Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another day another ghostwritten article with Sarah Palin's hoof print on it. Update!

Today's contribution comes from that Right Wing rag known as Breitbart.com, which is really only a small step up from having her post it on Facebook.

Essentially it is a post pimping a book by Peter Schweizer, who I am sure some of you will remember Palin hired as her "foreign policy adviser" back in 2011. (And what a bang up job he did.)

The book is about corruption, and buying favors, in Washington D.C., because you know nobody has ever made that connection before. Schweizer perhaps takes it a step further identifying this process as "mafia-style legislative tactics" and claiming that it is akin to paying "protection money" to insure that there will be no investigations for wrong doing into those companies that contribute. Once again a practice almost as old as Washington itself.

Of course since this IS coming from a Right Wing mouthpiece it tends to focus on President Obama and the Democrats: 

Schweizer interviewed former Chairman of Apache Corporation Ray Plank. Plank said campaign cash and lobbying contracts now function as “protection money” to keep lawmakers and regulators from going after you. 

“It’s what you expect from the mafia,” said Plank. “They basically come to you and say, ‘We are going to shove this bat up your ass and give you an enema. You better play ball.’ We saw a great deal of it. It’s an insidious blight.” 

There are left-wing progressives on Wall Street and in the high-tech world who bankrolled President Obama’s campaign because they love his radical agenda. But as Schweizer points out, many gave because they know they have to; if they don’t, Obama will come after them. 

That’s a lesson the Tea Party knows all too well. After the Tea Party’s historic 2010 midterm victory, Obama unleashed Attorney General Eric Holder to go after the oil and gas sector, which had given four times as much to Republicans as to Democrats. As Obama said in October 2010, “We are going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”

That last quote really bothered me, because it did NOT sound like anything the President would say. EVER.

So I found two different speeches the President gave in October 2010, one was a rally in Portland and the other was a speech with Harry Reid in Arizona. I combed through them carefully, and could find nothing that matched that quote exactly, nor anything that was very similar to it.

Now it is early in the morning here, and perhaps I just missed it, but like I said it doesn't sound like the President.

However it really doesn't matter, because the premise, at least in the President's case, does not add up.

If the idea is that people who donate a lot of money are safe from prosecution, then Schweizer, and his employer Sarah Palin, would have to explain what just happened to JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon.

Dimon was a huge contributor to numerous Democrats, including former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, as well as many prominent Republicans, and was very close to President Obama.

And yet the other day his company just agreed to a record setting settlement of 13 billion dollars for numerous civil suits filed against them, and are still under federal investigation. (I don't remember ANY investigations being launched against big businesses and unethical lenders during the Bush Administration. And not only that, but they relaxed regulations to the point that there were very few actions even considered illegal by them anymore.)

I cannot tell you how ironic I find it that these so-called conservatives are jumping all over Washington politicians now that there is a Democratic majority in the Senate, and a Democrat in the White House, for allegedly being corrupt, but said NOTHING during the eight years of the Bush-Cheney criminal enterprise.

Oh, but now that the Teabaggers are attempting to hijack the Republican party (On yesterday's Hardball Freedomwork's Matt Kibbe stated that fact out loud.), the Koch brothers are willing to sick Palin on the GOP as well: 

And what about the GOP establishment? Why haven’t they been able to clean up the extortion racket in Washington? You have to ask yourself, has the party machine fought this corruption or does it participate in it? As a senior House Republican told Fox News on Thursday, it’s “highly unlikely” Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) will be challenged because few have the muscle to match his ability to “raise money.”

Then the ghostwriter decides to insert a little of Palin's whining into the article for the sake of authenticity:

The fact that these strong-arm tactics take place in Washington doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ve fought this type of corruption my entire political career. And those who disagreed with me politically used thug-like tactics to try to bankrupt my family with frivolous lawsuits in Alaska, and it hasn’t stopped to this day.

And that may be the most Palin-like portion of this clearly professionally written, and duplicitous, article. 

The funny thing is that much of what the real author says are things that I agree with. Let's get corporate money out of politics, let's elect leaders that really represent their constituents, and let's make sure that big businesses are unable to buy their way out of trouble.

Hear, hear.

However then I remember that this is an article written for a political celebutard, by a ghostwriter hired by the Koch brothers (Perhaps the wealthiest, and more powerful political contributors in the country). And suddenly it occurs to me that I am simply reading propaganda, dipped in hypocrisy sauce, and promoted by a woman who quit her job in order to work as a flunky for wealthy puppet masters.

In other words, considering the source(s), this has no actual value to anybody.

It is simply camouflage, and an attempt at redirection, for those who only want you to notice a CERTAIN segment of Washington being corrupt, while missing out on the REAL puppeteers behind Washington politics. Remember, the politicians who the Tea Party is sending to Washington are there to shut down the government, and without government there is NO government oversight of business.

Personally I think I know who the REAL villains are (Koch brothers, Freedom Works, Heritage Foundation), and I will make sure to keep a very wary eye on everything that they do. And I have to say that it seems to me that their actions are becoming more desperate every day.

How else to explain taking the Palin out of mothballs and attempting to use her as the voice of reason concerning political corruption?

Update: Okay apparently the President DID say, “We are going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.” However he did not use it in the context referred to by Palin's ghostwriter.

Here is the quote in context: 

In a radio interview that aired on Univision on Monday, Mr. Obama sought to assure Hispanics that he would push an immigration overhaul after the midterm elections, even though he has not been able to attract Republican support. 

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s going to be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.” 

Referring specifically to Republicans such as Senator John McCain, who formerly supported an overhaul but now are stressing border security and supporting strict immigration laws like Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration measure, Mr. Obama said, “Those aren’t the kinds of folks who represent our core American values.”

So he was talking about immigration and Hispanic voters, and it had NOTHING to do with threatening big business and donors.

Of course this was directed at Right Wing readers, so they figured nobody would research their lies.

By the way, speaking of research, thanks to all of you who found that quote for me. Fortunately for us WE actually do our research.


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    There is no question but that she has some big money backing her- not for her brains but for her ability to stir up anger and hate. In that regard, she is truly gifted.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      She's not on the enemies list like Patraeus evidently was, otherwise all of Palin's shit would be exposed. The NSA has all of the emails, like General Allen's.


      Or maybe her time hasn't come yet, and we'll see her crushed when she's not useful anymore. Because those Alassskans haven't blown out all the dirt they have on the Grifter Granny and her Wasillabilly clan.

      And now the Ted Cruz clan:

  2. ManxMamma9:42 AM

    Unfortunately he did say it in relation to Latino voters. "“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s going to be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2.”

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      No unfortunately, Manx. Palin, as usual, takes it out of context. He's not speaking in first person, but in saying what Latino voters are doing/thinking.

    2. Thank you for finding the quote. However, in context, the meaning is very different. In the speech to Latino voters, it is clear that the President is saying get out and vote; punish your enemies (by not voting for them) and reward your friends (by voting for them). This leaves the newly elected to simply do their job, while presumably keeping the interests of all their constituents, *including Latinos*, in mind.

      The way the writer above uses the quote gives it an entirely different meaning:

      "After the Tea Party’s historic 2010 midterm victory, Obama unleashed Attorney General Eric Holder to go after the oil and gas sector, which had given four times as much to Republicans as to Democrats. As Obama said in October 2010, “We are going to punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us.”

      This is saying that the administration, following the election, used the power of its office to unethically harass and threaten those perceived to be "enemies."

      This is not a trivial distortion and reminds me of the asininity of taking the phrase "you didn't build that" out of context. And then the republicans, being totally devoid of any positive ideas, built their entire convention around a phrase being falsely used.

    3. ManxMama, your comment makes no sense to me. Why would you say it's "unfortunate" for VOTERS to "punish our enemies and reward our friends" by voting for those who stand with us on issues of importance?

  3. ThanksABunchJohn9:48 AM

    It was just revealed that the Koch Bros stand to profit 100 BILLION large from the Keystone Pipeline. When the house dropped the Obamacare demands in their extortion plot last week, guess what replaced it in their goody bag bill?

  4. Anonymous9:52 AM

    That "punish our enemies" quote came from a radio interview President Obama gave to Univision in 2010. The topic was Immigration Reform & voter turnout:


    That's just addlepated (or should I say "Adderall-pated"?) Palin preaching to her choir. Again. Send money to SarahPAC now, or America gets it! LOL What a buffoon.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      It is out of context. Changes the whole meaning.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      A year later, Sarah is going to try to twist the POTUS's comment completely out of context, and there will be a few idiots who never do a fact-check, which Sarah is too goddamn lazy to do herself. But the only ones who will trust her word are the low-info stooges who would never vote for a Dem anyway. Those Relublicans who are reasonably moderate and intelligent wouldn't trust her or anything she says to begin with, because she has burned all the bridges between herself and intelligent persons who are not lying shills like herself.

      Sarah and her ilk are in an echo chamber with the volume turned up all the way, so they cannot listen to the truth from voices of reason outside their little paranoid world of fear and hate. They have no credibility. Bless their hearts. I do feel sorry for their kids, because they are either humiliated from actions of the incompetent parents who raised them, or they are idiots who never had a chance to learn to think critically, and will turn out to be as misinformed and unlearned as their elders.

  5. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Will someone in the know up there in Alaska please drop a dime on this asshole, Sarah Palin, already? The country has suffered enough.


    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I'll settle for a round or two of lead.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM



    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Not cool. I can't stand the witch from Wasilla, but your sentence is something a fanatic would say about our President. Talking about harm to a person can be done in a 'joking way' that reasonable people know is a joke. But bringing up 'rounds of lead' isn't funny. Now saying the Witch of Wasilla needs a house dropped on her... eh.. Anyhow, let's keep it classy.

    4. Boscoe12:52 PM

      12:23, please ignore the "false flag" operation in the comments above. Just some teatards trying to plant some hate they can scurry back to redhate and breitfart and blame "the left" for. Idiots.

    5. Anonymous12:57 PM

      12:23 Screw being classy when it concerns Palin. Many of us have been patient with her since she was a failure in Alaska, even though she's been anything but classy when it comes to the POTUS!

      I'm done! I voted for President Obama both times and am delighted he is at the helm vs McCain or the mega rich guy!

      Palin needs to be put on display in D.C. in chains for all of us to walk up to and mock and tell her face to face what we really think of her! Hell, perhaps we could actually ask her questions and see the idiotic answers she'd try to give us. Remember, questions are NOT allowed to be given her unless she has received them prior to and prepared and memorized her answers!

      She is a fraud, liar and evil as hell! She's committed treason time and time again and should be put on trail, found guilty and jailed for life!!!

      I know there are many Americans out there that would like to do other things to her! I'm at least being civil and it's killing me!

    6. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Isn't it enough that she was forced out of the office of Governor? Really, I think that was enough and now she just stirs up the "base"; those that share her 83 IQ, those that love "god, guns and babies" and think that wearing a straw hat strung with teabags or a revolutionary war uniform while carrying a Gadsden flag is a positive.

      If the liberal media didn't take such delight in mocking her stupidity she REALLY would be talking only to the GOP base which only comprises 20% or less of GOP voters.

      I have to admit, she is so easy to mock, her supporters, her family her lack of relevant political resume, these are so easy to mock but in doing that we keep her present in OUR liberal media viewpoint when really, why should we have to do anything more than squish these gnats and be done with them?

    7. Anonymous2:54 PM

      OP here. No way would I ever advocate for violence against Sarah or any of her clan. She deserves to be exposed and humiliated for her illegal and unethical behavior. A trial/conviction and a few law suits should take care of that.

    8. I could never advocate violence in dealing with Sarah Palin's deceptions and self-serving shilling for the Koch Brothers. But should she encounter a natural disaster that resulted in a house landing on top of her when she visits the *Heartland* in Fly-Over Real Murica, I will consider that to be a Miracle which is God's will.

      I wouldn't pray for that event to occur unless I thought it would increase the odds of it happening. Isn't that how it works?

    9. Anonymous4:15 PM

      She'd be fun to water board and I've love to be there to ask her questions!

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:25 AM

    Teacher! Teacher! I have a question! Does Faux News own, or have an interest in, breitbart.com? Seems Ms. Thing is hacking up a lot of hairballs there lately, and I wondered if this was one of the ways they were fulfilling her contract without actually having to put her bed-in-a-bag head on the teevee very often.

    I still think Sarah is the ultimate cartoon character designed by the NAR-Koch-Bircher-etc.etc. cabal to harpoon dumbed-down cult members and ancient, ultra-Kristian teenyboppers. These groups have been skulking around for so long that they've done enough research to see what works for them to try and reach their goal of a US theocracy. Too bad too many people are starting to see the light, huh? Only means they'll hiss, circle back and carry on the attack, so don't get complacent. Flood the polls in 2014, Dems!

    1. The fiction writer of her fake biography movie, The Undefeated (LOL), video splicer extraordinaire, Stephen K. Bannon, took over after Andrew Breitbart's vodka-pickled liver and hate-filled heart both finally rotted out and quit. Bannon has long been a fiction writer and producer of Heartland propaganda for Koch Brothers on other TeaBagger Shills like Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, James Inhoufe, and now Ted Cruz, plus other fake patriots who commit treason against America in order to feed at the trough that the Kochs keep filled with their blood money.

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:26 PM

      SarahPAC-Cash Cow-Sarah Lou@3:42PM--

      Thanks for the info! I had forgotten all about fanboy Bannon. Now it all comes together like the twisted, corroded cesspool that it is. BTW, I love "vodka-pickled liver". True, that.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Not-so-Brietbart did love the sauce. Baldy drinks heavily to self-sedate. Then she does a speed chaser to keep herself awake, not that it matters, because there is little evidence of brain activity whether she's totally fucked up or sober.

      Plus, Andy was more of a parody of a journalist and actually spoke in sentences, usually a bit slurred, whereas Sarah is too stupid to do anything other than what she is told to do.

  7. hedgewytch10:30 AM

    I thought it was very telling that just a few days to the debt ceiling deadline, the Kock's, oops, I mean Koch's came out with a denial that they supported in any way the antics of Ted Cruz et al,. The hypocricy of that statement given with their blatant big bankrolling of those propaganda outlets American's for Prosperity and Heritage Foundation.

    I think the majority of thinking American's are starting to see behind the curtain at the men pulling the levers - and they ain't wizards for sure!

  8. "‘We are going to shove this bat up your ass and give you an enema. You better play ball.’"
    What on earth is wrong with these people? Did they get tired of imagining things being "rammed down their throats"?

    Also, the play ball metaphor is mightily strained (so to speak) when combined with the rest of the er, concept.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      bat would probably fit sideways shovin' it up skank

  9. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Sarah is a rabid attack dog. It's her thing. She needs to be put down.

    Hey Gryphen, do you ever do this?


    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      I'm not Gryphen but I have some friends that kiteboard the local lakes and the bore tide in Turnagain Arm and have surfed breaks in Yakutat which they could access from a family owned cabin in the area. My brother is a mountaineer and I assisted in his base camp a few years ago and the round trip helicopter trip to the remote base camp cost, including one supply drop two weeks in, $2800. It was a deal, split 4 ways and we ended up with a bonus hour of flightseeing. What Scott Dickerson is doing looks hella fun but also requires a few dollars for transport, unless you are good friends with the helicopter pilot, have a trust fund a paying sponsor. As they say up here, it can't be an adventure until you find a way to fund it :-)

  10. " Part of the reason stupid people are drawn to conservatism is that the intelligent conservatives have always been willing to indulge and support ignorance in order to conserve their own wealth and power. [Sarah] Palin is the culmination of the progress of the stupid conservative from beast of burden, to Red Nosed Reindeer. "
    Erich Shulte, ruthlessreview.com, October 2008.
    " Perversely, I'd like to see Sarah Palin take the helm in 2012...Hell, we're on the decline, spinning 'round the toilet of our nightmares, so why not finish us off at last with a well-stacked scarecrow who substitutes winking for actual thought?"
    -Matt Cale, ruthlessreviews, Dec. 2009
    "...their [The Tea Party] biggest national superstar is Sarah Palin, who by all appearances is so drastically stupid that she couldn't figure out how to pour piss out of a boot if there were directions on the heel."
    - William Rivers Pitt, truthout.org, September 2010
    "My mind continues to marvel at the lack of self-awareness combined with kaleidoscopically inaccurate self-image added to an ignorance of history so vast it echoes, all built upon a sandy foundation of psychological incomprehension sparkling with the pyrites of linguistic ineptitude, evidenced by the Palins and their worshippers. If I could crack the mathematical formula that underlies this phenomenon, I could rule the world."
    -slappydaddy, wonkette, December 2010
    "Sarah Palin practices politics as lap dance, and we're the suckers who pay the price. Members of our jaded national press corps eagerly stuff hundred-dollars bills in her G-string, even as they wink at one another to show they don't take her seriously. What should never have been more than a freaky sideshow performed on a carnival midway was transformed by John McCain's desperation into what many still seem to see as the greatest show on earth. Actually, it's long past time to strike the tent."
    - "The Rogue," Joe McGinnis, Crown Books, Sept. 20, 2011

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Is it true that a second Palin(Briscow) is enrolling in 'Hair School'? What a bunch of Lost Wasillabillies. Is Track enrolling in Pharmaceutical School so that he can be around Oxycontin 24/7?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

      LOL That's going to be one hell of a daily commute. Working full time in an office in Alaska... skooling for hare in Arizona....Finding old photos for someone to post on a blog.....all while being a single mom.

  12. Anonymous11:17 AM

    He didn't even say that. He was speculating what a Latino voter might be thinking. RWNJ's are so desperate and pathetic they have to make stuff up.

  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    If she keeps lying and misrepresenting, her hook nose is going to grow down her throat. Maybe then she won't talk so much.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      It's getting crowded already down there with the Kochs. You know, writing her scripts.

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I like the fact that you find the facts and post it with your views. It's also nice to know that when you do mess up, you admit to it, instead of digging a bigger hole. Nicely done. Keep up the good work~

    1. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

      I can't agree enough!
      That's a quality I truly admire in a person. It's called integrity.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    If Fox News had a heart they would do the same for poor Palin. I am glad they are heartless but it is inhumane.
    "...her behaviour was so worrying that producers decided to cut her off after just a few minutes."

  16. Boscoe12:47 PM

    What? The right wing taking a quote entirely out of context and presenting it as meaning something it totally, obviously did not? Color me unsurprised.

    And this is why I can't listen to anything those psychos say. If you have to resort to that kind of blatant propaganda, then you clearly have no valid point of view.

    I don't know what is more offensive, twisting the president's words or thinking we're so stupid she could get away with it.

  17. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I'm surprised that McCain and other Republicans haven't asked FOX to shut her down....but, then they are having her on their various shows less and less.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Her new "bargain basement" contract seems to consist of having her appear on other Fox pundits' shows as a sort of punishment for those forced to host her 5 minute diatribes.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      The Kelly Palin interview showed up on Google news today. Original from Huff Po. The title something like watch Kelly try to reign in Palin (the rogue elephant in the room). It's out there.

    3. Anonymous7:26 PM

      McCain needs to at least pull some strings behind the scene and make Palin sit down and shut up.

      He released this harpy and he seriously needs to do what he can to stand up to her/ She HAS done to the dark side, as he warned her before HIS consession speech.

      She has openly and vociferiously supported Cruz's antics and continually thumbs her nose at the old guard GOP.

      This TP idiocy has to be put in its place. A minority cannot bring our nation to her knees, disrespect our elected President, hold up any meaningful legislation, and it goes on and on.

      We've only begun to fight, they say. Will if a fight is what they want then they should get one.

  18. Gryphen, did you just see during the Ed Schultz show just now, the inset picture of Sarah Palin with the logo underneath, "HalfTerm.Gov"?


    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      They all need to demoralize Palin every chance they get. She's been given a pass by the media for way to long and it needs to be stopped! The Republican party wants nothing to do w/her! top.

      The logo should read "Half-Term Quitter Governor" any time she appears anywhere on TV!

      She's no more than an idiot, liar and fraud and she is NOT the mother of the retarded child living in her home in Wasilla or AZ!

  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Schweizer is a nobody. Without Palin he'd be unheard of. I'm tired of his bleating about throwing the bums out.

  20. Anonymous3:10 PM

    What I have learned about lying hypocrites during my long life is that when they start accusing someone of something, it's a sure sign they're doing it themselves.

    1. Like leaving a small amount of money on obvious surfaces and hoping someone will pick it up. Then they can accuse the household of stealing. I’d met religious/sexual liars growing up, but sociopaths were new to me, at least I’d never known about them. This money thing is a common trick.

      I hope I helped someone with that knowledge.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      In psychiatry , that's called " projection ".
      Projecting is a defense mechanism where a person attributes uncomfortable and unwanted feelings and behavior onto someone else.
      Palin and Cruz do this all the time.
      I wonder if Palin knows that Limbaugh threw her under the bus today ?
      I used up my weekly 2 minute tolerance listening to the sicko and he was gushing, gushing, gushing so much about Ted Cruz that it could have been an SNL parody.
      Cruz got an 8 minute ovation from about 50 cult members in Texas and Limbaugh was near fainting.
      He asked when was the last time any Republican got an ovation like that ??
      His aide must have whispered , " what about Sarah Palin ? "
      Limbaugh was like " who ? " and then waved her off
      as just being the Governor of " Arkansas " .
      I almost drove off the road laughing.

  21. Anonymous4:18 PM

    sarah, stfu..no one cares what you think. your daughters are loose, trashy women, your eldest son is a drug addled waste. toad is a girly voiced pimp, piper is a snot who doesn't have a prayer as her sister's trashy reputations precede her. tripp is a creepy tash-mouthed kid who looks to be 7 rather than close to 5 and trigg has been neglected and has probably never had one hour of the special classes he requires...you are an abject failure at everything other than bilking hard working low IQ folks out of their hard earned money. you call yourself a christian I call you an all around bad person. May you reap what you have sown in this lifetime.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Amen, +1, and then some.

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Again - hell awaits her!

  22. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Yeah...the GOP is never corrupt...I'm sure it was totally a coincidence that the war in Iraq included loads of privately employed security workers and other no-bid contracts that benefited Haliburton, a company that the man behind the push for the war, Dick Cheney, was previously the chairman of....

    Seriously, folks, you can't make this shit up.

  23. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

    She's like a broken record... frivolous lawsuits to bankrupt me and my family ( victim card). Red meat words like "Thug like, Mafia, Sexually charged imagery, this time switching from "down our throats" to "Up our butts",,,, Yes, taking something out of context to support your own projections is her MO.
    When will her own corruptions while in office come to light and be corrected? I don't think there's a statute of limitations to Fraud.

    As an aside, it's not smart for someone in the spotlight to diss Organized Crime. The Mafia doesn't play games, ask Jimmy Hoffa.

  24. Anonymous3:51 PM

    If the Mafia got her, I doubt many would care!


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