Saturday, October 26, 2013

Today's child shoots family member with unattended gun comes to us courtesy of Florida. (Actually that's where a LOT of them come from.)

Courtesy of My Fox Tampa Bay:  

Detectives say a 4-year-old accidentally shot and injured their aunt – and the uncle is the one to blame. 

It happened inside an SUV in the parking lot at 9017 East Adamo Drive. 

The sheriff's office says the child's uncle, Randall Simmons, was showing the 4-year-old and 8-year-old his handgun. He then put the gun in the glove compartment, left the kids unattended, and a short time later, the child grabbed the gun. The child accidentally shot 30-year-old Shantell Wilson in the back. 

Wilson was treated at the hospital, but the sheriff's office says the family was not cooperative with them. 

Eventually, detectives said they were able to determine that Simmons had left the kids unattended with the gun in the vehicle. 

A warrant for his arrest has been issued. 

Thew uncle SHOWED the kids the guns.

Let them watch him put them into the glove compartment.

And then left them alone in the car.

Which led to the child's aunt being shot in the back.

Yeah he needs to be arrested alright. And then he needs to be kept as far away from children as possible for the rest of his life.

Remember folks, guns don't kill people,  but they make it so that even four year old children have the opportunity to do so.


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Kentucky Shooting: Boy, 5, Shoots and Kills Intruder, Police Say
    This event underscores the importance of teaching young children marksmanship and proper gun responsibility.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Check your facts! The story you refer to May 1, 2013, Burkesville,KY reported by right wing internet perverts the truth and LIES about the facts! The 5 yr. old boy actually shot and KILLED his 2 yr. old sister! LOOK IT UP and stop believinf fantasy.

    2. Anonymous5:57 AM

      And that small child will have to grow up knowing that he murdered someone at the age of 5. Not a very good start in life.

    3. Anonymous6:15 AM

      This is nuts; no 5-year-old has the maturity to unilaterally handle a loaded gun.

    4. Anonymous6:17 AM

      The 5 year old actually killed his 2 year old sister. This nonsense about the boy killing an intruder is a parody.

      The parody

      The actual tragedy

  2. angela4:37 AM

    You better believe they are going to arrest him—as they should. But mainly I knew they were going to arrest him because if there is a shooting involving an African American child the cops immediately try to arrest someone. If the child is white—all you hear is "Oh what a tragedy" "The family is devastated at this horrible accident and the police feel their pain". No justice for white children--it seems.

    I'd like to not bring this down as a matter of race—but what I have been witnessing is frightening. What the hell is going on in this country? I think anyone who doesn't secure a gun when children are around should be handed their asses and thrown in jail. But it seems in this country---it mostly happens with black and brown people. I guess law enforcement believes all others are just exercising their 2nd Amendment rights when they are mishandling guns around children.

    I want to see EVERYONE who lets a child get their hands on a weapon tossed in jail. Everyone.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      I had the same reaction. It would be interesting to see statistics because I am sure that African Americans are held to a different standard on this as they are on every other issue. Adults should always be charged with something when a child in their care discharges a gun, whether it hits someone or not.

    2. Florida - white folks stand their ground, and tragedies happen, black folks are arrested.

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      The article said nothing about the race of the family. I'm pretty sure that is a stock photo that Gryphen used.

    4. Click the link. Picture of suspect is indeed black.

      That's WHY I chose that picture.

  3. Anonymous5:11 AM

    With each one of these stories of small children who kill adults after being able to get hold of a gun, I become more convinced that some adults are hoping to use/using the child as a murder weapon to rid themselves of a spouse, or relative. There's an element of manipulation in this story- easily dismissed as stupidity.

  4. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I'vegot to believe that only dumb fucks buy a gun to protect their families and NRAholes certainly fit the bill.

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Oh look! Sarah's curse is hitting bigtime! Teabagger is pissing and moaning up a storm. C'mon Sarah, why don't you pony up and help your buddy in NJ? Surely you could throw him a few bucks since it's on you that he ended up losing his his bid.

    ...Now, Lonegan says he's been "left holding the bag" after his campaign. Apparently, it's a bag that needs to be holding $68,000 to pay these bills Lonegan presumed he'd be getting some assistance in paying. Of course, in previous emails, Lonegan claimed to be "within just 3 points of winning," so maybe he needs to double-check his math?

    1. Wonder how much Sarah was paid to turn up?

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Or how much she'll pay to relieve his debt?

    3. Anita Winecooler5:41 PM

      How much is a SP endorsement worth? Sarah gets invited and "BAM" someone loses big time. My guess is less than zero and more than negative five.

  6. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "Remember folks, guns don't kill people, but they make it so that even four year old children have the opportunity to do so."

    You can say that again. Well said, boss.

    Paul in Indiana

  7. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Ok, Gryphen, this is sooooo WTF!

    Wisconsin jails pregnant woman and gives her fetus – but not her – a lawyer

    ...At her initial hearing, her attorneys say, the judge told Belran that she would not have an attorney present but one had been appointed to represent her fetus.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      The law even covers/'protects' EGGS.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      What a sad story! The woman was doing all possible to keep her child safe during pregnancy and she is put in jail for doing just that. I wish there were more women in the legal profession who become judges.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      What a sad story. Maybe if the doctor had offered to arrange provision of the medication without cost or at minimal cost or with a sensible payment plan she would have agreed to treatment under the doctor's care. I've read in a comment that whatever medication she had been abusing was not something that would harm a fetus. I assume that the withdrawal medication would also have been harmless to the child. This seems to be a case where the mostly male judicial world is abusing women - yet again.

  8. Anonymous10:01 AM

    In Santa Rosa, CA, a 13-year-old boy was shot by a sheriff's deputy on Thursday as he was walking to a friend's house carrying a pellet gun.

    The gun looked like a real AK-47 and, when the deputy told the boy to drop it, he allegedly turned towards the officer and began to raise the barrel. The deputy, with 24 years of experience, believed that the boy was about to shoot and shot him first, killing him.

    I've read that these kinds of guns are required to be manufactured with an orange tip to alert anyone seeing it that they are not real rifles. In the picture the Sonoma County Sheriff's office released, there is no orange tip and the rifle certainly looks real to me.

    The FBI has been brought in to investigate. Whether the shooting is deemed justified or not, a young boy has lost his life for carrying what amounts to a toy. Unfortunately, pellet gun manufacturers feel the need to make their products so realistic that law enforcement officers cannot tell the difference between them and an AK-47.

    This is a tragedy for all involved but the manufacturers get their profits so I suppose they think that's all that counts.

  9. OT..........

    Although it is a spiritual based article, the narrative regarding President Obama's effort to bring comfort in some fashion to the Sandy Hook victims' survivors is detailed and is a remarkable story. A prior untold visit as witnessed by those in attendance. Rest in peace sweet children. May their memory be eternal.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    I feel badly for that child, but clearly the Uncle wanted the Aunt killed, and exploited this poor child in his despicable plan. "The family was not cooperative (with the Sheriffs Office)" makes me think they know they're next if they open their mouths.

    At any rate, get this kid as far away from the monster and his enablers. Give the child half a chance at getting beyond this and living the life they deserve.

  11. Anonymous7:29 PM

    My grandsons' father shared that he is prepared to ask parents when taking the kids for playdates if they have a gun in the house. The father said people he spoke to assured him it is the new norm to ask about guns. I recommended if someone says yes not to take their word it is secured/locked up and no bullets in it.

    As tragic as Sandy Hook massacare was and other recent massacare shootings it is a sad but hopeful outcome that parents are being assertive to keep their kids safe from other peoples' guns. Hopefully word will get around which families have guns. The gun toters can hang together and accidentally shoot one another or their kids kill family and visitors. Then those people can preach from jail that guns don't kill people....oops!


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