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Okay THAT was great.
I swear that Jon Stewart sometimes seems to have a better research staff than even Rachel Maddow.
And he is dead on to use Sarah Palin to shame John McCain and leave him much of the blame for the creation of the rabid Teabaggers that have virtually destroyed the Republican party.
Man if that isn't the truth....lol, the 2 biggest hypocrites on the planet!!!! It is kinda fun watching these assholes destroy each other, as long as we don't have another shutdown. I have faith for this midterm....I was very nervous about Obama's 2nd election, but the country came through. I really think the majority of people have really had it with the GOP...period. Even though we lost the congress with over a million more votes, we now need about 3 million more to override the gerrymandering bullshit. I hope the Dems really pour on the campaign reminders...there are loads and sure to have more before Nov 2014.
ReplyDeleteYou just need to add that snarling pic of Sarah at the end...priceless.
ReplyDeleteWhich one? My fave is the original breakout of the Belmont girls with the goofy blue denim hat.
DeleteI blame McCain for allowing himself to become so desperate to win the Presidency that he would endanger the country by picking Palin for VP. But, I think the real creators of the Tea Party are the Koch Brothers. Huffington Post has a great article on this by Eric Zuesse:
It's an interesting article. The Koch's are the real danger to America and to democracy. I'm sure there's a link between the Koch's and SP. Someone will eventually uncover it.
Maybe mcstupid is tied to the kock twins. We know how greedy and self-serving he is.
DeleteDamn, was he spot on...love him giving national highlight to the mess McCain and Rove help create by bringing the 'idiot' (Sarah Palin) to the national scene.
ReplyDeleteIt's been nothing more than a friggin' mess and she should be in jail for treason!!!
Jail for treason. Yes, and the whole bunch should be doing time for any number of their crimes. When the old coot is dead his part in cover ups will be revealed. He needs to be called out, scrutinized and investigated NOW. Don't wait until he is dead.
DeleteThe real "papas" of the "Tea Party" are the Koch Brothers, founders of Americans for Prosperity without which there would have been no "Tea Party." Karl Rove and John McCain are uncles.
Remember that the Kochs' father founded the John Birch Society. We're talking about generations, decades, of nativist, isolationist, know-nothlnglsm bankrolled by a tlny handful of plutocrats. And a willing gaggle of pathetic followers have always bought into the craziness, out of greed or sheer ignorance.
DeleteStewart absolutely hits the nail on the head. Unleashing Palin's idiot jibber-jabber on the recently formed tea bagger movement doomed every election since 2008. Join that mess to the deranged "fair and balanced" tv "news" presentations, and you have the current disastrous government situation we are now living through.
ReplyDeleteThe height of hypocrisy:
ReplyDeletePeter Schweizer was on SarahPAC's payroll.
Palin's most recent Facebook rant: Here’s my review of Peter Schweizer’s new book “Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets”
"On May 3, 2011, Schweizer was hired as a foreign policy adviser to former Republican Governor of Alaska and Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin."
Peter Schweizer
2613 Sadie Lane
Tallahassee FL 32312-5110
0 6 1 1 2 0 1 1
Research Consulting
Peter Schweizer is a shitty teacher, because his client apparently didn't learn a goddamn thing from his ghostwritten articles on her behalf. Sarah was just shuckin' and jivin' with the cash in her PAC.
DeletePeter Schweizer
Delete2613 Sadie Lane
Tallahassee FL 32312-5110
06/11/2011 = $10,000
07/01/2011 = $10,000
07/27/2011 = $10,000
09/13/2011 = $10,000
09/28/2011 = $10,000
10/27/2011 = $10,000
11/28/2011 = $10,000
01/03/2012 = $10,000
01/30/2012 = $10,000
02/29/2012 = $7,500
04/02/2012 = $3,750
To the tune of at least $101,250 for less than one year of "consulting".
The word sausage becomes more and more understood, albeit BATSHIT CRAZY! How DUMB do they think we are??
DeleteGotta wonder if he's one (or several) of the cheerleading socks at the Asylum.
DeleteOnce upon a time, the religious right towered over American politics. Sarah Palin is their rock bottom. And rock bottom is where they will remain as long as Palin is perceived to be their de facto leader,
ReplyDeleteHow much grass roots traction would Cruz have received if he wasn't holding hands with Sarah? I don't know, and I'm glad I didn"t have to find out.
Palin could not get the job done in the Alaskan Senate race. She lost to a historic write-in candidate. Try spelling Murkowski correctly.
Palin has been politically infertile for a long time.
Why would any Democrat want the conflagration that is Palin shutdown?
Seriously, I want to know why.
Palin is the gaffe that keeps on giving.
I wish that there was a "like" button here. The gaffe that keeps on giving! Perfect!
DeleteYou know she doesn't believe nor understand a thing she's saying. She didn't even graduate college. Just a puppet, hence the word sausage. Amusing as hell to watch her go off.
DeleteStewart hung Sarah around McCain's neck where she rightfully belongs. She's the monster that *you* created, Doctor Franken-maverick. It's your job to destroy her, finally.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping you saw the Daily Show last night. Jon nailed it! If you didn't see Rachel Maddow, look that up. Apparently the GOP wanted to use John McAfee as their "expert" for the heath care website congressional hearings they're holding. That proves they never venture outside their bubble for news. If they did, they'd know Mr. McAfee is nutjob on steriods! And...we get congressional hearings over a website (a website!!!) with glitches but Bush & Cheney didn't think they needed to talk to congress after 9/11. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteThe Republican party consists of nutjobs on steroids so naturally they would use McAfee. Like attracts like.
DeleteHere he is interviewed by Gretchen. Notice the studio background and the word salad. Coincidence?
There's also you tubes of him and alex jones, all kind of cray cray. Fox is playing "Palin" for the "female" fox viewers.
The smartest thing that George W. Bush ever did was to name Rove "TurdBlossom."
Jon Stewart calling Palin 'cuckoo for cocoa puffs' is an odd coincidence. That's the term Nicolle Wallace used on the Sept. 27, 2011, Rachel Maddow show when she was starting her book promotion and she and Steve Schmidt disclosed the negligent lack of vetting prior to Palin's selection.
I don't think that was any coincidence. It is probably the most polite way to describe Palin, based on the various reports that we read-- how she shut down and could not prepare for an interview-- how she asked Schmidt to lie about Todd's AIP membership-- how she was simply unable to learn anything at all. (We've seen Palin write notes on her hand because she cannot remember 3 simple things). Her disjointed manner of speaking is a reflection of a brain that suffers from bad wiring. Her synapses are not connected. She cannot think. She is immature, holds infantile grudges and throws tantrums. A crazy person to show up at an important Washington DC affair wearing shoes that are three sizes too big, and having food stains on her suit jacket. "Cuckoo for cocoa puffs" is a polite way to describe Palin.
DeleteThat's the thing that always gets me about the likes of "Walnuts" politicians. After such a serious f-up, they expect us to ever listen to them again?
ReplyDeleteTHE ED SHOW 10/22/13
Sarah Palin’s latest conspiracy theory
Republicans compare the healthcare website glitches to President Bush’s handling of Katrina.
3, 2, 1 .. and Sarah writes twitter attack on Jon.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she will have Brissy do a post on her site saying what a meanie and hater Jon is.
They have already tried to attack Stewart, but the attack was impotent, as is everything they do.
DeleteYeah, he just dusts off his shoulder and comes back with an even funnier joke.
DeleteHis timing is impeccable. How he keeps a straight face amazes me sometimes. Jon tosses the albatross around McCain and Turdblossom's neck with cuckoo for cocoapuffs. H/T Nicholle Walace who couldn't even bring herself to vote after seeing the shrew up close and personal. Bet she secretly voted Obama/Biden.