Friday, October 04, 2013

Fox News poll shows that the Republican party's approval ratings continue to fall, while approval for Obamacare continues to climb. Are they sure this is a Fox News poll?

Courtesy of Politicususa: 

According to the Fox News poll, disapproval of the Republican Party has jumped from 46% in September of 2012 to 59% today. Disapproval of the GOP has climbed from 54% in January to 56% in April to nearing 60% today. Approval of the Republican Party has fallen from 45% to 35%. In contrast, Democratic Party unfavorability has stayed stable in the Fox poll at between 48% and 49% all through 2013. 

Support for repealing the ACA has dropped from 39% in June to 30% today. This could mean that the linking of funding the government to defunding or delaying the ACA has completely backfired on the Republican Party. The number of Americans who think that they will be better off under Obamacare has risen by 7 points from 34% to 41%, and by a margin of 36%-19% respondents thought that Ted Cruz’s fake filibuster hurt efforts to repeal the ACA. 

Eighty one percent think the government shutdown is a serious problem, and they are blaming John Boehner and Ted Cruz (42%) more than they are blaming Harry Reid and President Obama (32%). A new CBS News poll confirmed the Fox News poll by finding that 44% of Americans blame Boehner and the Republicans for the shutdown, while 35% blame Obama and the Democrats.

I cannot help but wonder how the Republican party did NOT see this coming?

They are allowing their actions to be directed by a small group of insurgents who are out to destroy them, and they seem to be willing, and often cooperative, hostages. 

And if Ted Cruz or Rand Paul think that they can sabotage the GOP and then swoop in and proclaim themselves the savior of the conservative movement, they need to visit a library and read up on a little history.

They might indeed help usher in a third party, but it will NOT be one built around the Teabagger view of politics!


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Republicans are one screwed up party! They saw this issue (Affordable Care Act) incorrectly as they did the election and reelection of President Obama!

    It's so obvious they only listen to themselves and the crap that FOX spews. They assuredly are slow learners! Those serving in Congress (and the House members especially!) need to get outside of D.C. and pay attention to what Americans are saying.

    Fucking idiots!

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      "They only listen to themselves"

      Yes. And "themselves" don't realize that they are either going to have to pay all the furloughed employees for work they didn't do OR stonewall the senate again to keep from paying the workers. They might even have to shutdown the government a second time just to cook up some idiot smokescreen for that blunder.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    This was a huge mistake for the republican leadership. They let the teabagger-craziness scare them into this moronic position.

    As more and more people sign on for affordable health care, the lies told by the GOP will come to light and then people are going to be pissed!

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      They already are....Republicans are assholes and have been for's just coming to light because of media...thank god!

      Vote them out of office every chance you get Americans! They are anti women, anti contraception, love putting us into wars, have been anti the Affordable Care Act (Christians, my ass!) and many in Congress are multi-millionaires taking advantage of government systems!

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      I just contacted CBS Scott Pelley and asked him since President Obama won re-election by a wide marging, why can't CBS find some Democratic voters to interview? They interviewed republicans, who were mostly in favor of the shutdown. Disgusting. I told him to go to a VFW, find out how vets feel about this, they are reaching Fox level of fair and balanced. I threw in "Hire some REAL journalists who are not afraid to report the TRUTH" Boehner was on, too, saying "This is not some damn game" Well, when they were boozing in chambers, hooting and hollering it sure seemed like some "damn game" to them, didn't it?

    3. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi ever ceding control of HER House to a small cult of rabid lunatics in the Democratic Party?

      She'd eat them for breakfast and spit out the bones!

  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Time to help finish them off ...

    Let's start a petition to make Sarah the new Speaker of the House.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Great idea only she can't be if she's not in congress.

    2. Anonymous12:54 PM

      BWAHAHAHAHA that is funny. Sarah is unqualified for any job.

    3. Anonymous1:21 PM

      @12:51 one of the very few things the Pee pond has been accurate about - one can be speaker without being in Congress. Problem is, that wouldn't go over very well with to have all those who've been through campaigns and years of listening to boring speeches (and making them) and all that other work. You know have somebody with $carah's (lack of) track record of laziness jump to the front of the line. while it would likely be fun to would not be a pretty sight.

    4. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Don't they have to be a member of Congress to be Speaker of the House? My understanding is that even if they are a member of the Senate, they can be Speaker of the House.

    5. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Speaker of the house? Is she moving back in with Tawd?

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Good news, however, when are they going to talk about this as though it's fact? Only the daytime anchors might report it, once. Fox News Hannity and Greta just seem to ignore these facts completely and have their discussions as though this isn't even in the equation.

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Check out Sarah's new childish posts

    I really think the GOP has no chance of winning a presidential election for years to come. And the problems they are having with the TP nut jobs are there own damn fault.

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Don't the Republicans remember what happened after Newt shut down the government? Ask Newt how well that turned out for them. (Hint, he lost his job).

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Yes, he did, and we STILL can't get rid of the fat adulterer. I just signed a petition telling Boehner to quit whining and get to work. For every signature they will include a baby pacifier!!

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      True that, Newt shut down the gov. in the 90's...I can't remember, was it '97?

      Anyway, GW BUSH and the GOP still managed to win the Presidency in 2000! So where was the outrage from the shutdown???

      We can all argue that Bush stole the election, but he still won it TWICE!!!

      My point is, don't let your guard down. The GOP is like a bad disease that keeps coming back to kill you.

  7. Anonymous1:19 PM

    A history lesson: One of the reasons that Reagan won two elections is that he appealed to that important demographic, the independent, moderate voter. In his day, they were supposed to be the soccer moms. The Republicans will not win the presidency if they keep moving further and further to the right. They will not get any independent and moderate votes. They have driven away moderate Republicans. They are losing the votes of women, minorities and just about any one else who they can insult. The Teabaggers, Ted Cruz and Sarah are extreme issues people, who are losing votes for the Republicans every day.

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I actually wondered who next will these idiots alienate, but never, never did I think they would alienate their own base. I feel for those that are affected, but damn, it's funny to watch these asshats burn.

  9. It's going to be pretty sweet, watching this play out. As time goes by, and the Affordable Care Act becomes just another part of the national landscape, people are going to remember all the "Death Panels" bullshit. No Republican that told lies about Pres. Obama's health care act will be able to campaign without their lies hanging around their neck like some albatross.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Unfortunately, the longer this plays out, the more regular people will suffer.

      I have several friends and family members who are being furloughed. Those who are independent contractors who are hired by the government but are not federal employees will NOT receive any back pay when the shutdown is over. It's infuriating that the people causing this destruction are still able to cash their cushy little paychecks.

  10. SSinMD3:33 PM

    I feel like an important element about the teabaggers is that their evangelical beliefs and goals have to be accounted for when pondering WHY they've chosen such an obvious, losing stance. Just as Palin believed she was following the will of god, so too do these nuts and they believe they have a mandate to infiltrate (done !) and take over. Their belief and "faith" is why they didn't come up with a solid strategy and why they can't comprehend how Americans feel, whay they want, and the obvious conclusions here. It isn't up to the people, you see, and they don't care what the majority wants. They will push on using all the leverage they have because they are doing what they believe is what God wants. Palin was so happy to be on her mission from God (as VP) until it became irrefutably clear that God DIDNT want her there, after all. Those types readily believe that God will make happen what he wants to have happen, until that conflicts with what THEY want. They're never quite as exuberent about that...

  11. Anonymous4:18 PM

    After four days of madness, I am just wondering HOW such a small group of congress people are holding the whole United States of America hostage to their skewed, fundamentalist, religious rigidity. It seems to me that "we the people" outnumber these people by the millions. Why are they able to put the fear of god into a couple of hundred elected officials and thus, screw the country? I'd rather be defeated - or not run again - if I were one of the GOP congress persons currently in office. I'd be ashamed that I couldn't stand up and be counted as one who cares about his/her fellow Americans. I find it truly horrific when an American woman goes along with the ideas embraced by the Tea Party - I'm looking directly at you Kathy McMorris Rodgers of WA. I will be supporting ANY person who challenges a tea party (read GOP) in the next election. Time to change our government from the local level to the national level. Time to SUPPORT Americans, not put them in jeopardy. I am very angry!

  12. Anita Winecooler7:03 PM

    Cruz and Paul frantically google the word "library".

    People realize who wants America to fail and who's working hard to make it succeed. When someone shows you their true selves, trust them the first time. This won't end well for the GOP." I keep hearing what a nice guy Boehner is but......" From Democratic politicians and pundits. If Boehner was a "nice guy" he'd have done the right thing from the beginning. The problem is, we're used to the devil we know.


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