Monday, October 21, 2013

In the middle of speech about fixing the Affordable Care website, the President reaches back and catches young woman about to faint. Doesn't miss a beat.

Did you see that?

The man senses something wrong behind him in the middle of this incredibly important speech and literally catches her with one hand.

The man is the very epitome of cool.

However not everybody sees it that way, as one Right Wing blog titled it "President’s Speech Defending Obamacare Nearly Kills Innocent Woman."

Yes nothing partisan about that!


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    he has a heart like no other.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Gorge W. Bush would have laughed nervously and accused the young woman of trying to grab attention from him.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Worse, Bush would have not ewven known what was going on behind him, and unless she fell onto him, would have just kept blathering away.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Well Alex jones is claiming it was "faked" or set up.
      What a bunch of clowns.

    3. Anonymous10:22 AM

      What is the back story on the girl anyway? Is she sick?
      Is she waiting to get on Obamacare?

    4. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Had it been the Quitter, I'm sure that he would had let her hit her big head on the floor.

    5. Anonymous12:25 PM

      There was a patch on the back of her arm.

      Quitting smoking?

      Those patches are intense.

      But people can often faint if they lock their knees and stand too long without moving. Plus add that you are on global tv...

    6. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

      She's pregnant and diabetic, according to Alex Wagner. She was checked out, given a snack and she's fine. I'm sure being caught by the commander in chief went a long way to making her feel better.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Bless him, he's such a good hearted guy who has been called every name in the book.

  4. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "This happens when I talk to long." Omg, I got such a smile on my face :) I really regret not being able to meet him in person. He seems like such a caring person who's not afraid to make fun of himself <3 good on you, Mr President

  5. Olivia9:27 AM

    The next thing you will see from these idiots is that he staged it to look like a hero.
    I am so fucking tired of the mindless baseless opposition and obstruction.

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Karmel Allison @karmel_a

      I'm ok world- just got a little lightheaded.Thanks, @BarackObama for catching me! And good thing, this pregnant diabetic is pregnant :)
      10:11 AM - 21 Oct 2013

  6. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Sarah Palin would have called for security to get her out of here, she's taking the attention away from 'me me me'.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Sarah wouldn't even have noticed the young women swaying and probably slightly groaning behind her. She is not wired that way. The woman stuck a pillow in her panties and thought it looked like a 7 monhts pregnancy. She is clueless.

  7. Great catch, Mr. President!
    Stinky Sarah would have snarled at her and said; "Buck up or stay in the truck"!

  8. Anonymous9:42 AM

    What an act
    Completely staged to make
    The Kenyan Muslim Socialist look good
    and forget about the failure of Obamacare

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      A scenario that only makes sense in your fevered brain.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      9:42 AM The Skanky Stinky A.I.P. Traitorous Pimp's Wife is still dreaming of some Black Dick. She is tiring of all of the Bastard Grand children popped out frequently by Bristol and Willow.

    3. Cracklin Charlie10:00 AM

      How dare you! Have you ever felt faint? Have you ever helped anyone who fainted?

      If I was your momma, I would slap you silly. Just go away, you heartless cretin!

    4. Bull, Anon 9:42, bull.

      The woman was pale and shaky--most likely a recent recipient of some fairly major health care, I'd wager, because I recognized the medical patch attached to her upper arm.

      Of course, if you enjoy watching sick people fall to the ground, uncared-for and kicked into the gutters to die, you are SOL. Because that won't happen if our amazing President Obama has anything to say about it. And he is both eloquent and effective on the issue of health care.

    5. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Oh fuck off, 9:42 AM. Your ignorance is long past tiring.

    6. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Yes, right, sure, exactly. Just like Dr. CBJ staged being Sarah's high risk obstetrician, even though she was not qualified nor insured to practice as such. All staged, to make Sarah look like the bestest right to life momma in the whole wide world.

    7. Anonymous@9:42 -- Really? Are you that cynical? How sad for you.

    8. Leland10:13 AM

      Well, Olivia, you called it!

    9. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Dat you Sarah? Yeah, you would know about "staging" now wouldn't you? You who "staged" your fake pregnancy. Go away you idiot and go do something useful like washing out your wigs...jerk!

    10. Anonymous10:24 AM

      Bristol, honey, you really do have to spend more time in school. Oh, wait, that was a poetry assignment that you must handed in? Was that your first attempt at writing a haiku? You missed.

      And the other point is that if that poor woman had a good health plan, maybe she wouldn't have fainted.

    11. angela10:25 AM

      Ahhhhhhh, you guys wouldn't hate it so much if it wasn't so good. Those website glitches giving you a happy? A website isn't the actually insurance you poor moron.
      I no longer have to pay $600+ a month. Got it down to $327. I love our Kenyan Muslim Socialist POTUS. Woo hoo!

    12. Obamacare has not failed, you stupid fool. But you just keeping telling yourself that, Sparky. After all, believing what they wanted to believe instead of the truth is what lost republicans the presidential race.

      Also, you'd best read (although it is evident that you can't) about the Medicare D roll out. Now, did you criticize that also?

      By the way, you really need to go back and read the bible (although I know you haven't read it any more than you have the constitution). Why do you insist on violating Ex. 20:16?

      Not very Christian of you, is it?

      Every comment you make proves your stupidity and inability to grasp simple facts. Also that you a liar, a hypocrite, and hoping to see America destroyed. Shame on you.

    13. eclecticsandra11:59 AM

      You make silly accusations and expect to have some credibility?

    14. Anonymous12:16 PM

      @9:42 AM:

      Staged $arah Palin events:

      Staged pregnancy, staged trip to Cuba, staged bus tour, staged photo-ops with Trig, staged photo-op of Bri$tol giving Tripp a bath while wearing fancy clothes, staged situations to make it look like $arah Palin knows how to aim, and fire a rifle, etc. "What an act!"

      Obamacare is not a "failure," the LAW works just fine! The website is not the law. Conservatives can't find any REAL problems with the Obamacare LAW, so instead they are bitching about glitches (that can be fixed) on a website!

      The bitching from Teathuglicans about a fucking website, is nothing but a distraction to get people to forget about the FAILURE of the inbred, fascist, Nazi, white-trash, that is the republican party, and the Teathuglicans' wasteful $24 billion dollar government shutdown!

      Obamacare is still more popular than the Tea Party!

      P.S., FUCK OFF!

    15. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Yessiree! Staged by a PREGNANT woman with TYPE 2 DIABETES. In fact she tweeted that she is ok, and thanked the President for catching her since she IS pregnant. The idea of a women who is visibly pregnant, faking falling down is ludicrous, but then so are you and your ignorant claims.

      And yes, she is very much looking forward to signing up for OBAMACare so she can reduce her premiums, since she has felt locked into her current insurance provider since she has a 'pre-existing condition' which will NO LONGER BE AN ISSUE for her with OBAMACare.

      So you fail.

    16. Anonymous3:10 PM

      9:42 AM President Obama has more intelligence and Common Sense than 3 generations of your Trailer Trash Family, FACT.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    No matter how continually our wonderful President does things - the right cannot give him one once of credit! They are friggin' idiots and will lose the House - betcha!!

    I'm sure the woman was thankful President Obama supported her! Amazing how aware he is of his surroundings while giving such an important and outstanding speech.

    His health care insurance will end up being as outstanding as is Medicare! Betcha!!!!!!

  10. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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    Our President is so gray! It made me tear up to see how much he's aged in office.

    I am immeasurably grateful he is willing to take on the burdens of this office.
    I know the ACA sign up issues are critical but I trust this president to mobilize the resources to fix the problems. He understands that people's lives are at stake.

    1. Hee. I had trouble posting. Looks like an infiltration of Palin word sausage.

    2. hedgewytch11:03 AM

      Yep, the The Office of the POTUS definitely takes it out of a guy. Look at each of the past Pres's, especially the ones who served two terms, and see how fast that grey comes in! I noticed Pres. Obama starting to get grey within his 2nd year. He'll be totally white headed by the time 2016 rolls around!

    3. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      I follow "The Obama Diary", and am amazed at how much work he accomplishes day to day. Being the leader of the free world and having to deal with domestic pedantic house turkeys all the time Does take a toll.
      But no matter how grey he gets, he's still handsome, smart and quick on his feet.

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Now That's Obamacare!!

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Good one! I hope I have that good of coverage, too!

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      Hahaha! I would have loved being the recipient of that Obamacare. I wish I could meet him and if I did I would probably faint too. What a man!

    3. Anonymous1:33 PM


      Nope, I think that's actually ObamaCares!

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    President Obama is cool. BUT, more importantly he is a gentleman and a caring human being. That underlies everything he does.

  13. Anonymous10:23 AM

    President Obama is criticized for everything. He could give her mouth to mouth rescucitation and the right would accuse him of having an affair.

  14. Anonymous10:24 AM

    9:42 I hope you're kidding. And try using periods to end your sentences. Makes me think a Palin wrote the post.

    1. He can't. No one has explained the little dot on the keyboard and what it is for.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

      The Palins always miss their periods.

  15. Gee, where is George Zimmerman when you don't need him?

  16. Anonymous10:35 AM

    If I weren't faint already, feeling President Obama's arm around me and hearing him say "You're ok, I gotcha" would positively make me swoon.

    And I bet he checked up on that young woman after he finished his speech.

  17. Anonymous10:56 AM

    His has super awareness (!); to see what was going on behind him, to be so connected ... Amazing human being on many levels. - There are real screwed up factions in our country that get a lot of airtime, but then I remember that he won both terms by a landslide - despite voter suppresion, etc-- So there is hope that the majority of Americans are not idiots.

  18. Anonymous11:05 AM

    ...perhaps this kindness makes up for all our warriors killed as a result of the fake Bin Laden raid, his greatest accomplishment, right. Pat him on the back for Bengazi terror. If only you knew better, you wouldn't mistake a terrorist with a hero.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      11:05 AM Krusty? Or is it the Pimp's Wife Drugged out Sarah Palin? What has Sarah Palin done for anyone other than her Family of Criminals and Drug users?

    2. Loosen up to the tinfoil, you cretinous ass.

      We do know better than you, obviously.

    3. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Sick and tired of all you so called patriots and your fake love for the military. If you love the military so much, why don't you join up or better yet, go volunteer to help the veterans or bring homeless vet into your home and help them to get back on their feet. Fake ass patriot. Fuck. Off.

    4. Anonymous12:43 PM

      11:05 AM:

      What "warriors" were killed during the "fake" Bin Laden raid?

      LOL! The poor wittle wepublicans are still having butt-hurt over President Obama getting Osama Bin Laden! You WISH the Bin Laden raid was fake! You can't stand that the black guy (Obama), got him, and the white guy (Bush) let him get away!

      Unless you have proof of that the Bin Laden raid was "fake" (which you DON'T), it's been long past time for you to put up, or shut-up!

      And, FYI: According historians, President Obama is the most legislatively accomplished president since Franklin Roosevelt. Not that you care. President Obama is more accomplished than the Quitter Queen from Alaska!

      $arah Palin's biggest "accomplishment" is that she can see Russia from Alaska! If only you knew better, and you weren't such a narrow-minded, cynical, racist asshole, you wouldn't mistaken a terrorist for "patriot!"

      There is NOTHING George W. Bush could ever do to make up for the 3,000 who died on 9/11 because of his incompetence, and all the thousands of people who died in Iraq because of his lies, and the thousand more who died during Hurricane Katrina, as the result of even more of his shitty incompetence!

    5. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Seymour Hersh knows the same and even Gryph will back his old school journalism. Check it out. Bin Laden raid faked! We're f'ed with these liars, killers, and thieves hijacking our country and they're getting stronger thanks to our inaction as citizens.

    6. Anonymous3:01 PM

      1:16 PM We are in more danger of Alaskan Sex Traffickers like Todd Palin the A.I.P. Secessionist who the Wasilla Skank married after getting Pregnant by Curt Menard. How are those Fake Family Values 'treatin' ya, Sarah?

    7. Anonymous3:05 PM

      11:05 AM Those Voices in your head are getting louder. You are due for a session with Pastor Muthee the Witch Doctor of the Palin Family. Exorcise those Demons of Hatred and Stupidity.

    8. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Dang. Even with all of the advantages that I had growing up my parents tried really hard to teach us not to play the "class card" but really, we need a better class of trolls 'round here because the ones that we have are becoming rather tedious.

    9. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM

      How's that stair lift working out in your bungalow?

  19. Anonymous11:17 AM

    According to a story on HuffPo, the young woman has Type 1 diabetes. (My 13-year old is an insulin-dependent Type 1 diabetic. Drops in blood sugar can happen rather quickly. Wonder if that's what affected the woman who almost fainted.) Glad that she's ok, and our President, as usual, handled the situation very well.

  20. Auntie Ruth11:18 AM

    She has had type 1 diabetes since childhood and is now pregnant according to an item on HuffPost

  21. Situational awareness. POTUS haz it.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      While giving a speech, he was able to sense the distress of someone directly behind him, turn and assist, comfort the woman, and then direct others to take over. He then continued with his remarks, all without missing a beat.

      Gee, pretty amazing for someone the right claims is so married to his teleprompter he can't speak or think without it!

  22. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Mr. Obama is my hero!
    Listen to his voice, look at his face, feel his presence.
    He is the Man, and I am totally grateful to have him as our President.

  23. Anonymous12:09 PM

    That lady who almost fainted, had the same look on her face, that Megyn Kelly had, while she was listening to Madame Dumbass answer her question the other night. Had she fainted, the Bitch would have asked Roger Ailes for her own show.

  24. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Listening to Obama makes most people sick.
    Nothing new to see here.

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Your side is losing.
      Which means America is winning.
      Most people hate the tea party (american taliban)
      Most people hate republicans
      Thousands and thousands have signed a petition to arrest republicans for treason
      Are you also a traitor to our country?
      Braindead teabagger spews intelligible nonsense.
      Nothing new to see here indeed.

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      12:19 PM:

      Listening to $arah Palin make some people want to shoot people in the head. Just ask Gabby Giffords!

    3. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Haven't you seen the polls? Republicans controlling congress is making people even SICKER! Most people would rather hear President Obama talk about Obamacare, than listen to some Tea Party asshole, like YOU!

    4. You lie.

      You want children kicked off their parents' insurance.
      You want sick people who have paid their premiums to be subject to an arbitrary cap on benefits, that will cause their death.
      You want people to be denied insurance by insurance company death panels for pre-existing conditions.
      You want America to continue to have sky health costs, without an accompanying healthy population.
      You want people to go bankrupt through medical expenses.
      You want people to choose between their health and putting food on the table.

      You are a terrible person.

      President Obama was elected twice with over 50% of the votes. Most of us want to hear him. Un-American losers such as you do not.

    5. Anonymous2:55 PM

      12:19 PM Listening to 'PRESIDENT OBAMA' makes most REDNECKS sick, because they can't handle the Truth. Does your posting make you feel like a Big Girl? Teach your 'Active' Daughters to keep their Legs closed and stop Breeding like Rabbits.

    6. Anonymous3:39 PM

      People like 12:19 keep quiet when their side is winning and their extreme vocal outrage is simply a sign that our side is winning. The outrage they spout acts like a "poll" and the more they whinge and beat fists and rend garments the better WE feel, We The People Whose Votes Elected Obama and a Democratic Senate feel secure in our future and the governance that WE THE MAJORITY voted into office.

      That being said, suck it troll and collect your 10 cents per word and your Food Stamps and Welfare, all the while complaining about it.

  25. Punkinbugg1:13 PM

    Of course, the Washington Times (a conservative rag) reported on the story with the headline, "Caution: Obamacare may cause fainting" Caution: Don't read the comments below the article. Gross.

  26. Anonymous1:39 PM

    NBC reports, Obama was well into his speech, saying, “That’s why we fought so hard to pass this law, to give people who don’t have health insurance the chance to get it for the first time, to lift from the American people the crushing burden of unaffordable healthcare, to free families from the pervasive fear that one illness….”

    At that point, the woman swayed and seemed to struggle to stay on her feet. Obama turned to her and supported her, saying, “I got you, you’re OK.”

    Obama quipped, “This happens when I talk too long.”

    The woman, Karmel Allison is from San Diego.

    “The White House said Allison was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was nine years old, and has stayed on the same insurance ever since out of fear she would not be able to find a plan that would cover her due to her pre-existing condition,” NBC reports.

    Allison is the science editor of A Sweet Life, a blog about diabetes care.

  27. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I love our POTUS !

  28. Anonymous2:33 PM

    President Obama Shatters The Great Republican Lie: The ACA Isn’t About a Website

    ' PRESIDENT OBAMA: Now, let me close by addressing some of the politics that have swirled around the Affordable Care Act. I recognize that the Republican Party has made blocking the Affordable Care Act its signature policy idea. Sometimes it seems to be the one thing that unifies the party these days. (Laughter.) In fact, they were willing to shut down the government and potentially harm the global economy to try to get it repealed. And I’m sure that given the problems with the website so far, they’re going to be looking to go after it even harder. And let’s admit it — with the website not working as well as it needs to work, that makes a lot of supporters nervous because they know how it’s been subject to so much attack, the Affordable Care Act generally.

    But I just want to remind everybody, we did not wage this long and contentious battle just around a website. That’s not what this was about. (Applause.) We waged this battle to make sure that millions of Americans in the wealthiest nation on Earth finally have the same chance to get the same security of affordable quality health care as anybody else. That’s what this is about. (Applause.) And the Affordable Care Act has done that.

    People can now get good insurance. People with preexisting conditions can now afford insurance. And if the launch of this website proves anything, it’s that people across the country don’t just need that security, they want that security. They want it. (Applause.) And in the meantime — I’ve said many times — I’m willing to work with anyone on any idea to make this law perform even better. But it’s time for folks to stop rooting for its failure, because hardworking, middle-class families are rooting for its success. (Applause.) And if the product is good, they’re willing to be patient.'

    Republicans have been trying to make Obamacare all about the website not working as well as it should. They have adopted this talking point to try to discourage people from signing up for the ACA, and to distract from the real purpose of the health care reform law, which is to provide the uninsured with access to affordable health care.

  29. The trolls infecting the conversation here at IM are especially evil and nasty today, after the diabetic pregnant Karmel Allison nearly fainted at President Obama's Obamacare event in the Rose Garden.

    It's sometimes very hard for me to believe ordinary people can be that vicious and stupid. I guess (and I'm glad for this) I just don't see stupid people like them in my life.

    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      KaJo I was thinking the same thing. Or if I do run into such vicious ignorant cretins at least they keep their mouths shut. If these trolls really believe what they say it's an indictment of our educational system. They have no critical thinking skills at all.

  30. Beldar J Conehead6:17 PM

    Imagine that: our president is the cat's pajamas!.

    Seriously, Gryphen, can you do something about the smell around here? Hang up an air freshener or a dozen? Better yet, how about taking down the 'tea baggin' morans welcome' sign? They apparently think you mean it. Yuck.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

      Excellent Idea!
      Perhaps Virtual clothes pins? Too many different scents would make the place smell like a bordello (I mean what I think a bordello smells like)

  31. Anita Winecooler7:06 PM

    After he caught the woman, I was waiting for him to sing some Al Green, you know, to make a pregnant woman's day.
    He did great. He took each GOP whine and addressed it while owning the problem and promising to fix it. Dividing the product from the website was a smart move.
    The Correspondent's meeting with Jay Carney was poetry in motion. LOD did a great spot on it. Jay answered the guys question, and he came back with "I don't understand that", (the states that didn't opt for medicare expansion issue). so he repeated it.. It's the reporters job to research his questions, and this guy was clueless on the law, the dates, etc.

  32. Anonymous7:32 PM

    As a diabetic,I appreciate this! Thank you President Obama. I know how she felt. When your blood sugar drops to low, you feel awful, pass out can have a seizure. Not fun.

  33. I just can't wait for the 2014 elections when Democrats will take over the House and retain the Senate and our President will be able to do even more than what he has been able to do so far, even with the most incredible obstruction ever experienced by a U.S. President. He will be strong and unyielding, as he showed us he has learned to be through the shutdown and debt ceiling fiascos, and he will no longer be concerned about trying to be inclusive of the Republicans, who have proven themselves to be uncaring, unprincipled, unpatriotic idiots. We really have to work toward this, as our President deserves so much better than he's gotten in this job. It saddens me to think of how he and Michelle must have to explain so many crazy, cruel things to their daughters. We are so, so lucky to have him and his family in the White House; he makes me proud to be an American.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.