Saturday, October 05, 2013


So apparently it is not enough for Palin to constantly massage Ted Cruz's........ego, now she is also trying to get on his good side by sending him prepackaged store bought Alaska foods.

Ya know because NOTHING says independent frontier woman like sending your assistants to Wal-Mart to buy a bunch of crap to stick in a box and send to Washington.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I thought that Palin made fun of food that came wrapped in cellophane. Maybe it's supposed to be an insult??

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      "For most of these frou-frou, chi-chi types, the extent of their experience is in the Tiki Room at Disneyland,” she said. "We eat organic—we just have to shoot it first. And it comes wrapped in fur, not cellophane."

    2. No, she's just a special kind of stupid.

    3. Anonymous10:25 AM

      The internet is forever Sarah.
      And we check what you say.
      Tri-G was born at MatDu, Tri-G was born in Anchorage.
      Keep talking honey!

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Ted Cruz + Sarah Palin = National Laughingstock Couple of the Year!

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Well, I have to say that I don't find much funny about Sarah Palin being in such close contact with the man who is holding this country hostage. It's disturbing as all hell that this fucking asshole (more than likely with her yapping into the phone and telling him to 'don't retreat, reload' or some such stupid crap as that) has hijacked our entire legislative system.

      The fact that she is that connected with someone in Congress makes me sick to my stomach, to be perfectly honest.

      She's nothing but evil and he is exactly the same way, only his evilness is now impacting the entire USA.

      She's a wicked and sick woman and I'm not at all laughing right now as she's wooing and rewarding the terrorists that are holding a gun to the head of the American people. She's stroking the dick of the man who is all but hell bent on 'showing' President Obama a thing or two. Yep, it's roiling my stomach, bigtime.

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    What! No Matanuska Cheese?

    1. Irishgirl10:40 AM

      They are trying to distance themselves from Dairygate but they were slap bang in the middle of it.

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Well the Matanuska Creamery cheese was full of salmonella, E. Cole and Listeria....due to the fact that Kyle Bues called himself a cheesemaker after going to a two week cheesemaking class in Wisconsin. laundered money to folks who had no clue about the dairy business.

    3. Sally in MI1:11 PM

      You act as if she didn't KNOW they were clueless. She knew. She didn't care. She was paying them off, for maybe knowing too much? Hopefully this comes down on her bewigged empty skull soon...she is sickening.

  4. The stupid bitch didn't know if her favorite fellow Koch-sucker, the Kooban Kanadian, would eat Tex-Mex, or she would've sent her favorite dish--- a Crunch Wrap Supreme along with a soft, limp taco, and maybe a $10 gift card.

    Where's Trig's birth certificate that Sarah told a reporter for ADN she "had already shown to the media"?

    What's a lying grifter supposed to do other than lie and grift?

    Just my informed opinion, but Sarah Skank Palin is just about worthless for anything other than to provide a punch line for any jokes about faked pregnancies, STD's including Oral Herpes, Pimps and Whores, redneck/hillbilly fashion, and cosmetic surgery. Oh, and lets not forget the fake titties she wears every other appearance, which is a big joke by itself. Maybe Trig's birth certificate is hidden in Sarah's nonexistent cleavage, along with her nonexistent college diploma.

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Careful saying "soft and limp." She'll think you're on her side!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM

      That;s for churro,! 10:42

    3. Anonymous7:57 PM

      You nailed it CashCow :/ Christ, you think she'd at least think to put in some straw or rattan or batting of some kind as filler so it doesn't look like her leftovers from a gas station. Is that MUSTARD?? WTF-- is he supposed to dip those slim jims in there? And lastly, Sarah-- Ted Cruz is still getting paid, and it's not chump change either. He can afford his own bowel-clenching snacks. Did you tell him to tweet a pic before chucking it in the garbage? lol

  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Assistants shopped for Palin? How about Todd, the go-to guy who bought the graduation presents for those kids in Washington State. Todd earned his consultant pay, putting the stuff in bags for the kids, and taping a dollar to the bottom of each of their chairs. I vote for Todd.

  6. Anonymous10:25 AM

    You order that "care package" from a mall near Phoenix ...
    Haha I think they used to call it the snow bird package... But yeah, now you can get it Walmart.
    She probably got it at a mall in Scottsdale.
    So fake she is.

  7. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Hey, Sarah and Eduardo Cruz, how about 'No Obamacare=No FREE Native Healthcare for your Freeloading Family and your Pimp'?

  8. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What, no Condoms wrapped in washcloths, and no CD of 'YOU LIGHT UP MY LIFE'?

  9. FJ Dandy10:40 AM

    Cost to SarahPac: $100 billion!
    Keep sending the Quitter Queen your money Pee-ponders!

  10. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Junk food. How appropriate, Esther.!

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Words cannot express...."Harry Reid's shutdown"? The Tea Baggers shut down of the government doesn't keep Rafael from strolling over to his favorite Capitol Hill steak house for dinner. Or from driving home to his (undoubtedly huge) hacienda in Virginia to gorge himself on brie and chablis.

    That box contains barely enough to feed a few Girl Scouts as appetizers before their cookout.

    It'll be great to see how this expenditure's listed for the fourth quarter of Sarah PAC's filings. Is it a donation to Sen. Cruz?

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I heard a news report that certain DC establishments are offering free or discounted meals to displaced federal workers, and charging double, triple or more to recalcitrant lawmakers. Sounds fair to me!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      She calls it a "slimdown" with republicans, but a "shutdown" with Reid.

      Yes, she forgot to stay with the talking points. That box of shit looks like "Death panels" to me, but coming from a stick figure that thinks a big gulp and a tic tac is a nutritious meal,

  12. Anonymous11:04 AM

    There is something very slimy and suspicious about the croooz-falin love-in.

    1. melanmoney12:03 PM

      VERY suspicious! She's way over the top about this Cruz nut, even for her. I suspect she's being paid very nicely for her support of Rafael by the koch creeps.

    2. She wants to be his Vice President pick he he decides to to run. Rilly, don-cha-no. Also, too.

  13. Anonymous11:04 AM

    I am so sick of what the Republicans are doing.

    Please everyone, call John Boehner at his speaker office and also please pass this phone number around, ask people to call him, you can just leave a message.

    Ask him to pass a clean CR and open our government. Let him know how disgusted and disappointed you are.


  14. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Harry Reid's shutdown?? Fuck Cruz. This shutdown is cruz's fault.JFC I think I hate him even more than Sarah and I thought that was impossible!

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Raphael Eduardo Cruz and Sarah Heath Palin are two peas in the same pod: narcissistic, egotistical to the extreme, a sense of entitlement (undeserved), and outrageous in thought and deed.

      I hate them both and I hope they go down permanently tied to each other - just like poor old John McCan't. He will live with her stink forever.

  15. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I think that Sarah should come here and grace us with her presence. That would rally the troops. Todd, make sure that she brings her fake tits!

  16. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I bought some stuff similar to what she sent; it was from Alaska, by way of China.

    1. Sally in MI1:13 PM

      Kind of like our chicken will be soon..from the Midwest, via China, and no labels to tell us how old it is, or who processed it. Thanks, GOP..another 'small government; step in the wrong direction.

  17. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Do any of the right wing nuts know that they raised the debt ceiling 18 times during Reagan's tenure, making it more than all the previous presidents' debt? Or that GW Bushie then had the debt ceiling raised 19 times and beat Reagan's record of debt by doubling our national debt to 9.+ billion during his 8 yrs.?

    These @holes are so stupid because they think no one knows anything about our history because they don't know anything about running govt or our hx.

    Obama said when he took office that the budget would reflect our actual expenses, thus his rendition includes the cost of the 2 unfunded wars, the cost of NCLB and the senior RX subsidy neither of which were ever funded.

    Strategists, the right wingers aren't!

  18. That stupid dolt is sounding care packages to millionaire senators still collecting their generous paychecks?!?! WTF? Not the mothers and children with WIC cut off? Not the furloughed workers who don't know where the next dollar is coming from? Not the Weather service personnel in Alaska pleading to be paid?

    That woman is an idiot.

    1. Sally in MI1:15 PM

      No, she's just a selfish POS who could care less about the dire straits of anyone else. She is the perfect Republican...she lies, spouts off the occasional Bible verse, quotes Saint Ronnie, and can get away with saying anything evil about the President because she is supposedly, 'just an ordinary mom.' I never thought I could hate someone, but I hate what she and her party have done to the US.

    2. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Sarah's an idiot, but a calculating one. She is constantly and desperately trying to link herself to Ted Cruz.

    3. Anonymous2:15 PM

      Sally, I'm with you 10,000%. It's exactly how I describe my feelings about this charlatan and her scams.

  19. Anonymous11:26 AM

    For some reason I'm seeing the M&M commercial in my head. Anything for a friend. Watch out, she'll stab you in the back as soon as she gets a chance, Cruz

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn11:27 AM

    IMO, that's a pretty chintzy box to send to someone you SO want to "impress". Or are TOLD to impress. Oh well, Sarah's brainwashed tools in the ol' C4P shed will say she needed a lot of room for ice...

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      11:27 L&K your comment most closely reflects my first thought on seeing the package. Why did she put it in a thermal-lined freezer box when all that stuff is packaged to sit in the tourist or snack sections of the store. It doesn't even need refrigeration!

      Oh, wait, I've got it. Unlike all of us...the Palins don't have any newspaper around the house to pack stuff in.

  21. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Todd just bagged a BIG MOOSE. You know Sarah has been slicing and cutting it up for the freezer. She couldn't send some fresh bagged moose heart or thigh to DC?

    1. Sally in MI1:16 PM

      Yeah, I can see it now. Moose blood all over that fancy kitchen, and Trig and Tripp playing with the bones she throws them. I think I'm going to be sick.

    2. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Yes, and after she's through butchering, she bathes in the blood.

  22. Anonymous11:35 AM

    The more CRUZin' Sarah does, the better!

  23. Pat in MA11:38 AM

    I got nothing, she's so exasperating

  24. Anonymous11:38 AM

    apparently the rough and tumble fake frontiersman palin's are too busy living vibrantly to process their own game and have to send this pre-packaged artificially preserved shit instead ...
    LMFAO !!!


    i find time to can my own salmon and moose, smoke my own salmon, and make my own smoked moose jerky all by "my little ol' self" .... as most REAL Alaskans do ....

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      Rillly! I am so proud of the fish and venison in my freezer that my family gets and we do all the processing and packaging ourselves. You would never see such phony shit in our house, As an Alaskan I would be embarrassed to send out something so tacky.

  25. Anonymous11:44 AM

    How cheap & tacky looking. But we know Sarah & Toddles are cheap tippers so not a surprise.

    Not one item in that box needs ice btw. When fish is sent to me from Alaska - it's freshly caught and ON ICE.

    1. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Typical white trash type of gift! Doesn't she know that 'fresh' fish is the way to go - ship it out w/24 hour service for delivery - on ice? Friggin' idiot, as usual!

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      "...fresh' fish is the way to go - ship it out w/24 hour service for delivery - on ice?..." But, that would cost more money, and Sarah's all about cheap stunts (sucking on a Big Gulp) and corny gimmicks (taping a dollar bill underneath the chairs of graduating high school seniors) to try to remain relevant.

  26. After taking and posting that picture, I bet Teddy "Carnival" Cruz set it out on his aides' desk and told them to take it.

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      You may be right but alongside the box was a little sign that said "$20 for whole box" or "$5 per item". All proceeds to Cruz campaign.

  27. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Aren't they a lovely pair? He thanks her in a tweet to let everyone know. And this is the kind of charity Sarah is used to; let everyone know, and give to the rich. Never give to those in need. Just those who can scratch her scrawny back.

  28. Anonymous12:25 PM

    If she keeps eating like that and sending gifts like that to her endorsees, they'll eventually have hardening of the arteries, and high blood pressure from the loaded salt-laden junk she sent.

    People in their 40's don't eat that stuff unless they're inviting a hard attack or a stroke.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Salmon is good for you. Don't know about the jerky part, but do know about the jerk that sent it.

  29. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I just hope the C4 Peer's see how stuck-up their Sarah is and what a suck-up she is. They offer their hard-earned money just so she can use it to impress the rich dolts. Cruz's and his wife's combined salaries yearly are more than maybe some of these Pee's earn in a lifetime. What is it about Sarah that she gives all her attention to the Washington ELITE, but won't ONCE send a personal message to any of the Peebots. She didn't even want to meet them in some northern state at a restaurant a few years back.

    And one woman who quit her job in Texas and volunteered for Sarah's 2012 Presidential campaign didn't even get any recognition from her or thanks. These people grovel at her feet and she kicks the dust in their eyes and they lap her up like she's some goddess.

  30. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Did Todd include a coupon in the gift box for a 25% discount on blow jobs?

    1. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Todd offered his services for free. Anytime he can get someone else to set their balls on his forehead, he throws in the blowjob for free.

      He figures "why let my skanky daughters have all the fun?"

      Todd Palin sucks. Just sayin'.

    2. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Really gross comment! Shame on you but you're totally right!!!

  31. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Did she tape a dollar bill to anything? Nah, silly me, that would involve letting go of 'real' money again.

  32. Anonymous12:53 PM

    But...but...she sent the care package on Sept. 24 to sustain Cruz during his fake 21-hour filibuster. Is Palin so stupid she doesn't know how long it takes to ship a package from AK? Now Cruz is trying to cover her stupid by redefining her intent?

    Sarah PalinVerified account ‏@SarahPalinUSA
    Stay strong @SenTedCruz! Wear comfortable shoes. As we did for Rand Paul, fortifying caribou jerky is on its way #KeepCruzing #MakeDCListen
    6:30 PM - 24 Sep 13

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      If you spend enough money UPS has next day delivery from Anchorage. It's that "spend money" thing that probably prevented a more timely delivery.

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      She can't afford overnight delivery with HER postage expenses? Clue: Her "postage" is NOT postage.

    3. Anonymous9:24 PM

      I see some of the Indian Valley sampler pkgs require overnight delivery. So Cruz got it around Sept. 26 and took a week to acknowledge it, probably not until he was badgered into the public 'thank you' by Todd. They should have posted a video of Cruz and staff salivating and fighting over the reindeer jerky.

  33. Anonymous1:10 PM

    So the ass clown pinprick is now blaming Harry Reid for the shutdown that he caused himself? And nobody has held him down and castrated him yet? Well, I do believe his stunt has castrated his career.

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      We can only hope and pray. He is one of the WORST demagogues to come along in awhile. Thanks again, Texas: you sure know how to breed 'em!

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      We wish.

  34. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Food, Folks and Frauds!

  35. Anonymous1:25 PM

    good grief - how tacky. Not only the contents of the "care" package (ick) but the fact that they BOTH have to make a big deal out of it. I'm sure it went straight into the trash.

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      It came from trash and was mailed to trash. Cruz will have that tacky assortment on Ebay faster than you can say cheap bitch.

  36. Randall2:36 PM

    Once again, Sarah Palin has gleefully placed herself firmly on the wrong side of history.

  37. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Why did Sarah purchase these products instead of just sending stuff out of her freezer on some dried ice?
    Sarah, are you telling us you don't have any wild game or fish in your freezer?

  38. Anonymous4:09 PM

    MORE hypocrisy from the Prince(ss) of Lies:

    We could have a contest: spot the intellectually dishonest statement! Winner gets to have a beer with Gryph!!!

  39. Anonymous4:21 PM

    That gift looks suspiciously like the Alaskan Sampler gift basket from Glad to see she was willing to shell out 51 bucks for a cause so near and dear to her heart.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      Sarah didn't spend a penny. OPM Other Peoples Money, her PAC paid for it. Postage, don't ya know?

  40. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I hope Sarah's 'gift' gives Cruz the trots!

    1. Anonymous5:17 AM

      Yes, we can only hope that SOMETHING will keep him in the toilet and out of our faces!!!

  41. Anonymous5:06 PM

    But when the Native villages were starving, where was Ms. Palin?

    1. Anonymous9:49 PM

      She showed up, a month late, with a plate of cookies and a Bible.

  42. Anita Winecooler5:57 PM

    Wallmart? I doubt it. That junk looks like dollar store food or "things hotels give for free". It's like "Fun Size" halloween candy, only not so "fun".
    At most, eleven bucks worth of moose crap, and 22 grand in "postage". And what did she get in return? A tweeted "Thanks" with a photo.


  43. Anonymous6:17 PM

    That's more food than she gave the Natives back in '09.

    1. Anonymous6:26 AM

      You got that right!

  44. Anita Winecooler6:39 PM


    Al Franken reads letter from wife of disabled vet showing the effect of the Boehner Shutdown. Heartwrenching.

  45. Anonymous7:34 PM

    What happened to my comment?

  46. $10 bucks says that "care package" went right into the trash after that picture was taken.

  47. Anonymous8:00 PM

    They are subversives and they can get by with it. Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power and Cruz/Palin would never do that. Nor would they weaken the government so they could go in for the final kill.

  48. Anonymous8:02 PM

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop giving her extra publicity. You just helped publicize her stupid PR stunt. Don't play into her hands. You're smarter than that.

  49. "Publicize her stupid PR stunt"?

    Publicize her STUPID?

    Yes exactly, darling.

  50. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Is that the cheapest gift box that they have?

  51. Chenagrrl4:12 AM

    If she was a real frontier woman, she wudda pulled a hank of smoked salmon off a rack and stuffed it in a paper bag and shipped it to him. It would have arrived all greasy and stinking to high heaven.

  52. Anonymous5:16 AM

    True to form, that "care package" is pretty skimpy. Sarah the Hag is so cheap but I guess that was all that her purse could hold at the time (wink, wink!)

  53. Anonymous7:08 AM

    God, that is so tacky and cheap-looking that as an Alaskan, I'm embarrassed. She is lavishing this on him as if it is some wonderous "Alaskan" feast--complete with the touristy postcard "Alaska!" when all it really is is pathetic and self-serving. Sort of like the sender.

  54. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Pretty typical of her that she would send something to a fellow millionaire but would not help the Indians in her state who were starving. Finally caved and took them a plate of cookies. She is sure looking ugly lately. What happened to her. She used to be good looking. Now she is a hag.


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