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Sarah Palin, helping to destroy women's progress in this country with every appearance. |
An ongoing study by the University of Alaska Justice Center has once again shown us what for years no one wanted to talk about openly: that violence visited upon women in Alaska far more often than we may realize or want to accept.
The latest results from the Alaska Victimization Survey show that one in two women living in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough have experienced intimate partner violence, sexual violence, or both. In the last year alone, 2,687 women in this populous region north of Anchorage experienced it. Of the some 30,000 women that live there, 16,033 have been subjected to it in their lifetime. The numbers show that more than six women per day in the Mat-Su experience intimate partner violence, while more than two per day experience sexual violence, according to the survey.
“Just one victim is one too many. As a community we are concerned,” Mat-Su Borough Manager John Moosey said. “We want a liveable, safe community, especially for women.”
The statistics, released Tuesday by the Justice Center, are an interesting contrast to a different study measuring people's perception about the Mat-Su. Each year, the Justice Center and the Mat-Su Borough conduct a community survey, and awareness about sexual assaults and rape is one of the questions. For 2011, of the 1,159 people that participated in the survey, less than two percent replied that a rape or sexual assault had taken place in their neighborhood in the last six months.
But this difficult task – reconciling perceptions with personal experiences – may cause Alaskans to confront an uncomfortable reality. For the 1,159 people in the Mat-Su who were generally unaware of sexual violence in their neighborhood, another 1,190 – the number polled for the victimization survey – revealed a different story.
“There is a tremendous amount of stigma associated with disclosing domestic and sexual violence. As a result, few people disclose, even to their closest friends and family members. As a result, few people are aware of how common these forms of violence are,” explained Dr. Andre Rosay, Director of the Justice Center at the University of Alaska-Anchorage, the group that conducted the survey. “While people don't perceive that domestic and sexual violence are severe problems in our communities, our survey results show that many women have experienced these forms of violence and many are suffering in silence.”
You know every once in awhile I get into pensive mood and I take a moment to reflect on the the Governor Sarah Palin who could have been.
As the very first female Governor in the state's history she could have been an incredibly powerful and inspiring voice against sexual and physical assault. She could have brought women together from all over the state, and they would finally have felt they had a powerful champion to stand up for them and a person who they could trust to understand their pain and shame.
Instead they got a self serving, overly ambitious social climber who could no more relate to the suffering of other women in her state, than she could to the suffering of any other group who she felt could not help her career.
There was an amazing opportunity for a real female leader in Alaska. An opportunity and a challenge that still remains to this day.
But until we find somebody willing to tackle this incredibly tough issue in an honest and aggressive manner, I fear the number of women hiding black eyes behind their sunglasses or bruises under their clothing will remain unchanged.
That's surely a bloke in drag you've got here at the start of your post. It could never be the former Governor of one of your states - could it?
ReplyDeleteI hope he will give his full support to Steve Lonegan
Lonegan just received the Palin Kiss of Death. Sarah Palin will 'Tank' Lonegan in the Polls.
DeleteLook at those toned runner's legs!! The only running she does is to the cosmetic surgeon's office, or to pick up a paycheck for spewing hate.
DeleteSad information. No surprises about "The Gov. who might have been", though. She even didn't help the group who actually DID make her career happen: Trig and other DS kids and their families.
ReplyDeleteWild Tortoise
That's because Tawd was doing the governing and look how he respects women, pimp that he is. She didn't do squat.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, all kidding aside - all snark aside...
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Sarah Palin looking like a slut/bimbo is photoshopped, right?
I mean, she didn't really dress like that and stand like that
...did she?
I'm not kidding and I'm not being snarky:
I can't believe a woman that once aspired to the highest offices in the land would dress/appear like that.
It HAS to be photoshopped.
She looks like a $5 hooker. And THIS is who the Repubs tried to install into the second most important office in the land. How disgraceful of the Repubs.
DeleteSarah's kids saw that photo and said: "That's not our Mom". Would any of you claim that Skank as your Mom?
DeleteIt IS her, Randall. Did you see the video outside Fox after her appearance trying to walk in those hooker pumps? I thought I would die laughing GinaM style!
DeleteSince $carah only "worked" part time, how could she have gotten involved? Having 3 daughters, you would think she would have, they MUST know women who have been abused other than Toad's stable of "girls" There are cities in the lower 48 with much larger populations than Alaska where women are actively fighting this scourge. Expecting $carah to do ANYTHING for others is a big mistake, she is too self involved to care about anyone else.
ReplyDeleteShe was fighting in Juneau for her 2 oldest daughters who had been threatened. Didn't she retreat back to safe Wasilla?
Delete$carah's a member of the TeaTHUGlican Party which thinks that to be "legitimate" rape must be violent, and it isn't rape if the guy has introduced himself (not a stranger) or if ever before you said yes to the guy - after all, the woman is property after that so no such thing as marital rape. Just ask Akin and Mourdock and Kenny CoochiNellie.
DeleteShe was fighting in Juneau for her 2 oldest daughters who had ALLEGEDLY , Very ALLEGEDLY, been threatened. Didn't she retreat back to safe Wasilla?
DeleteShe was so afraid for her daughters that she did not even report the "threats" to her security detail. The girls were likely harrassing young guys at school who told them to take a hike, since their reputations were skanky.
DeleteI want to point out something that got lost in the Wooten scandal hoo-ha, her official justification for firing him was that he went to Washington to ask for federal funds for fighting and prosecuting sexual assault. The woman should have been put through the ringer for that alone...but the media, like most of her scandals and quirks, acted like it never happened.
ReplyDeleteWooten had to know what Todd was all about. Perhaps Sarah saw his trip to Washington as an attack on Todd's "business". She sure went after him with a white-hot fury.
DeleteYou are thinking of Walt Monegan.
DeleteNot Wooten her ex-brother -in-law.
3:18 Good point. She DID use that excuse to FIRE Walt Monegan.
DeleteI thought at the time that was a WTF moment. Especially since she didn't say that while she supported the mission, he didn't have permission and that's why she fired him.
Hats off to Walt Monegan for trying to make a BAD, BAD, BAD problem in Alaska better.
Sarah has some nerve poking fun at community organizers and the Newark Mayor (running for Senate) as being ineffectual or asleep at the wheel, when every one of the State's demographics was ignored under her Governorship except for members of the Wasilla Bible Church (who probably count for much of the offenders.)
ReplyDeleteDidn't she quit her shackling, PC title as Governor to "progress" Alaska fighting like a girl and not waving the white flag of surrender and advance in a different direction not flowing with dead fish and whatnot?
How's the domestic and substance abuse rate going there for ya in your old back yard Sarah?
As Mayor of Wasilla didn't she help keep the bars open late? I think her position on the drug/METH problem was to have her daughter's potential MIL arrested and remain under probation. Other than that did Sarah as much as mention words like meth or drug abuse in her town?
Delete5:41 Sarah only mentioned Meth when she, Track, and Todd were buying it.
DeleteTo be fair, it's kind of hard to progress Alaska from her Arizona house.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she will do better from New Jersey. Where is Trig? He still lives with Bristol? When is the next baby due or was it a home delivery?
DeleteThis is one of the saddest most tragic parts of the Alaskan story. History will note the failure with Sarah Palin as the famous quitter and her failure in playing at a leadership role. As well, all else that she attempted.
ReplyDeleteThe truth must be revealed before change. Would you wait for the law to catch up with your Priest who was molesting your child? It would be far better for people to speak up. If those harmed could get together, there is power in community. Whether a wicked Priest or Palin what a crime when others keep their secrets.
I just don't get why the people who they say know things about her, why can't they come forward and stop a reign of terror for so many innocent victims?
That photo is Sarah looking for the God particle aftre she dropped it in the sidewalk grate.
ReplyDeleteFor one thing AK is remote. The insufferable bitch can get away with just seeing a moose and her dyfunctional klan for years.
ReplyDeleteLook How she for away with her per diemgate. Bet that was the least of her crimes.
WTF! that woman looks like sh#$t! lol.....how classy is that...lol...every time I look at her I laugh so hard. The picture and the one where she is taking a sip from the "big gulp" are the ones that keep me going when I see her lying about our president or making up stuff about Planned Parenthood.
ReplyDeleteI'm srta partial to the one were she looks really wonked out at soem sporting event in the ChickfilFUckya T-shirt.
DeleteTrue! I forgot about the one with the ChickfilFUckya T-shirt...how could I. lol.....
DeleteSarah and her daughters pretend they know nothing about half of the females in the Mat-Su? Now I see why Bristol wanted to return to Wasilla and couldn't deal with Arizona or life in California. Too much awareness in other regions. She can live stupid happy in her black hole dead lake. There really is no life there. It isn't alive or peeps could be talking out loud.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first moved to Alaska, I went to the Job Center to search for work. It was also a women's center for support. I saw a woman, barely 5 feet there that was bruised, cut, etc., from being beaten on by her husband. I do not know how she survived or even walked. She told me that she was taking the kids and getting out because she had been through this before. It was a shock just looking at her and my introduction to Alaska (Fairbanks). Later, while living in AK, I met a lovely Native woman, whose white husband beat the crap out of her all of the time. This was just the tip of the iceberg. Alaska is full of women and children being mistreated. The Native villages are violent and include child sexual abuse. Unfortunately, the Native villagers seek only to protect themselves as a group, and one does not talk. There is an unspoken animosity between whites and natives. In the big cities (Anchorage, Fairbanks etc), no one talks either. Women who have moved to AK, will not tell their families in the lower 48, out of pride and embarrassment, that they have been abused. I know way too many stories and when I heard each one, I was shocked; often these women were the last ones I thought would put up with this abuse. It is not a job or education thing either. As a matter of fact, the better educated and employed by either male or female, the easier it is to hide.
ReplyDeleteWhen, I think of Sarah bringing cookies to the Natives starving in the villages, I want to projectile vomit.
ReplyDeleteSarah epitomizes what is wrong with Alaska. She would use spousal abuse if she needed to be a victim but she and her family would defend spousal and sexual abuse if it served to their advantage.
ReplyDeleteHow does Sarah get through menopause without gaining weight? Drugs. I always heard that during her tenure as mayor, Wasilla was the crack capital of Alaska.
ReplyDelete8:26 That is because Sarah and her family were big time customers.
DeleteThe large houses that Sarah owns do not evoke any warmth. She should get Chuckie to give her some of his stuffed animals.
ReplyDeleteI often think the same thing, the governor who could have been, but wasn't. During her time there, if she didn't quit, she could have used that time to make a difference in so many things as she had grabbed the spotlight and so many were watching. Just 4 years of hard work Sarah, and your future would have been SO different. Same thing with the kids, everyone was watching. If they had any sort of intellectual curiosity at all, even starting from scratch like they all did, they could have all made totally different, respectable lives for themselves and still ended up with the financial windfalls on the side. It's such a comedy the way things turned out for them instead.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, It means alot to read that you comprehend the "pain and shame" of domestic violence. I am giving testimony for public education that movies do not portray about abusers who wear suits and are diabolical escalating to physical violence then lie their victim is the perpetrator, then lie again she is a psycho who can't remember she committed the crimes. This is a breed that enjoys lies to terrorize people, recruit people to control the victim, humiliating false guilt, destroy the victim, gaslighting, psychological torture, reign of terror entirely projected on the victim. Then this pathaligical abuser reaps sympathy, comfort, support, awe bordering on reverence for his concern his victim is "insane". This perpetrator lies to the victim with a sincere apology, commits to counseling then runs a smear campaign using and abusing everyone.
ReplyDeleteFor public FYI real perpetrators carry in, look and feel good and the true victim declines, health problems, emotional decline, appearance can go from quasi stepford wife to POW prisoner appearance
Terror sets in terrified to stay and leave because either is high risk
potential death.
The distinguishing characteristic of rapists and abusers is that "No" is like a red cape to a bull, they escalate. Standing up for self, string boundaries etc. only serve to make an abuser escalate, even start physical violence to beat you into submission.
Another FYI is a truly caring person will not engage people getting them to agree they won't "tell" the perpetrator called them. That is a ploy to set up recruits it is them guilty of what lies the perpetrator told them while he feigned outrage they would ever say such things. This tactic is to destroy support systems to isolate the victim.
Perpetrators act in degrees of severity. FYI of personality disordered, socio and psychopaths.
Yes, the consequences, societal, familal rejection, hatred and disgust will be taken out on the victim.
It turned out well for Sarah. She made her money. Perhaps we are all secure enough not to have to prostitute ourselves in the manner that she did/does. Her photographs are generally aimed at men below their belt. Why would any sane individual intermittently change boob sizes to purposely make herself into a French farce? I am not even going to address the foolishness that comes out of her mouth.... (My friend had a fake set of boobs that she would inflate when she talked to men to see their reaction, until one day they blew up on her, which was still very funny.)
ReplyDeletePerhaps (Operation) "Sarah Palin" is the Democratic Party's amazing and evil plan to undermine the Republican Party.
Nothin warms up a house like scared stuffed wildlife.
ReplyDeleteThe good part about Sarah making money is that she is not making as much as she would like because she has overhead and she does not have enough to live off of capital. She will get nailed eventually for tax fraud.
ReplyDeleteShe actually went out in public dressed like that ?? Or is that one of those cardboard stand-up things ??
ReplyDeleteWhy she is so pretty and innocent!!
ReplyDeleteWhen I said "they blew up on her," I meant, one of the boobs! Sorry, I am an idiot.
ReplyDeleteThis is horrible and beyond comprehension. I don't think the incidence of domestic violence was anywhere near 50% even in the not-so-distant past when it was legal to hit a 'misbehaving' wife. I hope folks will take this report seriously and do something.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is only interested in her ignorant scamming low life and how much she can con some more money. She is a pathetic disgrace to the human race. Good luck kids. Your mom is all about herself. What an idiot. If she had an ephiphany of seeing herself as she "rilly" is...Well, she is who she is and cannot move beyond her double digit and laughable IQ.
ReplyDeleteHer children have learned nothing of any value. They have no interest in higher education and are too lazy and dumb to make a better and. more balanced life. God forbid they reap the satisfaction of learning while opening their stunted minds to something new!.
This double-digit ignorant "family" runs one scam after another. They believe their own lies. They inhereted stupid, empty and faulty genes. Education is not even an option. They don't need no stinking ejumacashun.
As the very first female Governor in the state's history she could have been an incredibly powerful and inspiring voice against sexual and physical assault.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Co-governor Todd would not allow her?
Well Chuck was responsible for the children's intimate areas. But, he said that Sarah had ugly feet so I think he is okay. Usually a Mother that would leave that kind of responsibility with the father had to have some fear of repercussion, don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteMother Sally looks like a sad scared wife type. The keeper of many dark secrets.
DeleteAh shucks, all the hicks will be on parade with their anti-Palin stickers on their rear ends again. Damn, if they ain't all 250lbs or more. Hefty trashbag group....
ReplyDeleteTiding their "at little or no cost to you" scooters. They want gubmint out of their lives, while getting as many freebies as possible, including SSI.
DeleteNow we know what Sarah means by frontier woman. Suck it up and let the master have his way. Over half of the women know what Sarah's code is about.
ReplyDeleteI visited Alaska twice in my life, well one time didn't count, it was on one of those Norwegian Cruises, where you get to see a lot of stuff that they want you to see.
ReplyDeleteThe first time was amazing. We stayed with friends where I met REAL frontier women. I'm talking about real women who carried their own water, piloted their own planes, did their own hunting, canning, used outhouses, fished, etc. etc. You know, the "myth" that city slicker fraud Sarah created for herself. I doubt she'd last a day in some of the towns I saw.
I often had the same thought, imagine what it would have meant to so many women in Alaska to have the honor of having a real woman in the second highest office in the country? Someone who understood the VAWA and Lily Ledbetter and their contribution to making life better for women, and by extension, men, families, and society.
I'd even go out on a limb and give her the benefit of the doubt. If she slithered off into obscurity, learned about civics and governance, got herself educated, re emerged and ran again, she'd have made the best damn dog catcher Wasilla's ever seen!!!
This IS a sad story and is it TRUE. Speaking from experience. My recent visit to Wasilla to visit an abusive terminally-ill relative brought back horrific memories of abuse by the men in my life since a child (this occurred in Alaska).
ReplyDeleteYes, Sarah could have been a champion for Alaska women - we were so hopeful at first - that she would step up to the plate. But, as usual, we were severely disappointed. Again and again. You see, nothing has changed and nothing will change. This is an Alaskan lifestyle, make no mistake about it. Politicians are virtually useless. All hat, no cattle.
Shailey Tripp is the epitome of women abuse in Alaska, combined with those unfortunately women and children who have died at the hands of their abusers. Horrific beyond words.
Alaskan ladies, get out of the State to a safe place if you can if you and your children are being abused. If you can't leave, I send you love and protection. I wish you had the government protection that you deserve but that is not to be. It is up to you alone and your friends. Try to find a way OUT. Be brave. Let me just tell you that here is one woman who did it along with a child. And financially broke at that. Was it worth it? Absolutely.