Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rachel Maddow reports on Russia's new policy of removing children from the home of their gay parents and the Americans who support and applaud their anti-gay stance.

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I am not one to support the boycotting of the Olympic games (I still remember Kurt Thomas) but I certainly would not fault any athletes or spectators who did not feel comfortable attending the games in such an overtly homophobic environment.


  1. Fred Karger is right on the money: Logan Act.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      If you can't impose your religious will on this country then take it on the road. Saw an interview with the director of God Loves Uganda this morning. The film deals with the Christian evangelicals who have gone to Uganda to make it a Christian nation. Uganda is where they passed the Kill the Gays law and where gay activists have been murdered. What would Jesus do?

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Putin has the respect of few! I have no desire to visit Russia and would fear for someone that is gay going there.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I am sure I am the minority here but I won't watch them. Won't support any product associated with the Olympics. One has to draw the line somewhere and it is truly horrific what Russia is allowing to happen to its Gay citizens. Who's next? There will be others I'm sure not deemed appropriate.


  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I do not get the current infatuation with Putin and all things Russian...where is the disconnect? do they not remember the Cold War?

  5. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Remove the children to where exactly? Orphanages? The conditions in most Russian orphanages are deplorable! Most Russians don't adopt Russian kids either.


  6. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Putin reminds me of Hitler!!! History does repeat itself!

  7. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Live streaming of the rally Palin will be at today.

  8. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Some quid pro quo going on here with the Russian Orthodox......mark my words.....


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