Monday, October 07, 2013

In a recent poll, the results of which should surprise nobody, it has been determined that the GOP continues to lose women by the binder full.

Courtesy of the National Journal:

The Republican Party's effort to rebrand itself with women since losing the 2012 presidential race and seats in Congress is falling short, a new United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll has found. 

Only 14 percent of women said the Republican Party had moved closer to their perspective. More than twice as many women, 33 percent, said the party had drifted further from them. A plurality, 46 percent, saw no change. 

The dangers for the GOP of losing women's support are playing out in the Virginia gubernatorial race, where Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe has taken the lead over Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, almost entirely by opening up a lead among female voters. 

In the new poll, the results for the GOP are even more ominous among young women. Only 11 percent of women younger than 50 said the party had moved closer to them. In contrast, 29 percent said the GOP had moved further away. 

College-educated white women were particularly likely (45 percent) to say the Republican Party was now further from their views. That is especially significant because Republicans had made critical gains among that demographic in the 2012 election cycle. President Obama's support among college-educated white women dropped by 6 percentage points, from 52 percent to 46 percent, between the 2008 and 2012 elections, according to national exit polls.

 Women don't want to vote for them. African Americans don't want to vote for them. Hispanics don;'t want to vote for them. And young people don't want to vote for them.

Unless they find a way for straight white middle aged men to reproduce asexually I think the Republican party may soon go the day of the Dodo Bird.

Remind me to shed a tear when that happens.


  1. Anonymous2:32 AM

    That does it! Now the gop will have to demand the vote be taken away from women. Maybe they can add it to the list of demands they have for ending the shutdown? See what happens when the "little lady" gets to vote? They start to speak their minds, like Rick Perry's wife who said women should have access to abortion. Rick had to jump in and explain that she "mispoke" OOps!

  2. Randall3:16 AM

    "Unless they find a way for straight white middle aged men to reproduce asexually..."

    OR they figure out a way to successfully purge the voter roles to their advantage...

  3. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Ah, they're all just sluts....

    this message has been brought to you by the Committee to Respectfully Admonish People Who Have Other Legislative Edeas...

  4. Anonymous5:11 AM

    Non-college white men. I know a few of them.

    On top of the fact that PBO is black. (Oh noooos, the "blah" people are taking over!) That president also let's all of those crack heads and welfare queens take my hard earned tax dollars!!

    Never mind the times I was unemployed and collected, while my live in girlfriend had our baby, paid for by medicaid. And she got WIC and food stamps too. That's why we didn't get married, cause havin' a kid cost a fortune and she wouldn't get all that free stuff if we were married. Then I fell down on the job and got hurt and I couldn't work so I went on disability.

    Well, I'm sure some of the IMers here know the kind of non-college white males I'm talking about....sigh.

  5. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Why ANY woman, black or brown person would vote for ANY Republican is beyond me. They are a horrible party - in Congress as well on the state and local levels.

    Americans need to vote them OUT whenever next possible.

    1. Anonymous1:15 PM

      It started with the election of Reagan........

  6. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Do not underestimate the cognitive dissonance and the self-hatred that so many of the low-information voters have. Also don't discount the MSM; last night on the NBC (not Fox) national news, the earnest reporter spoke with Boehner about how the Democrats are "refusing to talk with" the Republicans and President Obama is "refusing to compromise". Of course this is all a pack of lies, but the low-intelligence, low-information, high-gullibility voters are listening to this and will vote Republican next time. I swear, our country is already living in idiocracy.

  7. Leland6:22 AM

    What bothers me most about this information is the HUGE percentage of people who feel there has been little or no change in the republican party.

    That's actually quite frightening. Can you say "heads up their asses"?

  8. WA Skeptic9:15 AM

    I have to agree with the poster @232 AM: it's only a matter of time before they come for the women's franchise.

    Dump the Tea Party & the GOP

  9. honeybabe9:27 AM

    when the dodo goes extinct there will be champagne corks popping all over the world!

  10. Caroll Thompson1:05 PM

    And don't forget the gays G. The gays ain't a gonna vote for no stinkin' Republicans either.

  11. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    Hell hath no fury.... and they found 14 percent buying what they're selling? Good Luck with finding ONE republican woman who could cogently debate, oh I don't know, Sandra Fluke- and she isn't even running!
    Good luck with the Blahhhh vote, Hispanic Vote, LGBT, and union vote. Add in a great deal of men who "get it".


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.