Saturday, October 05, 2013

Man sets himself on fire in Washington D.C.

Courtesy of Politico:  

A man set himself on fire on the National Mall in the nation's capital as passers-by rushed over to help douse the flames, officials and witnesses said Friday afternoon. 

The reason for the self-immolation was not immediately clear and the man's identity was not disclosed. But it occurred in public view, on a central national gathering place, in a city still rattled by a mass shooting last month and a high-speed car chase outside the U.S. Capitol on Thursday that ended with a woman being shot dead by police. 

The man on the Mall suffered life-threatening injuries and was airlifted to the hospital, said District of Columbia fire department spokesman Tim Wilson. 

He was standing by himself in the center portion of the Mall when he emptied the contents of a red gasoline can on himself and set himself on fire moments later, said Katy Scheflen, who witnessed it as she walked across the area. Police say they responded around 4:20 p.m. Friday. 

Scheflen said passing joggers took off their shirts in an effort to help douse the flames, and the man was clearly alive as the fire spread. A police department spokesman said he was conscious and breathing at the scene. MedStar Washington Hospital Center tweeted that the man was taken there but had no condition update.

 "There was not a lot people could do because it was a gasoline fire," Scheflen said. 

She said he may have said something before he acted "but it was nothing intelligible." She said she did not see him holding any signs before he set himself ablaze and that there was another man with a tripod set up near him but did not mention if he was filming. 

Now I am unwilling to jump to conclusions concerning this horrific  incident, but I WILL say that it is troubling that it happens right on the heels of that poor woman being shot by Capitol police.

Whether or not either one of these incidents was politically motivated remains unclear, but I am not sure how surprised I would be to see other examples of similar incidents happening in the weeks to come.

If you are like me reports of this incident immediately brought up images of the famous incident in 1963 where Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, immolated himself in protest of the mistreatment of Buddhist monks by the South Vietnamese.

Like I said I am not willing to jump to any uninformed conclusions right now but I think this is something that we need to know about and  have in the back of our minds in case there are other such unexplainable incidents in the future.


  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    There is a link, I believe, to the government shutdown and some of these random, violent acts.
    When the most solid and powerful institutions in the country cannot operate -- close down, despite the harm inflicted on the populace -- then fragile people can be driven to desperate acts.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      I suspect the uncertainty and craziness of the stupid Republicans is bringing DC to the attention of some people walking the fine line.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Our country is a friggin' mess and I blame the Republicans for the problems we are experiencing! They are escalating and the Republicans could care less. Are they even paying attention to what is going on in their country? Does not seem so!

    Cannot imagine being POTUS in these times....would be a horrible job to hold when 'obstruction' is the name of the game and has been since President Obama was elected the first time. Congressmen are on record saying they'd bring President Obama down after the first election!

    These Republicans indicate they are good 'christian' folks! My ass! Good family folks - my ass! Do they follow the teachings of the Bible? Hardly! Doesn't it say in that book that we should all help care for the other? Republicans think it's OK as long as you are not black or brown skinned. Should everyone in the USA have good medical care and insurance according to them? No - fucking assholes! I hope everyone of them dies a painful death and perhaps on their deathbed they'll finally have some empathy for others?!!!!

    I detest them and their party - vote them out of office next opportunity you have!

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The news is reporting that he has died. May God have mercy on his soul.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    I see this act as a protest even if he didn't have a sign or wasn't able to articulate his motive. I grew up in the 60's and heard of not one but several monks who set themselves on fire.

    Then there was Mohammed Bouazizi from Tunisia:

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      It was his act that caused the US government to demand reforms by the South Vietnamese government. What occurred was a crackdown by military forces loyal to the President on Buddhist monks and temples. This resulted in more immolations by monks and the eventual overthrow and assassination of the President by the military. I am old enough to remember these events but when I heard the news yesterday, my first thoughts were of the young man in Tunisia whose self immolation was the beginning of the Arab Spring.

  5. What a horrible way to go. I think the fact that he died is probably for the best. What kind of life would he be facing after that? It is really tragic that he was so desperate.

  6. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Looks like impressionable loons heeding Sarah Palin's call for civil disobedience, for wing-nuts to see themselves as martyrs like Ted Cruz who just HAD to bring Nazi Germany into his fake filibuster:

    If you go to the 1940s, Nazi Germany. Look, we saw in Britain, Neville Chamberlain, who told the British people, ‘Accept the Nazis. Yes, they’ll dominate the continent of Europe but that’s not our problem. Let’s appease them. Why? Because it can’t be done. We can’t possibly stand against them.

    You've got a unruly conservative faction that is given a huge megaphone to call all the psycho's out there for insurrection. Armed, with their cars, gasoline or armor piercing bullets.

  7. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The guy died - was just on national news. What a wasted effort!

  8. Whatever was going on with him he must have been in a huge amount of emotional pain to set himself on fire using gasoline.

  9. Whatever was going on with him he must have been in a huge amount of emotional pain to set himself on fire.

  10. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

    I can't fathom what caused this man to take his own life. I feel badly for the loved ones and friends he left behind. We'll never know why, but I hope it doesn't inspire another fragile soul to follow his example.
    Unfortunately, there are a lot of people with mental illness who've fallen through the cracks, hopefully, the stigma will be lifted and lack of coverage for the medicines they so desperately need will end. If it saves one person, it's worth the effort.

    Reading some of the comments on the linked story makes me ashamed of my species.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:58 PM

      Me too! Unfortunately that been happening a lot, lately....these wingnut are very ugly people.

  11. Anonymous5:37 AM

    My heart aches for this person who was so troubled that this was his only solution. However, I thought it was very hearting to see those people rush to help him, at personal risk. There are still good, caring people out there, they just aren't as news worthy.

  12. Anonymous8:40 AM

    "Thich Quang Duc, immolated himself in protest of the mistreatment of Buddhist monks by the South Koreans."

    Sloppy journalism... I'm pretty sure Thich Quang Duc did not set himself ablaze because of the South Koreans, as you state.

  13. Anonymous @ 8:40, right, this is sloppy journalism, it was because of the mistreatment of Buddhist monks by the South Vietnamese.

    1. You are correct sir.

      I actually researched the monk, and knew that, but when I went to write it I posted the wrong eastern country split by civil war, and in which America felt it had the right to wage a proxy war of its own.

  14. Eastern country split by a civil war? Easy for you to lump eastern countries together maybe, and label their conflicts in a couple of words. If you want to refer to them, devote a little more time to researching the long histories of aggression waged against and within these proud nations.

    Korean Conflict can nominally be called a civil war. The whole peninsula has been so frequently the victim of aggression by surrounding countries, it's amazing these sturdy people have maintained their identity. They pride themselves on their racial homogeneity, and in spite of everything, South Koreans want to be reunited with the North.

    The Vietnam War in which this country interfered cannot be classed as a civil war. Vietnam's conflicts also have long historical contexts which are best not summed up in a few sentences.

    Not trying to be mean, but just trying to keep you honest.

    A man chose to end his life publicly and painfully. We don't know why. Leave it at that.


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