Monday, October 07, 2013

The healthcare costs that the Republicans keep blaming on Obamacare have nothing to do with it. Have you ever heard of Reagancare?

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

What’s that you say? Hospitals are mandated to give away free services? 

Yes. In response to some earlier bad behavior from hospitals called “patient dumping,” a mandate for unfunded medical care was created and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. It said, “Hospitals provide care to anyone needing emergency healthcare treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay.” 

That’s right, Reagan created a universal coverage mandate, forced the private sector to pay for it, thereby creating the world’s most expensive, least efficient health-care program. Hospitals hated it, the poor and indigent took advantage of it, and prices were jacked up in response to it. Eventually, the costs spread to everyone else. 

Given that history, it is no surprise that hospitals were quietly pleased with Obamacare. After the Supreme Court ruled on the legality of the new rules in June 2012, hospital stocks rallied. It should come as no surprise: They get to remove a huge cost that they had no ability to control. They also get a massive number of new paying customers. And they now have some control over who their patients will be.

Yes the man who claimed to want to keep government out of our lives created a law that put the burden of caring for those without insurance or money onto the hospitals, which forced them to make up the cost by gouging insurance companies, who in turn gouged their customers. In other words, us.

And then when President Obama came up with a plan to reduce the cost of insurance, and remove the burden from hospitals, thereby lowering the cost of medical care and prescription drugs, he was accused of being un-American and undermining the freedoms of the American people.

In other words the man who has worked diligently to protect our citizens from the unseen tax placed on them to cover uninsured hospital visits, is vilified. While the man who created that problem in the first place, is idolized.

Not only that but in order to protect Ronald Reagan's destructive health care mandate, his Republican heirs are willing to bankrupt the entire country.


  1. Sharon2:36 PM

    I swear.....we are finally getting to the bottom of all this bullshit. I never knew this, there are soooo many bad things that Reagan did, but this one takes the cake. Why are these people so damn quiet??? Why aren't the hospitals screaming that Obamacare is the best thing since sliced bread for them? There are more cowards in this country than cod liver's got pills...ya know?

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Somewhere in all the millions of Comments I've read recently on the tubes, sorry I can't give credit, "Reagan was an actor, hired by the republicans to play president".

    2. Don't forget he also played Survivor Of An Assassination Attempt, which cleared the way for passage of the "Federal Recovery Act."

    3. Anonymous5:18 PM

      All I can say is, I got my BlueCross/BlueShield packet in the mail today. I know have health insurance premiums that are more than my house payment and the yearly deductible for family is 12,700 out of pocket. My friends who are also self employed got the same news. Those of us Americans who are self employed have no advocate whatsoever. We have no HR person or employer to pick up part of the cost. Sadly, half of Americans will be in the same boat with us. I think we may be better off financially to roll the dice and pay the fine and forgo coverage.

  2. cckids2:45 PM

    I know you're snarking a bit here, Gryph, but Reagan's mandate was that the hospitals PROVIDE care. Not FREE care, they can & do bill you for it, send parasite bill collectors after you for it and force people into bankruptcy over it. This is a major, major fact that Repubs are always getting wrong.

    Hospitals have to treat you. They don't have to treat you for free. This is why some people (like me) don't go to the ER for things like stitches, x-rays, etc, but do what we can at home, cross our fingers & hope. Because that mandated care is not free, it is the most expensive care there is.

    Thank FSM daily for Obamacare. Not perfect, but at least it is a good start.

  3. Anonymous3:25 PM

    They HAVE to pump up Reagan, He survived two terms. Who else do they have?

  4. Olivia3:32 PM

    Oh, I think there is clearly a reason for that idiocy that you haven't discussed. Hmmmm, now what could it be? Let me see...who would it be who must work 10 times as hard to be considered half as good?

  5. “Hospitals provide care to anyone needing emergency healthcare treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay.”

    You may not be able to pay, but these services have never been free. They can and have billed people and hounded them into bankruptcy over emergency room bills.

    They have to treat you. They do not have to do it for free.

    And when they do agree with patients to write off a percentage or dollar amount of the cost of the highly expensive ER treatment (because you didn't have the money or insurance to go to a doctor before it was an emergency), guess what?

    Everyone else picks up the cost of the extremely expensive emergency treatment, instead of the relatively modest cost of a regular office visit.

    The current US system is insanely wasteful and expensive for everyone and there is simply no excuse for it to continue in its present form.

  6. WA Skeptic6:05 PM

    This is precisely why so many emergency rooms closed across the country--the organizations couldn't afford them.

    Typical Rethuglicans--if you can't keep people from using something, just defund it.

  7. Anita Winecooler7:59 PM

    I'm sure Ronald got the idea from one of Nancy's psychic friends or the monkey he used to work with. I think he suffered from ALS way before it went public.

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    The law is prominently displayed in the ER at my local hospitals. When I read people bitterly complaining about Illegal immigrants at the ER I thought it is a law. In America we do not turn people away to die when a treatment or life saving operation can be performed. People come to the USA for a better life which may include taking advantage of the law for emergency medical treatment.

    An uninsured person I know needed surgery that was not an emergency. He had to make a deposit and be processed for charity discount and arrange for payments.

  9. Anonymous1:57 AM

    The strategic planning that went into the last thirty years is indeed breathtaking........think about it......find the common denominator between the AT&T Board and the behind the scenes movers and shakers on Wall Street and Big Oil and you'll begin to see in focus.......


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