Thursday, October 31, 2013

Final Halloween image of the day.

Photo courtesy of the Obama Diary


  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    But..but...he's holding an Easter basket!! Full of candy intended to celebrate Halloween, which we all know is a demonic holiday!! That proves he's a Muslim Kenyan socialist. Plus, Benghazi!

    1. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Where is his skanky chikfila t-shirt, the fake d-cup tits, the rats nest wig, the all american big gulp, a dead animal propped up for a photo op, and 15 items of american flag bling + star of david necklace?! You are right- he is obviously a kenyan born communist muslim that hates our country!

    2. Sally in MI3:20 AM

      And look at that fake smile...he obviously hates small children, dogs and grandmas too. Also. Not to mention gays, women, any country not as gun happy as we are, and he loves to whine. He must have been playing Boehner for Halloween! Good one, Mr. President!

  2. I think you're right. He has some sort of Kenyan Muslim demonic power that causes him to invade my dreams some nights. (Of course, other nights it's Weird Al Yankovic, so maybe not.)

    1. Anonymous10:04 PM

      Not to worry so far. But if you start dreaming about Sean Hannity, Eric Bolling or that Doocy fellow on the morning Fox program, we'll get you fitted for one of those nice white jackets without sleeves ( no tailoring needed-- one size fits all!) and get you some meds. Wierd Al is cool. So is the Muslim Kenyan fascist socialist. Plus they're both pretty versatile and smart, which is enticing to many. I'm pretty sure they both have their own hair still.

  3. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Where is his rill Merikan short sleeve plaid shirt? That proves he's a commie. This photo is staged cause there ain't no brown skin superheros. The real ones are white!

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      HA! ah, someone beat me to the sarcasm. I was just gonna say the same thing :P

    2. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Oh, but what about Shaft? Or was he before your time?

  4. Anonymous11:19 PM

    YIKES!!! He is GIVING candy, not TAKING it from little kids! WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT KENYAN SOCIALIST COMMUNIST MUSLIN (sic)???!!! Doesn't he know HE is supposed to get away with having THE MOST candy? Doesn't he know I just wrote a book about our CHRISTIAN traditions, where *I* get the best and the most in Eskimo Bingo??? SHAMTASTIC TRAITOR!!!

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      You were close--- remember, they need to "get up off their butts" and EARN that candy! He's just GIVING it away! Spendin' our tax dolla dollas to give dem non-white kids candy...

  5. Happy halloween party,,,next to christmas party ,,,,,,,,,,,Are you ready??

  6. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Our President can charm people of any age, kids LOVE the guy. Just a natural charm about him. It drives some people nuts, like $carah. He is so magnetic, even kids sense it. His decency shines through. Also, too, he does not give off booze fumes like W did!!

  7. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Love seeing that girl wearing Super"man" costume!!!!

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      There is a SuperGirl.

  8. Anita Winecooler5:19 PM

    Way to go, Mr President! No moose jerky, big gulps or chewing tobacco! That bag sure beats those "fun size" bars and a couple pennies we used to get. Mr Souza takes amazing photos chronicling the First Family's life in the White House.


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