Friday, October 04, 2013

Pack your spacesuit kids, the Mars mission is back on track!

Courtesy of NBC News: 

Preparations for the launch of NASA's Maven orbiter to Mars have resumed after the $650 million mission was granted an exception from the federal government's shutdown, in order to protect U.S. property. In this case, the property is sitting on Mars, according to Maven's principal investigator. 

"Basically, we're back, full speed," University of Colorado planetary scientist Bruce Jakosky told NBC News on Thursday. 

Workers who had been furloughed or locked out are back at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida to resume preparations for a Nov. 18 launch. "We've been able to get back into the facilities where the spacecraft and development team have been working," Jakosky said.

As "Breaking Bad's" Jesse Pinkman would say, "Damn right space exploration is essential government work! Bitches!"

We have got to continue, and even accelerate our space exploration because it not only adds to our understanding of our own planet, it also reveals information that helps us to examine the origins of the universe, and hopefully will someday allow us to know definitively whether we are alone or one of thousands of forms of intelligent life scattered throughout the galaxies.

Besides I don't know about you but I think that the sooner we can give the Conservatives their own planet to rape and pillage the better it will be for the rest of us.


  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    My hubby is an absolute space/science geek. I sometimes think he would rather watch "The Universe" than porn. Not sure if I'm bragging or complaining.

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Sarah Palin Is Wrong About the Constitution

    Since the debate over the budget began, a common argument from conservatives — renewed today by Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska — suggests that only the House has the right to decide what the budget should look like. This is obviously incorrect and easily corrected.

    Palin jumps into the fray in her most recent Facebook exposition. "Gee Whiz," she writes, "If Even Little Ol' Me Understands U.S. Government 101 but MSM Doesn't…" Then she links to an essay by Thomas Sowell, senior fellow at the conservative Hoover Foundation. It is titled, "Democrats Chose the Shutdown," and outlines a little of the ol' U.S. Government 101.

    Read the article @

  3. Sally in MI3:33 PM

    Well isn't that nice. Meanwhile, my daughter is not working and not getting paid and has no idea when this idiocy will end...and she has a mortgage to pay.


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