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One time Palin supporter, who may be having second thoughts. |
In case you missed it, "60 Minutes" did an excellent segment on the waste and fraud in the Federal Disability Insurance Program. Kudos to Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma and his staff for leading the investigation into this. And thank you, CBS, for covering it!
She then links to this story on 60 Minutes in which Steve Kroft, with the help of Senator Coburn and some shady attorneys, supposedly lays bare the overwhelming fraud within the Social Security disability programs.
Now in my job I actually do some work with this program so I was surprised at how aggressively and unfairly 60 Minutes seemed to go after them. And apparently I was not alone, as indicated in the comments section of their own website.
Here is a sampling:
I am a Social Security Disability Attorney in New York City. I watched the website recording of a 60 Minutes spot that aired last night and was disheartened by the sophistry I witnessed. Anytime I hear words like "It's been called a Secret Welfare System," which has been ravaged by waste and fraud, I cringe. First of all, I would like to know who has called it a secret welfare system --incendiary remarks like that must be backed up with facts. Secondly, who says it has been ravaged by waste and fraud -- this uncorroborated remark was left hanging out there as if it accurately reflected the System as a whole.
I also find it troubling and unacceptable that the only attorneys discussed in the program were Binder and Binder and Eric C. Conn. There were so many others you could have contacted about their experiences with the System.
Mr. Kroft, this irresponsible and short-sighted report should never have aired. I am surprised and disappointed in 60 Minutes, a program I have long admired, Please go back to the drawing board and deliver a revised program worthy of the name 60 Minutes.
Here is another:
Agree with all that this is a shameful 60 Minutes segment. Not that I doubt some lawyers are making money or that some of our fellow citizens are marginal disability recipients. Rather that 60 Minutes has what I hope is sheer ignorance (and not something else) wrapping the sheep's clothing of revealing fraud around the wolf of Tom Coburn who is a fervent advocate of Republican efforts to destroy America's safety net. Coburn's fundamental mission is not to reform Social Security Disability, but to destroy it by privatization. Too bad 60 Minutes is an enabler in his efforts.
And another:
I am one of the allegedly evil attorneys on TV .It might help for people to learn the day I heard of this story the two clients I signed up are typical of our business. The first was a fellow with very bad sarcoidosis affecting many aspects of his ability to work including hands , feet, breathing ,stamina. He was trying for many years to learn what was wrong with him but could not get access to treatment or meds. He is a very religious , humble man who would love to work and has been unable for years ; his church may not be able to help any longer.
The second was a family whose mother described an adult daughter unable to work for many years now with debilitating psych issues since age 8 including a horrific set of symptoms associated with obsessive compulsive disorder along with severe depression . Ridicule and stigmatize her associated panic attacks after you have spoken with her and her family. The mom called because she reported she never wanted to bother with a claim before , but recognizes she can no longer support this adult daughter whom she had home schooled .
The truth , as I tell interviewees each day, is that contrary to the harsh stereotypes now circulating with the help of 60 Minutes and other media is that it is very hard to get Social Security disability ;they're gonna think and treat you with cynicism and sometimes almost like a fraudster . Scapegoating those on the receiving end of " hard things happen to good people " is not fair reporting and does great damage. Tom
Then I did a quick Google search to find out if any other news outlets had addressed this obviously biased report.
I quickly found this over at Media Matters:
National disability organizations have criticized a misleading CBS News 60 Minutes report on Social Security disability which relied on anecdotal evidence to deceptively portray the vital program as wasteful and unsustainable, despite the fact that award rates fell during the recession and that fraud is less than one percent of the program.
On October 6, 60 Minutes stoked fears that the Social Security Disability Insurance program is "ravaged by waste and fraud," relying on Senator Tom Coburn's (R-OK) partisan investigation and anecdotal evidence to hype growth in the program while misleadingly claiming that it "could become the first government benefits program to run out of money."
Lisa Ekman, Director of Federal Policy at Health & Disability Advocates, said the organization was "extremely disappointed that 60 Minutes chose to air such a one-sided story based on anecdote and supposition ... Misleading media reports like the one on 60 Minutes distract from focusing on the real issue of helping American workers with and without disabilities achieve economic security."
The myths pushed by 60 Minutes have been repeatedly debunked by experts. The report admitted that the vast majority of people applying for benefits are denied, but ignored the fact that the majority of appeals are also denied, and that award rates have actually fallen during the economic recession. In April, the Wall Street Journal called the claim that federal disability benefits were to blame for people leaving the labor force "exaggerated," explaining that disability was in fact the least common reason individuals left the workforce.
As the Center for Economic and Policy Research's Dean Baker noted, the report also "completely ignored all the comments from experts in the field ... pointing out that fraud is in fact not rampant in the disability program." Indeed, the Government Accountability Office has repeatedly found that fraud accounts for approximately one percent of all disability payments.
In other words Palin is endorsing an episode that seems to have been a hatchet job and which completely misrepresents the truth about this very necessary program.
I know, shocking right?
But then a thought occurred to me that is the result of my own interactions with the Social Security Disability program. They also serve children born with disabilities, including Down Syndrome.
In fact in my experience gaining to access Social Security Disability insurance is a godsend for some of the kids with physical, cognitive, or behavioral disabilities which make them fall behind their peers and suffer from low self esteem and hopelessness.
The insurance can get them extra support in the home, tutoring in schools, help out in the community, and therapies that can really open doors for them and dramatically improve their lives.
I have little doubt that Trig qualifies for this insurance, even if his mother is well off, and it will last his entire life, so even as an adult he will have services and supports that he will likely always need.
If Palin has NOT taken advantage of this, she is a terrible mother.
And if she HAS, and has then turned around and attacked them along with Senator Coburn and the 60 Minutes crew using trumped up and false information, than she is simply a terrible person.
Or does that latter statement now go without saying?
Even the Pee Pond hate the disabled:
They shouldn't be hating on the disabled, considering the fact that so many of them write about their own disabilities. Our taxes pay for their Medicare procedures, including the guy with the bum heart, and all of the others feeding off Social Security and Medicare while denouncing the federal government-- well-- denouncing all the money that is spent on other people, but the money that they get, well, that's OK,.
DeleteI guess she is throwing a bomb on something else to deflect that Teabagger is becoming a dirty word! In GOP circles.
DeleteShe is the FRAUD! Always has been!
That is hysterical, since so many of her fans are over 60+. That's practically jettisoning her entire fan base. ot to mention $carah herself is pushing 50 real hard and looks well over 55 herself.
DeleteI live with one such TeaBagger. He's on SSDI and has Medicare. He also spends all his time on his ass watching Faux.
He'll often rant about people "stealing" from "honest, hard working Americans" through government programs. If you point out that he's on two (one of which he bribed a doctor to claim he needed) he'll get pissed as hell and start ranting about how he *earned* his.
But apparently nobody else does. Just old, Christian, white Republicans.
The Palins think GRIFTING is much more admirable than getting help from the government. Bristol has more than likely asked for help with her Down son. Maybe not, since he would be far more advanced by now, eating and dressing himself. Did Chuckles Sr. and Sally get medical procedures from Medicare?
DeleteA few years ago I stumbled across an article where Sen. Coburn ridicules the health insurance provided by the Bd. of Ed. that I worked for and wanted to do an expose on this particular rider that we all carry. It happens to be a Cosmetic Surgery rider and he was extolling the fraud that seeped into this policy. Yes there were some teachers who abused this rider but I for one was able to get the Toric Lens for cataract surgery which was necessary due to the level of my astigmatism. I could have never afforded these lenses but this rider did cover the cost. I would have had the surgery but it would not have been as successful without these lenses. I know several teachers who due to skin cancer found it necessary to utilize this rider. What was confounding to me was why was Sen. Coburn looking into this one policy from NYS and not his own state. I actually took the time to write his office a lengthy letter but never did hear back from anyone in his office. When I watched this segment on 60 minutes and realized that this was an effort by Sen. Coburn it dawned on me that he must have been trolling for cases of fraud as far back as three years ago if not longer! Again anything to delegitimize SS, Health Ins., Medicare/Medicaid from a Repub...so over there holier than thou attitude!
ReplyDeleteTake away their health insurance that we pay for, plus their very lucrative pensions. See how they feel then. Coburn must be suffering from a disability from having his rooster hairdo blow dried. What an arrogant SOB. He was a doctor before deciding he could make more money, from less work, by running for office.
DeleteI have been a Social Security attorney for 35 years. I can tell you stories of many, many applicants who were/are disabled and have been turned down -- some even died while waiting for a decision. I can count on one hand those I thought were fraudulent claims, out of thousands I have handled. Some are claims that don't have a lot of merit and those are invariably are turned down -- I do take some of those cases to hearing because those individuals do have a right to their day in court and, sometimes, a denial of disability benefits is what they need to motivate them to go back to work. The ALJ and attorney highlighted by 60 minutes are NOT representative of all of us who have helped thousands of poor and disabled people get the benefits they paid into the system to receive when they became disabled. It is definitely not the cakewalk portrayed by 60 minutes to get these benefits. NPR ran a several part show earlier this year that was poorly researched and ended up being a slash job. I am very, very disappointed in these news sources that I have trusted for years.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. There are very few frauds and these reports vilifying people are despicable.
DeleteFirst they are for an extra moose and disability for their brother-in-law Trooper Wooten, until they are against it, for illegally shooting the moose on Molly's tag, and then collecting checks when he was able to go sno-go riding with Todd when he was supposed to be disabled. The Palin's, they take what they can, when they can, until the courts tell them they can't.
ReplyDeleteBy the way Sarah, most of your admirers are these grifters. When you take away their unemployments checks (which most Republican-majority legislatures have done in such states) they have little recourse. You guys push the meme that the takers are illegal immigrants or drug users, when it's really low to middle-class white folk, Christian Patriots also too and whatnot.
Again, comments have zero to do w/this subject. Friggin' idiot!
DeleteAnon 5:31 - Well, aren't we lucky the blog comment patrol is out to correct us sorry observers, make sure you keep your sentences stunted and abbreviated so that you come off as level-headed and intelligent.
Grifting is much more respecable, ask the Palins. Not one of them is gainfully employed (YET) but hopefully they will all learn the hard way how to actually EARN a paycheck.
Delete"If Palin has NOT taken advantage of this she is a terrible mother"
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin a terrible mother? Why what gave you that impression?
Track supposedly involved tampering with school buses, impregnated the pastor's daughter, married her, divorced, kept his guns and gave up his daughter.
Bristol, sexually active in high school, pregnant before graduating high school, not married but had several trial husbands, has some Christian blog but reportedly seen bar hopping, never attended college but takes her money and buys a pontoon boat, put her obnoxious son on a reality show to make money on and on and on
Willow stopped going to high school in her sophomore year, supposedly Colony Girls gang leader involved with breaking and entering, supposedly seen seen dealing drugs in the Target parking lot, on and on and on.
Don't know what happened to some party boat that was destroyed.
Funny how Sarah Palin is telling other people how to live when she doesn't have one adult child in college and a forner prostitute identifies Todd Palin as her pimp.
Don't forget Bristol"s wine cooler canvas tent days
DeleteWe haven't heard much about Piper. Is it true that Piper is being raised by her grandmother? They say she is going to a school close to grandma.
DeleteKiller last para.
Delete4:55 Your commentary has zero to do w/this subject - you friggin' idiot! Read before you post!
DeleteHey Anonymous 6:02 PM ~ STFU, you friggin' idiot!
DeleteTwo boats, the Pacifica and the Cheeky B sank in Juneau harbor within a few hours of each other. Supposedly Track and Bristol were on board. There were FOIA requests made and the reports are totally redacted. Not one report in the Juneau paper and the Coast Guard was involved in the coverup. One boat belonged to Dylan Kolvig's father. Rumors from the beginning were that Dylan was the biological father of Trig.
DeleteJust wait for Diaper Piper!
DeleteSounds like the Palin "girls" are up and working this morning. I recognise their speech pattern, much like the language Kanye West uses.
DeleteTri-g Kolvig?
DeleteI also watched the 60 Minutes show and was disheartened. There are so many 'others' to report that conflict w/what they showed - typical media!!
ReplyDeleteI've had MS for years - had a long career although now retired and was encouraged to apply for "disability' via SS. I declined to do so because I didn't feel I was disabled - I could still take care of myself although do have some disabilities. I'm 71 and have been retired for a number of years.
I know more than one person in my circle of friends and associates that are currently working the system and truly are NOT disabled. For the first time last night - I actually thought of reporting them, but haven't done so as yet.
People do milk the system, but there are many that don't - such as me!
Screw you the ones that are doing it and I hope someone takes them down by reporting them to the government. Manipulators are rampant and we need to report them....I will do so too!
It's incredible and fortunate you manage despite your MS diagnosis. I wish you well in your self-care. I am sorry, very sorry for abusers out there.
DeleteI don't believe you. I think you are lying. You can't get disability at age 71!!!! You can only get it under 65. Second, who are you to judge another's disability!? You can't tell by looking at someone. Manipulators are not rampant!! You have to have ALOT of medical documentation to get disability and it is very hard to get!! How dare you suggest reporting people when you have never seen their medical records nor are you a doctor in the position of evaluating anyone!! What about a bipolar person or someone with head trauma. Do you think you can judge their ability to work or not.
DeleteYour biggest lie is how you didn't apply yourself! At age 71 you are most like on SS and not eligible for SSD or SSDI.
Your comments are so disingenuous.
If you have credible, verifiable information that you know people are gaming the system, I would like to encourage you to relay that to the authorities. The integrity of the system will only be strengthened. If the people are disabled, that will be proven. If they are not, they need to be held to answer, and the monies they are receiving needs to go to someone else, who is truly disabled. If you feel they're cheating, then others must think so too. That breeds the kind of cynicism the 60 Minutes piece stereotyped. I only watched the program while doing something else, but I got the impression the fraud involved was in a particular economically depressed Appalachia-type locale, not nation wide. Whatever you decide, I'm glad you're still around, w/ MS. A friend of mine is not. Be well. Execise when you can!
DeleteWhat came to mind after the help children with down syndrome and other disabilities, was the fact that Tom Coburn has used public employees and tax dollars to fund this "witch hunt" *no offense to wicca and other religions that hold mother earth as sacred), so who's more of a scum bag? Okay, I'm biased, but I'll pick the emotional cripple one that John McCain's, ahem " divining rod" picked as "vice presidential material"
ReplyDeleteSarah's just twerking up to Tom, she wants the job of running the death panels!
Gee, a government insurance program in which legitimately disabled people are turned down for coverage, most who have paid into it for years.
ReplyDeleteAnd you want us all to sign up for The Affordable Care Act???? What could possibly go wrong?
What in the name of god or satan does an insurance exchange program which makes available affordable and fair coverage by private insurance companies have to do with wrongful adjudications of social security disability? Have you been drinking?
DeleteAnother friggin' idiot 5:14! Your commentary has zero to do w/what we are actually discussing.
Delete@5:14 Bristol, you really have to grow up. People with disabilities are also helped. Remind me again, who paid for Grandpa Chuck's heart operation and Grandma Sally's two hip replacements? I did, my tax dollars paid for your family's medical care. Suck on that, sweetheart.
DeleteJust another ODS Sarah worshiper without a fucking clue. Probably her teenage lover-brother, who now has to pay for healthcare premiums for two families, after knocking up his coworker and then dumping his wife and two boys for the younger tramp he was poking on the side.
DeleteGo ahead and blame THAT on the half-black man in the White House, too, Creepy the Younger. That's how you Heath-Palins roll--- never accepting responsibility for your own fuck-ups. It's ALWAYS somebody else's fault, according to you, your pedo-Dad, your pencil-prick pimp brother-in-law, your very fertile (and slutty) nieces, and most of all, your lying sack-of-shit sister-- the half-term, half-ass grifter who still has jungle fever after all these years.
Too bad Glen Rice had the fucking sense to wear a condom with your sister (at least prior to the famous money shot that wonked her eye permanently).
Hopefully, your boys are smart enough to recognize the family tradition and choose to wear a condom, after witnessing their own idiot daddy knock up a much younger coworker while still married to their mom, and try NOT to be a fuck-up like Creepy Daddy, Jr. That's just more of those Republican Family Values that you hypocrites like to harp on about others while denying that you're just an ignorant blowhard pointing at others because you hate yourself.
Wear a rubber next time you step out on THIS family, Junior. And in the meantime, try to pretend you're a man, and keep your whining to yourself, Fat Boy. It's tiresome, and obviously ot doesn't sell books.
Capiche? Sure do. All the paint chip eaters don't belong to the Sea of P.
DeleteYou're crystal ball must not be working, cuz I'm not a Palin or a fan. And your limp dick try at cyber bullying doesn't impress me.
The point is Affordable Care is just another program designed to pry me from my own money and own health care choices. And when it comes time to collect benefits, there's a good chance I'll be turned down for one reason or another. I'd just as soon put the yearly deductible into a health savings account and spend it on care I choose instead of what an adjuster tells me I can have. I may want to travel overseas for treatment from Dr.s trained in the US but at 1/3 to 1/4 the cost.
And don't worry, I won't spend any of your money on my health care.
so pay your penalty and have your "cheapest from China surgery" Watch the stitches unravel like that Walmart bathtowel .
Deletewow... I have to click on the Comments section more often....there's a lot to read, here!!
Delete7:36 -- Chuck? Is that really you?
Delete'60 Minutes'' Shameful Attack on the Disabled is the title of a great piece in Los Angeles Times. As a former employee of the appeals division and then as a representative for disabled persons, I'm familiar with both the way the system really works and the people who apply for benefits.
ReplyDeleteNo, it isn't "easy" to get disability benefits. At the appeals level, if the claimant happens to get assigned to one of the many Administrative Law Judges who don't believe any claimant unless the claimant is comatose and then likely would accuse the testifying doctor of lying just to help a patient, a claimant likely will NEVER get benefits even if truly totally medically disabled.
What many do not realize is that the appeals system while based on stringent laws is subject to the whim and will of the ALJ who hears a claimant's case. Yes, there are ALJ's more willing to honestly listen and review a case and I applaud them.
There IS NOT rampant fraud in the SSA disability program. A fraudulent claimant who makes it to the appeal level will be weeded out by diligent ALJ's and decision writers who read the file and see the inconsistencies and lies. The occasional fraud who receives benefits likely will be outed by jealous friends or enemies.
Without this program, disabled workers for the great majority would have no where to turn. The majority have paid into the SSA system, delay applying until all savings and hope is gone, then pray the money they've paid in will in part be returned to them until they are able to work again.
Let she who is without sin cast the first stone. Sarah has all kinds of strange deductions for her PAC expenses. That's fraud. Sarah took her family along on Alaska State visits and asked the state to pay for their vacation. Fortunately, the ethics violation stuck and she had to pay back some of the money. She tried to charge the state for living in her own house when the governor's mansion is in Juneau, not Wasilla, another ethics violation. She also ran a legal defense fund while governor which was also against state law. Unless Sarah Palin's record is spotless, then she is not better than anyone else. And, whatever happened to that beautiful wardrobe that the Rich Republicans bought for her when she was running for VP? Is Todd still enjoying the silk sorts? Does Piper still use her designer handbag? Yes, Sarah is just the right person to point out fraud.
ReplyDeleteSarah was successful in milking the state for $60/day that she spent at home. It was not the spirit of the law, which would provide a per diem for *additional* expenses incurred in addition to the direct travel expenses for being on state business outside Juneau. But she was suck-buddies with the Atty-General, so she was able to milk it to her benefit. That's why, if you recall the constant theme of her asking her staff of underqualified asskissers to help her remember when her important meetings had occurred "after the fact" and make such an effort to pretend she had important state business to attend to every day, even the same day she gave birth after allegedly being in labor for 28 hours after her water broke.
DeleteOf course, her wild ride is a big lie that she's been dodging and "shucking and jiving" to avoid discussion about for 5.5 years now. And she knows that her ridiculous lies about that situation are exactly the reason she will never run for public office again. Never.
She is not Tri-G's birth mother. The only ones she fooled at the time are those Re-Tards still putting their teeth under their pillows every few months as they fall out (like her fellow meth-buddies), and hope for a quarter to appear so they can send it to SarahPAC. But even those fools know they were duped, but now their just glad that they're in a club of others idiots who were suckered, too. You know... it's that "misery loves company" thing. It's either Pat Robertson, Benny Hinn, or Sarah Palin. If there's a hell, each of these three have accomodations waiting for them whenever they make a misstep and walk under a bus. They are all one and the same, none any better nor worse than the other. Put Franklin Graham in the group while you're at it. Others are close, but not as slimy as this bunch.
Look who's talking about fraud.
ReplyDeleteIt's always projection with her.
Delete4:55 Your commentary has zero to do w/this subject. Friggin' idiot!
ReplyDeleteJesus, who appointed you the comment police?
DeleteThere's a "friggin' idiot" around here all right, and it's you.
Go soak your head, you bad-tempered jackass.
5:30 Please, consult $carah's "Word a Day" calendar, find some new words. Unless this is the "very religious" Nancy who writes Bristles fake blog? Some Christian she is, writing lies to cover for these low-life, low morals grifting bunch.
DeleteShe will type ANYTHING to get the attention. Gotta sell that book! She will get more and more desperate as time passes.
ReplyDeleteDoes Trig have a job yet?
ReplyDeleteWhy do I think Trig is already accessing SS disabilty?
Tri-G had a job before he was born. He's made more money and gotten more attention for Sarah Palin than she and all of her skanky relatives together have managed to accumulate. She wouldn't have been chosen by Johnny McCain had it not been for Tri-G. Not to mention all the pity attention that she still cries out for when it's convenient. Tri-G made more than Sarah herself ever did in the many jobs she failed at, more money than Tawdry did pimping. Tri-G's the big money maker. Tri-G has definitely been employed all of his young life but will never receive any benefits from all the money, not even proper care. Scrumbag Palins/Heaths.
DeleteThe idea that Eric Conn gets all of his clients approved speaks volume about particularly corrupt Administrative Judges and attorneys, but is hardly reflective of the system as a whole. The reason why some geographic areas have disproportionate cases may not only have to do with these types of abuses, but environmental problems, too. Am I surprised that there are a lot of disability cases in coal mining country, or where they're doing a lot of fracking? Of course not!
ReplyDeleteHey, the friggin' idiot troll is here!
ReplyDeleteWell, I guess we can assume that Sarah has Trig in all sorts of programs to help his mobility, his reading, his comprehension, his hand/eye coordination, his communication skills, because when that boy turns 18, no ADC or SSI for him. No sir. Mommy is against anyone helping her out but her 'bots. She doesn't take any of that tribal insurance, and by the time Trig is 18, she'll be eligible for Medicaid, which I'm sure she will not apply for. And I have a jet belonging to a former Governor to sell, too. Also.
ReplyDeleteMy husband has Stage IV Melanoma. He is 61. He FINALLY was granted SSDI after a six-month waiting period. He was thoroughly investigated. I am so grateful he qualified. We can't make it on my $10/hour salary.
ReplyDeleteVery sorry to hear about your husband, Deni. Americans don't have a proper understanding of any form of skin cancer and I think that should be changed before climate change makes it happen.
DeleteEvery year, there are some people who cheat on their tax returns. Some people are caught and some are not. I wonder about a guy who pimps for a bunch of prostitutes-- does he declare his share? Probably not.
ReplyDeleteSarah's PAC has some very suspicious listings-- she pays a fortune for "postage," a laugh in this day of email. She pays "consultants" another laugh. It looks like a scheme to funnel money to friends and family. Talk about your fraud.
Just to clarify, Gryphen. The program that covers kids and adults like Trig is the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. It is for people who have never been able to work. The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program was the subject of the piece. It is restricted to individuals who have worked for Social Security wages at some time in their lives. SSI beneficiaries qualify for Medicaid, and the SSDI beneficiaries qualify for Medicare after two years (some states will cover them on Medicaid for those two years, but not all of them).
ReplyDelete"[S]ome time" in their lives isn't enough; there has to be 40 quarters of SS-covered work (with an exception or two) and the amount of benefits is dependent upon the amount paid in up to a maximum payable.
DeleteFor SSI, a person can have worked but not enough to qualify for SSDI. Also, any income other than SSI is severely limited and SSI for an individual in 2013 is $710 per month. Help from other sources can reduce this amount.
Well, somebody learned a new dirty word in the school lavatory today...you need your mouth washed out with soap, young lady!
The Palins learn that bad language at home, long before they get pregnant.
DeleteOver the years 60 minutes has run several stories, the details of which I personally know well. In each case, they were egregiously wrong. I should make it clear, these were not situations that were open to different interpretations.
ReplyDeleteI agree with 6:27, there are times when 60 minutes presents only one side of a story, as if it was the only side. They are not always fair and balanced.
DeleteHeard an interesting piece on NPR some months ago re: Social Security Disability. In many counties - there are few non-physical labor jobs. So may people who might be able to work if they were in a more urban area, or if our industry was decentralized and diversified, can't continue working beyond a certain age, if their medical condition prevent long period of standing, lifting, etc. It was pretty eye-opening.
ReplyDeleteI am on SS Disability after decades of continuing to work while very ill. Sometimes I could only work part time and decreased my standard of living to stay off SSDI. I worked even while in severe pain, dizzy, with nausea, diarrhea, etc., I wanted to work. We joked about me being sicker than the patients I took care of in ICU. I would tell doctors I only called about elevated temps if they were higher than mine. Then after the PTSD from workplace bullying and much more the ME/CFS was severe. I wanted to continue to work, but realize now I should have gone on SSDI decades ago. I did what I thought was the right thing, but did not have enough information yet to know it was wrong. For one thing I could have spared myself unbelievable abuse and pain in Alaska. I have a defective immune system and worked in critical care being exposed to all kinds of viruses and had to have vaccines I shouldn't have been injected with due to job requirements. It is very hard to get on disability, it can take years for some people. I went seven months with no income and that is actually a short amount of time for people waiting to be approved. SS flew a doctor here to evaluate me and others because the doctors here are crappy. This was an eval for the PTSD, the doctor grilled me like an angry prosecutor, very abusively. I asked him what he was doing and why he was trying to make me angry, he smiled, I wanted to slap the snot out of him, I could not believe what he did. When I left there I had a panic attack. I got approved after the first application without a lawyer, but many people are turned down and have to appeal which means they have to hire a lawyer. Most people also don't know how insane the Medicare system is for those newly on SSDI. People are sick, that is why they are on disability, yet they have to wait two years to get Medicare. There are some who possibly could get better and go back to work if they could get health care. Fraud makes my blood boil, but most people on SSDI are not abusing the system. When I was homeless in Anchorage there were people who were very ill who couldn't get SSDI and had no choice, but to be homeless. That really made me angry.
ReplyDeleteThis is Sarah Queen-of-Projection Palin's backassward way of admitting that Trig is receiving SS benefits. So sad she gleefully pissed on a damn good program rather than express appreciation.
ReplyDeleteThat's Queen Esther all right, 8:23 PM! What she rails against is what she's guilty of. Freaking hypocrite!
DeleteThere's a This American Life episode on this subject that is pretty great and much more well-rounded. They wanted to investigate why some counties had such high disability rates. So they went there and talked to people and came up with slightly different conclusions -- I'm sure about the state of the u.s. economy.
ReplyDeleteGee whiz Sarah Palin way past the time for you to shut the fuck up. Instead of telling America how to run their families, how about straightening your fucked up family? You have all these daughters, how about addressing sex trafficking in Alaska? Time to clean house. Time to make amends with Shailey Tripp.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous5:16 AM
ReplyDeleteWas this the big picture for Shailey Tripp's employment by Todd?
Then add this review and story about Todd Palin and Shailey Tripp and it makes you wonder whats going on up there in Alaska? I would like to hear Todd Palin's side of the story. Was Shailey Tripp.Todd's prostitute and girlfriend?
Todd Palin Exposed By Allison - February 29, 2012
In "Boys Will Be Boys" Shailey Tripp proves, with copies of documents and lists of names, that her arrest for prostitution and her introduction to that business had roots in the heart of a famous celebrity "family man." One day after standing next to Sarah Palin as she was sworn in as Alaska's first female governor, this "First Dude" was flirtatiously emailing with a young single mom, Shailey Tripp,and saying "You light up my life." What transpired in the weeks, months and years (2006-2010) that followed did not light up her life in return. Guided by a powerful man into the darkness of selling sex, Ms. Tripp has set herself free and is telling her story. The truth will continue to set her free, and she honestly spills the agonizing, humiliating, and depressing details of life as Todd Palin's commodity. Interstate sex trafficking is no joke. The names she names and emails she released prove this woman means business. In the current political climate of taking away women's rights, Ms. Tripp should become an icon for having the courage to stand up and say "I'm not going to let men define who and what I am and what I do." Once you read it, pass it on. This book belongs in libraries, homeless shelters, and women's clinics where it can speak to those who find themselves enslaved by any unhealthy behaviors, limited by losses or disabilities, or injured by the cruelty of others, as the author once was.In "Boys Will Be Boys" Shailey Tripp proves, with copies of documents and lists of names, that her arrest for prostitution and her introduction to that business had roots in the heart of a famous celebrity "family man." One day after standing next to Sarah Palin as she was sworn in as Alaska's ... Read full review114 of 117 people found this review helpful
The only living humans that still think that Scarecrow $arah still look attractive are like the guy on that scooter:
Wasn't this the woman who billed the state for per diem for living in her own home?
ReplyDeleteAnd wasn't this the crazy lady who stuffed a pillow up her shirt and pretended that she was pregnant?
DeleteLots of disabilities are not easily visible. A neighbor of ours almost died after he tried to thwart burglars at his workplace. He barely survived the beating he received. He was a university math professor but was so seriously injured that it would have been impossible for him to return to his profession or to almost any kind of employment. His first attempt at getting SSI failed but he got it on appeal as well he should have. For gravely injured victims of crime I think the SSI should be granted in almost every case.
For anyone who has a heart and a brain, read this, from Esquire's Charlie Pierce: http://www.esquire.com/features/era-big-government-marcus-stephen-0400?click=main_sr
ReplyDeleteOf course there are some people gaming the system, most of them with some collusion from a doctor who is getting kickbacks. Sadly, people like Sarah Palin and her supporters would rather kick off thousands of people with real disabilities than fund one faker. Most of us recognize reality & know that we'll have to pay for a few fakes to ensure that the people who truly need help get it.
I've been reading a book called Full Circle: How the Classical World Came Back to Us by Ferdinand Mount (from the UK), and there is a passage in a chapter called New Age that you would appreciate:
ReplyDelete"The Second Coming - Again
When Sarah Palin was plucked from an obscurity that was almost dazzling to be the Republican Party's nominee for Vice-President, elite commentators immediately denounced the choice as wholly unsuitable. The first objective was her lack of experience. She has held office for only two years as governor of the snowbound wastes and sparse populace of Alaska. The second objection was that her crass pro-business policies had accelerated the dismal process of melting those snowbound wastes. Her indifference to the ecological pieties was made all too visible by her willingness to pose for the cameras with her gun beside any passing moose she had just herself slaughtered and gralloched. The sporting bounce that had worked so well for Teddy Roosevelt a century earlier was now a blasphemy against the spirit of the age. But worst of all, and most predictable of all, was that this unspeakable hickette belonged to one of those weird churches which believe that a person can be born twice and that the end of the world is nigh - the word 'nigh' being now deployed only in connection with prophecies of this event. Such creatures from the backwoods ought to stay right there and not come into town and start plaguing decent modern folks."
And there you have another spot on descriptive of this despicable person: an 'unspeakable hickette'.
M from MD