Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Hey, does anybody remember this?

Color me confused but isn't Obamacare STILL the law of the land?

Gee, I wonder what changed?


You know if he had stuck to his guns perhaps THIS would not be the cover photo from today's Daily News from New York.

And let the mocking begin.


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    What's that dripping from his fingers?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      Blood, it's a spoof on "House of Cards".

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Are Republicans So Frantic to Stop Obamacare Because They Fear It Will Work?

    What is it about Obamacare that compels seemingly intelligent people to explode in bubbling spasms of stupid? Are they misinformed? Unable to see past the rage-fueled partisan sweat dripping into their eyes? Or just plain dishonest?

    No matter. At this point, it has become obvious that history will look back on the four-year war on Obamacare as one of the saddest, most bizarre, and most dishonestly embarrassing episodes of our time. I have given up trying to understand the vehement opposition of so many who cannot offer up truthful reasons for their objections, and instead fuel the hatred and fears of the uninformed with the most illogical, mendacious, and fundamentally bizarre arguments that have ever been marshaled. By comparison, Joe McCarthy’s McCarthyistic McCarthyism was an exercise in reason.

    Let’s start with the obvious. We are three years into the adoption of Obamacare, with a few months to go before the next big step, when people are required to have health insurance. But no one has killed my mother yet. In fact, my wife—who is a geriatrician—is not preparing for her patient base to be wiped out in a series of “death panel” sessions. She has, however, been forced to assure patient after patient that they are not about to be murdered by Washington.


  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The Republican Party has spent 30 years careering ever more deeply into ideological extremism, but one of the novel developments of the Obama years is its embrace of procedural extremism. The Republican fringe has evolved from being politically shrewd proponents of radical policy changes to a gang of saboteurs who would rather stop government from functioning at all. In this sense, their historical precedents are not so much the Gingrich revolutionaries, or even their tea-party selves of a few years ago; the movement is more like the radical left of the sixties, had it occupied a position of power in Congress. And so the terms we traditionally use to scold bad Congresses—partisanship, obstruction, gridlock—don’t come close to describing this situation. The hard right’s extremism has bent back upon itself, leaving an inscrutable void of paranoia and formless rage and twisting the Republican Party into a band of anarchists.


  4. Anonymous1:17 PM

    The House Republican's bill has a tiny impact on obamacare. What the House Republicans want is to alter the political landscape so that a minority that is sufficiently powerful to unseat a Speaker of the House can shutdown the government every six weeks.

    If the Senate bill was put to a vote in the House it would pass because there are enough moderate Republicans to join the Democrats. Only the Speaker is prevent the vote.

    This is solely about Boehner's vain attempt to retain his Speakership.

  5. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Reality- from Los Angeles times

    During the 21-day shutdown from mid-December 1995 to early January 1996, stocks lost about 4% of their value, according to Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist for S&P Capital IQ.

    Lying skank fb post

    "Obama just claimed that the last government “shutdown” in 1996 hurt the economy, when in fact he knows the stock market boomed. I guess he thinks he can furlough reality too"

    I wish she would be permanently furloughed-behind bars while wearing an orange jumpsuit

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      I checked only one other source which said the market rose between Nov. 95 and Jan. '96. For shutdowns of 10 days or more the market declined an average of 3%.

    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      2:46 okay yeah you are more informed than the la times and the economists who were THERE and spend their entire lives working and breathing the stock market. stfu skank!! rthe market rose once the cr was passed in '95. also and too there idiot pin prick that you are-the country was at the height of baby boomer productivity and the tech/internet explosion which meant more jobs, more money, more everything.

      we are trying to FRACKIN recover from one of the worst recessions in our history.

      STFU STFU STFU STFU STFU STFU STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I turned on Fox News after viewing several news channels reporting on the volume of people accesing the site for health insurance. The various shows gave factual information about insurance plans. Fox news reported with one example that Obamacare doubled the premiums of people who already have health insurance.

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    These repukes are treasonous turds. I think a lot of people in Texas are trying to sign up. I've been trying all night and day. I managed to make an account, but too much traffic to get in. Fuck you Ted Cruz and on your way to hell, be sure and take the Wasilla witch with you. By the way, invite Michelle and Marcus Bachmann, that way you will have a pal to play with.

  8. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I actually view this government shutdown as a Constitutional crisis for our nation.

    Republican Tea Party members are outright defying the Executive and Judicial Branches of our government. Actually, they are taking them hostage.

    Pres. Obama signed the ACA legislation, and the SCOTUS affirmed the law. Now a small minority of the legislative branch is attempting to overthrow our beloved government and grind it to a halt.

    At what point does Holder step in? Isn't it treason that Boehner didn't stop the Tea party and instead aided them in shutting down our government? What was his oath of office?

    It's scary that a small minority can cause this much damage to our country from within. This should scare everyone, no matter what party you align with. I hope the Baggers are stopped soon.

    1. Leland4:06 AM

      It may be scary that a small minority can do this, but it is far from unConstitutional. And what charge could Holder bring against these freaking assholes? Failure to do their job?

      Not bloody likely.They are actually doing (in many cases) exactly what they were elected to do and that is fight spending in Washington.

      As for them "attempting to overthrow"m the government? get real. It is perfectly legal and legitimate for Congress to rewrite legislation that was upheld by SCOTUS.

      Is it despicable that a minority of idiots are trying to do this? Is it sickening that they are deliberately trying to keep people form getting health insurance? Is it disgusting they are wanting to keep food from children's mouthes/ Is it....

      Of course it is. On all counts. And more.

      Is it unConstitutional? If you believe it is, show me how, please.

  9. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    One would think any politician would put country first and their own extremist ideological views on the back burner. The speaker of the house is the emperor with no clothes. Now he's framing piecemeal proposals as "negotiations" and "compromise".

    I'm so glad President Obama isn't budging.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.