Friday, October 04, 2013

The reason for the government shutdown summed up in one candid Republican quote. Update!

"We’re not going to be disrespected ... We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is." — Rep. Marlin Stutzman, a conservative Republican from Indiana, on why the House GOP won't just send a "clean" spending bill to the Senate.

At this point, with more an more people learning that Obamacare is not the end of all civilization as we know it, the Republicans are simply fighting for the sake of fighting.

They have no end game, besides trying to hang on until the upcoming negotiations on the debt ceiling in the hopes that will give them more ammunition.  And in the meantime police officers go without pay, children go without food, and cancer victims go without medical assistance.


Update: I actually wrote this post fairly early in the evening yesterday, and at the time this one source was the only place I had seen reference to Rep. Stutzman's statement. (I had NO idea that the President had referenced the comment yesterday morning in his speech.)

However as the evening progressed I saw it repeated over and over again on Rachel Maddow's show,  on the Last Word, and was even mentioned on The Daily Rundown this morning.

Since I wrote this post I have also since learned that Stutzman has attempted to walk it back:

“Yesterday, I carelessly misrepresented the ongoing budget debate and Speaker Boehner’s work on behalf of the American people. Despite my remarks it’s clear that the American people want both parties to come to the table to reopen the government, tackle this nation’s debt crisis, and stop ObamaCare’s pain.”

Nice try. No I think that the reason so many people zeroed in on this statement, including the President, is because it was an honest, exasperated response to just how boxed in the Republican party is feeling right now.  Because remember in Republican-speak "misstatement" is just another word for "truth."


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Maybe he can hang out with Todd "What's in it for us?" Palin. These ass hats are all alike.

    A Fan From Chicago

  2. Anonymous6:58 AM

    According to their fellow Republican Congressman Deven Nunes of CA these guys are "lemmings in explosive vests". Nunes later amended his statement to say that was an insult to lemmings.

  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    "misstatement" is just another word for "truth."


  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Everyone knows this asinine government shutdown is the result of two factions fighting within the GOP.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    The Republicans, anarchists all, have made themselves into victims.
    No place on the universe would tell obstructionist, secessionist bullies that their nasty dirty tricks deserved some sort of "respect" for their iliegal activities. We'll soon have some Republican governors, who weren't swept away by the tea party, extolling in the benefits of ACA to their constituents,
    As for the other GOP governors -- it's clear then want the poor to move to states that offer ACA. They get rid of poors, blacks and dissidents more easily than did the Civil War.

  6. I don’t care how he wiggles and squirms, that quote will hang around his neck like an albatross.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    The GOP is so out of touch. I don't know anyone who is negative about Obamacare (that includes my severely ignorant GOP sister) but everyone I know wants the government shutdown to end. I hope the President and Senate don't give an inch to those assholes. They have, in NRA language they are sure to understand, shot themselves in the foot.

  8. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Isn't it time for a brilliant quip from our moron of the North?

    1. Sally in MI3:41 PM

      Maybe RAM hasn;t been paid this week and refused to look up any quotes for her.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

      I can't wait for the day RAM turns on her. You know it's coming!

  9. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Why does Palin speak in such low base terms about anyone--calling the President a p__k? Sounds like Chuckie taught his children how to communicate well. And, these are Christians? I did not care for President Bush but I would never use a platform like she has, to be so vulgar.

  10. I’m sure there are members of the Asylum wailing “tell us what to do, Sarah.” Disgusting.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Most of Saree's fans at the Peepond have their hands out for a piece of the government dole they complain about. Food stamps, help with fuel bills, daughters and grandkids on welfare. They are so ignorant and downright stupid that they are against the things that keep their own families afloat.

  11. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Don't back down, Mr. President!

  12. Anonymous8:46 AM

    As far as I am concerned the GOP should belisted as a group of Domestic Terrorists

  13. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Yeah, I say don't back down too. But I am furious because my sister has no check today as she works in the Health Department of the US. And this is what this idiot Repub said? I hope he is poor some day real soon and has to sell everything and has no house!!! effing moron!

    1. Sally in MI3:41 PM

      My daughter is an attorney for SS in MI, and she is not getting paid either, but these fools are still collecting.

  14. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Bottom line: Americans all across the nation need to vote every Republican out of office that they can. And, I suggest in Congress and on the state and local levels. Many of them DO NOT represent the folks that elected them...they are only interested in themselves and maintaining the multi-millionaire status many have attained while being in office!

    We need younger people back there w/new ideas and those ready to work together and negotiate. We need more Democrats - that is for damned sure!

    Thank you, President Obama for hanging in there and doing as well as you are in spite of the assholes back there!

  15. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Jon Stewart Absolutely Demolishes Fox News’ ‘Sh*t-Eating’ Shutdown Coverage

    For the third night in a row, Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show with coverage of “Shutstorm 2013″ and this time his rage was aimed squarely at “Bullshit Mountain,” AKA Fox News. He noticed that the hosts over at Fox seem to have realized that “this shutdown ain’t looking so hot for one particular political party.”

    Stewart went straight to the “Bullshit-anator” himself, Sean Hannity, who has been referring to the whole thing as a “liberal shutdown.” But it was Fox’s coverage of the shuttered World War II memorial that really got him going. “Could there be a higher octane fuel for Fox News’ false outrage exploitation engine than wheelchair-bound World War II veterans?” he asked. “Maybe a fetus that owns a small business and that small business makes ‘Merry Christmas’ muzzle cozies.”

    The host blasted Fox for standing up against the memorial closure while forgetting that “it’s their allies’ asinine budget shenanigans that not only shut it in the first place, but also put Meals on Wheels at risk, a program that serves meals to over 500,000 veterans a year.”

    After playing a montage of Republicans describing their love for “small government,” Stewart came to a realization. “You hate the government,” he said. “Yet you rail like banshees if any of the services and benefits you like are taken away.” Echoing an infamous scene from Steve Martin’s The Jerk, he said, “I don’t need any government, except these memorials, and Social Security, and the paddle game.”

    Turning back to Fox, Stewart played a clip of Fox & Friends’ Steve Doocey remarking that the Obama administration sent more security to the World War II memorial than he did to Benghazi. “I’m pretty sure the news face you want to use to convey outrage and concern isn’t shit-eating grin,” he said. “The gratuitous and cavalier nature of that comparison truly shows how little they actually care about Benghazi, except as a ‘Ben-gotcha.’”

    For more, Stewart went “live via satellite” to a “longtime federal employee who has seen the effects of this shutdown firsthand”: Smokey the Bear. When Stewart called him out for throwing a lit cigarette on the ground, he replied, “Oh, you want me to go put that out? How about this, fuck you, pay me, Jon, all right?”

    Watch video below, via Comedy Central:

    Part 1:

  16. Anonymous8:58 AM

    An Open Letter to the Ayatollahs

    No, not the ayatollahs in Tehran. This is a letter to you, the conservative American ayatollahs who demand purity, just like the ones over there. I’m not talking about all of you, of course. But this open letter is for many of you; maybe even most of you – the ones who say you agree with what I write on this Web site and what I say on the O’Reilly Factor almost all of the time, but as soon as I fall out of lock step with you … you vow to never listen or read another word I say or write. You are the ayatollahs this letter is aimed at.

    1. Anonymous9:38 AM

      ouch...that's going to leave a mark. Thanks for the link!

      The right has a long way to go in working out their family differences. Let's hope a lot of truths are told along the way as they all seek to position themselves for the purging to come.

  17. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Wow, that statement is so meta. It clearly demonstrates why the Republicans are not worthy of even a scrap of respect.

  18. Anonymous9:39 AM

    How A Rand Paul Republican From Alabama Learned To Love Obamacare

    Though he initially supported repealing the law, Pittman became curious about Obamacare in the days and weeks before it launched. For years, he had gone uninsured, thinking he’d be able to “get over anything with a bandaid and a six pack of beer.” But a lead poisoning incident earlier this year shook his confidence and bank account, leading him with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. “I was a healthy person and it really depleted me financially, so it made me look at things in a different way than I would before. I understood the importance of people being insured.”

  19. Sally in MI3:40 PM

    Camp is spouting this same "the American people want us to sit down and work this out by looking at entitlements and taxes.." crap. No, Dave, we don't. You were asked 18 times since April to sit down and talk, and your party refused every invitation. Nope. nada. Grover won't let me. Whatever. Time to pass a clean CR and raise the debt ceiling with no hysterics over the debt, which is falling (or was, until YOU shut down the government in a hissy fit.) And we do not want to go through all this again in December, so cut it out. The GOP is the worst party I have ever seen..bunch of toddlers blaming everyone but themselves for this mess. Enough, Mr. Camp. And do be careful next fall. You may not waltz back to your cushy DC job next year. But I;m sure anyone worth 10 million dollars has given up their salary for now. What? No? Gee, how muchof our money is enough for you guys?

  20. Anita Winecooler6:19 PM

    Yee Haw! , "We’re not going to be disrespected ... We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is." — Rep. Marlin Stutzman

    Doncha just love the irony? What it is, Marlin, is laughed at and ridiculed. Good try "Walking it back". You gotta learn from a seasoned REAL Republican, like for instance, this piece of work from Pennsylvania:,0,6686336.story

    Being an asshole can't be that difficult, you'll get the hang of it with the company you keep.


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