Friday, October 25, 2013

Piers Morgan reaches out to Sarah Palin for an interview. Palin responds with just the kind of maturity that you might expect from her. Update!

This from the nasty middle school mean girl's Facebook page:  

Oh dear Piers, thank you so much for all your invitations to appear on your shambolic show, including the adoring message you sent. But is it still any wonder why I've politely responded that I'm too busy doing, um, er... pretty much anything to accept the invite? (At least I didn't tell you to "get stuffed".) And to all our British friends: we ask, what did your friends across the pond ever do to you to deserve your Piers? (This is followed by yet another smiley face emoticon because apparently Palin is in the middle of her second round of pubescence. Hopefully this time it will take.)

Palin then links to Breitbart article that outs Morgan as having fallen for that Daily Currant parody the other day. And uses that as an excuse to discredit him.

Okay first off if ANYBODY actually believes that Sarah Palin is currently bear hunting you are too stupid to be on this blog, so go away, and secondly what Piers Morgan fails to realize is that Sarah Palin is flat out TERRIFIED to appear on non-Fox News shows to be interviewed, and would NEVER do so unless the hosts promised not to ask her any questions that had not been screened ahead of time. And even though I am not a fan of Piers, I don't think he would agree to that.

After all remember what happened the last times she subjected her self to questions from real reporters.

Update: It appears that Morgan has rater humorously responded to Palin on Twitter.

Gee I wonder if as a replacement he would like to have me come on and tell him all about the things that she is afraid to have him ask her.


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    now that's some real Palin word sausage coming out of her mouth, directly at Mr. Morgan. Watch out, Piers, you dog! You might get it on you.....yuck!

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      I'll help with you airfare if Piers wants to meet with you.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Me too!! Jesse did you contact him??? Go for it.

    3. Anonymous4:45 PM

      piers an palin deserve each other, both useless know nothing publicity hound dipshits.

      best as i can tell from the picture, it does appear that palin is breaking what most consider the very first and second commandments of gun safety, always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, and keep the (unloaded and checked) guns action open when not in use. she is a world class idiot, obviously, and was either never trained in gun safety (likely) or doesn't practice it (also likely since it is more than obvious she knows nothing about guns and is an enormous liar).

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I don't know much about Grizzly Bear Etiquette,being from Chicago and all, but is it proper form to have your rifle pointing right at your face while you're pulling on the ears of a dead bear? Seems like a little temptey fatey kind of thing. Or am I wrong?

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. I think you're on to something. I'm no sharpshooter (any more; I was as a teen), but the logical place for that gun would be on the ground behind me, far far away from me tripping over it if I had to leap back from a post-death muscle twitch of a still-dangerous clawed paw. But close enough to grab in case the bear was still alive...

    2. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Nope, that's a pure violation of gun safety 101, though I am surprised Tawd didn't rush in and pull the trigger.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      bwahahaha - photoshop

      she can't hunt - no license, mental disease - therefore no guns allowed

    4. Anonymous11:20 AM


      that's not a griz/brown bear but a small black bear

    5. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Sigh.... Where's an accident when you need one?

    6. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Looks like one of those plains bears. They can run but they can't hide from the crack shot Grifter.

    7. Anonymous3:09 PM

      I did a search on "image bear rifle", got a ton of pictures of people posing with their weapon and their dead bear. But not a single image had the muzzle of the weapon pointing anywhere near a human. Sarah is just so "special".

    8. Anonymous3:55 PM

      I'm not at all familiar with guns and hunting, but wouldn't it also be rather stupid to lean the rifle ON the bear?

      As KaJo said, couldn't there be a muscle twitch that knocks the rifle onto the ground and causes it to fire?

      She's already shown herself to be frighteningly incompetent when it comes to hunting safety, but I would hope that there's someone with her who has a clue (likely the person who actually shot the bear).

    9. Anonymous6:59 PM

      skank's got that jeremy morlock pose down pat, eh

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    It's very simple, really.She CAN NOT do one on one interviews
    She knows nothing.

    1. Which makes inquiring minds want to know why do ANY of her stranger followers/fans think she will run for political office again?

      A candidate who refuses to speak to anyone?

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    So much for not preaching to the choir...

  5. Anonymous9:54 AM

    More grade school with each passing day.
    At damn near 50.
    All for the almighty buck.

  6. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Who the fuck poses with a gun pointing directly at them?

    Every time she has a chance to show her "pioneer woman" cred she blows it.

    1. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Who the fuck poses with a gun pointing directly at them?


    2. Anonymous3:58 PM

      She looks like Bucky the Beaver in that pictue with the bear.

  7. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Look at where that rifle is pointing.

    The dumbass posted a photo of Sarah muzzling herself.

  8. Anonymous10:00 AM

    If ever there was a time for a rifle to accidentally discharge.

  9. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Most real hunters aren't photographed with the barrel of their gun pointing right at them. Stupid.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      the hunter who really shot the bear posed at the end of his nose....

      Sarah goofed on her photoshop because she's just that stupid.

  10. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Is it my imagination or is that rifle pointed right at experienced hunter Esther Fudd? Hope that poor dead bear doesn't have an involuntary twitch. What would we do?

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Esther Fudd: Hi-larious!!!! ahahahahahahaha


    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      10.01 "what would we do"? CELEBRATE, of course!!

    3. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Backflips, cartwheels, toast one another until the bar ran us out tomorrow morning.

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Sarah did not shoot that bear. Sarah is afraid to appear on any network other than Fox because of 'GOTCHA' questions like: Did you Fake a Pregnancy to cover for one of your daughters? Did you Quit as 1/2 term Governor to avoid Ethics charges? How many babies did Willow and Bristol give birth to in the past 6 years? Is Todd still Pimping? Is Track Menard in Rehab yet? Why do you Stalk President Obama?

  12. I'm sorry, but I can't fault people for believing the Daily Currant story. When you read any random assortment of the jaw-droppingly stupid things said by that steaming ball of moronicity, it makes items such as the Daily Currant story seem quite plausible.

    She was stupid enough to say what she did about Paul Revere; she is stupid enough to claim that Jesus celebrated Easter.

    Palin: "It's going to be a great Christmas book, lots of nice festive, joyful things within the book, like recipes and traditions of our family that are pretty unique because we are from Alaska and live near the North Pole so we have access to Santa Claus and all the good things that come with Christmas," Palin remarks.

    That woman is an idiot, and it is nearly impossible to parody her by trying to write something in which she says something too stupid to be believed.

    Anyway, Palin, Little Miss Victimy-poo, I still remember your vicious, cruel, heartless attack on a pregnant woman with diabetes.

    Pointing fingers at Morgan isn't distracting me. So why not not just tell Morgan the truth, that you are too much of a chickenshit coward to appear on his show (let alone too stupid) and then fuck off into the sunset.

    Roast in hell, John McCain.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      agreed - so many people believed that satire BECAUSE it's so similar to the daily diarrhea she spews.

      It's very reasonable to assume she would write that.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Considering the daytime temperatures in AZ this week in the upper 80's and low 90's, I'd say that Sarah is properly dressed for somewhere else. But we know that is a staged picture anyway. And I won't bother explaining everything that's wrong with the picture, because from reading just a few comments here, I think I'd just be repeating what everybody else is already aware of. Now I'm going to read all of them! I hope one if the Sporting or Outdoors Magazines will pick this up and use it as a teaching moment for Young Hunters or Newbies of any age.

      "Here's what NOT to do..."

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      THIS is why you need a "like" button Gryphen...

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      "But obviously, we've got to stand with our North Korean allies."

      "I want to help clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism. And I have a communications degree."

      "Go back to what our founders and our founding documents meant -- they're quite clear -- that we would create law based on the God of the bible and the Ten Commandments."

      "I think on a national level your Department of Law there in the White House would look at some of the things that we've been charged with and automatically throw them out."

      "They are also building schools for the Afghan children so that there is hope and opportunity in our neighboring country of Afghanistan."

      "But ultimately what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy."

      "As for that VP talk all the time, I'll tell you, I still can't answer that question until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day?"

      And we wonder why someone believes that she said Jesus celebrated Easter???

  13. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Remember when Sarah was Sarkozyeed? Well, after listening to her polemics on all sorts of stuptifying is no wonder that so many people were punked by the Jesus Easter Egg Roll?

    It is really difficult to know when the pundit is known to be a bubble off of plumb whether what we are hearing is on the level. Or, whether we are getting a load of bear sausage with a side of word salad.

    So, Sarah, be careful when you are out jerkying around with the bears in the woods. Bears can smell weakness and don't like to be compared to humans that are not worthy opponents. Brown, black, Kodiak, and or grizzled they have you in their cross-hairs.

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Thank you, you wonderful person, I had so forgotten the glorious Sarkozy incident. There is really no way to get how pathetic she was by just reading it. The tone of her voice as she burbles hellllloooo. Here's the link

  14. Anonymous10:18 AM

    When words such as shambolic are use, you know Falin didn't write the comment. BTW, his show isn't shambolic (disorganized), it's too confrontational for her tattered sound bites.

  15. Anonymous10:19 AM

    So she supposedly shot the bear, then laid the rifle on the bear's body, with the barrel pointed at her head? How Stupid can she be? Nothing here but a photo op, Sarah Palin is no hunter. The Retard of Wasilla just keeps proving how MENTALLY ILL she is.

  16. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Serves him right for reaching out to a crossed eyed tarantula.

  17. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Is that her bear rug prop?

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM

      AZ never looked like that before. I think you're right....sofa cover used as prop.

  18. Anonymous10:26 AM

    My guess is that whoever took this pic knew exactly what they were doing by positioning the gun like that. It is a little dig to point out she is clueless about hunting.

    1. Anonymous11:10 AM


    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Punking Sarah is child's play. An after thought.

      I like it most when Sarah punks herself.

      The crooked wigs are best!

    3. Anonymous1:01 PM

      She is so easy to 'play' with and instigate seeing her idiotic responses! We always know they will be coming and can pretty much figure out what she will say or do!

      Plus, it's so apparent she is STILL reading this blog!

  19. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Another example of Gun Safety?

  20. Anonymous10:30 AM

    KU Chick, where are you? I think that you really have inside information! Give us a little more!

  21. Anonymous10:30 AM

    In one of his subsequent tweets, Piers continues to ask Palin for an interview, saying "if you've got the guts to do it". We all know how Sarah loves to refer to her GUTS.

    Whatsa matter big, brave Mama Grizzly, why not rear up to the challenge?

  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    We will never see Palin interviewed by anybody that isn’t prescreened. And even that doesn’t stop the crap that comes out of her mouth.

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      I'm one who NEVER wants to see Palin interviewed by anyone, prescreened or not. I just want her to tuck her devil's tail between her legs and shuffle back to one of the states she resides in. There she can hunt, fish, raise children, fake pregnancies or whatever else is on her bucket list in all the 'privacy' she claims to desire.

  23. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sarah, only 'morans' believe you are a sturdy pioneer women who hunts and traps for sustenance. You are as phony as the day is long.

    There are may appellations that apply to you... none of them good. Personally, I like Sarah 'the boob' Palin.

  24. Piers Morgan knows only too well why Palin would never appear on his show. He's just taunting her, and the rest of us can sit back and enjoy it!!!

  25. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Palins, Piers and bears, oh my!

    Well, she's looking for a fight, attention, and anything to get her face out there. Again, her insistent sickening reminder of "I hunt - me woman - I kill bear - see me make fire at camp - see how brave and unafraid I am".

    Is Piers the "bear" that Sarah has yet to face? He isj, to her,the ultimate challenge. Piers, the bear, would tear her apart in an interview. Will Sarah be brave enough to meet this bear head-on? NO. She's a wimp and she knows it.

  26. Okay, this is why nasty Palin has her claws in Piers Morgan:

    Karmel Allison, the pregnant woman with diabetes who almost fainted during the President's speech, appeared on Piers' show to discuss the incident.

    Not only did Karmel need to be attacked for supporting the ACA/Obamacare, but Morgan must be attacked for daring to support Karmel.

    Palin is such a disgusting, hateful, rage-filled monster.

    Roast in hell, John McCain.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Nefer, your comments are great examples to all middle schoolers as how NOT To behave. Except NO impressionable person should EVER be exposed to your "lovely" demeanor. smh

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM


      spot on - and you riled up the troll! +100

    3. Anonymous1:10 PM

      Does 'smh' stand for $arah moron Heath?

    4. Anonymous1:16 PM

      12:53 Trolling is addictive, go back to the C of Pee.

    5. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Nefer speaks the truth. If you disagree, give your rebuttal with sources.

    6. Anonymous2:55 PM

      That's either willow or brissie at 12:53 y'all.
      Earning their sarahpac consultant's pay and all.

    7. Anonymous7:40 PM

      12:53 PM Does that make you feel better? Now scurry along to the C4P.

  27. Anonymous10:49 AM

    If Sarah and Dick went hunting together, what would they come home with? Two ambulances.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Neither would ever make it back home. Both would end up with tags around one of their big toes in the morgue, unless a bear got to their remains first. Those would be some sick bears that ate a bite of old Baldy's cadaver.

  28. Anonymous10:55 AM

    His show is too shambolic? Too disorganized for her to appear??
    hahahaha, ooooohhhh, that's gotta hurt, Piers!!

    Again she doesn't know the words she spews. What an immature mean girl. From what I've seen around the web, she's losing support right and left. Keep it up, sarah!!

  29. Beldar J Conehead10:59 AM

    She may not be bear-hunting, but she is irredeemably unbearable.

  30. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Why is Palin angry with Morgan? Why isn't she angry with Daily Currant? Oh, I forgot. Sarah said that Christmas was the most holy, meaningful Christian holiday, and it is the cornerstone of her strong Christian faith. Christmas is so important to Palin that she chose to cash in on it by writing a little book about Christmas. So, Daily Currant wrote a satirical piece about Palin and Easter.

    Never mind that most Christians see Easter as the holiest Christian observance. But that holiday is not marked with months of shopping, decorations and the physical display of stuff. All they have is a bunny, some chocolate eggs and maybe a crazy hat to wear in the Easter parade. Sarah's Christmas book is small, 5x7 inches, so it's doubtful that she could fill up more than a few pages with hiding eggs in the snow.

    So the Daily Currant made fun of Palin. People have been making fun of Palin since Tina Fey joked that she could see Russia from her house. It doesn't matter if Palin really said it or if she said that you could see a bit of Russia from a remote island in Alaska-- it is easy to make fun of Palin. She has become nothing more than a joke.

    Memo to Sarah: I know how much you hate Karl Rove and the Establishment Republicans. But, Karl had some good advice when you quit your job as governor of Alaska, a good stepping stone to run again in national political race. He told you to take some time to study, write a serious policy book and get some gravitas. Instead, you chose to cash in. And you don't belong in the rough-and-tumble world of hardball politics with that thin skin. Every time someone makes a joke about you, you respond like a wounded pre-teen. And congratulations for looking up some British slang to sling at the Brit. Remind me again about Paul Revere warning those British that they won't be taking our guns away when he ran those bells and fired those warning shots. Remind me again about how you thought that the Queen of England was in charge of the military forces in Iraq. Remind me again about your longing to meet Margaret Thatcher.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Can you imagine if she wrote a policy book? It would make "Green Eggs And Ham" look like Chaucer.

  31. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Did Sarah Palin just kill a Mama Grizzly? How could she! And with that rifle pointing right at her, she's going to shoot her eye out.

    1. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Dammit, Sarah, that's why we can't have nice things.

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      she's going to shoot her eye out!! Perfect ending for her Christmas story.

  32. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I would bet Todd placed the gun there.

    1. KUChick 2111:46 AM

      Touching Sarah is punishment for Todd.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      11:07 ha ha! He probably did...praying that the gun would go off.

  33. Anonymous11:12 AM

    doubt if the skank even knows what they are but wonder if the fraud's ever removed the lens cover off the scope ?

    facebook >>> LMFAO !!

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Not only are the scope covers on, but apparently Mrs. Palin can't handle the recoil from the rifle she's 'using', since it has a Ballistic Optimizing Shooting System (B.O.S.S.) installed. It's a Browning rifle, although I can't tell what caliber it is.

    2. Anonymous12:56 PM

      So she sets the rifle down, then walks around to the other side of a freshly killed cub. It's a shame Mama Bear didn't walk up and confront the Mama Grizzly Impostor.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM


      that rifle's brand new prior to her last fake hunting photo op.

      unlike the little .22/250 she was using ( "daddy, does it kick" ...?!? ) to take potshots at that caribou a year or so ago, this one's obviously a much bigger bore. and i'd go so far as to safely bet good money that she's never fired a round off with this one as it would knock, shatter, pulverize the emancipated little skank fraud into last week ...

      and to her dumbass inbred brother, chuck_tard jr,

      go fuk yer fatass inbred fraud self too, eh

  34. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Sarah is stealing a bear someone else shot ...

  35. Anonymous11:18 AM

    She's a sick animal that needs to be put down.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      How? Should we list the ways? Might be fun!

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Maybe we should put rifle sites...err...I mean "surveyors" marks on every pic of Granny Sarah?

  36. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Sarah Palin doesn't have the balls to appear on Pier's show! I don't think he'd be easy on her and she knows it. She's chicken shit about anything she cannot prepare for and memorize.

    Look at the failure she's been at FOX. The majority of the interviewers no longer want a damned thing to do w/her.

    She's a proven fraud and liar - nothing more and nothing less!

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      Nobody's ever asked her back but Fox. She sucks on the screen.

  37. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Sarah doesn't hunt.
    Sarah doesn't work.
    Sarah doesn't go to church.
    Sarah doesn't take care of her fake son Tri-G/
    Sarah doesn't write anything on her own.
    What exactly DOES sarah DO?
    Regurgitating pre-written responses to softball questions for a propaganda network doesn't count/

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      I think that Sarah did write on the bear picture. She is just that juvenile.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      PS Also, too, Sarah doesn't cook. She doesn't read. And she doesn't think before she runs off at the mouth either.

  38. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Piers made you sit down and shut up Sarah. He exposed you for the gutless coward you are. You fear Piers.
    Can you say OWNED?

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      If Sarah had any guts she WOULD go on his show. She is scared sh*tless to go anywhere other than Fox and their pre-scripted crap.

  39. Anonymous11:24 AM

    The sick smile on her manlike face reveals her mental illness. Sarah is deranged and disturbed. Someone get her help.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      I'll bet she has a lot of facial hair she needs to keep up with. Other than that I think she's doing just fine, just let her keep going, this is karma in real time. She hates her life. Works for me!

    2. the insufferable old clown hag would shit moosedics if she went anywhere viable.

  40. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If Sarah wants to trade British expressions, I suggest that she bugger off.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Sarah ain't scared!!! But in did sense a little terror in her handwriting. Pretty silly of her to take an old photo and pretend that she's never learned how to handle a gun safely. I'm convinced someone is laughing at her posing with a gun that wasn't even fired for that photo opportunity. She doesn't understand the optics and how fake that makes her look. Derp.

      Doesn't she realize that most of her fans will look at that picture and shake their head in disgust? I love it!

  41. Aaaand she got the attention she so desires...

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      That's the thing. There is such a thing as bad publicity, but not when you're a NPD queen. (Ignore her, Piers, she ain't worth your breath)

  42. Piers Morgan ‏@piersmorgan 3h

    Being called 'shambolic' by @SarahPalinUSA is most amusing. I wonder if she can see irony from her house?

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      I bet HALF of you at least looked up that word.

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      You all need psych help. Get enjoy the sunshine. Life is beautiful

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Most of us do look up words we don't understand. That is how we expand our vocabularies. You need gramarical help...and periods.

    4. Anonymous1:35 PM

      12:52 & 12:52

      No comment on safe gun handling, Creepy Junior? Naah, I didn't think so. You're as big of a coward as your idiot sister.

      Be sure and watch her interview in Boston following her Paul Revere tutorial. I had forgotten she was that dim. Haha

    5. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I did a two hour hike this morning, 12:52. What have you done?

    6. Anonymous3:08 PM

      I love how the person who typed the word "gramarical" is trying to correct other's GRAMMATICAL errors.

    7. Anonymous1:26 PM
      ...You need gramarical help...and periods.
      You stupid damn fool, you're confusing us with the traitor troll that has never figured out how to use periods in his comments. And "gramarical? Really, you illiterate dolt? Fuck off, you immature libelous jackass.

  43. Anonymous11:45 AM


    Sarah wasn't counting on Piers to call her out.

    What next?

    The ball is in your court, Sarah.

    Please, oh please, fight like a girl!

  44. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Palin , I know that you read this blog . You continue to be transparent .Don't strain yourself trying to figure out what "transparent means . Just go with it . OK?
    Even if you had an open invitaion for life with Piers M.You would of course be "hunting " again or some such b.s. excuse . That Tawd told you to say.
    You know you will do anything to keep from having to answer "trick"questions that you don't have answers to ,unless they have already been pre-written on your hand.
    We have your number .
    You are not fooling the majority of people . you idiot!

  45. Easy to overlook the gun placement for a photo -op given her pioneering relish of the rugged life without living it....however, her ghost writer "overlooked" the gun placement as well. Maybe SP "rilly" wanted Piers to get the "point". Again I thank all those who made it possible for the impossible SP's non-elevation to the VP spot.

  46. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Piers Morgan ‏@piersmorgan 3h
    Being called 'shambolic' by @SarahPalinUSA is most amusing. I wonder if she can see irony from her house?

    Piers Morgan ‏@piersmorgan 3h
    ps @SarahPalinUSA ..and the offer to come on my show still stands. Like I said, we'd have fun....if you've got the guts to do it..

  47. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What kind of dumb fuck places the rifle so it is pointing AT them for a photo op? No hunter would, that's for sure.

    1. A suburban, facebook addict, dumb fuck named Sarah Palin that has no idea how to hunt or use guns, or do anything in the outdoors.

  48. Anonymous12:04 PM

    There were two shootings in the little town of Ridgecrest, CA this morning. One was a driver pulled over for a warrant who opened fire on officers and took off. Don't know the result of that one. Hmmm, let's see, bad guy with gun and several good guys with gun. Result? Bullets flying everywhere in front of Wal Mart as everyone was headed to school and work.

    Second incident was a disgruntled employee who lost his Trona job and went on a shooting spree injuring Tad Meier, a young man, and killing Tad's girlfriend. He stole a car, put the car driver and passenger in the trunk, and took off heading south down 395. He was shot and killed (Sergio Munoz). Hostages were wounded (by Sergio or police). Their condition is unknown. Sure would like to know how Sergio acquired his weapon. Legally or illegally? Gun show or online?
    Fuck the NRA.

  49. Poor bear

  50. Anonymous12:17 PM

    $arah darling, don't tell us you got all wee-wee'd up over the Pier's invite. We'll be sending some cajones your way since the mama fizzle lost her still spine and is leading from someone's behind. P.A.W.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Sarah would show some real bravery, cajones, whatever she wants to call it, if she would turn up and confront all of her enemies in person. Bill Maher will be on tonight. Here's comic gold, just waiting for Bill, but Sarah is not big enough or strong enough to face him or anyone else. She needs the protection of Fox who writes out the questions and answers ahead of time and promises never to ask her anything that she can't answer, like what she reads.

    2. Balzafiar1:54 PM

      "She needs the protection of Fox who writes out the questions and answers ahead of time and promises never to ask her anything that she can't answer, like what she reads."

      Not only that but before the interview they carefully go over everything letter-by-letter, explaining to her that certain combinations of "letters" form something callled "words" and explain to her how to use them.

      An aside to Scarah: where the hell is Trig's birth certificate, you lying piece of shit?

  51. Anonymous12:36 PM


  52. Another lesson in TeaBagger Gun Safety by Sarah. Sheesh.

  53. Anonymous12:38 PM

    It does look photoshopped. Her right arm looks funny in relation to the background.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      No matter how many ways I have searched for a photo of Sarah Palin bear hunting, it's surprising that nothing turns up. Nothing. Oh, she went bear hunting earlier this year, but in a different outfit, one with green leaves instead of pink writing on the sleeves. And, she picked blueberries. And, she was freezing cold. And, she didn't shoot a bear. I agree with 12:38, PHOTOSHOP

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      3rd post.

  54. Anonymous12:38 PM

    The other day Palin posted a picture of her grandson Trig sleeping on what she called a DVD player.
    The rest of us call it an iPad.
    Looked pretty uncomfortable for the kid ,
    but, letting their kids drop and sleep anywhere rather than in their own bed, after a proper meal and bath ,
    seems pretty typical of the Palins.
    Bristol routinely allowed Tripp to feast on sugary popsicles and then fall asleep on the couch at night instead of his bed when she was on Celebrity Wife Swap with Joan Rivers.
    When he wasn't spending the night on the couch,
    Tripp's only other place to sleep was in his mother's bed.
    My dog has better sleeping arrangements and a more loving and stable life
    than the Palin kids.
    Hey ,Sarah, where are your cojones ?
    Why don't you woman up and stop being a coward and a squish and go on Piers ?
    And Mrs Surrender , did you know that Limbaugh threw you under the bus again, today ?
    He dismissed you Tuesday as a non factor,
    just a former " Governor of Arkansas " .
    Today, he told his audience that there will be a bunch of books coming out in time for the holidays , but, there are only two books everyone should buy.
    His book and a book by one of his advertisers.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Wow. You're a little moronic. And slanderous.

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      12:51 Wow, got your panties in a wad?

    3. Anonymous1:20 PM

      12:51 Take your MEDS, Nutjob.

    4. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Wow. You're a gutless troll. Why not try providing evidence that the commenter is wrong rather than falling back on middle-school insults. Dude.

    5. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Surely you know the difference between slander and libel, as frequently as you write the words, don't you? Well? I guess you don't know your vocabulary words and better than Sarah knows how to handle a gun.

      Here's a hint: Safety first and foremost.

    6. Anonymous5:00 PM


      hey numbnutz,

      "slanderous - libel" - why the fuk don't you inbred fukin' retards sue then ?!? scared of some little deposition ?

      goofball pieces of shit - fuk off and die

  55. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Keep an eye out down the track for the picture of Toad posing with the bear and Sarah pretending that he's the one shot it.

    Neither of those losers can shoot worth a damn.

  56. Anonymous12:50 PM

    It's just funny how you can call HER nasty when you condone ALL your disgusting readers here and their gutter comments.

    smh, G, smh.

    Not to mention spreading lies yourself.

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      12:50 PM Gutter comments are your specialty, Tami/Troll. If you want to see 'Gutter' comments, take a look at C4P. Gryphen is respected here. How's the weather in Los Angeles, RAM?

    2. Go away, RAM. Have you nothing else to do? LOL

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      spoken like a true southern repubtard

    4. Anonymous1:23 PM

      12:50 PM Gutter comments for a Gutter Grifting Liar.

    5. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Don't shake your head too hard 12:50 or the marbles inside your cranium will be ejected out your ears.

    6. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Dear SMH Troll--please provide evidence of what lies Gryphen has spread. Otherwise, I guess you are lying, too.

    7. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Twenty comments in the span of 5 minutes makes you appear just a little... shall we say, obsessed? You're a sick puppy, Kristy. And you and Deedee Three make Sarah look as bad as you both are with your repeated, obsessive remarks to try to salvage Sarah's reputation. You're trying too hard, and it's a lost cause. Neither of you can ever respond on the merits of her faults that are pointed out. You're just a couple of immature middle-aged women saying the equivalent of "Nuh uhhh".

      Good talking points for you both.

    8. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Dollars to donuts it isn't Kristy Fartullo but Skeleta herself. Plenty of time to troll blogs refudiating the "new media" haters.No job, no speaking engagements, no fox 3 min. interviews, no sex life, no friends oh my!

    9. Stop shaking your head, you stupid damn fool. Your feeble brain can't take the strain.

    10. Anonymous5:09 PM

      12:50 So you are saying that Liberals spread Lies like the Palins spread their Legs?

    11. Anonymous6:54 PM

      I don't do "Bowling alley" Too many of Sarah's caliper there. Can you explain what a gutterball is smh? Are you the one who sprays shoes or the one who polishes balls. for money of course!"????

  57. lostinmn12:59 PM

    Does she even have a bear license? What do you want to bet that's not the case.

  58. Anonymous1:07 PM

    It's getting harder and harder to tell $arah and Sally apart in these photos.

  59. Anonymous1:08 PM

    photo shop!!!! google dead bears, add your selfie and voila, a hunting photo.

  60. Anonymous1:10 PM

    here is the real bear killer - 3rd photo

    the thing about Sarah is - she LIES about everything.

    1. Well found - someone should sue her for claiming photos as her own. I guess she had help to photoshop herself into the picture - can't imagine she would have the knowledge to do that.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      That's not the same photo and probably not the same bear. Definitely NOT the same gun. One is black and one is shiny.

      Nice try though. And it doesn't mean the photo isn't PS'd, just not this photo.

  61. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Oh, up the comments and there is 12:50 in all her superior, A, lol!

    anywhoo...check this out:

    A liberal progressive blogger schooling Ms Palin on her gun safety protocols, amongst other things!

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Maybe someone else can find the pink "under armor'" logos from her September hunt, I can't see them on her sleeves like the one that she signed in "White Out". Funny, she used White Out once befor to cover a lie that she used to cover her, ahem, D & C.

      I shit you not. LOL.

  62. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I wonder what it must be like to be Sarah Palin, to be filed with such anger and nastiness twenty-four hours a day. What a wasted life.

  63. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Sarah's ghost: be sure to look up the meaning of "shambolic" before making Sarah look even more like a fool.

    We'd like to see Sarah take the next step, where she's legally required to harvest and preserve the meat of her bear. Let's see some "selfies" with Sarah up to her waist in all sorts of internal organs, cleaning and packing them to send to Roger,
    Megyn, Gtetchen, Bill, The Donald, Glennn, and all the other prescious Gifts of God wandering around heathen Fox news.

    1. Ailsa2:14 PM

      Over at the PeePond, they think her use of "shambolic" is "genius" because it's English.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Over at the peepond they think she is the most brilliant politician who ever lived, more beautiful than Cleopatra, Sophia Loren and Briggitte Bardot rolled together, and a saintly christian just one step below Jesus.
      So, yeah.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:17 PM


      I clearly remember one of the smitten old farts once commenting that Sarah was "the most wholesome thing since Sandra Dee."

      I needed a new keyboard after that.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      The men and women at the "pond" just want to fuck her.

    5. Anonymous5:38 PM

      5:26 PM They had better wear a gas mask, Sarah has a strong odor.

  64. Anonymous1:37 PM

    It seems obvious to me that more than one of the above comments are from Sarah's children. I would like to offer some advice, although its unsolicited, it may help.
    Kids, we know you love your mom, most everyone loves their mother. No one faults you for that. You are supposed to love your mother. Freud, one of the worlds great thinkers, said the mother child relationship was the most important relationship one could have. That being said, what you need to know is this; you can love your mom and disagree with her values. You are not required to have the same worldview. I see the two older girls defended Sarah and it appears to take all the time and energy they would normally devote to making a life. If I had one wish for these girls I would hope they would travel and see the world. Get exposure to how others live and work. Wasilla, Alaska or suburbs of Arizona are such a small part of the world. They are not indicative of how most people live. Take a lesson from Angelina Jolie who has used her fame to learn about the world and become an ambassador for the United Nations.


    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Tex, you make such good sense. Those kids have narrow minds and can't think past fast food and hair school.. You have to want to open yourself up to new ideas when you travel to new places, eat new food, hear people speak a different language, see that their country has been around for thousands of years. Unfortunately, the Palins are so limited and narrow in their vision that in spite of all of their money and advantage, they will always remain small minds in a small town. Those kids have a great chance, but I think that Sarah's paying them grand consultant fees to troll comments outweighs any desire to learn something new. What they might learn is what a sham their lives have been. It's probably denial. They don't want to know the truth about their parents and their life. Life is too easy and simple right now.

    2. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Compared to a lot of kids in Alaska the Palin kids are simpleminded. They were raised at the 4th Avenue Mall in Anchorage.

    3. Anonymous5:06 PM

      that be 5th Av Mall


    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I think 4:52pm might have actually been referring to the 4th Avenue Mall; that's where all the drunk natives hang out.

    5. Anonymous6:13 PM


      that did indeed cross my mind


  65. Anonymous2:02 PM

    That is delicious. Morgan doesn't just stick the knife in, he twists it also too... you know... just to make sure. #palinfail #butt

  66. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Her little parlay with Piers tells us all we need to know. If she can't handle going on an unscripted show that's NOT on Fox News then really, what are the chances that she will ever run for public office again?

  67. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Ha, HA, Mrs. Palin went all "Perez Hilton" and wrote on a photo to get her point across. Nice going Mrs. Palin, you're so 2005.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      In white out, no less! Points off for sloppy lettering.

  68. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Piers would chew her up and spit her out faster than she could utter a single word salad. He is wicked smart, and well schooled in goading simple minded twats.

    She is scared shitless to show up and do any sort of interview and has to hide behind her facebook and twitter throwing out mean girl jabs. She doesn't have the balls to show up and state her case, instead she has to raise her leg and just piss on everyone.

    She's one of the most pathetic and twisted human beings that I have ever seen in my long, long lifetime.

  69. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Sarah will post the most juvenile, outrageous crap on her FB and Twitter just to get notice. Confront these people in person? She claims to be brave enough to shoot a bear all by herself (who believes that photo for a minute?) and yet she is afraid to face some questions that she might not be able to answer.

    Note to Sarah: It really wasn't WHAT you read as much as how you answered the question. You claim to be a religious person yet you didn't mention the Bible. You claimed to be an energy expert, but you didn't mention publications in that field. You were going to solve the tanking economy in 2008 but you didn't mention the Wall Street Journal. Even Jack Kennedy admitted reading and loving the James Bond series.

  70. TNBlueDot3:17 PM

    Priceless! Not a Piers fan, but good on him!

    Gryph, I really wish you had a different posting system, because there's a bunch of posts on this thread I'd love to vote up!

  71. Anonymous3:30 PM

    what the retarded twunt doesn't have enough enemies? lol

  72. Two dark money groups linked to conservative billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch have paid...

    ...a year of investigation into the activities of the two Arizona groups, Americans for Responsible Leadership and the Center to Protect Patient Rights.

    The settlement disclosed new details in the case, including how the money was raised and how the Center to Protect Patient Rights disguised its two contributions to two California political committees. As part of the settlement, the Center to Protect Patient Rights conceded it was responsible for funneling $11 million through Americans for Responsible Leadership to a political committee spending money to fight a tax-hike measure and to support a proposition restricting unions’ political power.

    The Center to Protect Patient Rights also gave an additional $4 million to another dark money group, the American Future Fund, which gave the money to another political committee spending on the anti-union measure.

    And while the groups have been linked to the Koch brothers, it’s not clear how exactly they’re connected. The Center to Protect Patient Rights, which operates out of a post office box in Arizona and doesn’t even have a website, has been described practically like an ATM machine for various groups affiliated with the Koch brothers. The press release issued by California authorities says the Center and Americans for Responsible Leadership “operated as part of the ‘Koch Brothers Network’ of dark money political nonprofit corporations.”

    The Kochs have long been known for spending millions to influence elections behind the scenes, through a complex network of groups that critics have nicknamed “the Kochtopus.” ...

    The leader of Americans for Responsible Leadership has close ties to Noble. Republican Kirk Adams hired Noble’s firm in 2011 and 2012 to help run his failed campaign to replace outgoing U.S. Rep. Jeff Flake in Arizona. Adams lost in the primary in August 2012; the next month, he was named president of Americans for Responsible Leadership.

    According to the settlement, some $24.5 million of the money distributed by the Center to Protect Patient Rights was raised by GOP strategist Tony Russo for another organization, Americans for Job Security, a Virginia-based trade association. (Russo didn’t return calls for comment.)

    Americans for Job Security gave the money to the Center to Protect Patient Rights. Then the Center gave about $7 million to the Iowa dark money powerhouse American Future Fund on Sept. 11, 2012; of that, the American Future Fund gave about $4 million to a new California committee, the California Future Fund for Free Markets, which supported the anti-union measure. That committee has since closed down.

    The Center also gave $18 million to Americans for Responsible Leadership in October 2012, recommending that the group “should use the funds to support common social interests, including support” for the Small Business Action Committee PAC, a committee that Russo was also raising money for, the settlement said. Americans for Responsible Leadership then gave $11 million to the Small Business Action Committee PAC to spend on the two ballot proposals.

    That $11 million contribution sparked a complaint, an investigation and a court battle. Just before the election, Americans for Responsible Leadership admitted that it got its money from the Center to Protect Patient Rights, which in turn got the money from Americans for Job Security.

  73. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Are there black bears to be killed this time of year in AZ? Or was she so busy many weeks ago?
    Something smells,and it's not the bear.

  74. Palin is a coward. Worse, though she will do anything to avoid being called out herself, she has no problem viciously attacking others. She is scum. Cowardly scum.

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Well, at least now she has proven that she can only speak on Fox, Facebook or Twitter.

  75. Anonymous4:18 PM

    That poor bear. I am so sick of this hunting mentality. RIP Bear.
    That said, Sarah Palin would never appear on any show where she'd get any serious questions. Like Bachmann, she's a coward, a total yellow belly.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      That bear has much more reason to live and contributes more to our planetary ecosystem than does Mrs. Palin.

  76. Anonymous4:49 PM

    OK, I saw today, my very favorite moniker for Sarah.. Maybe others have seen it, but I had not. It sums up everything, the entire
    gamut, from A to B... ready? "Yukon Wilma" !!! Is that the best?

  77. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Looked for all those photos Sarah posted on FB earlier this year with Levin's book in her lap and saying she was waiting for the guys to load up, or something. That's the time this black bear was killed, not recently, and Sarah said someone had bagged a bear, but it wasn't her. I can't find any of those photos now.

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      is this the picture you are talking about ? maybe the same hunt

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      THIS is the same outfit, i believe............she is a liar

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM

      somebody twitter this to piers morgan and sarah

    4. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Sarah needs to post a copy of the report that was filed with AK DFG after this bear was harvested. That will show when where and who was doing the shooting.Otherwise, all of us at IM will call BS on her. Again.

    5. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Sarah's photo to Piers shows pink writing on her sleeve. The photos in the links posted here have green leaves on her jacket but no pink writing. Her caps are different. And, Palin's description was that she was picking blueberries and was frightened by a bear. She didn't say that she shot it.

    6. Anonymous7:17 PM

      Or maybe she poached it like her BFF, Ted Nugent has been caught and fined for doing in AK and CA. They both fit the same profile which ain't exactly a sportsman or conscientious hunter. They are both also noteworthy for their equally bad hygiene and for pooping in their britches.

  78. Anonymous5:41 PM

    I'm sure someone else already noticed, but the Tundra Turd is on the wrong end of the gun in her bear picture. That gets people dead. What an incompetent. Carry on Sarah, carry on.

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      She's a regular Yosemite Sam.

  79. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Here is the hunt, they must have shot the bear then, same tundra, same outfit, same everything...

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      It's not the same hunting outfit. The photo to Piers shows pink writing on Sarah's sleeves. She is wearing a different cap under her hood in each photo, and the set of photos from the barracuda blogspot have green leaves on her jacket. Not the same outfit. Todd or the other guy may have shot the bear because Sarah was too busy picking blueberries to notice what was happening. Did she bring a change of clothes to pose with someone else's bear?

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      She has been busy for 2 months, BWAHAHAHA.

  80. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

    Oh Geeze! Sarah's tongue tied. She's got the fake tatas on whiile on a pogo stick trying to think of a snide comeback.
    I'm not a huge fan of Piers, but the Brits are THE BEST at smackdowns. Using her own Paul Revere clip was genius!

  81. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM


    I showed Mr Winecooler the photo, and he says:

    "Sarah Palin" means "Writes on photos with WHITE OUT! in Native Alaskan lure."


    She "went there"!

  82. Anonymous6:55 PM

    CNN opines on the Return of Sarah Palin: can we miss her, if she WON'T GO AWAY!?!

  83. Anonymous7:24 PM

    meh....all those excuses..bottom line, Sarah is really just too chicken-shit to go on Morgan's show!

  84. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Hey, Willow, you grew up to be just like your older sister. How old is your Baby, Dude?

  85. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Sarah Palin who wanted so badly to be president and a senator just pissed off another country.

    Way to go retard

    Way to go.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.