Friday, October 18, 2013

Sarah Palin wishes her daughter Bristol a happy birthday and then pimps her blog. "Grifting, a game the whole family can play!"

Here is the Grizzled Mama's message to her untalented and unmotivated little cub:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRISTOL! October 18 is Bristol's birthday and is, coincidentally, also Alaska Day. So fitting because Bristol is an amazingly strong and independent Alaskan woman -- a true mama grizzly! Happy Birthday, Bristol! We’re so proud of you for -- doing all this at once -- working so hard, going to school, and single handedly raising your wonderful son in such a wonderful way. We love you!

So sad that not one word of that is actually true.

And is if to prove my point Palin then links of Bristol's ghostwritten blog, where this picture was on prominent display.

Yes, nothing says that you have single handedly raised a "wonderful son" in a "wonderful way" like taking a picture of your little bundle of joy covered in fake tattoos and throwing up gang signs, and then posting it to your blog for the world to see.

I guess next we will see him holding his piece in one hand and a wad of cash in the other while giving a shout out to his homies and bitches.

She does realize that she lives in just about the whitest place on the continent doesn't she?


  1. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Every one of these Heath Palin's would pull a Nugent and shit their pants if they ever left their protective Right Wing bubble and faced the real public.

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      She wannabe Ratchet Ho. Thuglife kid is the bomb. He wannabe jus like Unkie Thug. No baby daddy in sight. Cool, no skool for little fool.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Why is that 7 year old still being held by his mother? Does he still sleep with her too? Weird.

    3. Anonymous6:20 PM

      She's doing everything she can to delay the inevitable coming out of the closest for Tripp.

    4. Anonymous6:24 PM

      The only reason Sarah posted this is because SPHASH blogged about it. Otherwise she forgot her own daughter's birthday

    5. Anonymous7:46 PM

      There is such a stark difference when Tripp is with his mother vs. when he is spending time with his father and Sunny and baby sister..when he's with his mother he's always the show off, trying to get attention and when he's with his father and family he is part of the family loving on his sister and interacting with his father...hugh difference from what I see!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    There Sarah goes again, taking circumstances as some sort of credit to her and her ilk. She'll take Alaska Day for Bristol, and tried to take Independence Day for Willow. We all know she's hijacking Christmas just for her book-writing prowess. Is any holiday or observance safe from her co-opting it?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      My mom is 83, and she is so sad that Sarah will still be spewing hate for the rest of my mom's life. I am 60, and pray that she is gone before that! What an arrogant self-centered family this is. My God. McCain should be put put to sea in a rowboat for unleashing this she-devil on us.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Just noticed the background of the photo...that is NOT Alaska in late fall, is it? I'm in MI, and our trees are either covered in color, or have already dropped their leaves. I'm say Brissy is closer to an AZ prairie dog than some Alaskan bear. And if that boy is 4, I'm 15.

    3. Anonymous2:10 PM

      What a MaMa Grizzle. Change schools for kid who needs stability or just having him learn to play hooky?

    4. Anonymous7:49 PM

      anon 2:10 she wouldn't be dressed for summer if she was in ak..she's in Arizona because Sunny and Levi have not seen Tripp for his weekly visits in some time..per their Facebook comments.

    5. akrnhsnc1:05 AM

      Sarah, you fucking bitch! Bristol is not single-handedly raising Tripp unless it's by her choice of keeping him from his father by living in AZ. Tripp obviously needs his father considering the horrible behavior we've seen on air during the reality shows in which you pimp your family out for the $$$

      How can Bristol be working when she's never in one state permanently? She doesn't have the background or knowledge to make her a valuable employee that anyone would hire and let her come and go as she pleases. The same goes for school...what school and what is she studying? You're so full of shit, do you ever, ever tell the truth about anything? Never mind, the vast majority of us already know the answer to this question - NO!

    6. Anonymous10:32 AM

      Won't be long begore we see photos of Tripp carrying Bristles!! Kid is HUGE for what ever age she claims he is. I would not like to be a teacher in whatever school he goes to, he seems like a spoiled brat. Most likely all Bristles and Willing's kids are home schooled. How smart does one have to be to grift, anyway? I wonder if they are stashed away in Rainbow Lodge?? Did Toad choose the name, by the way?

    7. Anonymous2:06 PM

      how cute, he has his front flippers in...they are not quite the right color Brissy.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Aw come on... Every 4-yr old kid wants to be a gang-banger. /s/

    Seriously, I can't recall at the moment what it was after Barney and then Blues Clues, but I don't recall that my kid at age 4 ever wanted to act like a dope dealer slinging crack and shootin' up the fuckin' 'hood. Not at age 18 either, where he's already had more college classes than Beefy Brisket ever will at the rate she's "progressing". Damn, they are some ignorant fools.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      grow up

    2. Anonymous1:43 PM

      good "50s kids costumes"

      Funny, He's more jock here. I does like sports.

    3. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Wasn't Bristol throwing em' up in picture when the grifter gave a speech at a college earlier this year?

      One leads by example.

    4. Anonymous6:29 PM

      TRI-PP is that you? (1:43 #2) Sarah putting you to work already?

    5. Anonymous2:17 AM

      $carah's message is code for "keep you mouth shut, Bristles, don't let the secrets out." We all saw how much of a hard worker she is on DWTS. The ONLY contestant to gain weight durng the show!!

    6. Anonymous6:00 AM

      Bristol was definitely doing gang signs in the pictures Joey Junker had on his Faxebook.

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I just want to punch the fucking twunt in the face.
    Yeah ~ she brings the out the worst in people.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      You have issues. I can help you resolve them and help you create happiness for yourself.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      1:43 PM Are you Sarah's Witch Doctor? Did you have Sarah speaking in 'TONGUES' on Kelly's Files last night? Whatever she was saying made no sense.

    3. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Rofl@the resident troll offer to help resolve someone's non-existent issues. No self awareness, just like saruh.

    4. Anonymous2:21 AM

      1:43 You are the one with "issues" Must be one of the PayMe family. Watch how the language will progressively get worse as the posts go on. They start with "grow up" then on to "you have issues" move along until the "f" word is used in place of every third word. So predicable, every last uneducated one of the PayMe family.

  5. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Alaska Day is so important to the Palins that they're celebrating it at their mansion in Arizona. Mama Armadillo gave Bristol a man for her birthday. Let's see how long she can keep him.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      grow up

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Was that man her grandpa, her daddy or her brother? Oh wait, they've already tapped that.

    3. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Yep, the Creepy Chucks and 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' just tap Bristol and Willow when they are horny.

    4. Anonymous2:32 PM


    5. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Bwahaha! Love the "Mama Armadillo" bit.

    6. Anonymous6:34 PM

      Hey its not chucks fault. The girls are always losing their underwear.

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    He is wearing a red jacket so he must be a Blood. I realize that I am old but in whose world is it appropriate for a four year old to be shooting gang signs. In the Palin world I guess. And this is the person the judge thought he would be better off with. I wonder what Levi thinks about the picture.. And hey, instead of cash and a gun, maybe he could be holding a bottle of Courvoisier and making it rain at a strip club.

    1. Anonymous1:42 PM

      hook em horns. Looks like he's dressed for Halloween, perhaps it's 50s Day. Very popular theme day for young kids.

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I remember the 50s. Only the drunks and worst of the worst had tattoos. I can believe she would dress him to be a drug dealer, better then a pimp to her. Granny always appears to be loaded, she may want Tripp to feel normal as a drug addict.

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      It's not Halloween by a long shot. So don't say that crap about Halloween costumes!
      This is how she dresses him, and he obviously has seen some of his 'mama-daddies' giving that sign, being that she was in LA with him as well as in AZ, where gangs are popular in certain circles.
      I hope, Levi sees this picture and gets a judge to FINALLY rule her to be an UNFIT mother!

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      He's 7

    5. Anonymous6:35 PM

      50's is popular with kids these days? You're a delusional freak troll!

  7. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Sorry to go off topic here, but the New Jersy Supreme Court has just told Chris Christie to take his veto and put it where, well, you know. New Jersy can start issuing marriage certificates to same sex couples on Monday, making it the fourteenth state to do so. Stand by for the rant ffrom Wasilla.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

      Ohhh, Governor Crispie Creme isn't going to like this one bit! Go Jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. angela1:04 PM

    Poor Sarah, she has never gotten over the fact that she doesn't have a child born on the 4th of July like President Obama does. Jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous. And stupid.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      I think it's time you got a life?

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      1:41 PM You are the one with no life. You are posting on blogs all hours of the night and day. If you are not in a straight jacket, it is because your meds are pretty strong. You are a Fool with no companions.

    3. Anonymous2:30 PM

      The person and family that did most damage to the state of Alaska has a spawn birthed on Ak Day. Why does Gawd hate Alaska?

    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      oh wow! I totally didn't know that one of the Obama's beautiful, intelligent girls was born on the 4th of July! That's gotta bite oh Palin's ass.

    5. Anonymous3:15 PM


      Isn't it interesting how the Obamas don't use their children for publicity? They also truly seem to live a vibrant life full of joy, intelligence and learning. I think that is what pisses the Palins off so badly.

    6. Anonymous2:27 AM

      The Obama family is everything the PayMe family is not. Intelligent, beautiful, hard working, well educated, CLASSY. I would bet the Tripp could tell quite a story himself about his "hard working mother" Must have met many, many of her one night stands. Soon she will have to take a leaf out of one of $carah's books and start paying him to keep his mouth shut.

  9. That is the largest supposedly not-yet-five-year-old (allegedly born December 2008) I have ever seen. Why does Bristol Palin not allow Tripp to stand? To stand next to her? Hmm, I wonder . . .

    1. Yes, I wondered about that too. I know that there are some who insist that he was born later than 12/08. I do remember why the Palins needed for him to be born according to their scheduled lies. However, he continues to look older than 4.75 years to me. Oh well, I guess it's far less important now. SP is over.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Uhhh, are you blind?

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Kid has the teeth of a 7 year old and must weigh at least 50 lbs. Both Levi and Bristol are small of stature as is Mrs. Palin, Todd and the Heaths. When was this monstrous child REALLY born?

    4. Anonymous4:20 PM

      He already seems to have both second front teeth. No kid that is not even five has them at that age! Here is a timetable of tooth eruptions. Scroll about 1/2 down...

    5. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Like the little girls in the pageants, Bristle probably got him a couple little flippers to hide the gaps when his baby teeth started falling out.

    6. Anonymous6:37 PM

      TRIPP IS 7

    7. @ anon 6:37

      You say that Tripp is 7-- do you know that for a fact?... He sure does look older than 4 or even 5 ish.

    8. Anonymous2:30 AM

      He is not allowed to stand in photos, because he is HUGE for the age they are claiming he is. When he starts driving, Bristles will have to sit on HIS lap.

  10. hedgewytch1:07 PM

    I don't know about the "gang" signs. That hand thing is getting pretty popular, 'specially in Hawaii to use - the "shaka?" it's sign language for I love you, not that they probably know that, only copying what he's seeing others do.

    1. No Shaka is the small finger and thumb.

      I lived there for a year.

    2. Exactly those are "devil horns" typically seen in Heavy Metal and Rock

    3. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Are you referencing hook em horns? Texas thing. Pretty universal.

    4. deebee2:06 PM

      The "shaka" (thumb and pinky) is a sign of unity and often a sign given as "thanks!" for doing something good or being polite. I see it used many times each day here in Hawaii by the very young and very old. It is always uplifting, happily given and received.

    5. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Actually what Tripp is doing is "devil horns". Rather fitting, I'd say.

    6. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Palm faces toward the viewer (away from signer) for "love" in ASL. Facial expression should match the sign. Tripp's face looks more like "Fuck you, Nigga! I dare you to mess wit me!"

    7. Anonymous3:11 PM

      It's a learned behavior from his bigoted aunt, mother, and all of Mommy's fuck-buddies. You know, typical Palin pretentious-abstinence hypocrisy.

    8. Anonymous3:19 PM


      The closest that Tripp ever got to Texas was when his drunken mother rode that bull at the West Hollywood gay bar. That doesn't quite explain the "hook 'em horns". Or, is Tripp really the Fishpicker that WAS born in Texas? Now that could explain a whole lot.

    9. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

      In Italy, that is the sign when one gives another "the evil eye". It's the ultimate insult, kind of similar to the middle finger or any Sarah Facebook screed..

    10. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Now the troll is talking about "hook em horns" and Texas. wtf. Deranged. The trolls craziest outbursts seem to coincide with Sarah being high on TV. Hmmm

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    That's about a size 1 shoe, that 6 year olds wear. Why do they have to tell LIES about everything they do?

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Why do you enjoy wallowing in ignorance?

    2. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Dear IM readers, just this once, pretty please with a cherry on top, do not reply to the troll's repetitive inane comments

    3. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I agree about his size. It's truly amazing how deluded the Palinbots are about the whole Trig/Tripp thing. Their ignorance knows no bounds.

    4. Anonymous2:34 PM

      *giggle*...the Krusty bait can be quite tempting to some.

    5. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Yes, like my male chihuahua will pee until he's dehydrated, trying to keep up with his buddy, a pit bull, as they follow each other and then circle behind one another trying to "cover" each other's favorite tinkle-targets. Both of them would have a field day on a krusty target that smelled like a fire hydrant. Too tempting.

    6. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Tripp is going to be 7.

  12. Anonymous1:13 PM

    pure unadulterated white trash

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      yes you are

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      White trash, ignorant and proud of both.

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Yes they are.

    4. Anonymous2:33 AM

      Yes, but the PayMe family has the tee shirts to prove it!!

  13. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Yes Sarah, you best be thanking Bristol.
    Without Bristol' s first child, you would be nothing, honey.
    Without Bristol keeping her mouth shut about the whole hoax, you would be exposed.
    Better buy her a big expensive present. Someday Bristol may just realize what you have done to her and boy, payback is a bitch.

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Libel is wrong

    2. Anonymous4:00 PM

      1:39 Libel up your Ass, Troll.

    3. Anonymous4:08 PM

      I wonder if Brisket ever thinks about how she let her Mom steal her first baby?

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      She thinks about it every night as she falls asleep. She will never forget.

    5. Anonymous2:34 AM

      The baby was bought and paid for, just like everyone in the PayMe family of grifters.

  14. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Did Krusty write this birthday greeting? It has the same amount of lying crazy that Krusty would write.I think Krusty has a dildo with $arah's picture on one side and Bristol's on the other.

    1. Anonymous2:43 PM

      OMG! Stop! (gasping for air)

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      I vote for a double headed model; one in the pink and one in the stink.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      You got a great marketing gimmick there, bet it would sell millions... race you to the patent office!!

  15. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Gryph, I know you don't like to do multiple palin posts in the same day but this just takes the cake.

    "Jesus Banned From Gravestones?" and a ghostwritten screed follows. Of course the link she provides is to the warty toad Todd Starnes.

    Then, she plugs her book at the end of the post! "And see my new book covering issues exactly like this. It will be released on November 12, but you can pre-order it..."

    Uh, Sarah? I have Jesus on line two. He says shut the fuck up, mkay?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      She's raised crazy to an artform. It's called "Look at this and buy my book" capitalism. She exploits the dead every chance she can.

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Tripp is creepy.
    Sorry, but he is.

    And Bristol is in school again and working in an Alaskan derm office while in Arizona.?
    Damn. I want that job. You can work but never work. How exactly does that work?

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Tripp is so cute. You need an attitude adjustment, or happiness instilled in you someway. May I suggest getting a life outside hate?

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Why don't you mind your own business? Huh? It's people like you who are the reason for so many lies in the universe.

    3. Anonymous1:55 PM

      And she's not even a member of congress!

    4. Anonymous2:37 PM

      My impression as well - creepy. A person cannot help their physical features but this kid is uber staged, faux. I teach middle school students - many who are this size. Check out that long finger!

    5. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Poor Tripp. He has been trained to be weird with a camera. They probably reward him with something toxic and sweet when he does the act they taught him. I can't blame a 6 or 7 year old but he is getting close to an age he could figure out a few things. Unless he is in a cult. In that case he will just do that smile and act happy and fun for the camera. It is creepy because it is so fake and he is too young to be like that. Child actors do better at turning off the performance mode. Tripp will be a mess because he is taught his acting is his real self.

    6. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I agree. Tripp is creepy. But it isn't his fault.

    7. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Tripp's smile is so fake.

    8. Anonymous3:18 PM

      The Palin Curse would have been a hell of a burden for the kid. He also has The Heath Curse. It is unfortunate he may grow up to be the spitting image of his great grand pappy. The creepy is already prominent. Not saying it is his fault.

    9. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Tripp is merely representative of many of the little boys and girls born to single mothers that have zero ability to discipline their offspring. Those kinds of kids are a dime a dozen both here in AK and across the country. They are pooped out and reared by single moms that are forever stuck in their teens and don't understand the first thing about creating productive members of society.

      Bristol should have made her money on MTV's Teen Moms because she has much in common with that show's stars.

    10. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Propp is four! I swear on my old chin's soul, Propp is four!


    11. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Tripp is a little BRAT!
      I just remember Melissa's little boy playing cello and being so polite and Tripp is VALLEY TRASH V2.0!

    12. Anonymous3:46 PM

      My first thought too, yes, he looks creepy. Yes, he is only a child and can't help how he's been influenced, it isn't his fault but if the Palin's can blurt out any and everything totally inappropriate, I'm going to take my turn and do it too. He's creepy looking.

  17. Um Griff hate to break it to you but throwing horns is not a gang thing but a rocker/metalhead thing. Those are "devil horns: he is doing. Not in anyway a gang hand sign.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      But what do the "devil horns" mean in the evangelical community? I know what was preached to us in AoG youth activities, because some of my friends were heavy metal fans. I never saw an exorcism, but I would have if those guys had kept up doing those signs. And I've been to Hawaii several times, and that ain't a Shaka or Hang Loose sign. But whatever. He learned it the same place he learned the words "Faggot" and "Fuck", just like all "4-yr olds mimic their mother's expressions. And usually by the time they're 6 or 7, they can do it on cue like Trizzle does.

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM


  18. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Is Levi over 6 feet tall? Tri-pp must have gotten his genes from the Green Giant, if he is 4 years old. Tri-pp is at least 6 1/2 years old, and not in School. He is on his way to being just as Dysfunctional as his Fat Mommy and her Family. Where are his Step Sisters from other absentee Daddies? Why are you hiding your other babies, Bristol?

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:28 PM

      Tripp also had his half birthday this week, making him 5 and one half years old.*

      *in my opinion

    2. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Your math and your memory make you a better observer than most. When the official version is revealed, I think your numbers will be what reveals a long list of lies that were told initially for Sarah's gain politically, and later told and retold time and time again for her "speaking fees" ruse to partisan suckers.

      Speaking of which, how many speaking engagements has Sarah's protege done lately? Any at all, ever? I sure haven't heard of any. He works cheap, too.

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Not so sure WHEN the top pic was taken, but it is definitely not Alaska, unless Sarah has managed to transplant palm trees in the magic land of warsilly. You can see the top of a palm just peeking above the leafy trees in the upper right section of the photo.

    Who takes care of Piper Diaper and Trig in Alaska? Tawd? Where's Willow these days? Also too with Sarah in AZ?

    1. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I'd heard Bristol went to Arizona days ago. Tripp is in school in Alaska? Who knows when that picture was taken? Piper was alone with the needy boys in the garage.

    2. Anonymous2:44 AM

      The dept. of family services REALLY should check on the PayMe compound, find out how many small kids are actually living there, not being schooled. It makes me think of the Mormon compound that Jeff's had with multiple kids being born. The entire clan was secretive, just like the PayMe clan.

  20. Anonymous1:36 PM

    That's quite a birthday greeting. Did the other Palin kids get equal public praise on their birthdays?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:09 PM

      Trig got welcomed from his creator ! Can't beat that, no way, no how!!

  21. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bwahahaha!! "An amazingly strong and independent woman".
    Crying and bitching at Mark Ballas because she couldn't make it through practice sessions, calling the father of her child a rapist gnat and again sobbing on Life's a Tripp does not an independent strong woman make!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

      I laughed too at that one. She moooooved from AZ to a house across the lake from Mom, then got a pontoon boat to shorten the trip. "Strong and Independent",
      HA HA HA!

  22. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Is that a "blood", "crip" or "MS13" gang sign?

    He probably learned it from Willow's baby daddy or Sarah's drug dealer.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      It's more of a "Krusty", a double flick of a booger method, which he learned from Aunt Wallow.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Sarah's drug dealer? Are you talking about TRACKMarks?

  23. Anonymous1:50 PM

    What school is Bristol attending? High School?
    Ok, let's agree Tripp is 4, although he looks 10. He is a preschooler and not a man. He should be manipulating Legos and Lincoln Logs, not wearing man sized glasses, fake tattoos, and acting like a rapper. The C4P should be horrified.

  24. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Tripp is going to be about 7 ft tall if he keeps growing at this rate! He is very large for a four year old. Things that make you go hmm.... Another generation of messed up Palins. How sad for the kids, all of them, any of them.

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      He's a little pale to be Glen Rice, Jr's, so there's no telling who was in town that particular week 6 or 7 years ago. Whoever he is, he's going to fly under the radar until he's forced to do a DNA test. Fortunately, it's pretty likely the kid's mom was passed out on her fat belly after indulging in several wine coolers and Big Macs.

  25. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Maybe she taught him the Hook 'em Horns sign?

    Yeah...probably not..

  26. LOL @ the size of big ass Tripp!

    Seriously y'all....whoTF thinks this kid is 4 going on 5? Raise your hands...not you Krusty...we all know what your crazy ass thinks!

    I'm sure Beefy is NOT happy that she's another year older and no where closer to having a man...thanks to her insane mama for reminding her of that on her BIRTHDAY!


    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Enlarge the picture and look at his two front teeth... They are already his second set, and THAT starts coming in when kids are around six (actually, all the charts I have seen say age 7-8...)

    2. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

      Always a grandma, never mother of the bride.

      Sucks to be Sarah.


  27. Anonymous2:00 PM

    There's something amiss with Bristol choosing those glass frames for Tripp. I'm pretty sure many young kids wouldn't want to wear them to school for fear of getting beat up. What is Bristol doing this for? Her cute son, who depends on her to do what's best for him, doesn't care that he looks like a nerd? Those glasses aren't made for young boys at his age? What is wrong with her?

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Tripp doesn't go to school.

    2. Anonymous3:30 PM

      She is trying to make him look "intelligent" know how well it worked for mama grisly, the fake glasses....

    3. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Why doesn't he go to school? Are you sure about that?

  28. Anonymous2:10 PM

    It's all Sarah does.She lies.Everything about that woman and her family is fraudulent..

  29. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Why don't they pay a minder and public relations? Bristol was just in Alaska with Tripp starting a preschool. She loves Ak and wanted to live there.

    Has anyone seen Bristol attending classes in Az? Will she come up with another faked diploma deal?

    When did Bristol have the last baby? Was it September or the end of August?

    Too bad she doesn't care about children. Poor Tripp, who would think those poses are cute except an arrested developed family? He rarely looks natural with her. He will have no identity as he tries to figure out which role she had him play was him. Non of them, of course, it will take awhile to deal with that.

    1. Anonymous8:30 PM

      He never seems to display that sweet innocence that most little children have. He already seem jaded. Terribly sad.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      Tripp only looks innocent and natural with Levi.

    3. Anonymous2:51 AM

      A therapist could make a fortune just trying to get the entire family back to near normal. Also, too, they keep adding babies to the clan, so the therapy would be ongoing. Trying to sort out all the lies would be a challenge. Once $carah's runs out of bribe money, someone will break and tell the truth. By then, nobody will care about this vile family and their lies. Someone wanting to make $$$ should expose them NOW.

  30. Anonymous2:19 PM

    at least he's got shoes on and glasses on...unlike another child in the family...also, what is it with them not being able to buy clothes for their kids that fit?! looks like he'll be 10 before he's able to fit in those jeans that are rolled up like 3 inches

  31. Anonymous2:22 PM

    It isn't rocket science to know Bristol Palin will post pictures of herself where she is covered up by one of her props. The last full shot of Bristol was months ago with Willow, she was thick as a brick and then some. Proud of it. Why hide behind her prop now?

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      That gawd-awful Leno chin is what I still can't get over. No matter what angle the picture is taken from. She used to be so fresh-faced. Sad.

    2. Anonymous3:42 PM

      It's an old picture. She gets knocked up and fat, then she posts an old pic of her and one of her kids, just to deceive. Who cares how many kids she really has and lies she tells about them? She's the one that they're going to dismiss as a fool for lying about them, if they ever learn to read. The Internet is forever, and those kids' will learn that their mother was a lying slut. Let her try explain it to them, and if they find out she lies to them the same way, they'll grow up having the same opinion of their family that many others have based in the pitiful truth.

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Rafael Eduardo Cruz has the same Chin.

    4. Anonymous3:50 PM


    5. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Fewer pock marks but otherwise similar.

  32. Lucky Tripp is the spitting image of his very pretty Aunt Sadie. Not much resemblance to his ugly mother thank Dog.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Really?? Mercedes is very pretty. Tripp looks like Chuckie

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      I doubt Sadie is his bio Aunt, not that it has anything to do with how much she loves him.

  33. Anonymous2:41 PM

    The birthday 'greeting' reads like you're promoting a product. There's no warmth, no personalness, just listing a fraudulent life resume. It's cold, just like Sarah. No reflections as a mother, nothing that suggests involvement or caring, just a rote PR statement.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Typical Palin brand crap. Nary a morsel of honesty will you find.

  34. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Hey Tripp, how many baby teeth have you placed under your pillow for the 'tooth fairy'? How does it feel to be 6 years old with a new baby sister at home?

  35. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Poor li'l fella seems like he might be goin ta Marcus Bachman's summer camp in a couple a years.

    1. Anonymous3:14 PM

      My sentiments exactly.

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Grandpa Todd said "Uncle Marcus" sure is a good hugger. Look at all this candy he gave me to keep a big secret. And he said you had a few secrets, too. Do you have any candy that we can trade? Cuz I like Slim Jims, but trial daddy Gino said that you just always wanted a fat one in your mouth or up your booty.

    3. Isabella4:06 PM

      3:49 that's just vile. Methinks you be an escapee from the loony bin aka C4P, just here to type your true thoughts.

    4. Anonymous4:13 PM

      3:49- that is a sick comment. If you are a regular, shame on you and get a grip. I have to also believe you are a plant from C for P

    5. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Isabella, I too see that 3:49 has left it's droppings in several places today. And I agree it looks like an escapee, or some sick trying to make us look as vile as they are.

    6. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Isabella, consider that Tripp's mom is the one who said that Tripp had learned the words "faggot" or "fuck" from hanging around in the garage with Todd. Were you cursing like that at age four or five? If you're confident you know everything else Grandaddy or Great-Grandaddy taught him, then tell everybody. I don't know about others, but those people are vile enough as it is, based on just what they've admitted to or has been proven to have done and then lied about, to not have to speculate. They're trash, and we've seen the results of their creepy behavior passed from Chuck and Sally to Creepy Chuckie (and his disposable family, after he knocked up a younger coworker) and to Sarah, who is severely dusfunctional, if you are so inclined to observe; and then to the oldest 3 kids they've raised who are each "damaged" emotionally and intellectually, regardless of birth parentage.

      If you want to defend them, be my guest. But their proclivities of incest and pedophilia did not begin with the Sarah, Molly, Heather and Chuck, Jr generation. If you don't know any of the principals inside the family, or their circle of confidants, then you don't KNOW. But if you're just denying what someone else knows because they know of the family's track record of sickness and you want it to be untrue, then I'm with you. I'd rather it not be true either. But based on their past and their tendencies, it's not at all unlikely, so if you haven't done your homework, don't call out somebody else who might have. I know I have done mine, and I know what I know. So I'd say the kid is at risk if not already a victim, because these family issues are inter-generational. But whatever. They're not all culprits but they are all affected, whether or not they know the root problems, but they each sense something wrong and deeply shameful. That is a significant reason for wanting to put forward the facade of "perfect mother", "most patriotic", "hardest-working", "bravest frontier family", etc--- all of the superlatives that will deflect from their own insecurities and shame. It's a family issue, not just a single individual at fault. Some people know and some don't. When the truth is too disgusting and shameful to admit, people lie and do anything deceitful or unethical to protect their secrets and family members' reputations. Theirs is a constant game of pretend and distract. It's very sad, but it still doesn't give them the rights to prey on others who are not at conniving for their own benefit at the expense of those who trust them mistakenly.

    7. Thank you 5:51.
      Some of us are outraged and some of us are outrageous. All are responses to the lies and monstrous actions of the Palins.

    8. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Why would anyone infer the poor kid is gay. Give me and Tripp a break! He appears to be an unhappy, snotty, little brat. I don't see anything about him that screams "gay."

  36. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Liar, liar pants on fire.

    Bristol is in school and working??? Bwhahahahaha !!!!

  37. Anonymous3:09 PM

    These pictures are last year when he could be with his dad.

  38. Anonymous3:15 PM

    haven't read the comments yet, but those aren't "gang" signs- they're the illuminati sign. interesting.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      No, not true.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Even tho it's known to some as the Illuminati satan sign, many of the gangs in So Cal changed the thumb position a little and also used it.

      I think his idiot mother thinks it's the 'shaka' sign from Hawaii which is pretty common and pretty cool and friendly. Something the Palins are NOT!

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      That's what the Fundies are taught. It's the conspiracy -minded paranoid Birchers and the Evangelical Churchies who "are fighting a spitutual battle" against the New World Order. None of them graduated from Univ of Texas - Austin. So it's not any Hook 'em Horns bullshit either. And they're not heavy metal fans either. I've seen their propaganda with George W Bush, both Clintons, and everybody who has ever been in CFR pictured at some point, doing the "horns of the devil". Don't ask me how many if those pics were photoshopped because I could care less, but if they were, then the Fundies were using them as props for their own "ghost stories".

      But whatever. This is nothing new. It's just those things that you can learn about a family of idiots when they put their kids in the spotlight and one of them is saying fuck and faggot when he's 3 1/2 or 4 years old (but really 5), and the lies they tell with fake pregnancies, which are obvious. Tripp learns from what he hears at home, and we know how fucked-up the home where he learns from.

  39. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Palm trees don't grow in Alaska. Bristol's in school? Sarah made a big deal abut Willow going to "hair school." But no word about Bristol's plans for college or substitute college?

    When will Tripp go to school?
    When will Willow get her beauty licence and get a real job?

    When pigs fly.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      When will Tripp go to school?
      When will Willow get her beauty licence and get a real job?

      That will happen when Sarah becomes president and Bristol gets married.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Tripp is in preschool in Alaska. Nancy did an advertisement about that. I don't get why Tripp would be in Arizona now. Something is suspect. If B was in school it is documented and the public will see something that isn't a bad photoshop job.

    3. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Like I said, when pigs fly....

      Willow will get a job
      Bristol will get married
      Track will go into rehab
      Tripp will go to kindergarten
      Bristol will go to college
      Sarah will stop telling lies
      Todd will admit to prostition ring
      Sarah will come clean about TriG
      McCain wi ll tell all
      ad nauseum

  40. Anonymous3:27 PM

    When I hold my soon to be nine year old son like that he takes up my entire torso just like Tripp is with Bristol. Even though they are trying to have him hunch down you just can't hide it. A huge tell tale sign will be when he loses a tooth.

    But then again they may just never have him smile or they will claim that some kid knocked Tripp's teeth out while he was trying to defend the Constitution, Christmas, Down Syndrome and Jesus. WOW, watch the donations pour in then.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Good one. Just like their family friend, Newt Gingrich, who fucked around on his first two wives with mistresses, because he loved his country so much, it will be a heart-warming story of heroism for a 9-year old boy, um, I mean, almost 5, wait, which of the bastard kids are we talking about?

  41. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Why is Tri-P dry humping his mom? Starting him off kind of young isn't she?

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      The kids 12 and now has nocturnal emissions. You know what that means in *that* family (dueling banjos music?).

      Did Barstool abort the pregnancy, too, the one that she is hiding in that pic? It's an older pic than her "fat girls out on the town" photo where she was obviously 40 lbs heavier. Similar strategy to Sarah's when she pretended she was with Trigger on his 3rd birthday when she posted a pic from his 2nd birthday (the sparklers, remember?). These lying grifters need a smoke screen to live behind, because their lies are so easily debunked, revealing what the embarrassing truth that they try to obscure.

      Look, we know that the two older girls are a couple of hefty humping heiffers who spend most of their waking hours lying on their lazy asses, and most afternoons and evenings with their thunder thighs propped up (since they can't actually get their feet up in the air anymore). Just admit it--- you're both too fucking lazy and too stupid to use contraception. And you're both hoping that one day you'll meet someone dumber that yourself and you can trap him into getting hitched to your fat ass. Then you'll tell him about the *other* kids that you have. But you'll lie about the ones that you aborted in AZ, Haiti, etc. Brancy has sure turned out to be a lying grifter's best friend as a lying wannabe grifter herself. Maybe she'll think she has a friend one day like RAM (the Giant Penguin) did, and tell someone just how embarrassed the Heath-Palins are about the Golden Child who can't keep her legs together.

    2. Anonymous9:31 PM

      I loathe the older Palins as much as anyone, but these comments are gross, trashy and disgusting. Posting such things about a young child makes you absolutely no better than the Palins. You are sick, as revealed by your sickening, inappropriate thoughts. What normal person thinks this way about a child?

  42. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I think Tripp is a little too old for his mother to carry him like that.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      She is using him to hide her Belly.

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Everything they do is for an image. He does look more baby and younger when she holds him.

      Something is wrong with the whole family. Trig was held like a baby for his first day of school. The only person that benefits is someone who wants the kids under control. In other words the Palins do not allow freedom or growth.

  43. Anonymous3:32 PM

    This is a must-see, one of the vets where SP hijacked the million vets march yells out and calls her an idiot, ha ha !!! Her voice takes on an added octave of shrillness in response. In regard to Brisdul, I can't help but think most moms would not take a picture like this of their young son much less post it for public viewing. It's amazing how these people lack the most basic common sense.

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      His Mom and maternal extended family is full of thugs and drug addicts, what else do you expect.

  44. Anonymous3:53 PM

    At the rate Tripp's growing, by age 7, he'll be able to carry Bristol! LOL...these Palins are a hoot!

  45. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Tripp doesn't look like a Palin, maybe he looks like his Dad, whoever that is.

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Exactly what I've thought from the start.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      That would be Nick Moe and she's flaunting it in everyone's face by putting the very same glasses Nick wears on Tripp

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM

      6:43 Who's Nick Moe? Got a link to a photo? Do tell us who live outside Wasilla.

  46. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Gryph, some of the comments on here are pretty vile - can you do a cleanup, please.

  47. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Just found this 'family picture' on Bar$tools blog from Sept. 30.
    Interesting, that Bar$tool is NOT holding Tripp, but a baby girl instead...

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      DWTS Baby.

    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Oh wow! (jaw dropping)

    3. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Could that be Track & Britta's little girl?

    4. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Nope, that pic was months before Trackmarks baby was ever born, but it was shortly after DWTS when Old Brisket was flopping on the floor with a huge belly.

    5. Anonymous12:45 PM

      The photo seems to be fairly recent (and no, I'm not a troll). Look at Piper, for one thing -- she's almost as tall as the Beefinator. And Sally is barely standing on her own (post hip surgery). The baby could be either Track's or creepy Junior's.

  48. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I hate that gangsta picture of Tripp, but Bristol does look cute in the top one.

  49. Anonymous5:12 PM

    EVERYTHING that "family" is are nothing but lies. Take a good HARD look, folks. There's your Bircher Tea Party that wants to take over your country. Liars, grifters, and frauds. Oh my!

    Tell you what, Queen Esther, you sure showed your true colors. You wanted the glamor and the fame because you think you are OH so special and HOT. How does it feel to be the butt of jokes worldwide? You and your whole family.

    As the old car commercial jingle goes, "you asked for it, you got it, Toyota."

  50. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

    Awww Shucks! It's Bristol's Birthday AND Alaska Day! Does this mean that all girls in Alaska get pregnant as teenagers while constantly boinking some random dudes in a tent in the woods, thinking that it would lead to a white dress, ring, happily ever after? Or does that only happen to dependent children who never cut the apron strings and are enabled by their absent parents who raise their kids through texts, tweets and whoring their blog on mama's facebook?

    Love LOVE LOVE that photo of Tripp. Doesn't bode well for that poor kid. He's going to grow up and read his mom's book. And so will his classmates.
    Why do people exploit their kids on social media, then get pissed when people point and laugh hysterically? Sarah's followers aren't the sharpest tools, one of them is going to show up expecting a shot at "trial daddy". When the money runs out, so do the bodyguards.
    Once again, Grandma and Ma of the Century do an epic disservice to their grand kid (s) and kid (s). I'm sure Alaska gives a shit it's Bristol's birthday.

  51. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Tripp is going to be a hand full IF he ever goes to school. The class clown. The class bully. Tripp used to be cute. Not so much anymore. I hope he recovers from his adolescent caretakers, Bristol and Willow. He will probably grow up hating women.

  52. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Looks like Bristol is in Arizona and Mommy Dearest is in Alaska. Such a personal birthday wish, mommy. Daddy? Gino? Joey? Anybody?

  53. Anonymous10:17 PM

    That chin is HAWT.

  54. Anonymous5:14 AM

    So, how come Tripp gets glasses that fit him, but his brother Tri-G doesn't?

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      And by the way, how old is Tripp, really? 6-7? Cause the "birth date" that was published to fit the pre-fabbed political narrative doesn't jive, Brissy.

      But time will reveal the details of the whole sordid story . . . it always does. Meanwhile, enjoy the ride while it last, for there will be a price to pay for the many deceptions.

      And you can take that to the bank (or the mattress).

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I disagree,....those glasses are totally the wrong size for Tripp. Visit your local optometrist and look at the huge selection of age appropriate frames.

      The whole family are IDIOTS!


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