Thursday, October 17, 2013

New poll shows that support for the Tea Party at record low. This low even lower than the LAST record low.

Courtesy of The Hill:  

Support for the Tea Party has reached its lowest point ever, as a growing number of Republicans now hold a negative view of the movement, according to a Pew survey released on Wednesday. 

Forty-nine percent of the public have a negative view of the Tea Party, up from 37 percent in June and nearly double from where it stood in the early days of the movement, the poll found. 

Only 30 percent said they have a favorable view of the Tea Party, down from 37 percent in June. 

While the Tea Party has long been viewed unfavorably by Democrats and independents, the latest Pew survey found that Republicans have turned sharply against the group. Only 27 percent of centrist and liberal Republicans view the movement favorably, a 19-point drop from 46 percent in June. 

In addition, non-Tea Party Republicans are increasingly likely to say that the Tea Party is not even associated with the GOP. While 41 percent of Tea Partyers say they identify as Republicans, only 27 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans say the movement is a part of the GOP. 

"Only 27 percent of centrist and liberal Republicans view the movement favorably?" So much for Ted Cruz's chances of being the Republican candidate in 2016.


  1. London Bridges6:45 AM

    The new Carrie movie is out! Julianne Moore reprises her role as Sarah Palin by playing Carrie's scary mother! Talk about type casting. An Oscar performance?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

      Saw a preview of it last week in the theater. Lets just say, they had to use much more time and effort to tr ansform Julianne into "Game Change" Sarah.
      But her acting ability in Carrie looks like the role of the mother has much more depth... and yes, another Oscar Role if the little I saw matters.

      Moore is truly talented.

  2. Sharon6:56 AM

    This is sooooo rich! Watching Paul Ryan stand next to Patty Murray and with a straight face that we are talking we can work out the differences in our budgets. Patty Murray standing there not screaming.....I have been begging to talk to you guys since April....18 times asking for this conference. These scumbag Repubs all act like heroes that a deal is reached, all because of them. I hope the dems truly crucify these assholes during the next election cycle.

  3. I wonder if the Koch Brothers will cut their losses and walk away now that they’ve been exposed as the men behind this disaster, or if they’ll continue to throw money at the shit-stirrers and bomb-throwers just to be disagreeable.

    My husband pointed something out years ago. His mother, once a Democrat, had a stroke of luck and married a successful man. Her nose shot into the air. Less fortunate people “weren’t trying.” Still, she resented the small successes of others, since it made her wealth less spectacular. Multiply that by a million, and you have the Koch Brothers and their ilk. It seems to be human nature, so we’re not done with this fight.

    1. They've already hired PR to spin this into deniability and distance themselves. You know what happens when you have obscene amounts of money; you can get away with anything.

  4. Anonymous7:32 AM

    President Obama should bayonet the wounded Teatards by hanging a "Mission Accomplished" banner on the White House.

    Unfortunately though, Carnival Cruz Lines is now selling tickets for another 16 day cruise to nowhere on the SS Ship of Fools this coming January.

  5. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Love that poster!

  6. And to those that are finally realizing that this is a whacko organization full of nutjobs whose only objective is to destroy our country.....TOLD YOU SO!

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Dear Teabagger up the street who just took his "Don't Tread on Me" flag down,

    Sucks to be you. Pound sand, asshole.

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Are those flags suitable for diapers? On second thought, maybe they wouldn't be thick enough to absorb all the piss & crap these folks are full of.

  8. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Way to go, Sarah Palin! They couldn't have done it without cha! Give yourself a pat on the back, girlfriend!

    PS That graphic is brilliant!

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    I was literally thinking about designing such a meme, but with the ending of a terrifying, horrifying crime against humanity - scenes of the gunmen at the Westgate Mall in Kenya last month.

    What it comes down to is this, none of us are safe with the unilateral actions of an unrecognized militia - or simply guys with guns, we don't know if they are good or bad.

  10. Beldar j Conehead8:59 AM

    That's right, Gryphen, you just go right ahead with your smug mockery (or is it mock smuggery??) and your snarky attacks on the Tea Baggin' Patriotic Party. Such typical hypocrisy from you libtards. You all talk about compassion yet how often do you really demonstrate real compassion in your daily lives? My guess? NEVER!

    Case in point: you talk about compassion for the mentally ill. But how often do you actually elect people with advanced mental illness to high public office? Right. The answer is NEVER! (Sure, there are arguably some close calls.... but still...)

    Over here at the Tea Baggin' Patriotic Party we make mental illness a REQUIREMENT not just to run for office, but to even be a member!

    In other severe conservative news, read how Shrub's own Turd Blossom claims President Obama 'set a trap' for the intellectually inferior GOP over the shutdown/debt ceiling confrontation which ended in a predictably humiliating defeat for the party that brought the proverbial Number 2 pencil to a gun fight.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      You're getting too good at this, BJ. Or if RAM is sitting on you over there, while Baldy has hijacked your keyboard, flash us an SOS. We'll send over a couple of reporters and a cam crew from NYT and WaPo. That'll send Baldy crawling and RAM waddling back to AZ.

      Don't threaten to call the IRS. Baldy would probably burn down your house, her signature M.O.

  11. Anonymous9:04 AM

    That there is still one out of three Americans who haven't figured out that the Tea Party is nothing but a bunch of traitors, claiming to be patriots and "christians" is pathetic.

    What does it TAKE with some people?

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      These are the same people who proudly proclaim they "don't believe in Darwin's nonsense", so I'd say that even observable fact isn't enough.

      Just as you can't prove a negative--you can't disprove a fairy tale.---Julie

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Not one in three Americans, but one in three Republicans, big diff.

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    They are absolutely losing it at the pond. Now when all else fails they are rewriting election results:

    Jthom26837 • 5 hours ago −
    Good Morning Fellow Palinistas,

    I'm in a terrible rut right this morning, at least I say that after the GOPe duped us all again. Well, I can only come up with two (2) positive thoughts to consider. Both involve our patriot warrior princess, Sarah Palin:

    1.) Steve Lonegan won The U.S Senate seat out of New Jersey. The seat previously held by The late Frank Lautenburg. Sarah Palin's batting a thousand when it comes to endorsements. Believe me it's becoming a thorn on the establishments' side.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      The Battle is not over, Racists like Sarah(I LIKE BLACK DICKS) Palin and her Uneducated followers never stop their Hatred of those that they are JEALOUS OF.

  13. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Palin, Cruz and Bachmann have set the bar so low they will have trouble slithering under it on their next turn. I'd suggest they liquify and just ooze under.

  14. Be sure to take a look at Rachel Maddow's wonderful shutdown graphic at HuffPo.

    "What they asked for/What the got"

  15. Does this mean they're waking up?????

  16. Anita Winecooler7:18 PM

    And "The Winner", Ted Cruz, was filmed "welcoming" WW2 vets into the newly re opened WW2 Vet memorial which the teatards caused to be closed then used it to demonstrate how unpatriotic President Obama is.
    They're spinning this as a "Win", in a Sarah Palin kind of alternate reality. Even Ryan made an appearance after hiding out for sooooo long.


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