Monday, October 07, 2013

If the Pro-Life movement were taken to its extreme, though logical, conclusion.

Of course if the Evangelicals DID get this authoritarian they would also insist that every sex act happen only after a church wedding presided over by a Fundamentalists minister, and where nobody in the wedding party could be considered liberal.


  1. Anonymous4:35 AM


    I haven't turned on Morning Joe for over a year, but wanted to hear what pundits were saying about the shutdown. I could not believe my ears. The most critical person of the Republicans was Scarbarough. He thinks Cruz is an absolute tool. The best part was when he kept saying that Cruz is Sarah Palin. He wasn't saying this in a flattering way. The segment was great. Later in the show, he mentioned Cruz being ignored by the Republican candidate in a governors race. He said that Cruz is the new Sarah Palin and no one wants anything to do with him. It was brilliant. I almost like Scarborough!

  2. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Why are they so all up a woman's junk? Why hasn't there been a HUGE backlash on Viagra? And if older men want artificial means to get it up with the actual purpose of pro-creation, what of the studies that reveal older men typically do sire children with Autism and schizophrenia?

    Oh yeah, the world needs more Trigs (no offense to Trig, this isn't about Trig - Palinista's, he's an iconic representation of a woman's stupid anti-science and social safety net philosophy.)

  3. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Here's a thought (even though this was wonderful snark) this is not "God's" children, he isn't carrying babies and delivering them. It's her children, it's my children, it's that other woman's baby. We do all the hard work.

  4. Anonymous5:09 AM

    If they can legislate trans-vaginal ultrasounds, they can legislate required sex on a periodic basis for married couples - for the good of us all, and to help out the omnipotent God (who can't seem to make babies w/o women, for some reason).

    1. Balzafiar6:33 AM

      It could go to another level, that practiced by certain Eastern religions wherein the couple have to plan ahead for sex. The man has to take gifts daily to the woman for a period of three days before the actual deed is done.

      For me, by the time that third day rolled around I would either have lost interest or found other means, all of which tells me I could never fit into their very rigid lifestyle.

  5. Leland6:19 AM

    Sorry, if they got they druthers, this doesn't go far enough.

    They will only be happy when it is a CRIME NOT to have children. It is their desire to have EVERY woman barefoot and pregnant and just waiting for hubby to come home and screw her, with absolutely no say whatsoever.

    Nice future huh?

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Always in the missionary position only. And remember, only heathens dare do the doggie or crouching tiger.

      Because other than for procreation, sex is bad. Sinful. Dirty. Sticky. Sweaty. No fair using lubes either.

      And remember, the two must face one another. And don't smile. And absolutely no orgasm for the woman. Because she's a woman, and sex must be endured, not enjoyed. No smiling, goddammit!

  6. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I see the video as a lazy straw man argument which does nothing to further discourse. Why waste time with ridicule when a persuasive argument is much more constructive? Aren't we better than that?

    1. It's a parody, not a straw man argument.

      And it is virtually impossible to engage in a persuasive argument with idiots who believe that each individual life was planted within the womb by God himself.

    2. Leland12:37 PM

      Amen, Gryphen!

      Those people are too stupid to know they are ignorant!

  7. Randall12:41 PM

    It took from the time Lucy began the human race
    (or since Adam and Eve if that's your shallow belief)
    until about 1800 (or so) for ONE BILLION human beings to inhabit the planet.

    Around 1930 or so, just about 130 years, the human population doubled to TWO BILLION.

    In about 1975 population had again doubled to FOUR BILLION - in less than 50 years.

    Now, in 2013 - in 38 years - the population of human beings on this planet is above SEVEN BILLION!

    Seven billion people to FEED.

    If you don't practice population control NOW
    you will be FORCED to

    THINK about that - FORCED ABORTION.
    ...or starvation.

    1. Leland2:57 PM

      Sorry, Randall, they CAN'T think about that! It hurts their wittle bwains!

      And even if they did, it wouldn't stop them from forcing women to have babies. After all, they will get theirs and screw the rest of the world, right?

  8. Anita Winecooler7:15 PM

    I can picture the old pro life folks who drive imports with american flags and "Thank God your mother didn't abort you" bumper stickers and the" ALWAYS Caucasian plastic fetus key chains" heads exploding over this one.
    Yet they don't bat an eyelash at anything in the good book.
    I don't recall Adam and Eve having a wedding (who would they invite?) and they had two sons, one killed his brother, then had unprotected sex ----- with the only woman on earth, his mom.


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