Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ignoring Sarah Palin is not an option.

One of the comments that keeps turning up here with irritating regularity is the "Stop talking about Palin, it's what she wants." Or "If you stop talking about her she will just go away."

Trust me I understand the sentiment, believe me I do, I just disagree with the rationale.

As I have discussed before, after Palin quit the governorship a bunch of us Alaska bloggers got together to celebrate and, I'm not ashamed to admit,  give out a couple of pats on the back for a job well done.

During that get together we did discuss no longer having to write about Palin, and many agreed that they would gladly remove her name from their vocabulary.

However I disagreed, and said that we could not afford to ignore her, because for one thing I did not think she was done causing harm, and for another she provided a living breathing metaphor for what was happening to the Republican party.

Not to toot my own horn, but I believe what I said that day was somewhat prescient. Especially if you remember that this was before the Tea Party gained national attention, before Gabby Giffords was shot, and well before the traveling side show that made up the Republican primary candidates of 2012.

Take a second to read this from the Examiner:

We, progressives, ignore people like Sarah Palin at our own peril. She, along with Cruz and Lee and Hannity and others, will seek to dismantle any healing we attempt in this country, will not be content with bi-partisanship or the concept of coming together as a nation. In her recent roll-out, Palin casually called our President a murderer, is seeking vengeance on the more sensible wing of the Republican Party who, in the end, voted to end the nonsense driven by the House tea party caucus, and is, once again, recklessly striving to create conflict and foment hatred. 

"What emboldened our enemies," Palin told Megyn Kelly recently, "And what empowered competitors was his [President Obama's] promise to fundamentally transform America from being a solvent, free exceptional country into something that we're not gonna recognize . . . then of course he, having left behind . . . our brave men in Benghazi to be murdered . . . and then . . . he, using our military .. . our military, our vets, shutting down their memorials and holding them hostage in terms of budget deals . . . ." 

Palin's blatant, reckless dishonesty regarding the facts of the Republican government shutdown, and her use of incendiary rhetoric, is predictable, yet no less shocking for its predictability. This recent battle reflected the willingness of some in the Republican Party to do the right and sensible thing, and they will pay a price from those, like Palin, who believe there are only two options - her way, or her other way. 

Her re-emergence on the national stage is alarming, unnecessary, and harmful to any American values. Though hope springs eternal that her relevance is vastly diminished, we've seen what type of havoc the right-wing fringe can wreak. This country has no more room for radical, bitter, enemies to America, domestic terrorists who will stop at nothing to see this President (along with everyone in this country, if that's the price) brought to his knees.

Look, ignoring small pox did not defeat it. Ignoring a tornado does not protect you from danger. And ignoring Sarah Palin does not mean that she will disappear like the things you imagined living under your bed as a child. 

I seriously doubt that the folks over at MSNBC enjoy listening to hours upon hours of taped idiocy from Glenn Beck, or Sean Hannity, or Ann Coulter. But they do it in order to call them out on their lies and shine light on their attempts to undermine the President. Ignoring them would only mean that their messages would go out to the world without clarification or scrutiny.

THAT is kind of what they hope will happen.

Today fewer and fewer people are taking Sarah Palin seriously.

That did not happen because I, or anybody else ignored her. It happened because we refused to do so.


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Gryphen, remember when you promised us an ICEBERG that was headed her way?
    How about that guy Fred, who was supposed to write the book of all books that would end her tyranny once and for all?
    How about all those investigations that were supposedly coming down the pike re. her various crimes (Matsu Dairy Gate, House Gate, cabin Gate, PAC Gate, etc, etc)???

    Whatever became of all these things? We were promised that she would be in jail by now.

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      It's not about us, anon.

    2. Anonymous3:24 PM

      But someone (maybe many someones) know the truth and need to find the courage to state it aloud.

    3. It was Dennis Zaki who promised the iceberg, and Palin did what she had to do to avoid it.

      As for the other things mentioned, well I have surprising little control over what other people do, what they are prepared to reveal, and when they are prepared to reveal it.

    4. AJ Billings4:44 PM

      At first glance Gryphen, I'm wondering if her resignation was what "she had to do to avoid it", but I don't expect you to respond for obvious reasons

      So even though I don't know what hard evidence was the root cause it gives me hope that someone out there has the real goods on her.

      Keeping up the good fight against Palin is a very worthy, and patriotic endeavor, and I am most grateful to you for it.

      Each time I visit IM, I'm gratified for your efforts in keeping blog like this going, and earnestly hope for the day I read "Palin indicted" or Palin exposed!

      many, many thanks

    5. Jeanabella9:00 AM

      well said! Thanks to Gryphen.

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Amen Gryphen! I will continue to write about Palin until she is wearing prison orange or six feet under.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      or perhaps a padded cell.

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM


  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Jeanne and Shannyn left you holding the bag as to being anti-Palin and it always bothered me. They "at first' were very public about their dislike of her but haven't been for years. Their mistake!

    Thank you for keeping us informed about the 'real' Sarah Palin! She truly is a fraud, liar and horrible person!

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      Where are they now? The Mudflats gets less than a dozen comments on any post. Shannyn has a blog that no one reads and a few listen to her far left diatribes daily on the radio. They are very far left, both of them and that doesn't work out so well up here.

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I'll add to that, Anonymous 3:01pm. When Palin was nominated, I searched for the name and found Mudflats. From there I was led to Shannyn and IM. Also Celtic Diva, who I still miss.
      But, when the fake pregnancy came to light, I quickly became tired of the mealymouthed "oh we're better than that" attitude from Shannyn and Jeanne. And here I am 5 years later with IM on my daily "to check" list. But, I still miss Celtic Diva.

    3. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I (and others) may not have found IM without Mudflats and/or Shannyn Moore leading the way (for me).

      It seems that because they were hesitant (refused) to deal with the faked Mrs. Todd Palin pregnancy, some, perhaps important, momentum was lost.

      As we all know though, things take time.

      I have always appreciated Jeanne Devon of the Mudflats and Shannyn Moore's effort at educating Alaska and by extension, the rest of us about Alaska and its politicking. Good work is counted as good work.


    4. WakeUpAmerica7:25 PM

      Mudflats was also my entry into all things Palin. Celtic Diva often writes there for those who need a Celtic fix. Her name is Linda. I love Shannyn's posts and wish she would post more often. I can't live without my Gryphen fix, even if he is a dreaded atheist. LOL

    5. Lucera10:35 PM

      May I say that I came to be a regular IMer thanks to Bree Palin's deliciously wonderful blog? I miss her. The whole Palin fake pregnancy needs to be exposed to the mainstream media. That bitch needs to get taken down more than a notch or two.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I totally agree with you Gryphen.

    But her biggest problem isn't which boob size to wear today.

    It's Trig.

    I suggest starting the entire fake pregnancy posts from the beginning, with expanded commentary from you to introduce the series. I also suggest tipping off the other excellent bloggers who carried the water and engineer a frontal assault on her lies.

    Tease the posts out in between your regular posting, but start aiming the Trig truth at her.


    A Constant Reader

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Without a DNA test no one will ever get the full story on Trig, but seriously. Bristol disappeared for 7 months and then a baby turned up in the Palin household, without the purported mother ever looking pregnant. Thinking people know the truth but so far there is no person in the Palin inner circle that will actually spill guts.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Someone commented at Sarah Palin Has a Serpent's Heart that Bristol is pregnant again. A shame that the paparazzi don't chase down some proof.

    3. Anonymouse10:46 PM

      There was effing proof during the first DWTS episode and people couldn't see what was before their eyes?! I do NOT understand how those Palins can have so many people constantly covering for their lies. Why would the other DWTS contestants not talk about what was going on. One does not GAIN weight when dancing four to six hours a day. It still sucks when Bristol was walking from the cheesecake factory and no one could see that she was pregnant!! That right there emboldened Sarah so that she now believes that she is Teflon. I just hope Rafael and her rhetoric don't lead to an assassination of any other politicians or to our wonderful President.

    4. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Dr. CBJ is yhe weak link. Pressure her alaskans, pressure her.

  6. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Keep going G. It's the right thing to do.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Agree 100% plus.

  7. Anonymous3:14 PM

    "Anonymous3:05 PM

    Keep going G. It's the right thing to do."
    what she said!!!

  8. Anonymous3:18 PM

    You'll have to excuse me if I don't offer you a pat on the back here. Had you folks in Alaska, on the ground and with sources the rest of us do not have, gone ahead and exposed Sarah's foundational right-to-life wild ride birth concoction for what it was, she'd have disappeared from our lives. Forever. Instead you all splintered, the MSM skulked, Joe McGinniss, who came the closest, was trashed and here we sit. Mr. and Mrs. Average Voter never got the story, which has now evaporated, never to be told. Palin-Cruz Tea Party bombs are the legacy. Should. Not. Have. Happened.

    1. Anonymous3:43 PM

      That must be some kind of hold and she knows it., hence the snark on her part. If she gets too close people WILL sing like canaries and she knows that, too. Just playing mean girl/slut bucket for money. Absolutely NO self esteem.

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      The big mystery for me is not how Bristol disappeared for a time and then there was a Trig. The bigger mystery is why Tripp looks much older, or the same age as Trig and then what happened to the DWTS baby that Bristol was carrying while dancing on TV. It's rather plausible that Trip and Trig were twins, one normal and one not, and that B's campaign trail pregnancy was a faked affair, but really, what happened to the Dancing With The Stars Baby?

    3. It is easy to say "spill the goods" when we are safe in our own lives. It's a very different thing when the subject one wishes exposed has your livelihood or your life in her hands.

      There's a reason why some investigations take years.

      But when the circumstances are right, someone will break and Sarah Palin will tumble--if her lifestyle hasn't killed her before then. Meanwhile, we can watch her continue to rot.

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Everyone gives her far too much credit. And too many bloggers and media outlets turned Palin into a full-time hobby. That was a terrible miscalcuation. I doubt anyone understood how much lasting damage would still ensue. Where the hell is her physician who can answer a direct question about a child she did not deliver OF Sarah Palin in 2008?

    5. Dr Kathy? She's been shitting a brick since 2008, waiting for the other shoe to drop, unavailable for ANY comment. Good chance she could lose her license.

    6. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Well then she should come forward and get it over with. There's still plenty of good she can do in the world should she surrender her license. Some real journalist needs to find her, put a mic in her face and ask her a simple direct question. I know we've been round and round on this, but no physician has a HIPPA obligation to cover for the lies of a patient. That would be patently absurd. And medically unethical.

    7. Anonymous5:53 PM

      HIPAA. Sorry, it's been a while.

    8. Anonymous7:13 PM

      DWTS baby is the Kylee Grace. Track's supposed daughter. Why has Sarah never ever acknowledged her second grandchild? Because Sarah was furious that Bristol went and got knocked up again after she went to all the trouble to repay her for using Trig as a prop.

    9. Anonymous12:25 AM

      If Kyla Grace is the DWTS baby that would mean Britta faked a pregnancy. Doesn't make any sense.

    10. Anonymous7:56 AM

      She is a proud womona. What is this July 2013 ?

    11. Anonymous1:17 PM

      $$ talks and the Palins walk. Britta disappeared just before TriG was allegedly born. Track could be his father. She came back to a full time job with Sarah Palin for which she was not qualified.

      She borrowed the empathy belly to cover for Bristol and got paid a lot of $ to do so. Very simple, very easy.

    12. Anonymous1:18 PM

      @7:56 - just a fat girl trying to get the gossipers to believe she is pregnant again.

    13. Anonymous1:20 PM

      don't forget the extra baby during the filming of the Massey Bros. fiasco. Remember? Somebody lent a brand new just born baby to Bristol to take care of for 3 months. Her godchild...she said. What a crock.

  9. Anonymous3:25 PM

    omfg! click on link and watch the video of her.
    She is stark raving mad!
    also,too,so as are....
    Everyone who has truth on her needs to spill...

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      The truth is coming.

      G has known some of it a while.

      The best time to expose things is when it maximizes the damage to those who have been using her for their own purposes. She and her family are nothing but clueless grifting fundaloon nutters, but her exposure will still inflict damage to fellow Republicans in the approaching Republican Primary Civil War.

  10. Ignoring her would only work if she could feel shame or were at least moderately intelligent. However, she is a dreadful combination of narcissistic and stupid.

    Ignoring her will just cause her to become even more dramatic in her attempts to be noticed.

    What is important is to treat her as she deserves to be treated. Her stupid, vicious utterances should be laughed at and held up to scorn. She should be called out when she lies. She should be called out when saying something stupid. When she behaves in a contemptible fashion, she should be treated with contempt.

    Fortunately, she is generally ignored now by the mainstream media. Huffpo reported her latest stupid rant but it was in order to laugh at her and Kelly's reaction to her idiocy.

    She absolutely will not go away. So she needs to be called out for the stupid, brainless, lying, poisonous, traitorous piece of shit that she is, every time she opens her stupid pie hole.

    We have a long way to go to rid this country of traitors like Palin and Cruz.

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Thank you for saying it, better than I could. For some reason, I am kind of heartsick about it all today.

      Thank you to Gryphen for never giving up. Let's those of us who are able, remember to donate what we can.


  11. Anonymous3:27 PM

    No one should ignore her. We will continue to cut down her vicious, rabid, zombie attacks until she attacks no more.
    Luckily, most of the world agrees. We are not alone.

  12. Anonymous3:29 PM

    She's a laughingstock and it is important to keep her in that post. Ignoring her might let one of her asinine comments gain credibility. Thankfully, that hasn't happened yet. She's a laughable international joke and we need to vigilantly keep her there, where she belongs.

  13. Anonymous3:29 PM

    She's just proving the point that the louder they speak the more insignificant they are. She and her followers somehow believe that the other 95% of the country is as stupid and religious as they are but for our great enjoyment they will soon find out they are sadly mistaken. This is what happens when people only "sing to the faithful" instead of taking into account what the solid majority believes and supports. It's a great time watching the GOP be fractured by the TEAS and they both deserve anything that comes their way. I'm lovin' it!

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      And, the Palin klan from Wasilla, AK are the 'least' Christian in the USA! They are nothing more than proven liars, frauds and unethical beings! .

      Shame on the entire family!!!!

  14. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Gryphen, I agree wholeheartedly with your point of view on keeping Sarah in our sights. She's a wiley and snakey one, and we need to keep an eye on her and keep trumpeting her ignorance whenever possible. Keep the lazer focus on, it's critical to nip her lies and manipulations in the bud, as well as tracking her her pimp husband, her ghostwritten Facebook page, her ghostwritten Breitfart articles, her spawn's ghostwritten blog, etc. You are tasked with a Herculean task to do this, and we are so thankful for you and your blog.

    And now, GOP Implosions are happening all over the map!

    ‘Desperate’ donors tighten purse strings on right-wing groups and ‘self-immolating’ GOP

    Hard times have arrived for the Republican Party and particularly for right-wing pressure groups like Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS, Heritage Action and the one-time lavishly funded tea party PAC, FreedomWorks. According to a report in Politico, heavyweight Republican donors are frustrated and “horrified” that their money is going to wrong-headed politicians and groups that appear to have no effect on election outcomes.

    “In conversation after conversation, donors express growing frustration with the party and the constellation of outside groups they’ve been bankrolling,” wrote Politico‘s Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer.

    Donors, they say, were “horrified in November after pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into campaigns for president and Congress with nothing to show for it,” and in the wake of the Republican shutdown fiasco, they have become even more concerned.

    FreedomWorks PAC’s CEO Matt Kibbe took to CSPAN on Friday to declare that schisms between the old and new guards of the Republican Party are making it “a real possibility” that the party will split in two. Kibbe didn’t mention, however, that his group is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy thanks to a top-heavy management structure and tendency to hemorrhage cash on things like craft beers and Las Vegas hotel rooms.

    Similarly, Karl Rove’s super PAC Crossroads GPS is, Politico said, among those “feeling the hardest pinch” from donors shutting their checkbooks. Crossroads spent $300 million in 2012 and saw nearly every single one of its candidates lose that November. Since then, donations have slowed considerably as the right’s financial backers have begun to lose faith in party gurus and politican strategists.

    One-time backers of tea party Republican candidates, said Politico, are facing a kind of “Frankenstein syndrome” in which politicians like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and the House’s tea party caucus no longer fear the donors who put them into office and no longer believe that they need them.

    Al Hoffman, a mega-donor and former U.S. ambassador to Portugal, told Politico that the money-holders on the right are wary now of financing politicos that are such ideologues that they end up hurting the very interests they were sent to Washington to protect.

    “So many in the House are hard-right reactionary tea party,” he said, “And those Republicans, it appears, are ready to self-immolate, and are willing to risk the destruction of the party by risking the destruction of the economy, by risking a default.”

    “I am desperate to get the Republicans moving again…in my view we’re becoming a party of irrelevancy,” he said.

  15. As much as I hate it, you are right. I just get so sick of her.

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Stiff upper lip, Lynne. You're not herpes infected.

  16. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Herpes that won't heal, like her infected lip permanently attached to our butt and don't think she doesn't enjoy every last minute of it. Who's looking worse for the wear? Not US!

    Behind you, Gryph!

  17. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Gryphen, did you see this?

    Read Meryl Streep’s introduction of Hillary Clinton during the recent 2012 Women in the World conference:

    You won't see Hillary Clinton in the same light ever again

    ...But that night in the theater two years ago, the other six brave women came up on the stage. Anabella De Leon of Guatemala pointed to Hillary Clinton, who was sitting right in the front row, and said, “I met her and my life changed.” And all weekend long, women from all over the world said the same thing:

    "I’m alive because she came to my village, put her arm around me, and had a photograph taken together."

    "I’m alive because she went on our local TV and talked about my work, and now they’re afraid to kill me."

    "I’m alive because she came to my country and she talked to our leaders, because I heard her speak, because I read about her."

    I’m here today because of that, because of those stories. I didn’t know about this. I never knew any of it. And I think everybody should know. This hidden history Hillary has, the story of her parallel agenda, the shadow diplomacy unheralded, uncelebrated — careful, constant work on behalf of women and girls that she has always conducted alongside everything else a First Lady, a Senator, and now Secretary of State is obliged to do.

    And it deserves to be amplified. This willingness to take it, to lead a revolution – and revelation, beginning in Beijing in 1995, when she first raised her voice to say the words you’ve heard many times throughout this conference: “Women’s Rights Are Human Rights.”

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Anonymous 3:39 PM...thank you for the link. I just went to Daily Kos and read the entire article. Very moving. I like and admire Hillary more than ever!

    2. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

      This needs to go viral. Seriously, Hillary has done so much for the causes of women and equality worldwide while doing the business of the people in any role she had in politics.

    3. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Yes, anon 3:39, Thank you so much for sharing the link. I was moved to tears by the end. Hillary is such a force and humble. I hope she runs in 2016 but her age makes me worry a tad. And I read recently that if Chelsey gets pregnant that might make Hillary's decision easier, as in not to run.

  18. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Gryphen, I totally agree with you 100%, you stole my thunder as I read the last part of your comment, this was the only reason why I would listen to Glenn Beck for about 5 min when he was on faux news and the radio in Philly, (Thank God they took him off the radio here) couldn't stomach him no more than that, but I did it to stay on top of the bullshit he was spewing.

  19. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I agree that Palin is dangerous especially the way she manages to whip up a crowd into a frenzy. Reminds me of someone else that people thought would "go away"- Hitler and look how that turned out.

    Keep up the good work Gryphen!

  20. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The creepy part of this is how I thought Ronald Raygun was an idiot as the California governor and would never head anywhere near the WH. How wrong I was.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      I know, me too!

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I lived in CA when Raygun was gov. I was horrified h e was elected POTUS. I saw that he was courting the Sagebrush Rebellion, then the Moral Majority, then the Tea Party. I never ever thought this abomination would last so long.

    3. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Same here. After poor Adlai Stevenson got raked over the coals by fundies for his divorce,I figured a sleezy actor with very questionable morals didn't stand a chance. Then there was the borderline retard GW with that evil smirk. Shows we can never trust the American voter.

      Besides all that, this is YOUR blig to do with what YOU want. If someone doesn't like the contents, they should just move along.

    4. Anonymous10:16 AM

      ALERT!!! I read on Huff Post Arnold Schwarzeneggar is considering running for POTUS, Let nip this shit in the bud, didn't he almost left Calli broke after he left??

    5. Anonymous1:14 PM

      He was born in Austria so can't run for President but he's trying to change the law. He would like it to say that anyone can run for President no matter who they are or where they were born. Paving the way for Rafael....

  21. PAYLIN is the epitome of the ignorance, idiocy, hatred, racism, and power-lust of the Fascistic Tea Party. .

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      The Medusa of the GOP.

  22. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Sarah Palin and her dysfunctional family are dangerous and needs to be put into their place. They can't be ignored. Its like saying ignore STD and it will go away on its own. Well it doesn't go away on its own and it needs to be stopped and it needs to he exposed.

    So thank you to all you bloggers who helped expose that phoney politician from Wasilla.

  23. Anonymous6:56 PM

  24. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    Gryphen, this is, perhaps, the best post you've ever written because it's THAT important. I learned so much from the Alaska bloggers from the get go. Then I met a fantastic woman from France (Thanks Regina) and Texas (Thanks Mrs Litman) and Bree, but it's You who has done the best at keeping the light on Sarah and the pariah she's become since McCain got his ass handed to him in an "opportunity purse".
    Immoral Minority rarely disappoints.

  25. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Sarah is not going anywhere
    Except to the White House in 2016

    1. Anonymous2:33 AM

      How would that happen, exactly? Please be specific. It may be your dream but is sure isn't her's. She has said she is not interested in bringing her clan to Washington as she would rather be up there in her beloved Alaska, being her Mama Grizzly self, huntin' & a fishin' and cheering on those brave teabag patriots from the sidelines. Palin is a coward of great magnitude and will never run for public office again.

    2. A. J. Billings3:33 AM

      You can wish feckless raving Caribou Barbie into the white house all you want, but even most Repubs would never vote for someone who was so demonstrably stupid and uninformed as Palin.

      A 24/7/365 job for the Valley Trash idiot? No way, she'd be "shackled" and her "vibrant" lifestyle would be way too limited

    3. Anonymous3:51 AM

      7:26 PM She will be arrested for Trespassing. BWAHAHAHAHA, she is a Crazy Bitch with no knowledge of current events. Her 'interview' on Kelly's Files was a DISASTER for all of America to see. Sarah Palin is a Retarded Fool.

    4. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Sure she is! Good luck with that. She'll never hold elective office again. Ever. She doesn't want to. Too much actual work. Takes away from travelling around siphoning money from suckers.

    5. PalinsHoax4:34 AM

      Why would she go to the White House? Oh I know. It's to stand on the street and peer through the gates around the premises, looking at the White House, and realizing that AGAIN the people of the USA have rejected her - that she is unelectable, an outcast, a reject, a discard, that she is not wanted, an outsider looking in.

      That is the closest that the Ol' Has-Been Half-Term Quitter will get to the White House - by standing way out on the street and peering through the gates at something that will NEVER be attainable for her.

    6. You're an idiot. Here's your nickel.

    7. Supporting vandals and confederate flag-waving traitors is as close as traitor Palin will get to the White House. Sorry, traitor, you and your traitor queen will not be destroying this country any time soon.

  26. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Imagine if no one exposed that retard from Wasilla.

    We are grateful to all who spoke up.

  27. Anonymous7:44 PM

    Nugent/Palin 2016 The Shitter & The Quitter!

    Hold her to the fire, Gryph.

  28. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Keep showing the world what a dumbass Sarah Palin is. That's a worthwhile effort!

  29. Anonymous7:53 PM

    She isn't constrained by any vestige of goodness, intelligence, or self awareness. She just hates. It makes her extremely dangerous because she has been enabled into a position where she has a large cult following.

  30. Anonymous8:32 PM

    I sometimes have thought that to ignore her is best, but that is not possible when the media keeps bringing her up.

    I saw a portion of Hillary Clinton's endorsement of Terry McAullife today and was so impressed by her speech. It was the total opposite of the kind of asinine drivel that comes from Palin when she appears to endorse someone. Anyone with any sense has to see the difference. Palin is divisive, whereas Hillary is a uniter.

    Keep covering Palin and bringing forward just what an evil, divisive woman who only cares about herself and certainly has not an ounce of intelligence about her. McCain should rot in hell for ever bringing her to the media's attention.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Agree. Hillary rocked. Expose the quitter and provocateur called Sarah.

  31. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I sometimes have thought that to ignore her is best, but that is not possible when the media keeps bringing her up.

    I saw a portion of Hillary Clinton's endorsement of Terry McAullife today and was so impressed by her speech. It was the total opposite of the kind of asinine drivel that comes from Palin when she appears to endorse someone. Anyone with any sense has to see the difference. Palin is divisive, whereas Hillary is a uniter.

    Keep covering Palin and bringing forward just what an evil, divisive woman who only cares about herself and certainly has not an ounce of intelligence about her. McCain should rot in hell for ever bringing her to the media's attention.

  32. Unfortunately Gryph we're gonna have to disagree here... Doesn't happen often but that's what dialogue is about. It's become more than apparent that over the last few years, rethuglicons have gotten to the point where idiocy, racism, and basic stupidity have taken over all their thinking duties. But, we as progressives have not taken advantage of that opening to truly highlight what progressives do, how they actually help their communities, and how they work hard to provide as many services to their constituents as possible. All that seems to be talked about is what rethuglicons are doing wrong, and the list gets longer by the hour. We need to be giving progressives as much positive press as possible

    Let rethuglicons claw, scrape, slice and denigrate each other as much as they want - I DON'T GIVE A SH**. They depend on all media to cover them so they don't have to pay for anything. It also guarantees they are always in news, on almost every channel.

    STOP IT. IGNORE THESE MENTAL MIDGETS FOR A WEEK, and then re-assess your position. I'll bet that by the fifth or sixth day, your phone and inbox will be boiling with 'hey, why aren't you spending all your air time on us ???' You just tell them, AS FACT, they aren't worth the time or effort by you to waste on their petty crap..

    Ignore.. They'll just dry up and turn to dust....

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      I would have to agree that the MSM and liberal bloggers have a tendency to advance the messaging of the rabid noisy minority (e.g., posting entire FB rants); inadvertently spreading the poison . . .

    2. Too bad (but lucky for you) I can't take you back to the 50'sand 60’s in the South (yes, I was there) to show you that rascism, bigotry and demagoguery don't need the MSM and Facebook or bloggers to flourish. They can kill people, ruin lives and threaten the country on their own.

      Being naive doesn't make problems go away.

  33. Anonymous3:49 AM

    The best defense against the damage that Palin is capable is to do exactly what you're doing: writing about her and letting everyone understand what a vile ignorant woman she truly is. She will destroy herself in time...with a lot of help from her friends in the media. The more she talks the more she is dismissed by the majority in the country. She is known around the world as one of "the most polarizing people" in America. Her ignorant hate-filled rants are her trademark. There is a reason that the McCain campaign did not want her to talk without a script--they feared that the public would learn too quickly that the woman was a hollow shell. There is a reason that Vets called her out when she held the mic only a week ago and shouted "You're an idiot!" The only thing that could change that is to ignore her and let people forget what a vile creature she really is and that is how she could do the most damage.

    Palin and her ilk are dangerous to the country because their rigid far-right ideology is contrary to a healthy two-party system. They demonize anyone who disagrees with them calling them RINOs in their own party and worse outside the ranks. They actually call others what they themselves are promting and it ain't freedom. Far-right political parties have been around before and the damage they have done is heinous. The more attention that these frauds get, the better for the country.

    Keep up the good work Gryphen!

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      This is the best description written about Sarah Palin

    2. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Yes it is dead on. We're not going to let Sarah's revisionist history of her and her sorry family's lives and their greedy, despicable deeds go unchallenged. She's a tramp, a cheater, a liar, a swindler, a grifter, and a manipulative coward who plays the victim whenever she is called out on her lies. She's also an alcoholic, a drug addict, a fool, and an irresponsible, absentee parent. I could go on and on, but I hate to hog the comments. There are penty of reasons for derision of Sarah, and she's deserved all the scorn she receives in abundance.

  34. Anonymous4:24 AM

    We can't ever ignore her. Not at least until she is fully exposed for babygate and is a blubbering idiot mea culping all over tv and/or behind bars. Then all the books will be written with the juicy details. It will be a long time before she can be ignored!

  35. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I agree with you 100%, Gryphen. Unfortunately for the people of the entire world, Sarah Palin represents a portion of the American population and is a voice for them, barely articulate and vicious, but she expresses what they want to hear. And we should know what that is so that we can fight against it.

  36. Anonymous6:45 AM

    When Sarah Palin goes to the next world, her family should put her remains in an unmarked grave if they don't want people pissing all over her.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      My dog can sniff out where a turd lay six months earlier, so he will have no problem finding a stinking box of hair only a few feet below the surface. I will follow his lead and let it trickle town on his target right after hikes his leg and relieves himself. I will leave survey markers for others who might be cat people.

    2. Anonymous11:52 AM

      I have ticket number 427 to piss on Sarah and I can't see the end of the line

  37. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Who wants to bet all the fb posts from skank's consultants dry up after the first month of the release of her new book? As hateful and malicious and unhinged as the posts are and she is-everything is to appeal to those idiots that follow her. She only wants sales so she can turn that into a new deal for another idiotic book. Maybe that diet book she was talking about?

    No coincidence she has come out from under her rock so near the release date for the book. Keep after her but my instinct is she will go dark again soon enough. Grifters only come out into daylight for the grift.


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