Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"I was an ObamaCare guinea pig." Journalist discusses her often frustrating, yet ultimately rewarding,experience with the Affordable Care exchange website in New York.

Here is what Sally Kohn wrote about her experiences:  

I signed up. I saved. And so will millions of Americans. 

Honestly, I couldn’t wait to sign up for ObamaCare — not because I talk about it on television, but because I’m tired of being ripped off by my insurance company. 

I live in New York State — which for several decades has had the highest individual insurance premiums in the nation. 

For the past three years, since leaving a job at a non-profit organization and then exhausting my COBRA, I have relied on the individual insurance market to get coverage for myself, my partner and our daughter. Ideologues may not like ObamaCare, but my wallet and my family’s health sure do. 

Three years ago when I was shopping for insurance, there weren’t that many options to choose from. And the plan I ended up with is expensive and, to put it bluntly, crappy. 

Kohn then goes on to describe the health insurance she already had, and then went on to discuss her attempts to utilize on the online exchange:  

So I logged onto the New York State health insurance exchange website. Yeah, I had a few false starts — the website was down a lot early on either because of service glitches or overwhelming traffic. 

For a few days, I couldn’t do anything at all on the website. 

Then for a day or so I could “log-in” but not complete registration. And then for a day, I could answer the questions to complete my registration but not actually complete the process. 

 On one occasion, I got so frustrated at the stalled exchange website that I actually shook my computer. 

Not pleasant. 

But finally, early on the first Saturday morning following the launch of the exchange site — probably because the rest of the state (unlike my five-year-old) was still asleep -- I was able to log-in and complete my registration and check out all my options for insurance. 

 There were literally 50 plans that were better than my current insurance -- both with lower premiums, lower out-of-pocket costs and better coverage. And there were ten plans with a higher premium than my current insurance, but with lower deductibles. 

So -- and here’s an important point -- the reason that more people haven’t signed up for coverage yet is probably that, just like me, they needed to take some time (and first, find some time!) to weigh all the options.

Ultimately Ms. Kohn settled on a Gold plan:

 This option will cost my family $931 per month — $408 per year less than my previous crappy plan and a $5,000 savings in deductibles. A big win for me and my family financially and in terms of what’s covered. 

Plus in the past, I spent several days looking for and comparing insurance options. Under ObamaCare, even with the slow and sticky website, I spent a total of four hours — to save over $5,400. That kind of return on investment would make Warren Buffett drool.

And finally Ms. Kohn closed with this:  

We’ve suffered through four years of outlandish attacks against ObamaCare -- that it will kill our grandmothers, or at least just kill our economy. But the fact is that ObamaCare has created a private marketplace so that millions of American families like mine can get affordable, quality health insurance while keeping more of our hard-earned money. 

Ideologues may not like ObamaCare, but my wallet and my family’s health sure do.

So at this point I am sure many are thinking. "Well big deal Gryphen, you found yet another liberal journalist, on yet ANOTHER liberal news site, pushing progressive propaganda about their positive experiences with Obamacare. I am sure the Obama administration put them up to it."

Well not exactly.

You see while the writer, Sally Kohn, IS a liberal, the news site that published her article is Fox News. You may remember them as the MOST strident anti-Obamacare cable news channel in existence.

So does this mean that Fox News is finally noticing the writing on the walls? Or did this one simply slip past them?

I don't know, but I predict that this is just the beginning of positive news stories about the Affordable Care Act that are going to show up on Fox News in the months and years to come. 


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I have a pre existing condition and now can obtain insurance. It has been a God send! Only people in that situation would understand. Thank you, President Obama!!!!

  2. A Happy Resident of Massachusetts5:43 PM

    Welcome to our world! We've had wonderful Romneycare since 2006! Thanks, Mitt!
    But, for many reasons, not the least of which is that you foolishly turned your back on your one achievement as governor, I voted for our great President.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Another brick in the wall....

    Key Findings

    Wisconsin health insurance exchange premiums for single coverage will be on average 79% to 99% higher than premiums in Minnesota, before tax credits are applied. That is a difference of over $1,800 a year.

    The health insurance cost differential will be even worse for some major Wisconsin cities. Rates in La Crosse are 136% higher than the Minnesota average, rates in Eau Claire are 116% higher, and rates in Milwaukee are 112% higher.

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      I'm in Wisconsin, and I have found out on that my 61-year-old husband qualifies for a $641 per month subsidy which we will apply toward a $535 a month bronze level plan (since he rarely needs to go to a doctor), which means we will pay $0 in premiums and the balance of the subsidy will go toward a $1272 income tax credit! We have been paying over $1100 a month to have him on my retiree health insurance, so the $5800 deductible of this low-level plan will be less than half of what we have been paying just for premiums! This is through a nonprofit insurance cooperative in the eastern part of Wisconsin called Common Ground, so no insurance company is making a profit from us. I am thrilled with Obamacare!

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      After reading your comment, I immediately thought that the higher rates in Wisconsin must be due to our a**h*** governor, but I thought I was being too hasty in my conclusion, so I read your link ( and these are the reasons given for the disparity between Minnesota and Wisconsin:

      "Two key decisions in Wisconsin’s Affordable Care Act implementation play a substantial role in raising health insurance rates in Wisconsin relative to Minnesota: the decision to reject enhanced federal Medicaid dollars, and the decision not to implement rigorous review of health insurance rates.

      "Wisconsin has the opportunity to bring down rates by accepting enhanced federal Medicaid funds and using state powers such as reviewing and rejecting excessive rates to make health insurance more affordable.

      "Wisconsin’s rejection of a state-based exchange strip policymakers of additional tools for moderating health insurance rates.

      "The cost gap with Minnesota has the biggest impact on middle class Wisconsinites because Affordable Care Act tax credits mitigate the impact on lower income people who buy insurance on the exchange."

      So I was right; it's our a**h*** governor's fault for refusing the expansion of Medicaid and not setting up our own exchange. And the story will probably be the same in the rest of the states with a**h*** governors.

    3. Anonymous9:48 PM

      Maybe Fox news will share fair and balanced stories. After the expose of the six couples giving their biased assumption leaping information and distorted complaint they can't hire full time employees either from ignorance or consuming intentional misinformation they will occasionally report a follow up.

      A nice dentist in Utah informed my NY resident daughter about state dental insurance plans. Daughter was approved for a $14 month plan and is delighted.

    4. Anonymous10:28 PM

      @6:38PM, so who is paying extra so you can have a savings of over $14,000 per year? It's not coming out of thin air.

      And Gryphen, how do you figure that over $11,000 per year plus deductibles is "affordable" health care? That's more than my mortgage payment including my taxes and insurance. Way more. This is budget buster.

  4. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

    Unfortunately, my state's governor opted out of medicaid expansion because he wants to use the federal funds HIS way, and he hasn't had enough time to fully understand the benefits of the government paying them for three years. BUT most people I know have had a few problems with the website, and were persistent enough to realize the number of choices we now have, and the real savings the ACA offers along with better coverage.

    I sent him this link and urge everyone in a red state to sent it as well, Ohio is having a pretty busy roll out.

  5. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I don't understand why Wisconsin has higher premiums than Minn. Is the Gov. of Wis. involved in this?

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      When the people of a state elect a governor who ran on the Republican platform of "Let's all hate and try to ruin America!"---they get what they deserve.

  6. Anonymous1:32 AM

    In what universe is $931 a month AFFORDABLE?

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      In the universe where the monthly cost is otherwise 2500.

  7. Anonymous1:36 AM

    like most people i wasn't so lucky
    i'll be paying twice as much for worse health insurance
    thanks to obamacare

    1. Really? Where do you live? Is it one of the states with a Republican Governor that refuses to expand Medicaid? Have you factored in the tax subsides that will offset the premiums? Got any details?

    2. You are a liar. And stupid.

    3. Olivia8:04 PM

      Proove it! Let's see your numbers.

  8. Considering the short attention span of Fox employees, I expect someone started reading, read the part about how difficult it was to sign up and never bothered to finish the article.


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