Tuesday, October 22, 2013

University of Pennsylvania students decide to promote sex on campus by mocking Bristol Palin. Sounds reasonable.

Courtesy of Town Hall:

Fliers scattered around the University of Pennsylvania campus read that Bristol Palin was going to be this year’s fall speaker. Penn’s Special Events and Planning Committee had apparently made its highly anticipated announcement and decided to host the advertised Teen Pregnancy Prevention Spokesperson, leaving some students dazed and confused. 

Those posters turned out to be a hoax. Under the Button, UPenn’s “24/7 source for all things Penn,” apparently took the time to create the fake advertisements just to write this charming description on their web page

"A proud teen mama, (and Teen Pregnancy Prevention Ambassador…huh,) Bristol Palin has travelled the U.S. advocating for abstinence, earning her the name “The Worst Person In The World”. Now, thanks to some questionably-legit fliers, she’s coming to Penn! No offense B, but Penn kids are active, and the university dishes out more free condoms than acceptance letters. But hey, make yourself at home, just don’t be shocked when we choose bad sex over no sex." 

I hope the ink and paper these students wasted was worth it. The “active” link the author includes in the post takes you to a New York Times article called, “Sex on Campus – She Can Play That Game, Too,” which seems to approve of young women at UPenn choosing one-night stands over serious relationships.

Now this Town Hall is a Right Wing publication so they took some offense on behalf of the "Queen of Abstinence for you, but never for me."

These students’ hoax may have been “all in good fun,” but it wasn't all in good taste. After the negative media attention Palin received for her unplanned pregnancy during her mom’s vice presidential campaign, she has been an ambassador for pro-life and pro-family causes. By doing so, this 23-year-old has managed to change a negative into a positive. She even shared her joyful life with her son in a Lifetime documentary called, “Life’s a Tripp,” proving that from an unplanned pregnancy can come a blessing, not just a regret. 

That’s a message any college student should hear.

"Her joyful life?" Yeah nice try, however I think that these young people can probably identify a scam when they see one. After all they undoubtedly learned all about Bristol in "Hypocrisy 101."

Let's face it Sarah Palin not only turned herself into a laughingstock, she helped to turn her entire family into one giant joke as well. Quite an achievement if you think about it.

And do you know the sad part is that this is probably as close to an actual speaking gig that Bristol will get for quite some time. If ever.


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    if only she'd grow up enough to acknowledge all of her children, starting with Trenton.

    How many kids does she have anyway? 3 or 4?
    Trenton born in 2005, Tripp born in 2007, DWTS baby born January 2011. Is that it? or are there more?

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Can you name any of the Daddies?

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Don't ask Bristol to name baby daddies. Want happens in the tent, stays in the tent.

    3. Balzafiar1:36 PM

      @12:53 PM

      No, and neither can Bristol.

    4. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Has convicted coke-dealer Joey Junker admitted that he's now *dating* Barstool? Or is he just fucking her on his way out the door like the other "trial daddies"?

      Does anybody know how much she pays the guys to mount her fat ass these days? Whatever amount it is, it ain't enough, unless they are also selling dope to Track, Toad, and Mama Sarah, like Junkie Joey does.

    5. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Please tell us all, who/where is Trenton?

    6. Anonymous3:08 PM


      Beefy can't name them all with certainty, even with her entire contact list. Reasonable doubt on a couple because she was so drunk, she couldn't pick some of her short-term fuck buddies out of a lineup, and they didn't tell her their real name. And they sure as hell didn't brag to their friends how easy Brisket is to screw.

    7. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Is Track a potential daddy?

    8. Anonymous4:59 PM

      for TriG? yes

    9. Anonymous6:12 PM

      I love how immature adults here are. REally says a lot about Gryphen and the people he attracts

    10. Anonymous5:35 AM

      6:12 PM People like you?

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Wanting to become famous, they became infamous. Or is that notorious? All for the smell of MONEY.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      You don't want to touch any cash that has gone through their grubby little fingers without wearing disposable gloves. It doesn't smell like regular money. It smells like Sarah and everything she touches.

  3. Anonymous12:37 PM

    bristool as a speaker ?!?

    as long as the retard isn't forced to exceed her 10 or so word character count ...

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Is she a full retard or a borderline retard?

  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Hilarious, Bristol Palin giving an Abstinence Speech from the back seat of a car with her LEGS SPREAD.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Quit with the libel. Bristol usually only gives blow jobs in the car. But she will lay her fat-ass out in the bed of a pickup truck in a heartbeat where she can scoot around to get in position. Not enough room in a car to get her thunder thighs spread wide enough to get more than one guy poking on her at a time in a car. She's a DP addict.

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    They are jealous of her little greaser.

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      ...who looks like a freaking jerk.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      His own mother did a TV special highlighting how the boy curses and bad mouths his supervisors. They taught him and brought him up in an environment of anger and hate. He may end up like his Uncle (vandal and drugs) who could only play at a relationship for a year and a few months.

      Interesting family relations since they are so proud of the fake and the furious. All of them are flippin' jerks.

    3. Anonymous2:50 PM

      He's on the fast track to be a doper like Uncle Track and convicted coke dealer, Trial Daddy Joey.

    4. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I grew up in CO and "greaser" was a derogatory term for Latinos when I grew up...

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      No kid should be encouraged to throw fake gang signs. It isn't cute or funny. But I guess when the mother does the same thing, there's no hope for the kid.

    6. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Theres no point in lying. Why are you so unhappy with your life? And you just insulted an entire university and their hand signal.

      I feel sorry for you. Or are you 11?

    7. Anonymous10:09 PM

      I'm sorry, 6:13, are you actually claiming that Tripp was making the sign for the Texas Longhorns?


  6. Anonymous12:46 PM

    OK, Well, as I work on Penn Campus (well, right adjacent), I'm gonna go on a walk and hunt for these collector's items. We should have a raffle or something if I get my hands on some.

  7. Anonymous12:58 PM

    mini-me is as big of a butt of jokes as mommy dearest...

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Documentary - since when is a reality show a documentary?

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      It documented the subjects bad taste and horrible parenting skills, although Bristol's intention was quite the opposite.

    3. Anonymous3:26 PM

      ?? mini-me like in Austin Powers, I don't know where you got documentary out of that...

  8. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I wish somebody at one of these speeches would ask her about those nasty FB posts she and willow made.

    All she was is an unwed teenage mom with a filthy mouth who made it into the limelight on her idiot mother's coattails.

    Who couldn't accomplish that? The real admiration goes to those who DIDN'T.

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      It was a hoax. Beefy is a punch-line. She wouldn't dare do a Q & A with college students. Her ignorance is renowned already.

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Rilly ... Brisdull's monotone way of speaking is a real sleeper. Like her mother, $he has no interest in improving her speaking skills -- let alone her education.

    3. Anonymous6:14 PM

      WHy lie about strangers?

  9. Sharon1:29 PM

    So sad to see that cute little boy doing that. It is bad enough that all the Palin children are so screwed up....here comes the next generation. I wish some rich person would help Levi to get that child away from that family.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      If Levi wanted him, he would have moved on it. The kid was screwed from the start by all of them. Mat-Su valley trash is all the same, pitiful about the children.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Whats the point in lying Sharon? I feel sorry for you

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Anonymous 6:14...touched a nerve huh? When the truth is told, the trolls come out!

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Must be embarrassing to follow in your little sister's footsteps and resort to getting a degree in "hair".

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      What is a rill tripp is that they all act as if she will be graduating from Harvard with honors. In reality she takes some 'classes' about hair and they make a big deal out of it. Why they pay the extra bucks. She can get by with cheating and parents buy her way through plus it looks like she as a 'college degree' to the idiots.

      she is following Willow who can't do hair or have a job. Not until she is managing her own business. what a crock. Good thing the drugs are good and the family connections even better.

    2. Anonymous2:45 PM

      They do what their intelligence level allows them to and celebrate things that seem basic to most of us but are considered achievements to them.

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Anonymous 2:45...I agree! Did Track, Bristol and Willow actually even graduate along with their high school classes, or did they resort to getting a GED. I'm not criticizing a GED, but you'd think the children of a former governor (even a half-term one) would strive to graduate along with their class, prepared to enter college with their peers. What a horrible example they have set for sibling Piper. Vandalism, B&E, trashy TV shows, bigoted behavior and illegitimate children (probably more babies than we suspect).

      Sarah has a pattern of sending her children away to be cared for by others, possibly to maintain secrets or conceal embarrassing behavior. Anyone want to bet that Piper goes off to a private school when she's in high school, due to being unmanageable or to cover for an unplanned/or planned like Bristol pregnancy?

    4. Anonymous10:30 AM

      The Palins don't have the genes for learning.

  11. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Bristol will never get past what happened to her as a teenager, there is no way money, fame, or her son will bring back what was taken from her — carefree teenage years, parents who sought to protect her, (but were not engaged in anything but their own egos — ongoing problem, as if they had anything to actually contribute to reasonable political discourse!) the joys of heading to college and one’s own life, new friends, a campus love, a career, maybe marriage, and then maybe parenthood shared with friends who have been through an early unfettered adulthood filled with fun memories. Instead, she is stuck in Valley World. Thanks Sarah! oh, excuse me, MOM.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      They think because they can live in Arizona they have left the trash roots of Wasilly and the dead lake that took a toll on all of them. Have you seen Todd?

    2. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Arizona is not a step up from Wasilla, it's just warmer. There's a whole lot of white trash with money down there as well, which is why they feel at home there.

    3. Anonymous2:59 PM

      The Palins should realize that they bring the trailer trash with them wherever they go. It is they, who are the trash, regardless of the type of structure they reside in.

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Yet the college where students are known for being nasty are precious and moral???

      You need help.

    5. Anonymous4:05 PM

      what the fuck are you prattling about bristle? go read a book you ignorant, uneducated twit.

    6. Anonymous4:28 PM

      What the hell are you talking about? Nobody said they were precious or moral. On the other hand, that seems to be the exact description Sarah has been trying to sell about Bristol.

    7. Anonymous5:48 PM


      "The" college? WTF is that supposed to mean. You sound as ignorant as all three of the oldest Palin kids, none of whom have ever set their lazy asses down in a college class. So no, you wouldn't know, Krusty.

      But like your hero, Sarah, being ignorant on a subject doesn't mute your shrilly, stupid comments.

      You are fucking crazy, your mother knows it, your sisters knows it, and your father knew it also, before he passed. And yes, you should be ashamed of being obsessed so much about the Palin whores that you wouldn't even turn off your fucking smart phone while they were putting your father's remains into the ground. But you aren't and you never will be, because you are fucked in the head.

      Yes, Kristy, we have heard your sisters' accounts of your idiocy, and only an obsessive stalker like yourself would have no self-awareness at a time like that--- only someone like your fantasy BFF and pretend-lover, Sarah and her slutty, oldest daughter.

    8. Anonymous6:09 PM

      What are you talking about? I think it is YOU who cannot get over your sad life and you have to lie about others to make yourself happy. Grow up

    9. Anonymous6:25 PM


    10. Anonymous8:57 PM

      The Palin stalker, who sits her fat ass at home all day drawing her disability check, writes love letters to a young slut 30 years her junior--- this is the idiot who has the nerve to tell someone to grow up. LOL Ask Kristy's sisters why she still lives at home with her mother... I can understand why Brisket would get a restraining order on you for being so obsessed and creepy about someone who doesn't want you contacting her anymore. You are a sick one. Get help.

  12. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Will someone please mount a GoPro video camera, on a tree outside of AZ house, so we can see a pregnant Bristol.

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      She already had the baby.

    2. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Not during the evening mealtime. Makes me gag to think about.

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Is that Baby number 4 for Briscow?

  13. Anonymous1:56 PM

    a 'degree'! bwahahahaha

    has Wiloow done any work in hairdressing yet? besides lifesize Barbie.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      nunya. Stalker!

    2. Anonymous4:56 PM

      says the idjit. The only stalker is you, you lowlife lesbian lip sucker.

    3. Anonymous5:03 PM

      The Palin Wasillabillies have been Stalking Hollywood for 5 years, and they are not wanted, BWAHAHAHAHA! You will end up either living off of Pimp Daddy, or working his Whorehouses for him.

    4. Anonymous6:03 PM


      I had to look that up.

      You're the same moran who writes things like "yolo" and "ridic" and "vaca"?

    5. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Sarah Palin made it our business when she posted pictures of Willow graduating and declared Willow would soon own her own business (as an example of why it's smart to get a vocational degree). If it's really none of our business, then Sarah Palin should stop thrusting it into the public spotlight.

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    How is Bristol 23. I thought she just turned legal recently.

    I can understand the Right Wing rag wanting to bump up her age. Much better to be a teen mom at 18 than 16.

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Why do you care? I suggest you get a life.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      why don't you?

    3. Anonymous4:55 PM

      Bristol changed her birth year to 1990 from 1991. So she was born 6 months after her mother's second witeout.

    4. Anonymous5:00 PM

      3:54 PM The Get A Life Troll is back. Do you ever sleep? You are a sick crazy Blog Stalker.

    5. Anonymous6:08 PM

      At least I don't spread lies like you and Gry here

    6. Anonymous6:22 PM

      6:08 PM Do you actually believe your LIES?

  15. janice3:16 PM

    What schools are Piper, Tripp and Trigg enrolled in? Home schooled or is Trigg in a special needs school?

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      STALKER!!!!!!! There is NO reason why you should care.

    2. Anonymous4:54 PM

      STFU - everybody knows Palins don't do school.

      Education is not natural for them and is highly disapproved.

    3. Anonymous4:58 PM

      3:54 PM Then keep your Family Business off of Facebook and Twitter for all to see. Your Family LIES about everything, so people are curious as to what is 'RILLY' sic TRUE!!!! If you don't want the attention, then go away and live your 'VIBRANT' lives.

  16. Anonymous3:32 PM

    bristle is probably studying to give botox shots and that type of thing..that way sarah can have her hair/wig and wrinkle needs tended to by family so there are no leaks as to the rigid schedule she has to maintain to remain barely presentable...

  17. Anonymous3:53 PM

    It's sad how immoral college students are. But they're kids. God help our country. I miss LHOTP

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Morality has nothing to do with it. Young adults like to have sex with each other. It's been that way for generations. Yet our country survives.

    2. fu mccain7:51 AM

      Troll meant immoral as it pertains to lying about Bristol.
      It is ALWAYS about Brisdull with the troll.

      YOLO, troll, so I'm not even going to bother and Google LHOTP.


      If you morons actually went to school you'd realize there are so many words out there to broaden your vocabulary.

      You sound like a group of apes that are so uneducated you are grunting out your own vocabulary.

      Yolo, dummies, so get an education.

  18. Anonymous3:55 PM

    How come Bristol hasn't given any abstinent speeches in Wasilla or anywhere in Alaska?

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Because they would laugh at her with her reputation.

    2. Anonymous6:07 PM

      love the lies you believe

    3. Anita Winecooler7:29 PM

      Awww To know her is to love her, you betcha!

  19. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Only a democrat could defend a college with immature students who sleep around - and mock people in steady relationships.

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      who are you talking about? bristle doesn't have "steady" relationships...she's keeps trying to land a man but not even the losers in wasilly want anything to do with her, well a bj in the truck..joey junker's sister has already voiced her disapproval of relationship her brother has with America's best known slut ...

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Lost me there...only a democrat could what? And who's in a steady relationship?

    3. Anonymous4:25 PM

      I'm a conservative and I will readily mock Bristol for sleeping around while paying lip service to abstinence.

    4. Anonymous4:53 PM

      3:55 PM I know that you are not saying that Immature Bristol Palin has not Slept Around all over Wasilla. She and Willow are the best known Whores in Wasilla and Juneau. Bristol and Willow, close your Fat Legs and take a deep breath.

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Why lie Anon 453?

    6. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Love the lies here

    7. Anonymous6:18 PM

      6:06 PM Prove me wrong, how many High School Teens were as 'Loose' as Bristol and Willow? How many High School Teens left School with 9 month Mono? How many Parents other than Sarah Palin had their Family Records 'SEALED'? Where are all of those Secret Birth Certificates of those hidden Palin Births? When has a Palin Gotten Married before getting Pregnant, including Sarah? You are the LIARS!!!

    8. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      Steady relationship is the operative phrase. Poor Bristol, she wrote all about the immorality, in detail. Like to meet someone in the University of Pennsylvania that "smart"!

  20. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Is Piper in junior high? Piper should invite her older sister Bristol to her school as a guest speaker to teach all the junior high hoes not to become high school hoes and unwedded mothers.

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Piper should invite Grandma Sally, her mother Sarah and Bristol to speak to her school about pregnancy before marriage.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      You should grow up

    3. Anonymous6:06 PM

      You do realize you sound stupid. Are you jealous the average 22 yr old in AK has 1-3 kids and is more successful than you?

    4. Anonymous6:13 PM

      6:06 PM BWAHAHAHAHAHA, Get real, Junkie.

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Hello Beefy! Thanks for letting us know how many kids you actually have and how old you REALLY are tramp!

      Such a stupid ass Wasilla hillbilly you are Beefy! LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous8:13 PM


      ok, i'll bite, you dumb fuk, your 'stats' on the "average 22 yr old in ak has 1-3 kids" only pertains to wasilla - maybe ... that they're "more successful" ?!? like you barstool, makes me laugh my motherfukin' ass off, you fuking retarded uneducated inbred slut

    7. Anonymous8:50 PM

      So Bristol has 3 kids? Thanks for confirming our suspicions 6:06.

    8. Anonymous5:31 AM

      6:06 PM Are they as successful as Track 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' Palin, the Drug Addicted Loser?

  21. Anonymous7:05 PM


    1. Anonymous12:36 AM

      Well...is Levi finally dealing with the custody issue? Tripp would certainly benefit from time away from the poisonous Palins.

    2. Balzafiar5:53 AM

      Rather than just posting the number, why not fill us in on some of the details. It would save time and help those of us who don't have your research skills.

      For instance, what is "Reason A" in the listing. The link for that a definition is no longer valid so figuring out what it's all about isn't that easy.

      What's the case all about? Why does it involve Diana?

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Has nothing to do with Diana.

      Anyone that's been around here for long will know where to go to follow up. All the information there is all that's posted for the public.


  22. Anita Winecooler7:47 PM

    WXPN, their radio station, had a blast with this hoax yesterday. It's ranked the seventh best in the states. A few family members are alumni and I can vouch for their standards. I roared when they chose Bristol for this most distinguished honor.

    1. Rats. I missed that on XPN yesterday. I'm sure it was a riot! Thanks for the initial link to this story, Anita. I've been chuckling about it for a while.

  23. Anonymous8:01 PM

    sorry 6:06, but your stupid is typing again.

    According to the CDC, the average age for first time parents in AK is 24. To translate for you - most people in AK have their first baby at age 24, unlike the Palins.


  24. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I won't ever forget Palin having Bristol make a pledge to abstinence on Oprah's show. I thought OMG this family has no boundaries, no sense of propriety. What kind of sick parent would put their child in such a situation to broadcast private decisions?

    Today I would think a sick parent using her child for dollar signs she saw. They are happy lying for gain when humble truths would serve them more.

  25. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Is there anything wrong with Bristol being promiscuous? Go to the zoo and you see all kinds of animals being promiscuous and nobody calls the animals in heat sluts.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      True, but those creatures don't claim to be best-selling authors or accept speaking fees for preaching about abstinence, when they each have just as much ability in speaking or writing as Brissel. Plus, most can get their feet more than 2 inches off the floor, so could probably be taught to dance a hell of a lot better than The Beefy One.

  26. Anonymous8:41 AM


    didn't know the zoo kept a rat cage


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.