Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Good night my friends. Hopefully you can sleep as soundly as this little guy.

Photo courtesy of his adoptive mom's Facebook page.
Here was the caption that accompanied the above picture:

And finally here’s Trig slumbering on his DVD player after that great day playing outdoors!

How odd. his "DVD player" looks suspiciously like my I-Pad. 


  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Forget the iPad. Take a close look at his ear. That's Ruffles.

    1. Cracklin Charlie6:21 PM

      Trig has always been Ruffles.

      There's only one Trig.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      it's not an ipad or dvd player, it's his electronic mommy.

    3. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Charlie, then he was wearing a prodthetic ear at the convention- agreed?

    4. Anonymous7:09 AM

      What horrible sleep habits $carah's instilling.

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Gryphen, this photo was also on Bristol's public facebook wall on October 2 with the caption: "How Trig takes naps at his fav sister's house".
    Why exactly does she have a public figure facebook account still? Girlfriend should shut that down. :-D
    ~ snowblondie

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Let's just say for a moment that Trig is Bristol's "brother". What part of being 23 and having a 5 year old brother doesn't scream "Fundy Baby Making Family. Seriously, most normal families do NOT have siblings separated by 18 years.

    2. Oopsie.

      This was supposed to be proof that Sarah read a story to her "little boy" at bedtime during their quality time. Sorry, Sarah, Brancy posted this photo 3 weeks ago.

      Try again, Baldy. Some of your sock puppets (RAM & Postage) might even believe your ruse. But not us.

      Looks like it was absentee parenting by Beefy to begin with, but she never learned any better from her own parents, the Pimp and the Quitter.

    3. Anonymous6:25 PM

      So Granny Grifter was putting Tri-g to bed at Bristol's/ Tri-g's home?

    4. Anon 6:14? "...most normal familiesdo NOT have siblings separated by 18 years". Neither do the Palins.

    5. Among other things, that little boy looks exactly like his father--Levi Johnston.

    6. Anonymous7:02 PM

      "Listen, it's complicated. It just aint easy having 7 grand kids and not knowing some of their names. Kids being adopted and all kind of stuff. I can't run this country and keep up with where my grand kids are at every moment. I'm an executive, and I have more executive experience than he who is the worst President in history with his death panels and bankrupting the country, oh, it's got to be all about jobs and Putin rearing his head over Alaska. In what regard, Charlie?"

    7. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Trig's fav sister's house? It's pretty tacky to assign one member of the family as a "favorite," unless there's an underlying reason for the close, personal, emotional bond between Bristol and Trig-- say a maternal kind of feeling rather than as a sibling.

    8. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Stop lying. Sarah never said that.

    9. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Cash Cow: Mind your P's and Q's -- as in pimp and quitter. LOL!

    10. Anonymous6:00 AM

      On October 18, she also has 3 photos posted on her public Facebook page of her and Tripp. Apparently taken in Arizona on her birthday with her wearing her "hair school" uniform, with this caption:

      "Thank you for all the birthday love!! My favorite part of today was walking in from a long day of school, to this! What a sweet boy I have"
      So much for working that full time job in the derm office in Alaska!!!!

    11. fu McCain7:13 AM

      Hey, Brisdull-

      Define: Epidermis

    12. Anonymous8:49 AM

      This "family" is nothing more than liars and grifters. Sarah is the "mother" of five children who, by her own words, had her tubes tied after giving birth to Piper.

      What a great role model for her children! No wonder they have no sense of truth, honesty or decent values,
      Scarah revels in lies and deceit and has provided the worst of the worst role-model for her children.

  3. ManxMamma5:41 PM

    How odd you would have to say that your child had a great day playing outdoors. Isn't this what children do?

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      My mother-in-law sees my son a couple if weekends a year when he flies over to see her on a break from college, and she will usually text me something like "We had a big day today" along with a photo of them together at a Japanese restaurant or the park or getting ice cream or something. Sarah doesn't really know what Trig did that day. She doesn't know whether he slept on a DVD player, played on a swingset with no swings, or drank out of the dog's waterbowl. Sarah wouldn't listen if she were told, and she wouldn't remember if she pretended to listen. Trig isn't with Sarah except on rate occasions, and she proves this time and time again. Anyone who's a parent understands why it is so obvious. Anyone but Sarah. Even if I were one of her fans, I would realize that something is wrong with Sarah. Some things you just can't fake, and it's really creepy that Sarah tries this hard without thinking it through. But she's a fraud and a liar. And she has given birth to four children. Period.

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Immature. Trig and Tripp play together every day. They are loved and cared for and go to school and Bristol does too and works full time every day. Grow up.

    3. Anonymous8:50 PM

      A glaring example of how $arah does not keep up with the times, whether it be electronics or politics.

      The reason we can be sure $he is delu$ional is because she doesn't even care that $he doesn't get it. $cary ...

    4. Anonymous9:06 PM

      And NOT from the same father, 7:46 PM.

    5. Anonymous9:35 PM

      @anon 6:14 PM

      Don't forget Sarah's real son who turned 24 last April. So add another 2 years to your age spread. But remember, these are the Heath-Palins, so *normal* isn't really a constraint.

    6. Anonymous9:48 PM

      8:36 PM You are CRAZY. Take your MEDS.

    7. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Speaking of drinking out of the dog's waterbowl...what happened to all those dogs Bristol and the Grizzled Mama had running around? The Wasilla Wendigo is in Arizona; who's feeding and taking care of the dogs?

    8. fu McCain7:10 AM

      Trig is her "broken" grandson so once his usefulness as a prop wore off, she has absolutely no need to be around him.
      There are plenty of people to take pictures of him to milk the donations but she does not need to interact with him.
      Only very rarely.

  4. Anonymous5:48 PM

    OH grandmama:
    That's an IPad, not a DVD player. DVD players have covers that fold down.
    Poor kid fell asleep from boredom and lack of human interaction.
    Look at his crazy malformed ear. Remember when Sarah said "Ear forms" instead of "ear marks" , I think in her Charlie Gibson interview. lol Looks like this Tri-G knows about "ear forms". Is this ruffles/Tri-G? Glad he is alive.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Indeed. Boink!

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      "Well, Bristol told me he was watching a DVD, so I assumed it was a DVD player. What an iPad ? Never seen one myself. " --Sarah Palin

  5. Anonymous5:50 PM

    And how does he watch it with no glasses?

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      He gets that close, but it still doesn't help. How does he hear it? He doesn't, when his lady parent(s) don't follow through on making him wear his hearing aid or glasses.

      Poor kid. They're just about the sorriest care-givers (both mother AND grandmother) I've ever heard of. Worse, they don't even realize how awful the care they are admitting to providing, all the while thinking they are proving otherwise.

      Clueless. Baldy & Beefy. Proving it with each Facebook post.

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      Sarah's not a "lady". Nor is Bristool. They're both "lazy". I assume you meant that.

    3. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Trig wears his glasses and hearing aids all the time. Why do you lie about someone you don't know? Just because he likes to take off his glasses and hearing aid to have his picture made, why the libel? He's a normal, active, very loved little boy who plays hard outside every day. Why are you so jealous because they are so happy living their lives privately?

    4. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Just amazing that someone can't or WON'T intervene on a state level. That poor poor child.

    5. Anonymous9:38 PM

      He's a happy, normal, active boy who plays with his uncle Trigg every day. They play hard like regular friends. Stop the libel.

    6. Anonymous9:46 PM

      8:33 PM You don't know Shit about the Palins, you are Stalking them.

    7. Anonymous3:33 AM

      isn't Barstool going to hair skool in Arizona? And Tri-g is in Uh-laaaaaaskuh? Then how are Tri-g and Propp in the same state playing together every day?

    8. fu McCain7:07 AM

      Troll has lost it.

      Confusing Trig and Tripp?

      And Trig likes to take off his glasses and hearing aid to. .. have his picture taken?


      Then why would nt he put them back on so he could enjoy his show?

      Maybe this person is from a call center in India?

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Oh yeah, she's his real Mom alright. Good grief. Talk about a stupid "Grandma" comment. If he really was her CHILD, she would know what an i-Pad is.

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      It's that wonky eye. Sarah hasn't seen Tri-G in person in quite a while.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Lies. Sarah had surgery and fixed that eye and is now beautiful. Your jealous.

    3. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Imagine that, 6:23 PM.

    4. Anonymous9:43 PM

      8:30 PM There's that Home-Schooling 'your jealous'. Have you ever used the proper words 'you are', or you're? Did you complete Middle School yet?

    5. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Sarah had many surgeries but she is not Beautiful. But you can keep dreaming.

    6. Anonymous9:45 PM

      If Sarah's Wonky Eye has been fixed, why does she still wear Fake non prescription eyeglasses?

  7. Anonymous5:56 PM

    How cute. Now if everyone will send in their photos of darling children sleeping on their DVD or ipad (easy to get those 2 confused, they are so alike).

    This can be a new trend, it is just so cute and a sign of an attentive caring parent.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Trig's REAL mommy was getting her junk in the trunk packed by the Junkie Junker while Trug was locked in another room with an iPad playing a DVD to "babysit" the poor kid.

    2. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Is Bristol's current baby-daddy (or trial daddy for Tripp ) really a convicted drug dealer? I saw where one of his high-school class mates said that he has served time for dealing cocaine, and that he'd heard that Junker was doing it again, but nothing from other locals. Has anyone confirmed? Not that I'd be surprised by any means. Sarah does have a habit to feed, and they need a supplier inside who's expendable, just as Levi's mom had been a supplier of Oxy for Track and Diana Palin, Todd's sister, who was later busted for breaking and entering and burglary to steal stuff from a residence(with her child along for the burglary) in order to pawn to feed her own meth habit. I wish I could post pics of Diana with Bristol's kids, but they're on my other hard drive. The Palins sure didn't mind Diana spending a lot if quality time with Bristol's kids.

    3. Anonymous7:50 PM

      6:54 PM How many kids does Bristol have?

    4. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Seeing ANOTHER goddamn picture of this poor kid going to sleep with an iPad makes my blood boil. WTF is more important than her child? Other younger children? Bristol's always had a nanny. Don't get me started. This is the sorriest bunch of hypocrites and worst family about child-rearing that ever lived. And Sarah brags on the 3 low-achieving high-school dropouts that she has raised so far. Great job, Sarah. You're three for three! That's a hat trick already!!! Come on, just one more. You can do it, unless surrogate mommy Molly doesn't fuck up your perfect record and help Piper Diaper learn her ABC's and her cipherin'.

    5. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Libel. Gryphen loves to tell lies at his cite. Bristol is a good mother and had had the same job for over three years.

    6. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Diaper Piper will be the WORST. Just watch.

    7. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Frontier Woman drives Tripp to school and goes to work all day in Anchorage, gets Tripp from school, cooks mac and cheese and desserts, quality time with her son until he goes to sleep in his day clothes. That is called a good mother in Alaska and works in Arizona except for the long drive to work.

    8. Anonymous9:37 PM

      Bristol does not work unless she is at a Bar interviewing Trial Daddies for all of her Bastard kids.

    9. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Piper will graduate early. All of the Palin kids are smart and hard working. Piper is smarter than most adults already. Bristol has worked every day since she was 15 to save and raise a family on her own.

    10. Anonymous1:13 AM

      Piper will graduate EARLY? They're smarter than most adults? Maybe her fan base, and that's not saying much now is it?

    11. @ 9:41PM
      So Bristol was raising her own family at 15?

    12. Anonymous3:36 AM

      8:29 am: "cite"? Go back to hum-skul, you numb-skull.

    13. fu McCain7:02 AM

      Well Piper needed to cheat on her math homework (courtesy of SPAlaska and SPPoorParenting),

      So if she's graduating early,
      She either cheated her way in class. ..
      Or more likely,
      Ugly Mom bought her one of those nifty Certificates of Completion big sis Brisdull and Wallow got.

  8. Anonymous5:57 PM

    God Bless You, Trig. You didn't ask for ANY of it, from your "oh SO funny" name to who you're stuck with.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Trig deserves better. Just as any child does. He's a prop for Sarah, just like all of her other "pretend" credentials.

      Sarah would rather lie than tell the truth when saying nothing would suffice.

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      That is a lovely child. If he was mine, I'd have him falling asleep in my arms and would use the pic as a family shot, not a photo to raise money.

      This animal uses him as a photo op. She is truly disgusting. He's so beautiful.

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      He's a PET more than a person. As one who had a DS cousin in my family, the level of anger knows no bounds.

    4. Anonymous8:56 PM

      I have never heard of $arah ever donating one penny to any DS organizations, research, nothing.

      Beyond pathetic.

    5. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Nor to her PAC. Have you EVER seen one of Sarah's family members' names on her donor list? Before you waste your time looking, don't bother. Their names aren't there. They KNOW Sarah, Chuckie, and the rest of the grifters.

  9. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Those sheets are hideous! They are at their house in Arizona. They are sooooooo tacky!

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Worry about your own decorating. Bristol is a hard working single mom taking care of her kids. What do you do besides hate in her and make fun of her children. Typical Dems

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Hey, "someone" spent $50K redecorating the Wasilla mayor's office like a bordello. You were expecting......??

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      8:27 PM If you are going to post these incoherent juvenile blatherings, at least use spell check.

    4. Anonymous4:24 AM

      Thank you 8:27 for verifying that Bristol has "children" . Now, since you obviously know them personally, just how many? Most of us think three..Trig, Tripp, and the DWTS baby. Are there more?

  10. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The entire month of October was designated Down syndrome awareness month but the Palins didn't jump on the awareness band wagon until this late in the month. We have never seen any public display of Sarah and/or Bristol lending their high profile images to a DS organization to raise money and awareness. When I wrote "lending" I meant "giving," as in "donating," giving for free, an act of charity-- especially important since the Palins cloak themselves in religion without actually practicing the Christian act of charity.

    The photo of Trig was posted in connection with DS Awareness Month, showing Trig watching a cartoon without his glasses. Other photos of Trig show that his eyes turn in badly enough to require therapy and perhaps other treatment as well. Earlier this year, Chuck Heath gave a radio interview where he said that Trig was not toilet trained, that Trig could say three or four words and that he liked to watch cartoons with his baby sitter. That doesn't sound as if Trig is getting much therapy-- if any. The photo of Trig asleep with an i-pad playing a cartoon validates Chuck Heath's comment.

    So Trig plays hard on a swing set that had no swing in the photo, and he had a great day playing outdoors. Lots of kids do that, big deal. What Sarah should have posted was a description of the therapy that Trig is receiving and how he is responding to it. What markers has he met and what were the challenges in getting there? Instead, the Palins pose photos which make it look as if Trig is leading the same life as any other kid, throwing a baseball that has no hopes of reaching the posed batter, or watching a cartoon without his glasses. The silence about Trig's therapy and development is overwhelming-- and shameful since this is supposed to be Down syndrome awareness month.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Grandma Palin don't do no freebies for charity. "Fuck Barstool and her bastard kid", her mama says. "She's the one that got knocked up and cost me the election. That old man McCain would have never survived long enough to even take the oath of office if that Kenyan Commie hasn't cheated me out of MY Presidency."

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Sarah got a text telling her that Trig had a big day. That's all she knows. She posted the photo that was attached to the text. Nothing more. She's clueless.

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      As someone who's worked with special needs kids for almost 30 years, it infuriates me that this child seems to be getting little or none of the therapy he needs. There are so many services available that would help him make the most of his abilities, but they require some commitment on the part of the parents, so we know THAT'S not going to happen.

      Palin had the perfect opportunity to do something positive for society and for children and adults with Down Syndrome but, once she no longer needed Trig for cute DS baby photo ops, she all but abandoned him.

      Such a waste of potential...of Trig's potential and the potential for educating our society about DS. She should hang her head in shame!

    4. Anita Winecooler7:16 PM

      The worlds most independent birthday girl and single mom has a "Down Syndrome" "Send me pics of your DS child and what they mean to you" cause the supply of old Trig photos is drying up. Er because it's DS awareness end of the month.

    5. Anonymous7:47 PM

      6:40 PM That is more believable than anything that is posted by a Palin.

    6. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Yes, Sarah should hang her head in shame, but she never will. She will go to her death regurgitating her lies even when they have been proven lies.

    7. Anonymous8:06 PM

      But it takes a parent who cares to make a difference. And Bristol wasn't raised by parents who gave a damn. Trig has the best child care that an ignorant, selfish, self-centered, semi-retarded mother can mimic from her own absentee mother. Sally-Sarah-Bristol-Trig. What a poor excuse of parenting. That's a sad regression. Steady and linear, but with a negative slope. Need I say more?

    8. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Applause and cheers for anonymous 6:42 PM's comment. Palin has had the perfect opportunity to do something positive, but everything that she says and does is negative and filled with hate.

    9. Anonymous4:41 AM

      6:40 PM Exactly. AND stupid neglectful careless Sarah posted this picture of Trig 19 days after Bristol posted it on her FB page while trying to pass it off as if the picture was taken that day "after a great day playing outdoors". Who talks like that? Someone who is trying to convince people otherwise, She's even lazy at lying.

      I find it interesting that Bristol has several posts recognizing DS awareness month and Sarah pretty much ignored it. I'm thinking more and more that Trig is Bristol's and Levi's. I've always thought he looks like Levi

    10. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Tri-g is Dylan Kolvig's son.

    11. Anonymous11:14 AM

      Who is Dylan Kolvig? Anyone have a picture?

  11. Anonymous6:09 PM

    As always, she's a shitty, uninvolved, uncaring parent who only uses her to child to show off. A bright iPad screen in your child's face will interfere with his sleep. Not that she cares.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      In sure that is exactly what the Pediatric Specialist ordered: Neglect him; No glasses or hearing aids; Very little interaction; No therapy; Stick him in his crib with a cartoon playing; Do as you please, thereafter. The kid will be there when you wake up at noon tomorrow.

  12. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Look at the other photo Sarah posted the same day, "Here’s Trig playing hard on the swing set." The background foliage show that Trig's not in Arizona.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Sarah omitted "as told to me a year and a half ago by a relative of Trig that I met one time, or so they tell me. I was probably at a speaking engagement for my bosses, the Koch brothers."

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Grow up. Bristol, Trig and Tripp are always visiting with family and friends in Alaska. Bristol goes to work each day. She's a wonderful mother. You're just unhappy with your own lifes and hate like the Dems that you are.

    3. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Did you learn the plural of life from Home-Schooling?
      Even though you are not a Palin, you are just as Uneducated.

    4. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Holy crap, dude - chill. Bristol is currently taking an Esthetics Program at Penrose Academy in Arizona. She's not in Alaska visiting with friends and family. She's not going to work in Anchorage. And a wonderful mother takes great care to give her son a true chance for a relationship with his father - that is totally NOT Bristol Palin.

      ~ snowblondie

    5. Anonymous11:22 PM

      8:26 thinks she is clever but it's obvious she is just making fun of the troll. You sound silly. And you aren't funny or clever, sorry.

    6. Sally in MI11:24 PM

      8:26...I thought Bristol was a dermatologist's office girl in ANCHORAGE...she sure gets a lot of vacation time. Tell us, what 'work' does she go to, and who watches the boys while hse's gone? Supposedy, Todd took Trip to school in September in Alaska. Now he's not in school in AZ? These people ought to be investigated for child abuse.

    7. Anonymous7:24 AM

      AK, like many other states does not require kids to go to school until age 7.

    8. Anonymous10:00 AM

      sorry 8:26 - even Republicans recognize the Palin clan as trash - liars, grifters, extortionists and frauds.

    9. Anonymous12:19 PM

      7:24 since Tri-G is special-needs, he was eligible to start school at age 3, where the state would have to provide special education services to him. If the Wasilla Wendigo chose not to get him into free, appropriate special ed to help develop his skills, then that's even *more* proof that she's unfit to be a parent.

    10. Anonymous6:55 PM

      The immaturity here is astounding. Truly. Do you all have no self awareness? or decency? Trig is in Alaska.

  13. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I hope somebody (Bristol) puts Tri-G into his bed instead of leaving him on the floor to sleep.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Bedtime at Bristol's house is whenever the kids pass out fully clothed.

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      iPad make a nice comfortable pillow.

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Trig has his own room and his own bed and pillows. Each of the kids have their own iPads to watch videos.

    4. Anonymous9:29 PM

      But Sarah calls it a DVD Player. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    5. Sally in MI11:22 PM

      Must be nice to have a mommy who is so rich she can give all the little kiddies their own IPADs. My goodness, will they get their own pontoons next summer too? When do they get their first cars? My sister-in-law actually bought a truck for her oldest son when he was 14, and it sat in the driveway until he could drive it (she divorced his dad and was always compensating.) That child had such a mixed up set of priorities that he bought a sportscar for a girlfriend when he was 20 (he already had a constructon business going) and when she dumped him, he let her keep the car. The gal he married lied to him about an illness and had an affair. My point is that over-indulged kids do not live in reality. They expect everything, buy whatever they want, do not save money, and grow up to be adults who try to buy their way to happinesss...oh, kind of like Trig's fake grandma.

    6. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Each kid HAVING their own IPad isn't the problem. Not controlling its use is. Letting them sleep with it is lazy and sick parenting.

    7. Anonymous6:53 PM

      He probably just dozed off. You need to grow up

    8. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Sally, why do you lie? You're kind of psychotic

  14. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Aint nothin' like livin' a private life!

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Babysitter = DVD Player, I mean, um, iPad. Yeah, that's it, an iPad. That's sure some *vibrant* living, isn't it?

    2. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Ain't that the truth!

    3. fu McCain6:52 AM

      Shy as a Kardashian!

  15. Anonymous6:22 PM

    It must be nice for Trig to have an I-Pad to keep him entertained because no one reads a book to him.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      No, Sarah does not read to TriG. she replays Ted Cruz reading Green Eggs and Ham to TriG. over and over again.

    2. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Grow up. Bristol is a good loving mother to each of her kids. Leave them alone.

    3. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Trig was in awe of Ted Cruz, it was Tripp that begged for the channel to change.

    4. Anonymous9:28 PM


    5. Anonymous11:20 PM

      8:22-- obvious and not funny..

    6. Anonymous4:58 AM

      I think 8:22 is playing with us. Third time she's said that.

    7. Anonymous6:52 PM

      wow youre stupid

  16. Anonymous6:26 PM

    What's with the animal print bedsheets?

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      It's called class, and you obviously don't have it. (snark)

    2. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

      Bordello Chic. It's the new rage! Old as Bam Bam and Pebbles! I saw it in a Walmart Ad. Bed in a Bag, any size twenty bucks. She tried to return it because there was no bed in her bag, poor thing!

    3. Anonymous7:38 PM

      LOL. They remind me of "Verlene" on the old Sonny and Cher Show.

    4. Anonymous9:17 PM

      What, you'd expect the Palins to have 600 thread count eygptian cotton sheets in tasteful colors?

    5. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Maybe not even sheets, but a pillow and blanket would do nicely.

    6. Anonymous4:43 AM

      I agree. Extremely tacky. Hopefully it's not the bedding for Trig's own bed. Maybe Sarah's or Bristol's? I also think it is extremely inappropriate for a small child to be left alone so long that the child falls asleep face down on a turned-on I-Pad. Obviously no one is paying any attention to the child.

  17. Anonymous6:46 PM

    SarahPAC - Cash Cow for Sarah Lou3:33 PM

    Hockey Mom, My Ass!

    I think I'll start referring to myself as a Cub Scout Leader. Sure, that was 8 years ago, and my son is now in college, but Sarah hasn't been a Hockey Mom in over 10 years!

    In fact, it's been 8 years plus (2005) since her high-school aged son, Track, was arrested for drugs and burglary, and sent to live with another family in Michigan until he was old enough to join the Army, as a pre-sentence condition to keep himself out of jail.

    Track was arrested in 2005 for vandalizing a school bus--causing schools to close for a day--and stealing vodka from a liquor store. He then spent his senior year in Michigan and reportedly had to choose between military service and jail.

    I'm surprised that Sarah doesn't also refer to herself as a 2nd runner-up to the beauty queen or as the Governor, a job which she quit in disgrace more than FOUR years ago! Wait...

    I read this comment on another post and it brought up some thoughts and questions about Sarah Palin referring to herself as a hockey mom.

    How come Sarah refers to herself as a hockey mom and doesn't refer to herself as:

    Accused pimp's wife
    High school GED mom
    Canvas tent easy lay mom
    Caint Get Right's mom
    Caint Get Married's mom
    Grandmother to a bunch of b'tards

    Why does Sarah Palin refer to herself as a hockey mom?
    When she is referred to as governor, why doesn't Sarah Palin correct them and tell them she quit that job and loses all privileges to the title governor?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:27 PM

      Maybe because the truth hurts? The sports my kids got involved in have no reflection nor define me in any way. Who ever heard of a Tai Kwan Do Mom in her fifties?

    2. Anonymous7:39 PM

      "Titles aren't important!" Only every last dime out of your wallet.

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Grow up. Sarah was the most popular Governor in the history of the state and you are all jealous. They are a happy family and live happy private lives and all have jobs and work hard. Unlike the liar-in chief and usurper in the White House. So what if Bristol chooses to raise Trig. Its her choice if she wants to raise all her kids and she's had the same job for 6 years now. Get a life and try to be happy like the Palins.

    4. Anonymous9:25 PM

      8:20 PM Raise 'all her kids'? Are you admitting that Bristol is Tri-g's Mom? You Crazy assed Palinbots slip up with your LIES.

    5. Anonymous9:46 PM

      Maybe "titles" aren't important to Sarah (they are), but "tittlies" sure are.

    6. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Sarah said " Titties are important"?. Oh, never mind. She's lying if she said either. That's what losers say after they've lost or quit in disgrace. Both of those shoes are a perfect fit.

    7. Anonymous11:19 PM

      8:20-your satire is poorly written.. And obvious.

    8. fu McCain6:50 AM

      I aLways thought it quite telling that she labeled herself a HOCKEY MOM when only the one child played. .. as opposed to basketball that the girls play as well.

      It's like she was only there for Track, not the girls.

    9. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Track Menard.

    10. Anonymous6:51 PM

      anon 728, grow up

    11. Anonymous6:52 PM

      SERIOUSLY. WHY are grown adults living in the distant past of strangers lives? Why are you spreading propaganda and lies?

  18. Anita Winecooler7:13 PM

    Hey, Granny, Got Pillow?

    How cute! He even figured out how to stop that annoying 12:00 constantly flashing on his dang DVD contraption thingy. Hope it's unplugged, those puppies get hot when the vent holes are blocked, not to mention the possibility of electric shock!

    1. Anonymous8:59 PM

      Night-time exposure to LED rays like those illuminating tablets and smartphones are ‘typically more disruptive’ to our body clocks than standard electric light, research suggests.

      Trig defies tech research

    2. Anonymous9:59 PM

      More lying Democrat fake science like Global Warming and Obama Care.

    3. Anonymous11:18 PM

      9:59.. You are incredibly stupid.
      And hey.. Get a life,try reading real information instead of right wing propaganda and grow up. The majority (by far) of this country thinks you are dolts.
      Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act is not science dummy.

  19. Anonymous7:26 PM

    First of all, I really don't understand the pathology behind all of Sarah's lies and deceitful actions, but we all know that Sarah will not correct the record if she thinks a lie makes her look more impressive (in her own small mind). For instance, why did she not correct the lie that she had spent half a day at meetings in Texas snd then flown for another two four-hour legs of a trip from DFW to ANC with a layover in SEA, and then drove an hour, AFTER her water broke, according to her knuckle-headed father , Creepy Chuck, Sr? Because, it was a lie on top of several of her lies, and Sarah was too stupid not to go along with the stupidity of her father, because she can't think and recite lies at the same time. Second, she doesn't listen to the questions she's asked, because she's terrified she will forget her talking points or that she will be asked a gotcha question like "What do you read?" or "What's your favorite color?" Or who's your favorite founder?" (Answer:All of them to each question.)
    Finally, because she is a liar. That's the answer to most of the "Why...?" Questions one could ask about Sarah. Because she is a compulsive liar, for whatever reason.

    1. Cracklin Charlie8:38 PM

      I have always thought that she didn't correct Chuck's "wild ride" story because she has a fear of contradicting her father. This fear probably has roots that reach back to her childhood.

      Chuck may have been a very domineering father, who didn't allow his family, and especially his children, to challenge his authority.

    2. Anonymous10:13 PM

      Thoughtful reply. She figured it was the story after she heard he told it. I guess her handlers didn't dare suggest she tweak it just a bit thereafter? Todd must've thought it sounded reasonable, so we'll tell the unbelievably stupidest version in order to gain the trust of all of the women who have a quiver full of children. This will make em think Sarah's an incredibly tough mother who cares for her DS baby more than something silly like being born in the largest state (land area). Much easier than saying, " Oh my Dad, I wish I was that hung-ho, but you moms that have had kids... (laughter). I love my dad and he knows that I have a high threshold for pain and discomfort, but...

      She told that lie to thousands of people and took their money. I wonder how many of those women believed a word of all of Sarah's wild ride bundle of lies? She's a fraud, a liar, and a horrible person. And she deserves to be ridiculed every day for the rest of her life and every day that those who knew she was lying as well.

    3. Anonymous4:47 AM

      10:13, I suspect the conservatives who heard the story all believed it, even if they had 20 kids of their own. For some reason, conservatives are primed to believe lies told by those they admire, even if the lies are blatantly obvious. It's the only thing that explains their worship of Reagan and GW Bush, and now Sarah and Fox "News".

    4. Anonymous7:31 AM

      @4:47. You're surprised? don't be - remember religion (Greatest Lie Ever Told) goes hand inhand with conservatism. These sheeple have been indoctrinated to be gullible to the "right kind" of charlatan.

  20. Hey, Gryphen, did you see this complete facepalm idiocy by Sarah Palin, just this morning?

    If Fox News hasn't completely deep-sixed the video of the entire segment, I suppose it might be available tomorrow -- but it sure isn't now 12 hours after the broadcast.

    I can't wait to see how Palin or Fox explains this away. What a moron.

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      This is from a satirical website called The Daily Currant.

    2. Anonymous8:27 PM

      8:12 It's satire and from a satire site. The thing is that it's sooooo Sarah that it's believable. If it was about someone else we all might say, "Who could be that dumb," but with Sarah we don't need to ask.

      Original Source of article:

    3. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Because it's satire ala The Onion.

    4. Anonymous9:05 PM

      "My iPad shocks me only if I drool or my nose runs or if I spill my puréed food on it while I'm dozing off. But it sure beats the marble tile in the bathroom or kitchen where mama Bristol used to let me sleep. It was so cold. "
      --Trig Palin Chandler Palin Johnston Palin Massey Palin Paoletti Palin Junker Whatnot Palin Whoever Palin

    5. Anonymous2:58 AM

      9"05 forgot Kolvig.

    6. Anonymous6:44 AM

      2:58 AM Tri-g's Daddy?

    7. Anonymous6:50 PM

      im sure the person whose name you ignorantly tosss around LOVE being slandered.

      How old are you

  21. Check that last comment I made -- I just got outfoxed by The Daily Currant.


    1. Anonymous9:24 PM

      It happens, KaJo. It's definitely not far fetched since Juicy thinks the "pretend birthday" for Jesus is the most important holiday for the Christian faith. Because that's what her book that she's selling gir the next two months is about. And because Christianity has nothing to do with the Christ rising from the dead on Easter Sunday. In fact, Sarah says, "Don't let the haters (Obama, Democrats, RINO's, Lamestream Media, Lisa Murkowski, etc) take the bunny rabbits out of Easter!

      And don't let ObamaCare kill my baby or the baby jeebus also, too.

      It sounds to stupid for it not to be a real interview with Sarah.

      In hindsight, the sentences she spoke in should've been the first hint it was a hoax.

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Even Rachel got snookered by them, not on this but awhile back. So, you're in good company...

  22. Trigg looks nothing like Sarah or Todd.

  23. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Trigg looks nothing like Sarah or Todd. Dylan maybe?

    1. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Dylan. Yes.

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      That would be Dylan Kolvig, Bristol's old beau.

    3. Anonymous9:40 PM

      Dylan's parents had the smarts and the clout to get Dylan out of that mess. Levi didn't have a chance. He got used, abused, dismissed and dissed. I am so happy he is happy now.

    4. Anonymous6:43 AM

      The Palin Trolls never respond to Dylan Kolvig postings, nor Pimp Daddy postings. I wonder why.

    5. Anonymous6:49 PM

      why lie about people you dont know and aren't even publicly known?

  24. Anonymous8:56 PM

    In other news, them there c4ps are girding up them loins with a hellcat battle cry. If not dem, but nobuddy goin' to git 'er dun. Save "Murika!

    1. Anonymous10:15 PM

      Meanwhile, the Palin girls are loining up their girds.

    2. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Or "lubing up" their girds lol.
      "Sexuality was born in wetness - it's easier that way"

      Quote from the movie The Four Seasons

  25. Anonymous9:11 PM

    No one in the Paylin clan has used their high profile on behalf of DS , nor have they donated a single penny to any DS organizations, research, etc.

    There has never been an article, fb posting from $arah about her interactions with Trig's physical therapy, or his school progress... none of them ever share stories about what has/has not worked best as a family dealing w/ a DS infant/toddler/child.

    I wish FOX would ask $arah why that is...fat chance.

    1. Anonymous2:55 AM

      Because to many in the DS community she is a disgusting pariah. She named her kid Tri-G for dawg's sake!!!

    2. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Therapy, what therapy? That kid plays hard outdoors. That's enough therapy for Sarah.

  26. Anonymous9:37 PM

    He is a sweet little boy. Please be careful not to attack him with your comments,despite however not intended. Kids fall sleep where they fall asleep. Let's wish them happy dreams.

    1. If you ever bothered to read any comments here about Trig Palin, no one ever attacks him.

      We feel sorry for the poor child, and not because of his genetic situation -- because he is the adopted son of a sociopathic narcissist who has done less than the bare minimum to ensure he achieves his potential.

    2. Anonymous11:14 PM

      No one has EVER attacked Trig here so get over yourself. I doubt you even know him, but we know how obsessed you are.

    3. Anonymous11:25 PM

      Well said, thank you.

    4. Anonymous2:54 AM

      Really? I'm usually around to put my kids to bed so they don't fall asleep. say, by the cat littler box, or on top of running electronics......

    5. Anonymous4:48 AM

      ",despite however not intended. "

      LOL Speak English much?
      Go get an education then you can come back here and speak with the adults.

    6. Anonymous4:52 AM

      Commenters do not "attack" Trig. No adult should allow a small child to fall asleep or stay asleep on a turned-on I-Pad. That's the truth of it. Most commenters do not believe that Trig is Sarah Palin's biological child, that's all. We tend to think that she has taken advantage of a child with a disability for the money-making opportunities that it has given her. It's called "grifting" and I can guarantee that we feel for the child, who obviously is not getting the care that he needs.

    7. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Kids fall asleep where parents allow them to.

    8. Anonymous7:41 AM

      @9:37 It is the parent's job to make sure that the child is safe. Kids do not always fall asleep in a place free from hazards.

    9. Anonymous6:49 PM

      wtf are you talking about

  27. What interests me, always, is the age of the child. There is some mystery about his date of birth, and Trig, in different public appearances, has never looked the right age - he looks younger than his stated age.

    Same story with Tripp, but he looks older than he should be. On the FB page there is also a picture of Tripp being held by Bristol, in a clumsy attempt to make him look much younger - like a toddler. In fact, he looks nearly 6 years old.

    1. Anonymous4:53 AM

      I agree with you and it's something that I've never understood either.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Tripp is in preschool.

  28. Anonymous4:45 AM

    "that great day playing outdoors"
    So you weren't there?

  29. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Anonymous6:32 PM
    Bedtime at Bristol's house is whenever the kids pass out fully clothed

    Lol its better than their mother passing out in her canvas tent after guzzling wine coolers.

  30. Anonymous5:39 AM

    So where is Caint Get Married and who is she doing?

    What is Caint Get Right doing? Still living with his mama and his guns?

    Did Caint Get Off Her Butt get her state cosmetology license yet?

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      What about Cain't get laid Pimp Daddy Todd?

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM


      Act your age.

  31. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Again, her reference to "that great day playing outdoors"is her mental freeze where she again and again must prove to everyone that they really really really do live the vibrant outdoor life in the freshest of air. She's stuck on proving to the world her and her family's brand.

    How many times will she continually push this brand about her family? Healthy outdoors living, moose/caribou hunting-eating fresh fish, marathon running berry-picking for home-made pies etc. etc., etc. It's enough to make one sick of hearing it all the time, as though no one else in the whole wide world can enjoy the same things, only the mighty Palins.

  32. Anonymous7:40 AM

    This is ruffles. The boy they claim as Trig has black hair. This boy is lighter and no way does dark hair change in color that much.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      The black haired boy with the short legs is Willow's. He is often passed off as TriG...

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM

      10:24 AM You are the sane one here, Willow did have a Baby. Willow did not have a Pregnancy Scare, it was a real Pregnancy. Sarah Palin removed Willow from School to avoid the exposure of her Pregnancy. 9 Month Mono? That Palin Brood is hiding a lot of Secrets.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Dude, whats the point? You make Gryphen look stupid.

  33. Anonymous7:50 AM

    How do you know Dylan Kolvig tapped that ass.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Ask Dylan.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Who hasn't

    3. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Grow up. Stop lying and slandering people you dont know. Why live in the distant past of something you know nothing about? Why live in the past?


      Strange and psychotic of you

  34. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Sarah Palin did not nurture any of her kids, she pawned them off on other relatives. As for Tri-g, Sarah's Tubal Ligation after Piper was born made it impossible to give birth to Tri-g. Stop with the LIES, Sarah, You too, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Dude. You're ignorant

  35. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Dylan did you tap that ass?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.