Friday, October 04, 2013

You knew it was coming. Cory Booker campaign uses opponent's Sarah Palin endorsement to undermine his credibility. Calls Palin an "extremist."

"Here you go Mr. Lonegan. Stop ducking!"
Courtesy of TPM:

Cory Booker's campaign thinks an endorsement from Sarah Palin should convince Garden State residents not to vote for Steve Lonegan, his Republican rival in the New Jersey Senate race. 

Following Palin's endorsement, Booker's campaign issued a press release Thursday dubbing Palin an "extremist." Booker campaign spokeswoman Silvia Alvarez also told TPM that Palin's endorsement should show voters just how "out of touch" Lonegan is with their values. 

"If voters had any doubt about how out of touch Steve Lonegan’s values are with the values of most New Jerseyans, Sarah Palin’s endorsement puts that to rest. Like Mr. Lonegan, she wants to ban abortions, even in cases of rape and incest, doesn’t believe in climate change and opposes common sense measures to make our streets safer, like expanded background checks for gun purchases," Alvarez said.

Here is the graphic that they released.

 This is a VERY smart by Booker and his people.

Sarah Palin is an extremist nutjob and MOST people in this country know that. Especially those on the East Coast.

I can hardly wait for her response in a ghostwritten spittle flecked diatribe posted on a social media outlet.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Devastating! They should have used a more current picture of her -- she hasn't looked that good in a long time.

    In other news, did you see the crying-baby Boehner-temper-tantrum ad the Democrats will run during the game, Gryphen? I don't have a good feeling about it...

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      I just watched that ad and I don't like it either. Using a small baby to get the point across is not very smart.

    2. The Boehner ad? Short, to the point, and maximum contrast to the manly-man culture of football. Will resonate with parents everywhere.

      I like it.

    3. Pat in MA11:10 AM

      The 'baby' angle was effective last time with Newt:

    4. Anonymous11:24 AM

      I like it too. Boehner and the tea party loons ARE cry babies. The vast majority of Americans view them that way. So it's a great ad.

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I think she looks plenty ugly in the pic they picked. That was from one of her big-fail TV appearances, to which she had nothing to contribute.

  2. Anonymous9:49 AM

    On the other hand, Booker is very religious. It has been speculated that he has a dominionist agenda, is disguise. I'm sorry, cannot proved a link. or testify to the veracity of this claim.

    No doubt better than the alternative. but I will not place unreserved trust in the religionistas in government.

    1. What, exactly, are you talking about? Who has been speculating about this "agenda?" .. .or are you paid per rumor?

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      If you weren't talking BS you'd be able to provide some evidence.

      The internet is forever.

    3. Quotations from Corey Booker:

      Don't speak to me about your religion;
      first show it to me in how you treat other people.

      Don't tell me how much you love your God;
      show me in how much you love all God's children.

      Don't preach to me your passion for your faith;
      teach me through your compassion for your neighbors.

      In the end, I'm not as interested in what you have to tell or sell as I am in how you choose to live and give.

      Sounds good to me. At the same time, in fairness to Anon 9:49, there are many people concerned about his ties and loyalties -

      I don't know enough at this time to comment. It is out there though.

    4. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Booker's pastor is Apostle Bernard Wilks of the dominionist New Apostolic Reformation.

      Booker is a confusing candidate. I'm not sure how far he'd go in protecting women's access to abortion. He supports school privatization and is a friend to Wall Street, including being defensive of Romney's type of investment capital. On the other hand, he's a strong advocate for gay rights, which breaks with NAR teaching.

      Since the NAR insidiously encourages the use of stealth tactics to infiltrate the 'Seven Mountains,' how do we trust Booker? I'm certainly not ready to call Booker a dominionist but I'd like to see some serious investigative journalism. I can't help but imagine NAR leaders salivating at the prospect of a Booker (D) v. Cruz (R) presidential election.

    5. Anonymous12:10 PM

      So, as per usual there is one candidate that we know is crazy and another that we suspect is crazy, but maybe a little less crazy than the other one. That's politics today, unfortunately, we are always forced to elect the lesser of two evils; rarely is there ever a truly palatable person to vote for.

      How about in a true recognition of the separation of Church and State that those running for office must keep their religion private and be penalized for mentioning it during a campaign. Their Church and State will be constitutionally separated one they win office, so why let it be a factor in their campaign?

    6. Anonymous2:39 PM

      you're so full of shit bristle..that would be your mama who is a dominionist you idiot.

  3. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Cory Booker And Steve Lonegan Face Off In First N.J. Senate Debate (WATCH)

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Can you say OWNED? Hahahahaha.
    Sit down and SHUT UP Osarah bin Palin.
    The black guy owns you. Again.
    Go cry in the fetal position you deranged lunatic.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Osarah bin Palin! I just about had an asthma attack laughing.

    2. That was a good one, wasn't it?!?! LOL

    3. Anonymous11:49 AM

      You've come up with the ideal moniker for this despicable domestic terrorist.

      Osarah bin Palin - Love it!

    4. AKinPA12:14 PM

      Osarah bin Palin. Perfect, Anonymous 9:15. Thanks

    5. Anonymous12:42 PM

      PERFECT new name for the idiot! Made me laugh out loud!

    6. CJWhite2:17 PM

      You rooooooock 9:53! Nothing will ever be the same!

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Aaaah...the good ol' days when "The Curse" meant women got their period. Hey, Steve! This one last longer than five days. MUCH longer!

  6. Would have been even better if they used a current picture of the skank, in all her methed up glory.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Agree. They may not have the current ones.

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      The boobs thrust askew, teetering on hooker heels photo is a personal fav. Would fit right in with the "extreme" theme.

    3. Anonymous11:14 AM

      This photo is from the McCain campaign days..when they spent a fortune providing her with age appropriate clothing I agree that the more recent one of her in the butt ugly blouse and skirt with hooker shoes is more indicative of sarah now. I also like the one from a campaign when she has a preteen sized superman shirt and ridiculous looking shoes she truly has no clue how to dress and is too arrogant to ask for or follow advice.

    4. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Actually I'm glad they didn't, she'd just use it to claim more victim-hood.

    5. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Cory should be sent that 'hooker' photo taken of Palin (in New York) - it would be a hoot for him to use - even though I doubt he would. But, who knows!

      Wonder if John McCain et al have seen it?

  7. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Beep Beep Beep Beep From RAM to all ships at sea: Corrupt Crony Ivy League Black Librul Urban Single Crime Beep Beep Beep Beep.... There ya go RAM now you can have a few more minutes of that "beauty" sleep before the Big Boss needs to rattle the Asylum.

  8. Anonymous10:10 AM

    With polls heading south, GOP desperate to blame Dems for Tea Party shutdown

    ...Well, they don’t really have a choice. Over the past four decades, the GOP has invested heavily in a Frankenstein monster electoral strategy, first with the religious right and then with the Tea Party. Each time, the GOP recognized that there was a new and growing movement of strong but crazy activists, and the party tried to foster the crazy, and harness it.

    But as always with monsters of your own creation, the monster eventually kills the village, then goes after your bride.

  9. Anonymous10:11 AM

    This moron Lonegan is actually the head of Americans for Prosperity in NJ. The Koch Brothers aren't even bothering to to run a puppet - just putting up their own employees. Cut out the middleman. Watch out Baldy!

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Ding. Ding. Ding. Yes! Follow the money. Sarah is earning another Koch Industries pay check.

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Cory Booker should take Sarah's trademarked images and slap his PAC fundraising log on them.

  11. Anonymous10:25 AM

    bottom line with the skank fraud is if it were purple she'd argue it's orange

    fukin' braindead meth head

  12. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Will she or won't she respond?
    Crazy mentally ill narcissist.

  13. Anonymous10:39 AM

    If she wants to put her Mayoral record against Corey, keep talking there Sarah.

  14. Anonymous10:40 AM

    If Booker thinks this is enough evidence of her extremism, wait until he sees her televisual blowjobs on Cruz! Someone should send them to his campaign.

    Wait until NJ sees the dunderheaded hag in her full glory.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      What are you talking about?

    2. Anonymous1:57 PM

      I'm sure Booker has seen Sarah Palin's public fellatio of Ted Cruz. He's probably waiting to see if she dares to respond to bring out that particular cluster fuck.

  15. And that photo is properly referred to as the Kiss of Death Panels.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      thanks for the smile! perfect!

  16. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Love it, love it! More politicians need to do this when the 'idiot' supports a candidate.

    Palin is the kiss of death in anything she does! Ask Alaskans!

    Cory WILL win!!!

  17. Anonymous11:41 AM

    I am betting she will avoid (like the plague) responding to this! It will just bring up stuff she doesn’t want out there regarding her lousy candidate picks. And her inability to get political traction. The GOP is running scared of the extremists in their ranks.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      She can't let it go. She's got jungle fever and by posting the truth about her, my guess is she'll at least tweet something. Corey's smart enough to ignore her, which will drive her over the ledge. THEN the rage will come out on Facebook.

      Corey don't want you, Sarah.

  18. Anonymous11:49 AM

    skank doesn't even know whether she's punched or gouged let alone having any knowledge regarding anything of substance

    fraud griftin' bitch

  19. Anonymous12:01 PM

    This is a special election. The winner will be up for re-election next year.

    Lonegan is disgusting. There's no doubt Booker is the better of the two but I don't trust him and can see him as problematic for the Democratic Party in the long run, perhaps even as soon as 2016.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      I don't trust Cory Booker either. Can't specifically say why. I thought I liked him when he first came on the scene and then he said or endorsed something that rubbed me the wrong way. I suspect that he is a closeted gay man for some reason (not a problem but I think in this day and age the truth is easier and I would respect honesty rather than hiding). And the comments above about the dominionist church make me feel ever more suspicious (another reason he might hide his sexual preference). This of course, is all speculation. I have never met Mr. Booker, but I have to say, back in 2003 my gut told me there were NO WMD's! So I trust my gut and it's telling me Booker is not who he wants us to think he is.

  20. AKinPA12:24 PM

    Lonegan also got an endorsement from "Oops" Perry.

    As I recall when Christie was running for governor, Palin offered (probably for a hefty fee) to appear with him on the campaign trail. She never appeared with him. Guess he said, "thanks but no thanks." Palin would get run out of town on a rail in 90% of NJ.

  21. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Sarah 'the boob' Palin interjects herself again. Disclaimer, the boobs vary according to the nature of the audience. Redneck goobers with limited IQ's get big inflatable boobs.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      The boob! I love it, thanks for the grin, courtesy of Her Heinous.

  22. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It will be interesting to see what Sarah does when the Ted Cruz to nowhere flounders and sinks. She is so fervently aboard and on Cruz Control.

    If Cruz goes down and is out (it's possible) she will go also. No wonder she is scrambling for money now.

    How will she spin when Cruz goes down?

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      1:18 Thanks for the smile. Cruz to Nowhere. I get it.

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Hopefully like the water eddy in a just flushed toilet, 1:18 PM!

    3. Anonymous4:14 PM

      May he experience his personal Costa Concordia disaster, with Palin on board.

    4. Anonymous5:56 PM

      The Bitch will just move on to her next mark until she croaks, like a frog that is.

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I love Cory Booker and HATE Palin and any of her cohorts with a passion. Booker is a great man and Palin is nothing but a load of narcissistic, sociopathic shit.

  24. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The usual cult followers are at this site saying skank's endorsement clinches the election (clinches?) while there is a poll showing just the opposite!! Denial much?

    Will Sarah Palin's endorsement help or hurt Steve Lonegan's campaign for U.S. Senate? (Poll Closed)
    Hurt 54.82% (478 votes)

    Help 40.6% (354 votes)

    I don't know 5% (40 votes)

    Total Votes: 872

  25. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Poll at this site

  26. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Lonegan has been running an ad on television right now that is the most delusional bit of propaganda that I have ever seen.He calls our president a liar and proceeds to tell how people are losing their doctors,healthcare and hospitals closings because of the ACA. Unbelievable. Figures he would be tied to the ignorant palin. I guess when the truth doesn't work lie your ass off and cross your fingers.This is disgusting on so many levels.

    1. I just saw that ad tonight. Lonegan is a despicable, evil, fear-mongering, liar, just like Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      His propaganda can so easily be proven to be lies! His competition will knock him out of the park!

    3. Anita Winecooler6:47 PM

      Here's the snore in all his glory.

      Good Luck with that "Defunding Obamacare part

  27. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Sarah Palin tweets, Gee Whiz, If Even Little Ol' Me Understands U.S. Government 101 but MSM Doesn't...

    Is that the same woman who asked, "Exactly what does a Vice President do?" Then, when she was actually in a debate with another VP candidate, she got wrong, thinking that the VP made the laws in the senate. (Try this, Sarah, votes in case of a tie).

    Is that the same woman who was so involved in government when she was Governor of Alaska that people had to print buttons asking, "Where's Sarah?"

    And about that fake, Gee Whiz, and Even Little Ol'Me, Aw Shucks a mighty, that's unflippingbelievable. Sarah is one flippin' cutesy pie.

  28. Anonymous3:36 PM

    psssst, people Cory didn't quit...

  29. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Sarah Palin has an ego as big as that of Ted Cruz and they are both nothing more than frauds and trouble makers!

  30. I have no delusions about Mr. Booker. Both of his parents were corporate executives. Booker is a close ally of the Republican Governor of NJ, Chris Christy and he make no excuses for it.

    Booker is supported by many in the financial sector. He has national political aspirations. He makes all sorts of deals and alliances, including with fundamentalist/Dominionist groups. He is a politician.

    Still, he would be a better choice than Steve Lonegan who was the mayor of a small town, Bogota NJ. Lonegan is a typical Tea Party guy. In fact, as others pointed out, Lonegan worked directly for the Koch's organization.

    I do not expect to find profoundly honest and wisdom laden people in national or statewide electoral politics. When I do, it is a pleasant surprise.

  31. Anita Winecooler6:53 PM

    Cory's one smart guy! Put the hex on his opponent with the proven "Palin Curse".
    I guess it's taking time for Sarah to collect enough spittle. Doing lots of drugs and yapping too much causes dry mouth. She's gotta clear some cacti then drink from the dead lake.

  32. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:58 AM

    Those Palin air kisses must sting like vipers. Dinah Shore she ain't!*

    *Now I'm showing my age! ;)


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