Saturday, October 19, 2013

Some people are unbelievably slow to learn. Let's call those people Texans.

This courtesy of US News: 

Before, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, launched a 21-hour talk-a-thon on the Senate floor or encouraged the House of Representatives to stand firm in its position to repeal and delay the Affordable Care Act at any cost, he was a candidate. And he made a promise that he wouldn't go to Washington and be part of the establishment. Members of Cruz's own party took him to task for his tactics, referring to it as an "agonizing odyssey." 

Back home in Texas, however, local tea party groups and conservatives are applauding Cruz's efforts. 

Linda and Mike Vickers, who own a ranch in South Texas and hosted Cruz in 2012 when he was still on the campaign trail, are proud to have Cruz representing them, especially in the wake of his giving Washington a big old headache. 

"He is the bravest conservative up there and it is a dirty shame that the rest of them are not the same. These last few weeks resolidified my support for him," Mike Vickers says. "They better watch out because Ted Cruz gets a big thumbs up down here on the border." 

Political scientists observe that Cruz's hard line conservatism can only win him points in Texas, which is considered a Republican stronghold. Democrats haven't managed to win a statewide office there since 1994, making the state the longest-reigning red state in the country. 

"There are undoubtedly some people who are irritated, but that irritation resides in the usual corners among moderates and Democrats," says James Henson, a state politics expert and a professor at the University of Texas. "There is some degree of irritation among the business community here just like in the business community nationally, but that conflict has been present here for the last couple of cycles and won't prevent Cruz's rise."

So for all of us who hoped that Texas would smarten up and give ole Raphael Cruz the heave ho, it looks like that hope is probably premature.

However with more evidence that Texas is starting to turn, if not blue, at least a deep purple politically and with evidence that support for Wendy Davis continues to grow, we may be seeing signs of the last gasps of rock hard conservationism in the Lone Star state.

Perhaps someday soon we will see the day that the majority of Texans are just as embarrassed about electing Ted Cruz, as today's Alaskans are for ever having elected Sarah Palin.


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Austin, the capitol of TX, is suppose to be majority blue now! Wouldn't that be a kick in the butt! Have family living down there that are Democratic and can hardly stand the 'other' part of the state. They didn't vote for their little pipsqueak governor or for Cruz!

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      Thank you, I live near Austin as well; I certainly didn't vote for Cruz or any of the thugs. Come on Gryphen, we're not all like that! You should know better....aka the grifter...did you vote for her?

  2. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Rafael Cruz is NOT a Texan. That old man in the article is the first Texan I have heard that admits to supporting him.


    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Cruz is not a Texan? How did he manage to be THE Man in Texas. question: Just how did Cruz get to Texas, and why? He has a personal agenda and I don't trust him one little bit.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Well, since he was elected, I'm guessing there were a few more people who supported him. With luck, and good hindsight, maybe they won't support him in another FIVE years! Gosh, we really do need to think about senators as they are in our face for such a long time. At least we can get rid of congress persons much sooner and there are many who need to go!

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      He was behind in all the polls. He was a joke. Sarah Palin showed up in Houston wearing cowboy boots, gave a five or ten "speech" on the stage with him. Then she went to a local Chik Fil A, had her picture taken with a greasy bag of chicken and went back to whatever hole she crawled out of. Suddenly, he won. I smell a SPRAT! You know what a SPRAT is doncha?


  3. Anonymous6:23 PM

    As long as Texans keep voting for Louie Gohmert, known worldwide as the dumbest man in congress, people will laugh at them.

    1. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Louis Gohmert, Steve Stockman (who invited Craphispants Nugent to the State of the Union), Joe Barton (who apologized to BP during a Congressional hearing for the way the Federal government was treating them after the Gulf oil spill), Randy Neubarger (who told the Park Ranger she should be ashamed at the WWII memorial). And Gohmert, Stockman, Bill Flores, and Blake Farenthold have brought up impeachment. I'm sure if I spent more time, I could find more examples of fine Texas politicians.

  4. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sorry, I don't care what this article says, Rafael Eduardo Cruz' image had been badly hurt in Texas. Texas is already a "purple" state for Nat'l elections, unlike 100% red Alaska.
    I know of 4 friends that were staunch republicans but Cruzs antics have changed that. We, in Texas, are ready to turn blue, what other red state can say that?

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      I wish you well. ex-texan

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Off topic but did anyone hear that Romney was charged today with violating Rico predicates? Thats the one thing Tony Soprano was always trying to avoid.


  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Wendy Davis is one brave woman. She will get political abuse from these assholes. Go Texas Women! Do they have a PAC yet?

    I was born and raised in Texas and these assholes have been around for a long long time. It's part of the Texas "heritage." I left Texas at age 18 and never looked back. But I am still a Texas Democrat.

  7. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Reaction to Palin’s Latest Appearance on Fox

  8. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Cruz/Palin in 2016

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      Palin is not about to accept second place. Besides Cruz will throw her under the bus as soon as she is of of use to him.

    2. Anonymous4:17 AM

      BWAHAHAHAHAHA, what a Joke. Cruz has no chance, and he will throw Palin under the bus long before then. Cruz does not place Palin on his intellectual level.

    3. If Cruz were truly an intellectual, he would not have opted for a shutdown. That was just plain dumb.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:12 PM

    What a sad, pathetic story. People lost their jobs, food and formula, and it cost 24 Billion Dollars of suffering, and this asshat supports Cruz?

    "These last few weeks resolidified my support for him," Mike Vickers says". He's in front of a sign, out standing in his field, with a teacup , a fat belly and he expects to be taken seriously?
    Cruz was back at the WW2 memorial that HE helped close, the second it opened to welcome back the Vets to the memorial President Obama made open.
    Another example that stupid should hurt real bad.

  10. Anita Winecooler7:14 PM

    OT, but I meant to add this link, thought it would make your day!

    1. Leland3:42 AM

      All fourteen publishers, huh?


      That's the kind of slap in the face these damned fools need - EVERY HOUR!

  11. Anonymous7:59 PM

    This guy has too much time on his hands... Who has time to put up a sign on their fence like that nowadays? People who are collecting medicare, SS, vets benefits, town pension, farm subsidy etc. Most Americans are working all week plus weekends just to make ends meet. Why do we have to put up with these fringe assholes who vote into office obstructionist seditious fecal matter?

  12. Anonymous9:02 PM

    If I had the skills I would make a video using Cruz reading Dr Seuss high lighting his whiny,shiny face,interspersed with clips from speeches made by real politicians like JFK,President Obama ,and others. I would make another alternating with shots of Cruz' cry baby looking face alongside Boehner's actual tears ,playing the song "crying time". I'm sure I could think of others. Then I would plaster these videos everywhere ,creating links and offering incentives for others to so . I would keep this up until the next Presidential election.

  13. Wonder if that fence could be used as a strafing target?? Maybe if it's a three pass run ...

  14. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Gov Perry supported Dewhurst. Palin supported his opponent Cruz. Does Perry have a problenm with this?
    "The enemy of my emeny is my enemy."

  15. Sharon1:50 AM

    It is true, you have to consider the sources in Texas. I think Rick Perry did so much damage that women are going to be out in force voting for Wendy. The Dems really need to get some slogans local, it matters! When the county and state levels start paying attention and weed out the GOP, it will make a diff. The Senate needs to use the rule to shut Cruz up....they should have 2/3. This farmer is one of the sheep that will always vote against his own interest.

  16. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Gryphen, how about a thread on this, it's disgusting.

  17. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Women are Wendy Davis’ natural base. Her eleven-hour filibuster of an abortion bill that closed family planning clinics in Texas is the reason she has the name recognition and the political capital to make a run for governor. Anti-choice groups who have never before had to spend money opposing a pro-choice candidate are scrambling to form political action groups to run ads against her. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, the man who is most likely to be her opponent, has been touting himself as the real pro-woman candidate for his success at collecting back child support from deadbeat dads. Now, Republicans have found what they hope will be a more reliable plan than trying to persuade women that Republicans have their best interest at heart:

    Don’t let women vote.

    As of November 5, Texans must show a photo ID with their up-to-date legal name. It sounds like such a small thing, but according to the Brennan Center for Justice, only 66% of voting age women have ready access to a photo document that will attest to proof of citizenship. This is largely because young women have not updated their documents with their married names, a circumstance that doesn’t affect male voters in any significant way. Suddenly 34% of women voters are scrambling for an acceptable ID, while 99% of men are home free.


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