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Click receding hairline to play video. |
To be honest it really is more of the same inflammatory faux patriotism flavored word salad that we have all heard before.
However at one point Greta asks soggy britches where all of this ends, (I assume she meant the shutdown, and not Palin's party crashing of protest rallies.) and Palin gets very agitated and high pitched:
"Where does it end. It ends with the people at places like this, having their voices heard. Telling out leaders that they better get their priorities straight. Priorities like, no you don't shut down our World War 2 memorial, and keep the President's golf course open at the same time. (The course on Andrews Air Force base is paid for with user fees. Caution, link leads to Breitbart.) You don't make these stupid decisions that stick it to the people, because the people are being used as pawns. (Yes, by YOU!) Our government is to be working for us. You guys hired the politicians, they work for you, so it ends when the people's voice is loud enough to be heard all throughout Washington D. C., so that they'll listen to us."
Greta then points out that the more moderate Republicans (The ones who would end the government shutdown.) disagree with the tactics utilized by Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. And asks Palin how she reconciles that:
"I think the people would say, 'Thank you good guys for being there fighting the good fight for the rest of us.'"
At this point it almost seems as if Palin, within her childlike fantasy world, does not recognize that the very individuals she thinks the people should be thanking, are the ones who engineered the shutdown that is making those protestors so angry.
Palin continues to pander to the crowd, all while waving her tiny "Made in China" flag, and seems to have NO idea that she is knee deep in hypocrisy by claiming that the President is using the veterans as pawns when being caught on camera doing that very thing herself.
What was it that Forrest Gump said? "Stupid is as stupid does."
Or keep the Congressional gym open at taxpayer expense!
ReplyDeleteI am a taxpayer, I vote and I am NOT a teabagger.
Spread the word
'Palin' is just another way to say 'ignorant hypocritical moron.'
DeleteThere's a link on HP about the most disgusting things Congress has done since the shutdown.
DeleteI like to be informed but I might just cut a bitch if I read any more about these assholes WE PAY holding US HOSTAGE while THEY continue to get PAID... unlike the POLICE... and apparently keep going to the gym.
Hehehehehehehehe! Ole Baldy looks like a drowned rat with bald spots showing in this "interview" with "Greg"....ummm...I mean Greta! She probably smells worse than the Potomac too!
DeleteWhy in all that is holy does she ALWAYS look like she has no clue how funky her stinkin ass is? The wig looks like it's covered in Arizona dirt! The bald spot in front must mean that the wig glue had to have been sweated out by Ms Funky Ass!
And those black JEANS! Y'all just know that nasty bitch slept in those damn things...and what makes y'all think she wears undies! Her daddy already told us the scoop on that! So ole Baldy was probably commando in those "need-to-be-burned" black jeans of hers!
I've been cracking up at an interesting commenter over at SPHASH's blog today....seems like they know that Baldy is allergic to washing her funky ass and that she pee's on herself!
Love the commenter (probably RAM the fat bitch) who jumped all over the commenter finding out that Baldy's .....pissy smelling....bald ass is afraid of washing her funky ass!
Which means that the Wasilla Hillbilly Compound has sprung a "leak" and it's RAM's job to plug it!
Amerite RAM or amerite? LOL!!!
Deletewth is going on with skank's teeth? take a look at those lower pointy teeth and the uppers are not looking too good.
i increased the size of the screen and decreased it and those teeth are scary!!! i then looked on you tube at other videos and those teeth are definitely different and not in a good way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd rather have root canal through my eyes than listen to Stringy Wiggenstein, but is she doing that "Senator Palin" fantasy roleplay thing again? Will somebody tell the numbnuts over at the Asylum that they're the REAL pawns in this game?
ReplyDeleteNah, she's making excuses. No moose hunting in DC! No fly fishing! (Oh, then I guess she's going to sell the Snotsdale mansion?)
DeleteI guess giving up her purported hobbies (moose hunting?) is too much of a sacrifice for her "servant's heart."
DeleteSarah Palin does not fly fish. Fly fishermen are considered elitist in her world.
DeleteShe thinks people who use toilet paper are elitist.
DeleteShe is a fucking bog person!
Every time Palin opens her yap we are all dumber for it.
ReplyDeleteSarah should sit down and shut up. Her father was right on that one.
As someone smarter than I once said "You can educate the ignorant, you can medicate the crazy, but there ain't no cure for stupid". More's the pity.....
DeleteBeside the fact that she wears WAY too much makeup, her face doesn't look quite right. As far as her comments...blah blah blah more of the same ole word salad bs. But it does seem that she feels/knows they're loosing ground in this fight and it's making her panic, almost to the point of tears. Anyone else see that?
ReplyDeleteIt is hard to read a reptile. Have you ever seen her up close? Her skin is revolting. I have friends who are in their mid-to late 50s in Alaska who look fantastic because they refused to use the bake and fake sunlamps that are so prevalent in Anchorage/Valley culture.
DeleteFor a "half-marathon runner", she sure doesn't know how to pace her breathing. After just a minute and a half interview, she's gasping for air and sucking wind. I "watch" her videos occasionally, usually muted. It's mentally and physically exhausting for her because her mental acuity is gone if she ever had any. Plus, she's a horrible listener, so she fails to frame her comment into a rational thought before blurting out her pre-memorized screeching point to answer a simple softball question. Of course, that's how she handles the questions that she is actually *attempting* to answer properly after her pre-interview briefing. If an impromptu question pops up, she totally ignores it, then panics and goes into that "baby talk" act instinctive, trying to be "cute" for her "daddy".
DeleteIn a nutshell, she's like a burnout case mentally on top of being really fucked up emotionally, and she knows it. The alcohol and drugs have taken a toll on her body, hair and general appearance. The lack of any noticeable attention to styling (or even general maintenance) on the cheap sweaty wig is just another tell-tale sign of her mental disorder. Notice how her partners in crime (Lee and Cruz) are either dressed for business (Lee) or country-go-to-town casual. (Cruz in barn jacket), but still groomed and likely bathed within the past 24-48 hrs. The Wonky-eyed Wicked Witch of the West, who appears she is melting, she looks like she slept in a recliner in the hotel in her clothes both Friday and Saturday nights, with no intention to take a shower until she gets back to AZ or wherever she gets her diet pill scrips filled.
This woman (and I use the word loosely) has been begging for an intervention, and without one, she's not long for this world.
she's not long for this world.
Deletelet's hope so! Then all the truths can be told.
She has to wear a lot of make up. That thing under her nose functions as an anus, and her aim ain't too good.
DeleteIf this ridiculous looking individual were in any other country, spouting such nonsensical garbage in a public forum, she would soon be laced up in a straight jacket and on her way to a facility for the mentally deranged.
ReplyDeleteNo she wouldn't...she'd be tried for treason and either shot/hung or put in jail for life!
DeleteScreech luvs, luvs, luvs her freedums.
DeleteShe's not big in Europe. I read the Italian papers, and there's very few comments on her, and when there are, it's almost in passing, as if she's to be pitied.
DeleteIs there any way to resurrect the fake pregnancy issue again? After the racist horror show on Sunday in front of the first family's residence, it's time for the blogosphere to resurrect every piece of dirt on this nasty piece of racist filth.
ReplyDeletePut pressure on Dr Cathy Valdwin Johnson, a family practice physician who had neither the credentials nor malpractice insurance to be a high risk OB. She was a tool . Matsu hospital was not credentialed for high risk births . Please skmeone anyone with any jpurnalistic power ask these questions and babygate is exposed. I doubt CBJ will let her reputation be smeared more than it is on CNN. PLEASE. This is the key.
Delete'We're Screwed': Here's What It's Like Being A Liberal In A Tea Party District
ReplyDeleteJeremiah Tattersall has never gotten so many calls from "moderate Republicans" who want an end to the burgeoning fiscal debates in Washington, D.C.
The field staff for the North Central Florida Central Labor Council, Tattersall is a point man of sorts for liberal opposition to Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.), a member of a growing conservative group in Congress that has taken center stage in the battles over government funding and raising the nation's debt ceiling.
But these days, Tattersall is getting calls from research professors who have had their research thrown off course during the shutdown. From an Evangelical pastor who is concerned about the lack of funding to the Women, Infants, and Children program and Head Start.
He's even gotten calls from clergy members asking him to set up a situation in which they'd be arrested in Yoho's office here.
"It's crazy. People will come to the rallies and protests and they'll say, 'I'm a moderate Republican, and now I'm at a MoveOn.org rally,'" Tattersall said in an interview at a coffee shop near University of Florida's campus in Gainesville.
This is the kind of political environment that has developed in Florida's 3rd Congressional District and the kind of extreme and attention-grabbing measures the opposition feels it has to do to have any effect. The polarized atmosphere of the district mirrors others across the country, in what Tattersall and many political scientists have attributed to gerrymandering.
Report: House GOP Considers Passing Bill, Then Leaving Town
ReplyDeleteTheir plan to avert default fizzling, House Republicans are reportedly considering passing their bill and then skipping town.
According to Politico, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) are discussing "voting on their bill and, if it passes, leaving town — a bid to try to force the Senate’s hand."
House GOP leadership drew pushback Tuesday from both the White House and conservatives almost immediately after unveiling their debt limit proposal, which may not even have sufficient support to pass the lower chamber.
Boehner left open the possibility that the proposal may still be changed.
With the Senate closing in on a deal to avoid default and reopen the government, the House continues to represent a major obstacle.
Rep. John Fleming (R-LA) said Tuesday that House Republicans are trying to use the looming debt ceiling deadline to their advantage in negotiations with the Senate. Congress has until Thursday to increase the debt limit.
"We want to make a deal that they can't refuse, and we're running out of time," Fleming said. "Timing is very important here. They're going to be more motivated to take this up. Otherwise, they miss the Thursday deadline."
... that "they" can't refuse?
DeleteFleming has no fucking clue how he's about to screw over his constituents even more, and how they're going to turn on him. These Kochsuckers are pushing all but the hard-core Right-fringe Baggers to the only real alternative right now, the Democratic Party. The moderate Republican crowd I've been associated with all my life are pissed, because these extremists are toying around with their livelihoods. This will not end very pretty for the cowards who are afraid to speak the truth to those who know better and for whom partisan politics are for conversation but not to actually tank an economy as an economic strategy.
Those optics will be great when the fucking deadline hits and the House GOP are back home in their districts, laid up and drinking with their whores, and their constituents are asking each of them "Why the fuck aren't you up there in DC, repealing ObamaCare like you promised, you piece of shit liar'"
Anyone catch Thomas Roberts' take-down of Congresswoman Marcia Blackburn this morning on MSNBC? All she could say was that his questions were "inappropriate." Questions like: why are you willing to put the government in default over Obamacare?
ReplyDeleteshe was cut from the same cloth as palin, marginally brighter, but then so is a cockroach..
DeleteHere's the link.
DeleteMarcia despises Sarah. Primaried shit and all that bleep. Like her TN colleagues in the Senate, Marcia panders to the hard right but supports America.
I golf with her hubbie.
Outstanding citizens all.
We are on your side.
So you have 'inside info' on Marsha. Why couldn't (wouldn't) the outstanding citizen answer the question?
Delete11:09 AM
DeleteThank you for your perspective.
An outstanding citizen wouldn't pander to the hard right. By definition, that isn't supporting America.
DeleteShe votes anti-choice every time.
She voted against the Violence against Women Act
She votes for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage
She votes against the economy, against poor people, and against children (unless it involves home schooling).
Exactly who's side is she on? Just because she despises Sarah Palin, that doesn't make her "on our side."
11:09 "Marcia panders to the hard right but supports America"
DeleteSorry, that's a huge contradiction. Because you play golf with her 'hubbie' means nothing. Look at HER voting record.
PS hating palin or not, she's a brainless ass too btw.
DeleteI hear ya.
Marcia is smart, persuasively scary,
Her voting record is public and represents her constituents.
As it should.
Rest assured.
She will always do what is best for her children.
And yours.
DeleteIf you were being sarcastic in your first post, 1:05, you didn't make it clear enough.
DeleteUnless you children are anything but rich, white and male.
DeleteMarcia, another self-hating GOP female.
"She will always do what is best for her children.
DeleteAnd yours."
She hasn't yet. Why would she start now?
If she voted against ACA/Obamacare, then she doesn't give a shit about her kids, your kids, or anyone else's kids. Period. If she is willing to keep the government shutdown and to cause a global economic catastrophe to ensure that insurance companies can continue their death panels and that ordinary health care expenses can bankrupt ordinary American, then she is a monster who doesn't care the slightest bit about this country or anyone else's.
So save your worthless crap about how you golf with her hubby. So fucking what? Plenty of sociopaths golf.
You go Nefer...Good for you telling the ignorant LYING troll how it is. I was listening to all the lies she was spouting to Robert Thomas. One after another. JFC can any repuke tell the truth??? OH yes Marcia is so honest ....Not . Look into her background and see how many campaign fund violations she has racked up. She is as crooked as the day is long. She has voted against Anything that would help average people. she is as nasty and vile as they come. So you golf with her husband.BIG FUCKING DEAL!!!!
DeleteWhat UTTER Pure UnAdultrated BULL! She is supposed to represent Tennessee! Do you know how many people there need healthcare? I saw her interview. What's "inappropriate" is that she is in charge of anything or anyone. Insincerity leaked from her through the television.
She plays gold with your husband? What a coincidence! I'm close friends with her husband's ball washer. What are her initials?
DeleteGives new meaning to drowned rat
ReplyDeleteI saw it...was great!!! Kudos to TR for putting her in her place.
ReplyDeleteShe's like the pageant contestant that's being interviewed about peace. What would you do to move the world toward peace? "Weelll, first I'd make sure the good guys are having their voices heard so they can fight the bad guys and if we can all meet and continue to raise our flags and let the bad guys know what we, the good guys want, it will fix the problem. We need to raise our voices - Woooooohooooo!!!! Go good guys!!!!!!! Wooooohooooooooooooooo! Wink, smile for the camera.
ReplyDeleteSpot on.
DeleteIs she physically able to wink any more with all the surgical 'enhancements' to her face (and the make up)?
DeleteShocked that she'd ever wink in the first place based on scripture (it is is the BIBLE), dontcha know too and also, you betcha!
Stupid fools. They think that world economic collapse will make their hoard of 120 cans of peaches worth a fortune, and that they will be the new masters in a nation of misery.
ReplyDeleteIt's the old "better a ruler of hell, than a servant in heaven" as said by Lucifer in Miltons's book.
Interesting that Greta didn't include Palin's name along w/Cruz and Lee as to their getting the attention at the WWII rally! Very interesting!!!!
DeleteThe moose, fishing, outdoors and the honking of horns that Todd and the girls and their trucks do. And a hill of beans too.
ReplyDeleteWell, that was worth every penny those C-bots send to her SarahPac.
ReplyDeleteAs the United States moves closer to the debt ceiling, a poll released Tuesday found the vast majority of tea party Republicans don't think the looming deadline is all that significant.
The latest findings from Pew Research Center showed that while a slight majority of all Americans — 51 percent — believe that it is "absolutely essential" for Congress to raise the debt limit before the Thursday deadline, 69 percent of tea partiers said the U.S. "can go past the deadline...without major economic problems."
...69 percent of tea partiers said the U.S. "can go past the deadline...without major economic problems."
Delete69 percent. Almost two-thirds of the biggest dumbasses walking the planet.
Also, too, the FB conservative gutter mill is a'buzz with a rumor: Todd's girlfriend/fiance/wife is with child.
We shall see.
Todd better have a DNA test to make sure it's not Curtis Menard's child.
Delete3:08 PM Like Track 'CAIN'T GET RIGHT' Menard?
DeleteSo Sarah walked around all day and NO ONE bothered to tell her that her wig had slipped back?! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteNigerian novelist Ben Okri writes:
ReplyDeleteThe end of the world begins not with the barbarians at the gate, but with the barbarians at the highest level of state.
True, but it takes barbarians in the streets cheering the barbarians at the highest level of state to make
a new Dark Age a reality.
That is what Sarah looked like after giving Ted "Carnival" Cruze a blow job.
ReplyDeleteHi Sarah, nice weave. Not.
ReplyDeleteShe has a severely sun damaged or acne infested chest area. She needs to zip up on the cleavage zone, Acne probably caused by makeup run-off. She needs an industrial strength cleanser in more ways than one.
DeleteThe wig. Sarah, you are really slipping. You have your daddy's hairline and you've reached the age where most women look in the mirror and see their mother looking back at them.
Sarah, you heard that guy standing behind you heckle you, "You're an idiot!" Well, here's an idea: It is better to remain silent and appear dumb than to open one's mouth and erase all doubt. When you speak John McCain looks like an idiot for choosing you as his running mate. He can't say it but I will say it for the good of our country. STFU!
RJ in Brownbackistan
"What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself".
ReplyDeleteAbraham Lincoln
Fuck Greta. She's a $cientologist. She'll believe anything.
ReplyDeleteEven that all her surgeries make her look great.
DeleteI ain't fucking that old bat
DeleteYou fuck her
Anybody that would still want to hit that hasn't had an erection for 20 years anyway. Noone who actually could... *would* hit that.
DeleteBiggest. Media. Whore. Ever.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin, your fiendish jealousy of President Obama, First Lady
ReplyDeleteMichelle and their accomplished and well mannered daughters
is turning you into a paranoid, crazy person. It is well known that you like to dress for the guys. Unless you get control of your
screeching/screaming ,untruthful word salad rants your next outfit
will be a straight jacket delivered by the men in white coats and
the white van!
Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz
ReplyDeleteleading a heroic fight against Obamacare
Great American patriots
Someone skipped their meds again...
Deletethe ignorant mind
Deleteuncurious and blinded
palin's biggest fan
They are traitors. You are a traitor. You are traitorous scum and not worthy to be a citizen of this country.
DeleteYou and Palin and all treasonous, seditious teabaggers should be tried, convicted, and stripped of citizenship in this country. You should be spit on by every patriotic American.
Your stupid, illiterate comments are a disgrace. You enjoy seeing people die and their families bankrupted. You and traitorous Palin and Cruz are loathsome.
You will not achieve your depraved goal to destroy this country.
DeleteBorn in Kenya
Raised as a Muslim in Indonesia
Watch out
Who you call a traitor
Born in Canada under socialized medicine
DeleteRaised as an anchor baby
elected by taking a hard right stance
lies through his teeth
Ted Cruz is a traitor
I am watching who I call a traitor. I am calling you a traitor. Because you are a traitor. You are dirt. You don't deserve to set foot on American soil. Traitor.
DeleteAnd since you are stupid, and ignorant, and uneducated, and gullible enough to say that the President was born in Kenya and "raised as a Muslim in Indonesia", that makes you a racist and moronic traitor. Stupid and a traitor. What a prize you are. Not.
What a waste of worthless degenerate scum you are. You are filth. And stupid. And a traitor. You don't belong in this country, unlike our brilliant, patriotic, American dream come true President.
You are so inferior to him in every way. And you're a traitor, through and through. You should be ashamed of yourself, but like all teabaggers, you are undoubtedly too stupid to feel ashamed, as you should. Because you are a traitor.
1:24 PM Losing a fight against ACA. How's that Heritage Foundation Puppet Master treatin' ya, AIP Secessionist sympathizer? Americans will never elect a PIMP'S WIFE for any office. Sarah Palin's next project will be in a Straight Jacket. She still is frothing at the mouth for Glen Rice. Glen must have knocked the bottom out, because Todd can't find it.
DeleteDo you even know the definition of what makes a traitor.
DeleteIt is in our constitution
Something Obama and his supporters have never read
I am a true American patriot
Not liking Obama
DeleteDoes not make one a traitor
You are a traitor. Not because you dislike the President. But because you support the traitors determined to destroy this country all for hatred of the President. And because you joyfully spout lies and believe lies about the President to justify your determination to harm Americans and destroy the country. Because you are too lazy and ignorant to seek and believe truth.
DeleteLike your idiotic comments about the President and the constitution. Teabaggers like you demonstrate every day that they have never read it, and do not understand it, and willfully subvert it. That is what makes you a traitor. You are not a patriotic American at all.
Anonymous 5:16. Try this definition on for size because it fits too many these days: Sedition. Just wait till all the fed up people hit the polls and you'll see what Real Patriots do to those who would destroy this country.
DeleteObama and the Democrats need our support because if they are undermined, we are lost.
M from MD
Anon @5:16
DeleteObama graduated with a J.D. magna cum laude
from Harvard and taught constitutional law. You are a true idiot not fit to shine his shoes.
anon 1:55
DeleteNice haiku there!
Anon 10:38
DeleteWhy, thank you! Our resident troll inspired me. ;-)
How do you know when you're on the wrong side of a political dispute and losing badly?
ReplyDelete...when you're standing next to Sarah Palin.
It's an especially bad sign when she is more manly than you are
DeleteSo good to have TBogg back:
ReplyDelete"Neverending punchline and holder of the Bump-it Industries Constitutional Law Chair at Mat-Su GED’s-r-Us University takes time out from palling around with Canadian terrorists to explain to America that that there Obammer fella is cruisin’ for an impeachable bruisin’ if he doesn’t pay America’s bills the way the Founding Fathers and Jesus would want him to."
Palin for President / Cruz for VP 2016
ReplyDeleteThat ticket has my vote.
DeleteBWAHAHAHAHAHA Palin for Hair Model, Cruz for Foreign Citizen. You Teabags have no knowledge of what it takes to run a country. Donate your coins to Sarahpac so that she can repair that Bald Spot.
DeleteOh, yeah, that one will go over well! In addition to guaranteeing the largest Republican losing margin in the history of politics, it promises a laugh-riot of political drama.
DeleteI'm sure the inflated ego of Ted Cruz, who thinks he's the most brilliant man in the room, will adjust well to being second fiddle to Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods.
If you wrote this as a sit-com script no one would believe it!
1:24... How fucking Stupid and Delusional can you get?
ReplyDeleteAbout as stupid, delusional, and traitorous as 2:15 pm.
DeleteWhy can't Sarah Palin be our next POTUS? Sarah Palin was good enough to be the governor of the largest state in our union, Alaska!
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding, right? She was governor of a state with fewer people than many cities, violated ethics rules, and couldn't even handle that job. She quit. She certainly couldn't handle a country of 300 million people.
DeleteOh, and she is a traitor.
Presidential material? Fuck no! She's gone down in Alaska's history as its worst 'quitter' governor since statehood.
DeleteHer photo doesn't even appear w/all the other previous governors in the hallways of the Alaska Legislature.
She is the last thing Alaskans would select for anything - senator or dog catcher!
Being 1/2 Term Governor of mostly Wilderness and Ice is not an attribute. By the way, shouldn't you be doing your Homework instead of posting Nonsense on Blogs?
DeleteBecause she is nucking futs and a pathelogical liar!
DeleteSarah Palin can't be POTUS because she is a stupid, ignorant sociopath.
DeleteGood enough to be governor? She quit. She couldn't hack it.
DeleteShe quit, and quitters never win.
DeleteHa! Booker leads Sarah's man by 14 points! Of Course, Sarah doesn't care about Lonegan. She cares about getting her spot in the news by screeching her hate and cosying up to her newest bff Raphael Eduardo Cruz. Oh and most important getting money for her personal pocketbook, her PAC.
ReplyDeleteI see sarah has piper trolling here now..lol
ReplyDeleteThe TEATARDS have written their own 2014 Obituary. What common sense Patriots would vote in a dysfunctional group of Politicians like them again?
ReplyDeleteLife hasn't been kind for that woman. She screwed up her face, always gets the fuzzy side of the lollypop and always asks softball questions, but enough about Peroxide Mushmouth.
ReplyDeleteThe Den Mother of the Wasilla branch of "F Troop" compared three semi trucks to her girls, Chinzilla, ShamPooH and Todd driving their trucks up and down the driveway? Did Sally drop her on her head as a baby, or is she that delusional?
PS. Hey Baldy, one guy on a motorcycle with a flag doesn't mean "rolling thunder" was there to support you. I doubt they want anything to do with you after the last exploitation attempt.
You're on a roll, AW! I can see Sarah's receding hairline from my backyard in Virginia.
DeleteHey, look at those two squirrels fucking on top of that bald lady's head !
ReplyDeleteTwo? It's like the Palin squirrel family gone fucking wild on Sarah Palin's head.
DeleteI wish you guys would stop making fun of the insufferable old bitch. She's airing out her scalp like her father taught her to air out her nasty pusing scabbie juicy worn out smelly pot.
ReplyDeleteMe Me Me Fuck Wad Sarah Palin is calling for President Obama's impeachment according to MSNBC.