Thursday, October 17, 2013

In arrogant breach of protocol Ted Cruz "video bombs" Mitch McConnell's big speech.

Courtesy of AmericaBlog:

In what is roundly being taken as a significant breach of protocol, and downright rude, GOP Tea Party Senator, and father of the Republican government shutdown and imminent debt default, Ted Cruz, decided to hold a press conference at the same time that Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell was announcing, and commenting on, the deals of the just-announced budget deal. 

The split screen was on CNN from the first second McConnell started speaking, and at the 8th second CNN dropped McConnell entirely and switched their cameras to Cruz.

Oh snap! Even in a town as jaded as Washington, this shocked the beltway veterans. 

Oh I think that this is going to bite Cruz in the ass big time!

Even though McConnell is in for a big fight to retain his seat I cannot see him letting this slide.

God I love the sound of Republican on Republican eye gouging and hair pulling in the morning.


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    "The Sarah Palin Of The Senate."

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Sarah told Canadian Cruz Control that the Senate Minority Leader's speech was about to begin, so hurry up because they shouldn't let those blah people be in the government, much less allow them to appear on TV.

    2. Anonymous10:23 AM

      "The Sarah Palin Of The Senate."

      Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark!

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM


    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      If that holds true, ole Teddy boy will be quittin' soon.

      For which I would say "yippy yappy yahoooooooeeeee!"


    5. Palin did essentially the same exact thing in August 2011 when she went to the Iowa State Fair and crashed Michele Bachmann's Straw Poll win.

      She did it in June 2011 to Mitt Romney in Massachusetts too. She showed-up in her twice-wrapped tenement on wheels the day Mitt announced his candidacy for President:

      She also "tried" to crash the RNC Convention in 2012 by having her PAC rent space at a nearby Tampa mall that was "conveniently" located near the event... only to be told she was MOST UNWELCOME at the actual venue.

      Cruz tore a page from the Palin playbook and is running with it. He doesn't care who is pisses-off - he's just so dang mavericky, dontcha know!

      "The Sarah Palin Of The Senate" - indeed!!

  2. Rather delightful, no?

    Cruz is a nerd and an immature asshole all rolled into one.

    A big thanks to Harry Reid, and smaller thanks to Mitch McConnell, but he at least knows how to play with others.

  3. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Well, this is additional proof that Cruz and Palin are from the same rotten pea pod. This reminds me of when Palin wanted to give her own concession speech after the 2008 presidential election loss. Luckily, McCain's staff cut her off.

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      You can find many examples of her doing this very thing. She can't stand for anyone else to get attention.

      I feel sure the photo of her pimp giving her a ring (which she doesn't wear?) was because of Katie Couric.

      Sarah really is an idiot!

      Washington Post says Cruz is just like Sarah, only smarter (my dog is smarter than her!)

    2. Anonymous5:49 AM

      And remember her sudden appearance in New Hampshire the day that Romney began his campaign. Cruz and Palin are two peas from a pod.

  4. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Stepping on McConnell's press conference was entirely appropriate. McConnell may have the title but Cruz is clearly the real leader of the senate Republicans.

    1. AKinPA5:53 AM

      So that's why the majority of Senate republicans voted with Cruz? Oh, wait, they didn't, did they? The only ones Cruz is the leader of are those Republican Senators angling for a ride in the 2016 Republican Clown Car vying for the GOP nomination. They're really going to have to ratchet up their game to out- Cruz Cruz.
      Invest in popcorn shares, IMers!

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Only 18 republican senators followed his lead.

      Math, it's a bitch for some people.

  5. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Cruz's arrogance is astounding and will be his downfall. He may be smart, but he ain't too bright.

  6. Cruz is an idiot. I'm not rich & neither are my neighbors -- we all are voted for Obama and are happy.

  7. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Why does no one ask Cruz to PRODUCE the purported MILLIONS of people hurt by Obamacare??

    And why on earth is Congress allowing a freshman Senator such a free reign over the senate and house?


    1. AKinPA6:00 AM

      I know it's a rhetorical question, but...They allow it for the same reason, the GOP never addressed the hatred that was allowed to foment at those Palin rallies in 2008 or the hatred that she has continued to spew ever since. They can't afford to alienate their base base.

    2. Balzafiar6:16 AM

      "And why on earth is Congress allowing a freshman Senator such a free reign over the senate and house?"

      Because he's expendable, to no great loss. That's the way the big boys play -- let someone else take the fall.

    3. Anonymous6:52 AM

      Cruz gets his data from Twitter. Apparently, 1 million people--or is it tweets--are his proof that Obamacare is hurting people. Notice how Cruz is allowed to lie through his teeth and the media eat it up. Look at his arrogant face, basking in the attention. Being smart has nothing to do with it. I think he's mentally ill, and I don't say that lightly, considering I care for someone with a mental illness.

    4. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Millions of people hurt by Obamacare? The insurance policies will not even be effective until 1/1/, obviously his statement is incorrect! He has no proof of a damned thing!

    5. Anonymous11:58 AM

      Balzafiar, I figured they were happy to trot out Palin for exactly the same reason. Somebody has to go down with this turkey ship, quick, round up the biggest losers we can find.

    6. Anonymous12:28 PM

      To 5:34-I noticed the spokespuppet for Heritage keeps referencing United Parcel Service employees are "not able to keep their insurance" blah, blah, blah. Sounds suspicious and no one can produce a single UPS employee to verify. UPS paid Paul Ryan 's wife mega bucks to lobby for them so I smell a rat. A big Republican Rat!


  8. Anonymous5:49 AM

    The media and their constant search for sensationalism and ratings is a big part of the problem in this country

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      I so agree w/you and so does President Obama! That is why he changed who he answers questions to in his Press Conference last week.

      You cannot trust the media OR the Republican politicians!

      They vote one way and declare the exact opposite. Lisa Murkowski is one that did it and is from Alaska.

      What kind of people does Alaska have? I would suggest they watch for whom they vote.

  9. Anonymous6:31 AM


    Arrest and Try House GOP Leadership for Sedition

    1. hedgewytch7:30 AM

      I signed it. Read the wording of the law. Seems pretty clear cut to me that they absolutely engaged in sedition. Credo has a petition too.

    2. Anonymous12:31 PM

      According to one lawyer here in Texas, they have immunity while on the Senate floor. He said, "they could plan a murder there and not be prosecuted"


  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Please forgive my shallowness, Gryph, but he's just SO UGLY!! And his voice is nearly as screechy as the Quitter's. I just can't stand to look at or listen to either one. Both are ugly inside and out.

  11. Sharon7:18 AM

    I watched McConnell on CSPAN so I was lucky not to see this weasel turd from Canada. The problem was McConnells speech sucked as he just stated more of the same....they will never stop trying to get rid of Obamacare which is the worst law in the history of the world and will ruin our economy. This right after Reid was so gracious praising him about working this out together. Never mind these assholes cost this country BILLIONS! McConnell also slipped in an earmark worth billions for building a dam in Kentucky. You wonder why that scumbag was smiling?? You can just hear his campaign ads for next year....the savior of the shutdown, what a crock of shit..

    1. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Sharon, I wish you all would stop blaming Canada for being responsible for this weasel turd. Just because we had the misfortune of having this imbecile being born here doesn't mean we were the ones who elected him to public office and gave him a political arena from which to spout his vile rhetoric. That nasty deed took place in the U.S. of A.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Sharon, why not blame Cuba instead of Canada? Canadian do not accept Cruz and would not have voted him into public office. The American people, well teabaggers, are responsible for this mess.

    3. Anonymous11:03 AM

      9:27, I so agree with you. As if good ole murica doesn't have it's very own giant shit wagon over flowing with turds piled a mile high.

      And what do we do with our very own? Make them politicians, preachers, and corporate masters. The creepier the better.

      I don't blame Canada at all. Want me to start naming our fuck ups? All of them, any of them? They've been reproducing here for centuries. So it could take me a month or two just to get a good start.

  12. cckids7:44 AM

    I have no sympathy for McConnell, as he's shown himself to be a complete fool, but wow.

    Still, it's no wonder that Cruz acts like this. After all, he's been hanging around with Palin, who approves of him completely. Neither of them begins to understand the word "classy".

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Plus, Cruz gets away with it because the media dotes on his every word and deed and the party leaders do not seem to have any power to block his stupidity, cluelessness, and plain old need to be front and center. He needs to go away, far far far away!

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      It is rather odd that Cruz, who is reported to have been such an uppity snob in college, berating others for not attending the "right" Ivy, would lower himself to hang out with Mrs. Palin. Can you even imagine how horrified he must be by her lack of intelligence and manners? Enemy of my enemy is my friend, that has to be it.

      He's got Palin poop on his shoes now and it takes a lot more than your average bootscraper to get that shit off. Good luck Ted, even if you throw those shoes away you'll find you still have a little Palin spoor on the cuff of your pants.

  13. What a smug, condescending piece of shit! He and Sarah are two peas in a pod. I'm wondering if he will somehow try to pull off a fake pregnancy!

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      haha. With hips like that it should be an easy delivery

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Ted does have a very feminine body structure, actually more feminine than Mrs. Palin. I'd have to guess too much hormone-laden meat in his diet during his formative years. I betcha he's sportin' a mean set of moobs. Who's got the rack now, Sarah?

  14. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Here's what Cruz has to lose:
    Committee on Armed Services
    Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities
    Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support
    Subcommittee on Seapower
    Committee on the Judiciary
    Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights (Ranking Member)
    Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism
    Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security
    Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
    Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
    Subcommittee on Science and Space (Ranking Member)
    Committee on Rules and Administration
    Special Committee on Aging
    C'mon, Mitch how us he hasn't got something on you.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Maybe if the GOP removed him from all these committees, and refused to seat him in any at all, he would get the message.

  15. BluDragon8:45 AM

    One thing that has struck me during the last 2 weeks. Whenever Cruz is speaking at a microphone,,,,,,,he looked mighty pleased with himself. Full of bombast and arrogance. Smug.
    Now I don't think for a minute that he has a long-term plan where he comes out smelling like a rose. But he clearly thinks this was all good for him. Only problem is, his name recognition may have risen, which was what he was going for, but he made an awful lot of enemies (both sides of the aisle) along the way. I don't think his "name recognition" will be enough to overcome the stink that just attached itself to him. He probably thinks so, but then he is clearly as deluded as the rest of the Tea Party idiots.
    Seriously, did he not read "Green Eggs and Ham" all the way to the end before he used it as an allegory? Idiot.
    I recently read something about his father...don't have a link, sorry, but his father seems to have raised him to be a "savior" or some such absurdity. He should just leave the Senate now and go start the mega-church, 'cause he'll never be president.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Sarah Palin also has high name recognition. That guarantees she will never be elected to office. A great majority of the people who know her name know that she's an idiot.

  16. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Palin / Cruz 2016

    1. Loser, loser, loser. The patriots won. Get over it, traitor.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      A great winning ticket.

    3. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Third-party ticket, yea, that's the ticket.
      Run baby, run!

    4. Anonymous12:14 PM

      10:54 Cruz is not that stupid to run on a Quitter/Loser Ticket.

    5. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Yes indeed, I'd love to see Palin/Cruz go all out Ralph Nader on the GOP in 2016. Wasting your vote for ideological reasons is always a good political position, not.

    6. Anita Winecooler7:01 PM

      Yeah, that's the ticket!

      Whatever happened to Joe Isuzu?

  17. Anonymous12:07 PM

    It's a leading headline on Is Cruz the male Sarah Palin?
    bah hah hah hah hah.

  18. Methinks some good ol' Republican boys are going to be taking Teddy behind the woodshed for a proper whuppin'.

    Ted Cruz has done more damage to the Republican Party than rAyn or Cantor or anyone else. Not only will he lose his bid for re-election, but he'll be losing the Republican Party enough seats in both the House and the Senate for them to lose their majority.

    He needs be to taken down AND out. And I'll bet there are some senior congressmen that will do just that. They have more connections with more money than Ted Cruz could ever hope for. Cruz probably thinks he's got the Republican nomination for 2016 locked up over this whole debacle. He is just that deluded.

    Unfortunately we'll never see him get his ass handed to him.


    Would have been a popcorn moment.

  19. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Raphael Eduardo Cruz is a breach of everything decent and civil.

  20. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I know Cruz can't help it; he was born with that face. However he is looking more and more like a puppet every day. His bulbous chin and growing pointy nose is a dead give away.

  21. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    Poor Mitch, he does all the grovelling, and Cruz gets the spotlight.

    Guess the freshman senator has no clue about "protocol".

    All one can do is point and laugh.


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