Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Senate hopeful Cory Booker outraising his opponent Steve Lonegan 8-1. Update!

Courtesy of New Jersey.com:

Newark Mayor Cory Booker has outraised Republican Steve Lonegan 8-to-1 in the fundraising battle for the U.S. Senate, collecting $11.2 million in his first run for federal office to Lonegan’s $1.35 million as of Oct. 4, records show. 

The last financial disclosures before Wednesday’s special election showed Booker is raising campaign cash in the same league as Gov. Chris Christie and U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez – despite a shorter-than-usual race that began in June after Sen. Frank Lautenberg’s death.

Of course that was before Sarah Palin rode in to the rescue and delivered her glass shattering high pitched speech on his behalf. 

Anybody think that helped Lonegan close the gap?





Update: A new poll shows that Booker has gone up two points in the polls since Palin's visit.

Like we couldn't see that coming.


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    WHERE'S TRI-G???

    1. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Don't worry, he is safe with his caregivers. I doubt they let Sarah get too close to him and as far as I can tell she has never been alone with him.

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Booker up over Lonegan by another 4, to lead by 14, after Palin screech-o-rama. I predict an even bigger gap after New Jerseyans settle in after the long weekend and realize what was visited upon on their state on Saturday.

  3. Randall6:56 AM

    How do you know you're on the losing side of a political issue?

    ...Sarah Palin is standing next to you.

    1. Crystal Sage7:25 AM

      I think Lawrence O'Donnell coined that phrase. Had to laugh at the use of Sarah's Screeching on various programs on MSNBC. So ear-shattering, yet it perfectly showed her at her "best."

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM

      Love LOD!! Since Palin is incapable of feeling shame and embarrassment, wonder if anyone in her family notices that she has been reduced to shrieking like a harpy at these poorly organized and poorly attended park outings.

      Since no one in that family has a job, guess they'll just have to keep sending her out there with the donation basket hoping the nickels will become quarters.

  4. Those idiot republicans still haven't figured out the part about "kiss of death". May they never.

    Cory Booker looks pretty happy. Maybe he should send her a fruit basket.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      $carah would put razor blades in the fruit, then blame Booker, once again playing the victim - she's that type.

    2. Our Lad7:49 AM

      I would rather be kissed by Sam Giancanna.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Sorry, but in his spare time Mr Booker is too busy running into burning buildings to save people, rescuing abused animals, and well...only during major hurricanes he invites those worse off into his home for meals and shelter.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I don't know how Sarah Palin looks at herself in the mirror! She is the kiss of everyone - to include herself!

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      There are no mirrors in Casa Palin. If there was a mirror, would she leave the house looking like that?

    2. Anonymous8:22 AM

      By the looks of her it is unlikely she looks in the mirror.

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Corey will need every bit of that to make sure Lonegan doesn't succeed in frightening and/or disenfranchising voters of color.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      OMG Gina is that you? That is the funniest thing I have heard about this political race yet!

      Oh, you are serious? Well let me tell you about us "voters of color" we tend not to vote for politicians that start their public rallies with WELCOME RACISTS!

      Little Rabbit

    2. Anonymous11:40 AM
      OMG Gina is that you?

      Errr....that would be a NO! If RAM's ugly mug isn't attached to the comment...then it's not me! LOL!!

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Neverending punchline and holder of the Bump-it Industries Constitutional Law Chair at Mat-Su GED’s-r-Us University takes time out from palling around with Canadian terrorists to explain to America that that there Obammer fella is cruisin’ for an impeachable bruisin’ if he doesn’t pay America’s bills the way the Founding Fathers and Jesus would want him to:

    (Note: this is also a drinking game. Every time Palin writes the word “debt”: drink a Bartles & Jaymes. But if you wake up tomorrow and find yourself to be a knocked-up-teenager, it’s your own damn fault. Whore.)

    I’m sorry. Where were we? Oh yes, Prof. Dr. Palin, please proceed:


    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Omagod. Tasty.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

      Works for me!

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    MODERATOR: "Use 'officiate' in a sentence."

    PALIN: "The man got sick, because of 'a-fish-he-ate.' "

    1. angela8:18 AM


  9. Trig's with his mother, brother and aunt, I’d guess.
    If Todd’s with his new girlfriend at the resort, is Piper living alone at age twelve?

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      There is a hangar filled with needy tattoo bodies on the compound. Piper is taking care of things.

      Did Bristol birth in Arizona?

  10. Anonymous8:01 AM

    It's a good sign!

    Democratic Opponent Lundergan Grimes Out-Fundraises McConnell


    1. Thanks for the reminder to go to Act Blue. I just sent her a donation. I am hopping back and forth between her and Wendy Davis these days.

  11. Anonymous8:02 AM

    The Sarah Palin curse strikes again!

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Ahhhh man you beat me to the Sarah Palin Curse comment

    2. Anonymous9:32 AM

      True, but then again, her reason for going there wasn't to help the guy. It was to extend her 15 minutes. She doesn't do anything for anyone but herself.

      Biggest. Media. Whore. EVER.

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Read earlier on HP that there is a moose die-off in parts of the country. I so hope the Palin curse isn't at the heart of this sad news like everything else she touches.

  13. Anonymous8:53 AM

    The Tea Party Adds the GOP to its List of Enemies to be Destroyed


  14. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The Birthers’ New Game

    The nonsensical and easily disproven ravings of going after Newark Mayor Cory Booker for not living in Newark

    Dave Weigel notes how a new smear campaign launched from the right wing echo chamber has exploded across the usual media dumping grounds like Drudge and Fox News. The reports claim that Newark Mayor Cory Booker doesn’t live in Newark. In fact, they go on to claim that he’s never lived there and that his neighbors have never seen him around.


  15. Anonymous10:35 AM

    So the catch phrase " be a leader not a tweeter" that she spewed during that speech didn't help Lonegan's fundraising ?? And all that ink she wasted writing it on her hand so she could remember it !

  16. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I'll be at the polls bright and early tomorrow morning making sure that Lonegan doesn't get to represent. I wonder how many teabags voted today (?).

  17. I guess when you're outspent 8 to 1 and desperate, you'll do anything. Even invoke the Prince of Darkness--er, Sarah Palin.

    1. fuck you, McCain!12:13 PM

      The Prince would be Cheney.

      Palin is the fucking Court Jester of Hell.

  18. Anita Winecooler6:27 PM

    I'm delighted to hear this news, and would imagine the getting even larger. He would have won anyway, but Sarah did what she does best. She's got the crap equivalent of "The Midas Touch",

    Good job, assclown!


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