Thursday, October 10, 2013

Drunk Dial Congress. Considering how they have broken our things and disappointed us in our relationship it seems the reasonable response.

Here are a few talking points for you drunk dial courtesy of Drunk Dial Congress:

If you can yell at a park ranger after forcing the government to shut down then I get to  yell out at you!

You jerks are costing the country 12 million bucks per hour!

I can't watch the panda!

You guys aren't funding the police who are protecting you?

Why don't you make yourself useful and mow the lawn?

There are also some drink recipes to get you good and hammered before you start dialing.

Okay obviously this is a little tongue in cheek, but I always think humor helps when things get really stressful, and this certainly qualifies.

Besides I don't necessarily think Congress receiving a slew of barely coherent phone calls from a bunch of inebriated constituents is such a bad thing. Especially considering the fact that most of them will undoubtedly be three sheets to the wind as well.

Of course phone calls from stone cold sober folks is not a bad idea either.


  1. Grrrr !5:18 PM

    Sounds like great -- if totally juvenile -- fun.

    But the website should specify that it ONLY drunk dials the Rethug & Pee Tardy Congress members responsible for the shutdown.

    And while you have to provide YOUR phone number, the site provides no parameters on what NOT to say ... like spewing a few drunken threats?

    It also doesn't list what might happen if some knuckle-dragging Congress person OR their assistants uses your phone number to turn you in for making "crank calls."

    But I suppose if you get connected to Boehner's office, you'll be drunk dialing a drunk which could be worth recording.

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Have you called yet, Gryphen?

  3. Anonymous5:45 PM

    Ok.....ready......what is the numbers? lets start with sarah first and then work our way to DC.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Sarah's listed in the book, but she won't answer, and worse, you might have to listen to her voice before leaving a message. Just be sure to hit *67 first and then dial. Then you can leave a message for Brisket that her name and her mom's number was written in every stall in the restrooms at your high school that she gives head in exchange for Big Macs and that you have a buy-one-get-one-free QPC or Big Mac, so you'll stop by with a friend and do a trade out. Or if you pal doesn't want sloppy seconds, even on a BJ, perhaps Wallow's big appetite will encourage her to do a double-team two-on-one.

      Better yet, throw in a large fries, and Wallow and Beefy will do their version of "Two girls, One Big Gulp Cup". If you don't get that one, just keep going. Don't stop and look that up on the Internet. Too sick.

  4. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Soons i (hic).......Has smoooore Meeerlotttt........(hic)

  5. Anonymous6:13 PM

    The Koch Brothers spoke today so it looks like a deal is in the works. Guess who wouldn't get paid those sweet government contract payments if the debt ceiling isn't raised? Anyone? Anyone?


  6. Anonymous6:37 PM

    They are despicable!

    On Eve Of Shutdown, House GOP Rigged The House Rules To Prevent Democrats Reopening Government

    Less than two hours before shutting down the government, House Republicans created a special rule to prevent Democrats from reopening the government. The House’s normal rules provide that “[w]hen the stage of disagreement has been reached on a bill or resolution with House or Senate amendments, a motion to dispose of any amendment shall be privileged” — a provision that House Democrats believe would have enabled any member of the House to force a vote on a bill to fund the government that had already passed the Senate. Yet, as Dylan Scott reports, the Republican caucus thwarted the maneuver by enacting a special rule preventing this vote from taking place.

    Under this special rule, such an attempt to fund the government “may be offered only by the majority Leader or his designee.” Thus, with a shutdown looming, the power to allow a vote that would likely have prevented the government from closing was left in Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s (R-VA) hands. Cantor, of course, chose not to exercise that power.

  7. Anonymous6:40 PM

    By 22pt margin (53%-31%) public blames GOP more for the shutdown than Obama -- a wider margin of blame than GOP got in poll in '95-96

  8. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I worked on the Hill, I took calls. These drunk dialers are same shit, different day - only, Tea Partiers became a lot more virulent instead of the occasional shut-in wing-nut.

  9. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I DID call Boehners office today. I know he will never hear it,

    But I said that we elected president Obama ...twice... and we want obamacare

    And he needs to put down the bottle and GET.TO.WORK!

    I think I will make it a daily habit. It felt good.

  10. Anita Winecooler9:34 PM

    As cathartic it would be for the caller, I doubt the person on the receiving end of the call could discern drunks from the crazy people they associate with everyday, especially John "It's five o'clock somewhere" Boehner. We'll still be drunk, but we'll have our wits about us the next day. At this point, The teatards have Boehner by the short and curleys and President Obama has them all over a barrel.

    1. Anonymous12:18 AM

      >>The teatards have Boehner by the short and curleys and President Obama has them all over a barrel.

      Damn straight! Loved your comment, Anita!

      Yes, yes he does! Our President Obama is a master at rope-a-dope and the dopes just keep getting roped!

  11. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Damn, how did I miss this? I'm a well known drunk dialer, I'll get on it right after this cocktail!!!



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