Thursday, October 03, 2013

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts delivers the smackdown to RNC Chairman Reince Prebus.

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I really like Thomas Roberts.

I like that he always seems so cool and prepared during his interviews.

For the most part he is also very fair and respectful of his guests. But Prebus was being SUCH a douchebag that I don't think he deserved ANY respect from Roberts.

The video is a little hard to understand at times because Prebus constantly talks over Roberts and tries to bully him into submission.

In the end all Prebus accomplishes is making sure that the viewers know for a fact that the leadership of the GOP is just as immature and unqualified as the Teabaggers that are now running the show.

By the way listen to the end for a great final rejoinder from Roberts.


  1. Anonymous5:15 PM

    The other day, Sarah Palin's Facebook post told people to storm the barricades. Today, some woman did exactly that. She smacked her car into one of the cement barricades in front of the White House, and then roared off at 80 miles' per hour, with her one year old baby in the back seat. Either she was crazy, or she was following Sarah Palin's Facebook message. It's a good thing that Palin didn't use targets in her Facebook post.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Sarah doesn't believe in coincidences. It is far fetched that a mother from Connecticut would randomly attack barricades in front of the White House.

      FOX NEWS QUOTED HER SAYING: 'My Call For Civil Disobedience Around The “Barrycades”'

      I read that before I heard about the incident where the young mother was shot.

      We need to learn more about the woman and what was going on around the time she went to WH.

  2. Olivia5:22 PM

    This is so good. If you find a way to listen to each of them separately when they are talking over each other, you can see that Priebus is just kind of reciting a nonsensical script instead of saying anything that makes sense. These idiotic Republicans have had their brains eaten by aliens from outer space(the Koch brothers) and are just spouting blather.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Holy shit! I can't believe that Priebus is that annoyingly stupid. He's the one with talking points and he can't get past that. The GOP is so screwed up that I don't see how we can wait until the election in 2014 to fix Washington. I'm sure Priebus thinks that this was a "gotcha" interview. What an asshole. The RNC better bring back Michael Steele - at least he was likeable.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I was shocked that RNC PR BS kept his job after the stellar way he handled 2012. Good for Roberts.

    2. Anonymous3:33 AM

      Anon at 6:07 pm. I'm sure that Priebus was the best they could find. They are all as mean as rattlesnakes and as dumb as rocks.

    3. Anonymous7:10 AM

      I heard a political comedian comment that it is his parents fault that he is so mentally fucked up...his whole life he had to explain that "i before e" doesn't apply to all of his name.

  4. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Priebus is a sanctimonious jackass.

    Help me understand how this works….

    The Republicans get all honked off because they don't want people to get food stamps -- eating for free.

    But at the same time, they are objecting to requiring people to have health insurance….Arguing that it should be an individual's choice as to whether or not they have health insurance.

    But those who don't have health insurance show up in the emergency room …….and get their health care for free. Why aren't Republican's pissed off about that?

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      Exactly right 6:43. We all pay for those ER visits in our own premiums and healthcare costs. Why aren't Republicans pissed off about that? Because they are in the pockets of the lobbyists.

  5. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I watched this! It was great! Priebus was sooooo pissed that Roberts was not cooperating and accepting his flimsy answers as truth!! Then he resorted to acting like a twelve year old bully that just got called out by an adult.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Reince Priebus (a.k.a. Prince Prepuce) displayed levels of immaturity beyond my wildest expectations. His bitter responses toward the end show that he was probably always the most disliked guy in any group he entered (and betting a lot of his peers feel that way now, as well). Lots of buried hostility in that dude.

    2. Don't you mean "a.k.a. Rancid penis"?

  6. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Fox News Poll Finds Disapproval Of GOP Skyrocketing After They Shut Down Government

    Bad News is everywhere for the Republican Party. Even the Fox News poll has found disapproval of the Republican Party jumping to 59% in their latest poll.

    According to the Fox News poll, disapproval of the Republican Party has jumped from 46% in September of 2012 to 59% today. Disapproval of the GOP has climbed from 54% in January to 56% in April to nearing 60% today. Approval of the Republican Party has fallen from 45% to 35%. In contrast, Democratic Party unfavorability has stayed stable in the Fox poll at between 48% and 49% all through 2013.

    Support for repealing the ACA has dropped from 39% in June to 30% today. This could mean that the linking of funding the government to defunding or delaying the ACA has completely backfired on the Republican Party. The number of Americans who think that they will be better off under Obamacare has risen by 7 points from 34% to 41%, and by a margin of 36%-19% respondents thought that Ted Cruz’s fake filibuster hurt efforts to repeal the ACA.

    Eighty one percent think the government shutdown is a serious problem, and they are blaming John Boehner and Ted Cruz (42%) more than they are blaming Harry Reid and President Obama (32%). A new CBS News poll confirmed the Fox News poll by finding that 44% of Americans blame Boehner and the Republicans for the shutdown, while 35% blame Obama and the Democrats.

    The behavior of House Republicans isn’t just hurting their 2014 chances. It is damaging the whole Republican Party. When a Fox News poll finds a sizable margin of people are blaming the Republicans things are really bad. The Fox News polls have always shaded their questions with loaded terms, so it means a lot when a poll that is normally friendly to the GOP finds things going this badly.

    Republicans dismiss most polls as “rigged by the liberal media,” but it is difficult for them to ignore a poll that cones from the supposed only real news source that they trust. The government shutdown isn’t just bad for Republicans. It’s disastrous.

    All of the Republican talking points blaming Harry Reid and President Obama for the shutdown are failing miserably. Every moment that the shutdown continues compounds the damage. We all knew that this day would come someday. The Republican Party is being destroyed by their own obsession with Obamacare.

  7. Anonymous7:59 PM

    “Republicans are not the party of business anymore,” says Robert Shapiro, chairman of the economic advisory firm Sonecon. “They’re the party of antigovernment.”

  8. Anonymous8:03 PM

    OMFG Prebus is a light-weight! His limpid, inarticulate responses brought to mind the queen of word salad. What is amazing is that they are fooling many people.

  9. Anonymous8:21 PM

    And here's another SMARMY one who got grilled and didn't like it much.

    Video: Glenn Greenwald Is Grilled on BBC Newsnight, Spews Insults Like a Firehose

    The self-aggrandizing saga of Glenn Greenwald is challenged for once

    And when the heat was finally turned up, Mr. Greenwald responded with an utter lack of grace, insulting and patronizing everyone on the show. It’s an amazing, thoroughly unpleasant performance, and shows why Greenwald normally only grants interviews to sympathetic hosts, because he comes off as … well, basically a terrible person. As if someone combined the worst qualities of a weaselly cheap lawyer with a narcissistic fame-seeking paparazzi, and added too much nasty sauce to the mix.

    Take it away, Glenn.

    What an utter turd this guy is and I found the description that Charles Johnson offered to be RIGHT ON.

    Glenn is so repulsive, I had a hard time listening to him, but I love how the European media doesn't tolerate BS, but they're oh so gracious about it. Glenn, yeah, not so much. Smarmy little pissant.

  10. Grrrr !8:25 PM

    Never seen Roberts before & seems okay (even do-able) but he's GOT to drop the "Simul-Blast" thing NOW.

    It's too childish -- not as bad as Priebus' "Obama is poopy poopy poopy" but still ...

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      "Even do-able" ?

  11. Anonymous8:26 PM

    GOOD JOB little town in Alaska! I hope other towns and cities do the exact same thing! I just wonder what the 416 that voted against it were thinking.

    Small Alaska town amends charter in response to Citizens United ruling

    The people of Haines jumped into the national debate prompted by the Citizens United case over what it means to be a person, voting Tuesday to amend the borough charter preamble to proclaim that "artificial entities" are not people.

    By a vote of 546-416, voters added this statement to the charter: “We, the people of the Haines Borough, believe the rights set out in the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Alaska, like those in this Charter, are guaranteed only to individual human beings and do not apply to artificial entities.”

  12. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

    I watched this when it aired, and don't ever recall Reince Prepuce getting so worked up and baffled with facts! That was a TKO, especially the ending. When dealing with nuts, keep them on track, repeat yourself often, stay calm and focused. They don't know how to handle it. Would love to see him interview Sarah. lol

    Kind of OT. My family had the honor of meeting him and his then future husband, Tom Abner. My Nephew worked with Mr Abner at Merck Pharmaceutical and we were invited to the company picnic. Whew, they're a handsome couple!!! Shortly after, Mr Abner resigned to be closer to Mr Roberts during his CNN stint.

  13. Anonymous9:06 PM


    1. Donal6:56 AM

      My favorite... "What does GOP stand for? Nothing. The GOP stands for absolutely nothing." Bang on, God.

  14. Has it occurred to anyone else that the GOP is constantly saying the exchanges are not working, that no one can log on. I wonder who is behind all the "glitches"!!!

  15. Anonymous9:33 PM

    What I'm happy about is that the media are finally calling the repubs out on their sh!t. They've finally jumped the shark.

  16. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Wow. What a weasel. The whole meme they float about it being "unpopular" and "majority opposed" is a falsehood. They lump in people opposed because it doesn't go far enough. They want single payer! This guy is such a turd.

  17. Sharon11:03 PM

    I swear......I want to put my foot thru the TV every time those assholes start their blather full of lies with "WhatThe American People Want". Damnn it makes me soooo mad. ACA was written by the GOP, started in Mass 7 friggin years ago, passed by both houses, signed by the prez and upheld by the court. This is a terrorist takeover led by the corp masters...the Koch bros wet dream. Hang tuff Obama...we are all behind you. I keep reading blogs saying Lincoln should have let them leave...the rest of us would have a truly fair and just country rich in education, science, ecology and social responsibilities. Just imagine those racist states totally white, all the people of color would migrate out. Not only would government work, but there would be no drain on the rest of us....sigh, now that is a wet dream.

  18. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Why hasn't anyone as yet pointed out how ridiculous the Republican demand was in the first place?

    Even if they could somehow convince the President of the United States that the ACA should be stopped, he does not have the power to do so.

    You would think that the 200-some "lawmakers" sitting on their balls in the House, would possess that knowledge.

    They like to refer to Obama as a dictator, but do they actually think he IS ONE??? That he could say, "Okay...I've erased that law," -- and that would DO IT?

  19. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Is there a doctor in the house....?

  20. Anonymous5:41 AM

    There's 17 physicians in the House, 2 physicians in the Senate. They haven't healed themselves yet.

    Archie Butt

  21. Anonymous8:20 AM

    It should be pointed out that they are making a ton of ridiculous demands for a 6 WEEK FUNDING of the government. They don't want to pass a budget so they can fling poo again in a month and a half. Pound sand, you assholes.

  22. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Did anybody see the GOPRICK on TV the other day who is a former Dr.? He was photo-op an opportunity to spin the whole, "Obama doesn't care about kids with cancer" meme. He was dressed in a white Dr.'s hospital coat with a stethoscope over his shoulders. The douche bag hasn't practiced medicine since 1996. Lying sacks of shit.


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