Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Sarah Palin curse continues as the night before she shows up to support Steve Lonegan he is forced to fire his top adviser.

Courtesy of New

Rick Shaftan, a top adviser to Steve Lonegan, may not be known to many outside New Jersey and New York political circles, but he went viral today — and it cost him his job. 

Shaftan gave a lengthy, profanity-laced interview with political news site Talking Points Memo, ridiculing Democratic Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Lonegan's opponent in Wednesday's special U.S. Senate election. 

Shaftan, a fixture on many state and local conservative campaigns in the metropolitan area, said Booker's online interaction last month with Portland stripper Lynsie Lee was "weird" and suggested the mayor's somewhat vanilla exchange suggested he was gay. 

"It was just weird. I mean, to me, you know, hey, if he said, 'Hey, you got really hot breasts, man. ... But, like, he didn't say that," Shaftan said in the interview. "It was like kind of like, I don't know, it was like what a gay guy would say to a stripper." 

Hours later, Lonegan fired Shaftan, saying the comments “are not reflective of my views or that of my campaign. 

“His comments are distasteful and offensive, and his contract as a vendor for my campaign will be terminated immediately,” Lonegan said.

Damn, I swear her powers of political poison are getting stronger by the day.

This guy, Shaftan, had a long career in local politics but now he will have a very hard time finding work with another political hopeful after this embarrassing incident.

And her plane had not even landed yet.

You know I was thinking the other day about perhaps the  most famous of her endorsement that did NOT result in a loss for the endorsee. And that was Ted Cruz.

But in that case he became a carrier of her disease and the poison has now spread through the Republican party.

I can hardly wait to find out how much more damage she will do to Lonegan today at the Teabagger party.


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    He'll undoubtedly work 'cheap' about now. Palin ought to scoop him up real quick, RAM just ain't cuttin' it anymore. She needs to staff up real quick cause I predict a Palin > McCain confrontation sooooooon.

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Methinks Ricky-boy was looking for a way to get fired. But then again, why burn his toast for life?

    Yep - sounds like a GOP'r to me - overreaching/overkill.


    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Sounds more like he was drunk.

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Ted Cruz Is Living On Another Planet

    This morning, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (R) spoke to the Values Voters Summit, and his speech was really weird. It's like he's living on another planet.

    On Planet Cruz, there is a massive outpouring of public support for a government shutdown over Obamacare and it's scaring the hell out of Democrats.

    Read how Cruz describes the view from his corner of the universe:

    How The Mighty Republican Party Became So Ignorant

    ...Hard-right Republicans' rejection of basic economics is just the latest example of how they have abandoned rational thought and refuse to accept established scientific facts. Consider their arguments against evolution.

    Not long ago, Republicans were hardheaded realists who derided the woolly pipe dreams of their Democratic rivals. Now they appear to have lost all touch with reality, embracing notions that used to be the preserve of paranoid eccentrics who write rambling letters in green ink.

    While we live in the Age of Obama, they are living in the Age of Unreason.

  4. Hey, maybe he can get Sarah as an, ahem, booby prize.

    You’re correct! Cruz didn’t succumb, he became a carrier. God works in mysterious ways.

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Lonegan supporters must be of the "Hallow Man" variety filling the bleacher seats.

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Lonegan looks like Chief Wiggam.

    2. When oh when is this blog going to get a like button?

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      or Peter from Family Guy

  6. Anonymous12:37 PM

    What a dick he is and Lonegan probably hated to can him. Oh, well.

    Check out New Jersey 12 website where you'll find a stunning photo of Sarah and her better half (and brain) Rebecca Mansour. Very fitting that they are mingling with that crowd today. Gotta go take a shower- bye.

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    here is a link to go have some fun at, the c4p crew are ragging on McCain lol

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Live streaming of the rally. Sarah hasn't been up yet.

  9. Here's a view of the "dozens" of people at the rally:

    And a live feed panned the "crowd" and confirmed the pathetically small attendance:

    1. She's in full screech now. Dressed for a trip to the grocery store.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Rent-a-crowd Talibaggers who can't vote for Lonegan- but they hate facts anyway.

    3. Anonymous2:07 PM

      What a strange set-up...all those seniors having to stand in a parking lot...while she is just posed in front of the side of the bus, which provides the backdrop?

      And it looked chilly and about to rain...what were they thinking?

    4. Anonymous4:14 PM

      yet it says "thousands" of people..haha, dumbfucks can't even count.

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Looking at his picture, he was already cursed. lol

  11. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Does this guy look like he could be RAM's cousin? The one-sided penguin-ish grimace looks disturbingly familiar/similar.

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      He is legally blind, since he got retinitus pigmentosa at age 14...
      got to wonder how an experience like that colored his world view.
      As a Catholic, he would have been told to 'offer it up for the poor souls'...either the starving babies in Red China, or the poor in the neighborhood, or his grandmother and the others in Purgatory...
      that could have created a great deal of anger in a young man...
      just a bit of armchair analysis here...

  12. Before I go back to work, let me just share that Sarah Palin loves New Jersey! And her zipper t shirt is unzipped halfway down her chest! And she's wearing enough eye makeup to moonlight (hee!) as the Crypt Keeper!

    200 X battles were fought here! (Oh no, Track is doing her research again) . . . the Battle of Monmouth, blah blah blah fishcakes . . . "her husband collapsed on the filled." Well, hell, I'd collapse too! Molly was the first Mama Grizzley (cheers from three people!)

    OK peeps, I'm out . . .

  13. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Well! Hmphh!! How dare this Lonegan aide make a statement like just before the queen presents herself. It was to happen sooner or later. These guys just make that Values' Voters Conference less believable, if it can even be at all believable.

    If I were her, I'd not wear those strappy hooker sandals and such. The candidate will have a two-fer in trash in one week.

  14. Anonymous1:29 PM

    She's redubbing the shutdown as a 'slimdown,' as it's only "17%" of the govt's operating budget.

    Good thing that D in Economics in college lends to her keen powers of observation on the nation's economy.

    p.s .she says she and Todd are going to DC tomorrow, probably to shake things up by livin vibrantly. Catching a ride on one of those asshole trucker's rigs?

    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Not taking care of the kiddos again, I see.

  15. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Regarding the only winning candidate Palin supported being Ted Cruz: I am working from memory here, so I could be extremely wrong on this one, but if I recall correctly, her "support" of Cruz was a very small donation from her PAC late in the campaign, after he was already leading in the polls. It's not like she was working tirelessly on getting out the vote to get him elected, where she played a pivotal role in an uphill battle. She gave just enough that she could say she supported him, as part of the ongoing grift campaign that is SarahPAC.

  16. Just finished watching Palin's speech at Lonegan's New Jersey Teabagger circle jerk.

    She was almost frothing at the mouth and kept referring to Lonegan as an "over comer."

    As soon as somebody locates the video I will start working on a post.

    This one is going to be a humdinger.

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Thanks, Gryph. You are forever taking one for the team. I'm not sure I could listen to it.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      It was an unbelievable snoozefest. I am embarrassed for the singer, omg, off key, boring song etc.

      The rest were such dorks, THAT was the Great Levin?? Hahahahahaha

      Of course palin was using her cutsie voice and repeating all her (yawn) same old sound bites.

    3. Ailsa2:06 PM

      You are a hero and a gentleman, Gryph. I couldn't do it.

    4. Anonymous2:17 PM

      the link above, has the speech in its entirety...she's like a rabid dog..toad is with her, her girlfriend at the lodge was probably happy to get a break from him...

    5. Anonymous4:12 PM

      "his" girlfriend..

  17. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Well she just finished her riveting speech in front of 300 true blooded 60+ years old white Americans. Booker is in so much trouble.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM


    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Hey, I'm a white, 60 plus woman, and I am a proud, lifelong liberal Democrat! We're not all Teabaggers!

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Hey, me too Jill! LOL!

  18. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Anyone know the connection between Palin and Michelle McCormick, the teabagger who posts those hokey image laden rants at C4P? For a while I was wondering if McCormick wrote or provided the fodder for some of Palin's tweets. (She reminds me of some of my very sheltered catholic cousins -- a painfully childish sense of humor mixed with a poor understanding of popular culture.)

    Is Palin allowed to link to C4P (as she does in the tweet below), considering the peebots many money bombs for Baldypac?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:21 PM

      It becomes a write off, It really shouldn't be allowed. Why does she have a PAC? She's no longer a politician.

  19. YIKES! Old Baldy was a screeching mess! Sounded like a hyperactive kid who had too much damn sugar!

    She had on some new specs...looked like a shabby cat who was dug out of the garbage can and put on stage and forced to "speak"!

    Here's a picture of her with the Toad and Mark Levin who sounded like Nathan Lane playing the role of Pumba in the Lion King! I just new the "Great One" was going to start singing "Akuta Mata"...LOL!!!

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:30 PM

      Levin looks as if the wardens at the home let him out of his straitjacket for the day, and took away his drool bucket. Dee-ranged!

      BTW, it's been pouring buckets in NJ/PA for the past two days...I'm sure those Rent-A-Septuagenarians appreciated standing on the cold, soggy ground all day to hear Princess Sarah howl at the moon. Hope they were paid enough to buy a Chick-Fil-A on the way home!

    2. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Gina she was doing so much screeching and then losing her place so often in the first five minutes I just can't continue listening.

      Koch brothers lost money on this one-skankenstein can't pack them in anymore can she?
      This is all for them and to try and generate that book that she has coming out.

      Did you notice how she looks like Sally's sister? They could be twins now!!!and Todd sticking himself into the photo with levin and skank!!! Baawwwaaahh what a dim witted idiot he is-so ob that there is only room for skank and levin!!!!

      Good for you for having the fortitude to watch the whole thing!

    3. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Nice pic, if Sarah leaned any farther away from Toad, she'd fall over.

    4. Anonymous6:23 PM

      People here act like they've met people they don't know

  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I just saw 5 seconds of Sarah's screech and my years freaked out. Her voice is as ugly has her black heart. I wouldn't watch her shit for under four figures.

  21. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Interesting body language here:
    Todd, SP, The Great One

  22. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Mr. Shaftan looks like a separated at birth Rebecca Mansour!

  23. Anonymous2:11 PM

    1. Video has been removed by user.

      Anybody have another one?

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Gryph --

      Please try:

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      video has been removed by user..whoever the "user" is...

    4. I'm sure you have this by now, Gryphen, but for others, here's a YouTube link. 20 minutes and I don't know if its the whole speech but it definitely has the beginning, which is all I can stand to watch right now.

  24. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I saw some photos of Shrieking Sarah at the c of pee site, where is her brand new wedding ring? did she have it appraised and found out it was really just cz? curious minds want to know!

  25. Anonymous2:36 PM

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      The comments under this are pretty funny.

      • 36 minutes ago

      Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Cruz, Lee are all leaders that have reincarnated from our founding fathers. Yes I put them right up there.

      proudhispanicconservative deTocqueville1
      • 33 minutes ago

      I dont know much about him I hope Levin and her have vetted him properly, but as we know with these people running for office you never know if they are the real thing.

      ((Project much proudhispanic?))

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Could only watch for a few minutes. The wind is giving Sarah's wigs a thorough whipping. Ha Ha!

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Screechy voice, bad wig, sycophantic opening remarks...what is missing?
      no big pieces of ugly 'Americana' or 'Isrealicana' juulree!

  26. Anonymous2:50 PM

    We are supposed to believe that ole Stev-o didn't know his adviser thought or spoke that way? He's a scumbag who works for scumbags and who hires scumbags.

  27. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Thank you for recapping the post. No way can my ears take her voice.

  28. Anonymous3:12 PM

    O/T but there IS a NJ connection...

    Here is a young mother, renowned for her partying ways just a few years on Dancing With The Stars and looking FABULOUS:

    And yet, Miss Bristol Palin...same demographic...same opportunity for working hard...what were her outcomes? of the Great Mysteries of Life As We Know It!

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      Dancing for Brissie is laying on her back and dry humping on stage. That's her best and only dance.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:25 PM

      The horizontal frottage fest is so passe', but licking some dudes biceps really takes talent.

  29. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Skank "thanked" sarahpac for getting her to nj? Wtf!

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      I noticed that comment! as if they just tell her where and when to show up and she does it...what a 'tell'!

      Could not watch far beyond point; my nervous system rebels...
      I keep telling myself it is my duty as an informed citizen; makes me ill to endure her tone of voice for more than 2 to 3 mins...
      it is the ILL WILL that she embodies and projects, I think.

      That is why we pay Gryph the big bucks, right?!


    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Aurora @4:00 PM

      And she delivers that ill will in a vicious and sneering manner. She is the incarnation of hate.

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      So Sarah is paying her own way to get on stage? or rather her private stock of cash from SarahPAC. So, all you tea pee-ers send money to Sarah PAC so you can see more of Sarah Palin's idiocy. She's pimping herself!!!

  30. Anonymous3:20 PM

    From the ponders at palin4america

    you have to admit the dems do a better job staging an event. better microphones, singing, setting of the stage.. repubs always behind

    I totally agree, and frankly it makes me very angry that we can't hire or find quality people who can do the hard work necessary. It really does make a difference, particularly in terms of a "first impression".

    Check out how small the palins really are (not just mentally)

  31. AKinPA3:51 PM

    Sorry, All,

    I'm a total Luddite. But, here's the address for an article and an unbelievable photo of Palin and Lonegan from the Asbury Park Press.

    What is she doing with those lips?

    1. "The eyes of America are on New Jersey this week, declared former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to a crowd of about a thousand people at the New Egypt Speedway."

      The eyes of America are focused at the wingnuts in congress this week - taking the country and the world into economic collapse. Palin was surely paid for this - the insanity of whoever decided she was worth a payment is on full display

    2. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

      Lonegan sounds like a real doofus while introducing the quitter. Gah, she looks like burnt mac and cheese warmed over.

  32. Anonymous3:54 PM

    she sure lathered on the war paint for this one..looks like she forgot her double d's at home though.

  33. Anonymous3:55 PM

    She'll probably throw in a sexual remark about a stripper poll or something like that.

  34. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Slide show of pics from rally: many questions!

    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Love the first photo: those two young boys look like they would rather be anywhere else than there. One boy even hiding his face while the elders in the crowd clutch their hearts like the rapture has descended upon them.

      Demographics look like I expected they would: pasty white and old old old.

  35. Anonymous4:18 PM

    There's our Sarah...Belmonts in place, low-slung jeans, big ol' belt buckle perched above the End such startling contrast to Mrs Lonegan who looks as a Republican matron ought!

  36. Anonymous4:25 PM

    She pointed right into the camera and called out the media- again, amazing how many enemies she is racking up.

    She's no victim, she's a pig.

  37. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Rather than discuss the content of the rally, the pee'ers are frantically trying to decide how many thousands exactly "thousands" is. It's gone from 2 -3, to upwards of 5000.

    There will have been "millions" by the time they get through

  38. Anonymous4:37 PM

    8.8 million people live in NJ and she was able to draw <1000 people. yeah, she'll make a difference /sarcasm.

  39. Anonymous6:22 PM

    You discredit yourself as a human when you write shit like this.

  40. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

    Garbage in, Garbage out. This will be the kiss of death to the Lonegan campaign.

  41. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Krusty has arrived.

  42. janice5:40 PM

    Just in, Booker won...............................


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