Wednesday, October 09, 2013

The Daily Show's Jason Jones tries valiantly to reason with yet another Right Wing nutjob. Gotta admire his perseverance.

Click image to play video
"The GOP is trying to save the American people from a disastrous health care plan."

You know if this really WERE a disaster the Republicans would be sitting back with a large tub of buttered popcorn just waiting for it to crater so they could ride in with their "I told you so's" blazing all ready to sop up all of that sweet sweet political credibility.

I loved the hostage negotiation metaphor.,


  1. Anonymous4:37 PM

    She was a poor man's Jennifer Anniston. What is it with these outwardly attractive women being hideous human beings?

  2. Anonymous4:38 PM

    It was a stroke of genius to use a hostage negotiator to coach Jason to conduct an interview with a wing-nut.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Sad when even a trained FBI negotiator can't make any sense of what that lunatic was saying!

  3. Anita Winecooler8:51 PM

    How he did that with a straight face is priceless.

    Is it me, or do all these wingnuts have dilated pupils with a lot of the white in their eyes showing? They look like stepford wives, kind of scary.

    ot LOD did a fantastic clip on Miley playing Bachman from SNL and Bachmann's response..... funny stuff!!!

  4. Anonymous1:04 AM

    Jason Jones is from Canada originally, and he understands that health care is nothing to be terrified of. I think it's funny that he's getting progressively more annoyed--remember last week when he said, "I just can't stay in character anymore" and then asked the right-wing nut job he was interviewing WTF was wrong with her? The Batshit Barbie in this interview leans back and chortles, "Republicans win!" without understanding at all what has been going on right before her vapid, ignorant face.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.