Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today's horrible parenting advice courtesy of Glenn Beck.

From the good folks at Salon:  

Glenn Beck branched out on Wednesday from his usual political conspiracy crazy-making to dispense some terrible parenting advice. You see, Beck believes that parents should use verbal abuse and physical intimidation to teach their children that their rights “come from God” by getting “in their face” and making them cry. 

“Well, they’re going to cry, it’ll hurt their feelings” yelled a visibly agitated Beck. “Push them! Because if you don’t do it now, it’s going to be much worse when they’re pushed and they’re shoved and they’re shot. Push them! Teach them! The need to know the truth and the need to be pushed up against the wall once in a while so they know they can defend themselves.”

Just so you know Beck has four children of his own. Four poor, clearly emotionally abused, children. 

I work with emotionally and physically abused children and I am here to say that pushing your child up against a wall, and yelling at them, does NOT make them tougher. It makes them emotionally fragile, unable to form trusting relationships, and suffering from horrible lack of self esteem.

Oh, and they also often grow up to abuse their own children as well, so the cycle continues.

By the way exactly WHO is it that Glenn Beck believes will shoot children for believing their rights come from God? The people who may disagree with that are unlikely to resort to violence.

I occasionally hear a little Glenn Beck on the radio when I am out driving, not often but occasionally. And I am here to tell you that he is so much more crazy these days then he was on his final days at Fox that it is almost unbelievable. I have no idea how anybody takes him seriously, but if you meet somebody who does you should avoid that person at all cost.

Just a little advice courtesy of your Uncle Gryphen. 


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I thought he had gone away... appears to have gotten fat and aged - not well!

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Hate and Crazy - they are NOT kind to the body or the mind, and really destructive when you exhibit both simultaneously.

  2. Anonymous2:54 PM


    Watching CNN Crossfire, Ted Cruz id debating and his big ass is being kicked, the man is drinking coffee like he has never had a drink in his life, reminds me of Rubio.

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Hahaha! I saw that too, it was beautiful. Van Jones was kicking his ass alright. I watched it twice, it was that good.

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    How is Beck's impeachment rally coming along?

    Why aren't the Repubs taken down as terrorists?

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Is it just me, or is he starting to morph into a Rush Limbaugh? Got the fat head, ear lobes pointing out, etc.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      And they're both drug addicts. How anyone can listen to them is beyond me.

  5. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Pushed, shoved and shot??
    Isn't that giving up, Beck? How about we put all that energy into helping our kids make a better world for everybody, instead of just self-survival, you bullying little chicken shit.

  6. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I wouldn't waste time on this nut. There are just too many more important things to talk/write about right now. Of course, it is your blog. ;-) which I enjoy very much, btw.

  7. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I know somebody who listens to Glenn Beck and he is downright frightening. His wife and I work together and one day when he picked her up he was totally unhinged and screaming at me that the country has become "unstable" under “the Muslim Obama” and I should be totally afraid. Frankly, this guy scared the daylights out of me. Thanks for the advice, I have never reached out to be friends with his wife for fear he came as part of the package. I can only imagine she is an emotionally battered wife at home or she believes the same conspiracy crap. This is the problem sometimes in these situations: I wonder if I should reach out or flee? Am I responsible to a friend and or coworker who seemingly chooses to be with a person who is mentally unstable or am I putting my family in the crossfire when their mate comes unhinged?

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      You have described so well the dilemma we now find ourselves do we live in harmony with our neighbors?

      and as we all at this site agree, that Servant of the Infernal opened the door to the national id with her cross-country tours in 2008 and afterwards...those who consider her a joke are not paying close attention to how she poisoned our 'body politic'.

      Personally, in dealing with my neighbors, I find the first step is to contain my fear. What SP and Glenn Beck and their ilk are trafficking in is fear; and as you have so eloquently described, fear is contagious.

      I just keep remembering what I once read: Fear and Love are like oil and water...they cannot exist in the same place, and one will DIS-place the other.

      It calls for moral courage on our part to engage those who have become lost to fear; and also basic things like rest and a good meal...because fear activates our limbic system.
      A deep breath or two first is always a good start...

      Of course, all the good will in the world does not replace common sense. If your instincts say he is dangerous, listen to them. Genuinely crazed people can generate force fields of disturbance around them; you are not imagining that....and do not let him see your fear.

      Good fortune, fellow Peaceful Warrior!

    2. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Great comment 4:52.

  8. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I would like to see the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and Palin hung from the rafters! They should be tried for treason.

    Love the fact the Republicans (Teabaggers too!) are being show the door in their ratings. They are the scum of the earth!

  9. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Well, since most of us who espouse liberal politics and liberal virtues do not see shooting people as a means to an end, I don't think the nation's children are in any danger from us. Now, whether Glenn Beck and his ilk represent dangers to them I don't know but I much prefer loving and nurturing children to berating and humiliating them. Glenn Beck and his little sidekick Sarah Palin need to go away and leave the rest of us alone.

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Your always the voice of reason Beaglemom!! Thank you for your contribution.

  10. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Well, yeah his children are being emotionally abused -- they're Mormon. That's abuse right there.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Doesn't he have a child with autism, or some handicap?

    2. Anita Winecooler9:12 PM

      All his kids are being abused. Yes, he has a handicapped child, he gushed about it with Sarah through vaporub tears while she idly diddled with her blackberry during the interview.

  11. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Beck has admitted he abused his disabled daughter. Shameless piece of shit.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Admitted to abusing his disabled daughter?? Wow.

  12. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Is he drinking again -- he's looking rough around the ragged there in that picture. If you read his bio he's had a troubled and tragic life, just like a lot of these toxic right wingers.

  13. Anonymous4:31 PM

    O/T. Something has changed about how IM shows up on my laptop...seems related to the new format in the comments section.

    If I enlarge enough to write comments, it's almost too large to read the column...

    ya, ya...I am of a certain age...but just fyi...


    1. Anita Winecooler9:15 PM

      I have the same issue, but I'm running Windows 8 and it gets cranky working on google chrome. I'll type a comment, preview it, and when it gets published, sometimes a few lines are missing. Frustrating as heck!

  14. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Glenn Beck is a dry alcoholic. He's an abusive man in every way you can imagine. Just because he doesn't drink anymore, doesn't make him not a drunk, not bent in the head and not working the program in any way shape or form. He's a dangerous and unhinged man, and his illness is only getting worse as time goes on. He should NEVER have been given a platform to vomit his garbage, but then we do live in a free country, don't we? He's not stupid, but he's downright ignorant and backwards and so full of rage, rage, rage.

  15. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Glenn Beck is truly one worthless, talking pile of crap.

    Be careful not to step in it!

  16. Anonymous5:29 PM

    off topic: "a 3-year-old girl named Ella Marie Tucker who shot and killed herself this weekend in Yellowstone National Park with a handgun that reportedly belonged to her father. "

    Another innocent lost forever cause daddy has a right to keep a loaded gun in his camper.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:17 PM

      Let me guess "no charges are being filed" and "it, sadly, was an accident" were in the copy?

      Am I right?

  17. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Dry drunk? Not working the program? So by that logic, others of his ilk who've never had an alcohol problem are all dry drunks too? Lame excuses. Sometimes people are just dicks.

  18. Anonymous6:37 PM

    He looks like he's drinking again.

  19. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Old Glenda sure has gotten fat. Fat and gray. and full of hate, even for his children. I assume his adopted church, the LDS, approves of this child rearing technique.

  20. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

    Uncle G, I feel like you're family and you worry me sometimes. Don't Beck and Drive. I sometime listen at home and he makes me want to throw something at the stereo.

    This short clip is a peek into the mind of a child abusing madman. First, I'm amazed any female decided to marry him, let alone have his children. Wasn't he famous for crying like a girl when he got emotional? And can someone explain the difference between a boy crying and a girl crying? It shows empathy for others, it expresses joy, pain, and being fully human. I wonder if his parents "pushed" him as a child? The cycle of abuse continues because the abuse carries feelings of equating violence with power. Physical and Emotional abuse breaks a person down and the scars from emotional abuse never heal. He needs help, serious help.


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