Friday, October 25, 2013

Hey remember how the Koch brothers denied they had lobbied to defund Obamacare and were behind the government shutdown? Yeah, well they lied.

Do you remember this letter?  

“Koch has not taken a position on the legislative tact of tying the continuing resolution to defunding Obamacare nor have we lobbied on legislative provisions defunding Obamacare,” Philip Ellender, president of government and public affairs at Koch wrote in a letter sent Wednesday to senators. “Instead, Koch has focused on educating the public about reducing our nation’s debt and controlling runaway government spending.” 

Well it was all bullshit.

This from Open Secrets:

But new reports show that the company did lobby Congress to tie an increase in the debt ceiling to a 10-year debt reduction plan -- a concept developed and championed earlier this year by libertarian and tea party groups like the Heritage Action, Family Research Council and Club for Growth; those are some of the same groups that pushed the Obamacare-shutdown linkage. 

According to its third quarter report, Koch Industries, which spent $2.1 million lobbying from July 1 through Sept. 30, disclosed that it lobbied Congress "to increase the debt ceiling in conjunction with reducing government spending consistent with a 10 year path to a balanced budget." 

That's exactly the language used by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) in his budget proposal. And the idea that the debt ceiling should be raised only with the acceptance of a 10-year budget plan, was first floated last winter by several conservative groups, including the libertarian-oriented Heritage Action, which has its own ties to the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who control Koch Industries. The Kochs, through a 501(c)(6) group they spearheaded, Freedom Partners, have given $500,000 to Heritage Action. 

The plan is likely what Koch meant when, in its Oct. 9 letter, it said that "We believe that Congress should, at a minimum, keep to sequester-level spending guidelines, and develop a plan for more significant and widespread spending reductions in the future."

So much for the idea that the anti-Obamacare movement was driven by grass roots support. 

This thing was thought up by the Heritage Action, paid for by Koch brother money, and implemented by their paid operatives in Washington.

NOTHING about the government shutdown had anything to do with helping the American people or getting spending under control. It was ALL about sabotaging the government and proving that it, and our President, were ineffective.


  1. Anonymous6:50 AM

    (CNN) -- The Republican establishment can't stand her. The media mocks her. But Sarah Palin isn't going anywhere.
    Far from it.
    After laying low for much of this year, Palin is gingerly stepping back into the public arena with a national book tour, a trip to the always-important political state of Iowa, and an eye on making yet another series of splashy endorsements in a variety of competitive Republican primaries.
    Five years after rocketing from Alaska obscurity to worldwide fame, Palin wants to be a political player in 2014.
    Which begs the question: Does she still matter?

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Cool! Stay in the forefront Princess Dumbass; keep yapping. It will only ensure Dems takeover of Congress in 2014.

    2. Yep yep yippee. : )

      A book tour. Hahaha

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Do these baggers understand that they're making bigger and bigger asses out of themselves?

    4. Anonymous3:46 PM

      9:05 -
      Don't let them hear you!!!

  2. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Book tour...

    But she has devoted much of her energies this year to a Christmas-themed book, "Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas," that will release in November and launch her on a multicity book tour through states like Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Texas and Arizona (the promotional tour also offers her a loophole to appear on other television networks).

    1. Loophole. Hahaha more kick to the curb like the nasty bitch she is.

    2. Anonymous9:06 AM

      oh yeah, she's the POSTER child for keeping Christ in Christmas and be a raving bitch the other 364!

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    New ad, intended to scare youth away from Obamacare, backfires

    So there’s a new vewy scawy “Uncle Sam” Web ad that’s intended to scare young people away from signing up for Obamacare.

    Sadly, whoever came up with the ad is a bit of a moron. The ad ends up being an advertisement for young people GETTING insurance, which is exactly what Obamacare is all about.

  4. Observing these men from afar, even with the best medical treatment, they won’t last much over ten years. They can’t possibly spend all their money. So why are they knee-deep in this?

    If they’re John Birchers, and I think they are, they may be true believers in that doctrine. When I read the literature, I keep coming up against “God-given rights.” I think that’s just another way of saying “white male privilege.” They love the America of the fifties and want it back. Although there are John Birch Societies in other countries, I’m guessing the members are mostly white males with a few tolerated tokens. I’ve known some Birchers and they were never people of color. It certainly explains the fury against PRESIDENT Obama.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Their father, Papa Koch, was one of the founders of the John Birch Society after having greatly enriched himself from the Russian oil and gas fields.

      I think it's fascinating how well they kept themselves out of the limelight until Sen. Bernie Sanders outed them a few weeks ago. Until then no one had seen their missives to legislators which remind me of papal doctrinal statements. Republicans think that their allegiance belongs to Charles and David Koch and Grover Norquist, not to the Constitution or the American people. I'm so glad they've been outed. The pressure to expose them has to kept up. Eventually even the mainstream media will follow up.

    2. Anonymous9:16 AM

      What kind of people throw away obscene amounts of $ to stop people from getting HC, food stamps ($5./a day)?
      They throw Billions to assholes like Screech to screech her bullshit? But begrudge helping for the greater good?
      There is something fundamentally wrong with these people!

    3. Dinty9:26 AM

      What's truly funny is that in America in the 1950's, they would have been taxed at the top tax rate of 91%. That's not a typo, it was ninety-one percent!

      So bring it on Koch brothers, we can use the revenue to improve education and infrastructure!

  5. I don't understand it? We already know that their little groups aré off shoots of the mighty kock twins. They are all the same with two purposes. GREED and POWER.

    I heard a lot of commenters use the analogy from the wizard of oz..."pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," when referring to those evil twins.

    And still the low info folks with the racist insufferable bitch and her klan being the lowest will out lie those basturds.

  6. I don't understand it? We already know that their little groups aré off shoots of the mighty kock twins. They are all the same with two purposes. GREED and POWER.

    I heard a lot of commenters use the analogy from the wizard of oz..."pay no attention to the man behind the curtain," when referring to those evil twins.

    And still the low info folks with the racist insufferable bitch and her klan being the lowest will out lie those basturds.

  7. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

    The 16-day federal government shutdown that furloughed 800,000 workers and cost the U.S. economy $24 billion dollars has largely been pinned on House Republicans, making many of them vulnerable in the 2014 midterm elections.

    Numerous polls have shown that a majority of Americans assign a larger share of blame for the shutdown to congressional Republicans, who tried to tie government funding provisions to defunding the Affordable Care Act. Even prominent Republicans like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) have criticized their colleagues in the House for damaging the GOP's image.

    Fifty-four percent of Americans now oppose Republican control of the House, according to a CNN-ORC poll released on Monday. And a series of polls commissioned by progressive advocacy group and conducted by Public Policy Polling released in batches over the last several days indicate Democrats may have enough momentum to take back the House.

  8. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    I saw a bumper sticker and thought of these two. It said "GOP health plan :The rich get richer, the poor die sooner".

    But, hey, judge the corrupt bastards by the companies they own and the company they keep.

    Forget Repealing Obamacare, Repeal Citizen's united.

  9. This article makes no sense. They post a comment from the Koch brothers denying they supported shutting down the government to defund Obamacare, that they were concerned with overall spending, then attempt to refute this by saying the Koch brothers supported tying the debt ceiling to spending cuts. What?? THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING! Whoever wrote this is either stupid, or counts on everyone reading it being so stupid they don't know the difference.


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