obama gave them his secret Muslim Brotherhood handshake and together they are going to trick the military into thinking that Iran is toothless right before they take over our Christian nation."

Does that about cover it?

To be honest I think the President needs to proceed cautiously. However personally I would not expect him to proceed any other way.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Thanks Ann Curry, for the idea. if Sarah would just put her bed sheet over her head, she wouldn't have to wear that ridiculous 1982 Dolly Wig that makes her look like a bobble head doll or Mister Mackey on Southpark, mkay?She could pull it all the way over her face, too, also. Them she could have surgery every couple of weeks to fix her wonky eye and her turkey neck. Maybe she could just cut out a couple of holes for the eyes...

  2. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Another outstanding chess play by our POTUS!

    John McCain looked like an idiot when doing that Bomb, Bomb, Bomb bullshit!

  3. angela4:52 PM

    John McCain is currently stealing a fighter jet and sneaking off to bomb the entire Mideast out of frustration.

  4. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I hear tell Miss Lindsey still wants to bomb Iran. Oh, dear, someone grab the smelling salts. A case of the vapors for sure.

  5. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Hmmm rilly? These are the not-allies that are hell-bent on destroying America! Let Allah sort 'em out also.

  6. Anonymous7:57 PM

    And I think the ultra conservative reaction will be that Obama made a deal with the devil to make himself look like a good POTUS, because he surely can't do anything right. You know what I mean. Good for our President!

  7. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    Well played, President Obama. McCain and the wack jobs are for war at any cost and will stop at nothing to try to make it happen.

    Wonder if John will sing a remake of his famous rendition of "Bomb Iran". McCain on mike, Ms Lindsey and Mme Palin twerking with foam hands. It would get a million hits on you tube!!!


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