Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sarah Palin wishes her mother a happy birthday, and decorates her imaginary cake wtih pure hypocrisy.

So Palin's ghostwritten Facebook post starts off complimenting her mother, wishing her a happy birthday, and saying nice things about her, which is perfectly fine and I don't think that any of us would have any issue with that whatsoever.

After all everybody loves their mom!

However then Palin decides to take a detour and starts delivering a lecture about, and I'm not kidding about this, complaining, which she terms "grumbling."

And knowing mom, the most optimistic person we know, a great gift she'd appreciate from everyone, especially all her kids, grandkids, and great grandkids, is like-minded optimism. She's proof positive it makes the world a better place. 

We know there's a lot wrong with our nation right now, but there’s a lot right too! Human nature leads to a pattern of grumbling where we lose sight of things we should be thankful for. 

I ran across @thethankables campaign to declare a “War on Grumbling.” Great idea. It's totally "Sally Heath." Take time each day to declare our own #WarOnGrumbling by naming things we’re thankful for.

So Sarah Palin, you know the Sarah Palin who viciously complains about what she sees has the fundamental changing of HER country, would like, in honor of her mother, to suggest to all of you that you not complain so damn much. 


So I thought I would provide a few examples, JUST from this month, where Palin engaged in some "grumbling of her own. (And trust me, for the sake of time, I am leaving out quite a few.)

October 1, Palin "grumbles" about the President's positive speech about Obamacare.

October 3, Palin "grumbles" about the closing of the World War 2 memorials that HER Tea Party buddies forced to close.

October 4, Palin "grumbles" about her perception that the media does not understand how government works.

October 9, Palin "grumbles" about the perceived "War on Christmas" and tries to hawk her book.

October 12, Palin tries to get Steve Lonegan elected in New Jersey, and "grumbles" about the effect of the shut down.

October 14, Palin "grumbles" about the possibility of a government default and attempts to blame it on the President.

October 15, Palin goes to Washington to "grumble" in person to Great Van Susteren about the government shutdown.

October 16, Palin "grumbles" about the GOP politicians who refused to let the country default.

October 18, Palin "grumbles" about a cemetery marker.

October 20, Palin "grumbles" about the Republican, compares them to the "Corrupt Bastard's Club."

October 23, Palin "grumbles" that the media is not doing their job, but came after HER too aggressively, (Yeah right!)

October 24, Palin "grumbles" that the lady who fainted behind the President, might just have been faking it.

And then yesterday, Palin "grumbled: that Piers Morgan wanted to interview her.

If indeed Sarah Palin stopped "grumbling" I am pretty sure she would simply dry up and wither away to nothing. After all the only thing that seems to be driving her these days is hate.

Happy birthday Sally Heath. Sorry that your daughter turned out to be such a hypocritical bitch.


  1. Wait!!
    Are you telling me that that's NOT Sister-Sarah, Queen CAB (Cunty-Ass-Bitch), in that photo?!

    Anyyyyywhoooo.....Happy Birthday to Mrs. Heath

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      We all know when stoopid points the finger at "Someone else" its really HER!
      Such a A$$hole she is. Pathetic creature.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      MCockadoo7:01 AM
      Love "Queen CAB"!!! Suits her to a "T"! Thanks :)

    3. Looking at this pic of Queen CAB, it's hard to tell the difference.

  2. So glad you had a Sarah post off, it gives me a place to put this link...still chuckling...

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Sarah Palin, whom you may remember as the result of a botched science fair experiment by John McCain who attempted to crossbreed a northern screech owl with a Mama Grizzly, recently received an invitation from Piers Morgan to appear on his show for either comedic relief or possibly to prove to America that CNN’s S.E. Cupp isn’t the dumbest lady wearing glasses on the teevee (Editors note: Wolf Blitzer is a man.). Sarah, as is her wont when having to communicate to the outside world without an appearance fee, took to her favorite social media platform – ShoutyFace – to tell that smug limey lobsterback to go rumpy-pumpy in his own arse’s bung-hole or something that kind of sounds vaguely English-y like that:

      Oh dear Piers, thank you so much for all your invitations to appear on your shambolic show, including the adoring message you sent. But is it still any wonder why I’ve politely responded that I’m too busy doing, um, er… pretty much anything to accept the invite? (At least I didn’t tell you to “get stuffed”.) And to all our British friends: we ask, what did your friends across the pond ever do to you to deserve your Piers?

      “Shambolic”! It’s the new ‘fetch’.

      As a way of showing Piers that she is not fucking around, Sarah went out and killed another Mama Grizzly in Wasilla just to watch her die and then put the head in Piers bed sent him the picture:

      We don’t think that this was a coded message from Sarah that she would totally kill Piers Morgan in his stupid face and then mount his head on a wall in her Arizona meth palace since Sarah’s serial killer MO is to use surveyors symbols to let us know where she will strike next … but it would be irresponsible to not speculate.

      Upon review, we noticed how Sarah has artfully displayed her rifle so that it’s pointing at herself (gun safety first, kids!) which leads us to believe that this was likely part of a Mama Grizzly suicide pact and Sarah quit halfway through.

      As is her wont…

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      does anyone else notice that the bear in the photo skank sent to piers via fb is very small? the bear looks to be the same size as skank????hmmmmm???
      is it just me or anyone else notice?

  3. Sharon7:05 AM

    What better way to take a happy bday pic with family, please display your assault rifle!!!! It is like these people are from a different species, a different planet...oh how I wish that was true.

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      And for once, they have their penis extenders in an accurate location!

  4. I wonder if it galls her that Sally shares a birthday with Hillary Clinton.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      It's MY birthday too! I've always felt a kinship with Hillary. but Sally Heath - not at all.

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Yea, to Hillary Clinton - already sent her good birthday wishes.

      Betcha she will be our next POTUS and love the idea of her following President Obama. She and Bill Clinton would be quite a team to have back in the White House.

      Sarah and her kind will be shitting green nickels all over the place. Hillary would be the woman that could whip Palin into shape and place, but she's too classy to do it! She'd make mincemeat out of her!!

      Happy Birthday, Mrs. Clinton! You and Bill have and raised an outstanding daughter!

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Today is my birthday. I am thankful I am not related to any Palin in any way. I have NO illigitimate grandkids, no daughters who will do anything for $$$ (just like the Kardasians) Maybe Chuckles keeps Sally locked away at the house full of bones, and she is unaware of what is happening in the world outside Wasilla? Sally should contact Kris Jenner for tips on how to make money off her relatives, instead of having sex for free??

    1. Blaming the children for the sins of the fathers (or mothers) is really sad. Whether parents are married or single is not the fault of the child. Attack the parents any way you wish but speaking in a derogatory way about "illegitimate" children is not something to be proud about.

    2. Anonymous9:09 AM

      fuck off. They are illegitimate. It's valid. Nothing derogatory there, just fact.

    3. Anonymous9:19 AM

      "I have no BASTARD grandkids....."

      there. fixed it for ya' :P

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      add to that - I don't have a pimp/drug dealer husband either.

    5. hedgewytch9:44 AM

      Poor Sally H. She's been in pretty bad health lately. My Mom knows her. If you met her and didn't know the family, you'd think she was just some tiny harmless old woman, and she is for the most part (and I'd add pretty much clueless) - except for the fact of her family and who her family is surrounded by.

    6. Anonymous10:23 AM

      8:05 AM Claiming Family Values and a Christian life does not explain away several illegitimate children, and alcohol and Drug use by the Palin Family.

    7. Anonymous11:19 AM

      If a woman has one child before marriage, that is a mistake. Going ahead with one after another - THAT is not only stupid but unfair to the fatherless kids. Selfish to kep up that behaviour.

    8. Anonymous1:59 PM

      TS @8:05 I'm with you on this subject. I think it's wrong to label a child "illegitimate" or "bastard", it's a stigma that the child may carry their entire lives through no fault of their own. An illegitimate child is no different than a legitimate child - no better or no worse. Those terms are based on religion and I think it's high time we quit using them. IMO.

    9. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Anonymous11:19 AM
      If a woman has one child before marriage, that is a mistake. Going ahead with one after another - THAT is not only stupid but unfair to the fatherless kids. Selfish to kep up that behaviour.
      Excuse me 11:19. I'm not married, My first child was not a "mistake", nor was the second. They were planned and they are not fatherless. They also are college graduates and very successful adults. We are a wonderful and happy family.

      You don't know our situation, but it's lovely of you to judge us and pronounce us stupid and selfish.
      But if you try to call either of my gentlemen sons bastard or illegitimate, well, I can promise you'd get an earful.

    10. Anonymous6:49 PM

      A lot of people resent bastards because taxpayers are paying for them. The parents are scamming the IRS and claiming poverty credits even though the father really is in the picture, just not on paper.

    11. Anonymous2:59 AM

      It iis absolutely fine t have children whenever you want with whomever you want. as long as you can love and provide fully for the kids.
      The point of contntion weith the Palins?Heaths any of them, all of them, is that they clain they are religious abstinent only practicing people - and it is a fucking crock of shit. If they were honest, we'd let them be. But Palin is always all up in other women's vaginas while she should be tending to her own and her families own vaginas.
      Get it????????

  6. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Sarah Palin = The Grumbler from Alaska

  7. Anonymous7:41 AM

    ah sally heath, a treasonous old hag, who pals around with terrorists, just like her daughter...yep, nothing more fun on a weekend than hobnobbing and rubbing elbows with subversive domestic terrorists.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      the guy to heath's left is Bill Fulton, the antithesis of a domestic terrorist - read up on him to find out how he recently helped incarcerate some real domestic terrorist's here in AK ..

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    3. Anonymous11:41 AM

      and was he not "undercover" infiltrating these domestic terrorists groups in this particular picture?

    4. Anonymous12:06 PM

      I'll respond again since my post has never appeared. Bill Fulton was undercover as he had infiltrated a subversive group in this particular photo. sally heath had no knowledge of that far as she was concerned she was palling around with domestic terrorists, only the palins/heaths for some reason in their deep seated hate of our government look up to these types. just as they perceive the bozos with stars and bars flags at a demonstration for vets are showing respect.

    5. Anonymous12:58 PM

      @10.52, those were the days when Fulton was pretending to be a domestic terrorist. What part of Sally Heath is as guilty as fuck do you not understand?

    6. Anonymous2:08 PM


      hey numbnutz,

      i was simply pointing out to 7:41 that unbeknownst to feather brained sally that Bill Fulton was undercover ..

      now you can go fuk yerself, eh

  8. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Like mother, like daughter. Nobody bitches more than Scarah.

  9. Beldar J. Conehead7:44 AM

    Gryphen, you clearly don't understand The Screechy Wretch(tm)'s essential message.

    Notice that you felt compelled to list each of her grumbling days in October. Did it EVER occur to you how nice it be if you accentuated her NON-grumbling days instead, also, too?

    First, it would set a much more upbeat, American can-do attitude for this entire defunct blog of yours!

    And second, focusing on her intelligible positive messages would take vastly less time to read for the last few librul deadenders and the growing army of tea taggin' "grow up' trolls who visit. And it would take little to no time at all for you to write. You could finally start that craft potato liquor distillery in your garage, alphabetize your beer cap collection or write that definitive guide to "An Atheist's Gift Buying Guide for Chriskwanzaakah", you've wanted to for so long.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      WHAT POSITIVE MESSAGES?? that you again?

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Beldar, not Bristol. BIG difference.

      Thanks B, good one!

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      " focusing on her intelligible positive messages"

      please, please, please post one. In the 5 years since she's been outed, I've never heard one come out of her mouth.

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Surely that was snark, people.
      The first clue was, grammatically correct usage and spelling of a word with more than 3 syllables :)

    5. Anonymous10:12 AM


      Sorry, but the idiot doesn't have a positive thought process in her head!!!

      She's totally inept and hasn't been successful in anything she has done. Check her record and life. Poor Todd and the others living in her houses!

    6. Anonymous12:03 PM

      7:54 9:11 10:12

      obviously don't know our Beldar The Magnificent


    7. Anonymous12:04 PM

      Beldar, your wit is lost on some of the bitter old hags on here.

    8. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Ah dear Beldar- where have you been? My life's so dull between your appearances. I think I'm in love
      -Beldar fan club president

    9. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Gee, it's not as much fun unless people get Beldar's snark [read "satire."]

    10. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Beldar, I am not a hag on the rag nor a fag who's looking to be gag(ged) or bag(ged). My name's not Tagg, and my Tits don't sag. All of which is to say, I'm not a Heath or a Palin. You are magnificent as always, and a great patriot and Real Republican, in the image of Ronald Reagan, Bill O'Reilly, and Stephen Colbert. Sieg Heil !

    11. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Anonymous12:04 PM
      Beldar, your wit is lost on some of the bitter old hags on here.

      Hey! That's not nice! Just because Beldar is that great at what he/she/it does gives you no reason to call names!

    12. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Anon 2:24 you made my day! That is hysterical!

    13. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      "Chriskwanzaakah"? Beldar?? I'm surprised you knew of this tradition, considering you've been known to be a retired army chaplain among other occupations!

      Happy Chriskwanzaakah! Tithes, zings, and great oy!!

  10. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I'm trying to understand that photo of Sally Heath, with an armed dude on either side of her. Maybe there should be a caption contest. "One grumble out of you and I'll have these guys shoot you in the face. Did you see what Sarah did to that bear?"

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      She abused that bear by photoshopping it into a picture with herself. It's hard to see your target through a scope with the cap on the lens.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:22 PM

      "Are you ready to grumble?"
      Like, yah, fer sure! Who posts a pic of mom with armed wingnuts? Any normal daughter would post something more personal, like mom with the carcass of a dead, mid sized brown bear with "Suck it Piers" written in white out on it.

      What's wrong with Sarah? Mom and two dudes she hardly knows.

  11. Life has surely disintegrated if you cannot celebrate your mother's birthday without wanting to preach about what is right and wrong with the world. Sarah should be very thankful that her parents are still with her - many people of her age no longer have a living mother to love and hold on her birthday.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Don't judge life by the idiot's posts. She can't help being stupid, it comes natural.

    2. Anonymous9:25 AM

      If Sally is styill recovering in Alaska, and Sarah is in Arizona as usual, I doubt there will be many hugs exchanged today.

    3. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Remind me again, how soon after Sally Heath was married did she give birth to her first child? Remind me again, how soon after Sarah and Todd got married did Sarah give birth to Track?

      As for Sarah having her parents with her, she ought to be thanking all of us, the people who pay taxes and are paying for Chuck and Sally's Social Security and Medicare. Chuck had a serious heart operation earlier this year, and Sally had her second hip replacement. Guess who paid for that. (Not Chuck and Sally).

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      9:53 Remind us again of Track's father, Curt Menard. Sister Sarah corralled Toad into marrying her when pregnant when the kid wasn't even his. Their fraud of a marriage assuredly started off on the wrong foot and has remained so throughout!

      No wonder Track was a messed up teenager and supposedly is as an adult today! I truly hope all goes well for Piper as she goes through her teenage years! And, then we have the child, that is disabled, that isn't even suppose to belong to Sarah!

      What a rat's nest of a family living on a dead lake in Wasilla, AK and/or in the hot desert of AZ! Truly feel sorry for the kids!

    5. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Sorry - I just don't see Sarah Palin as loveable and huggable! Cannot imagine having to wrap arms around her - she's just so ugly and evil inside. Not attractive in any way, shape or form! One horrible woman!

    6. Anita Winecooler6:24 PM

      TS is so right. I doubt Sarah has dealt with much grief and loss and I think she's ill prepared for that season of life.

    7. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Sarah is just too evil minded to have a clue about the upcoming deaths of her parents. She's not loveable and kind to them and I'm sure will not truly lament when they are dead. I cannot imagine the bullshit show she'll put on at that time!

  12. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I'm eternally thankful that John McCain lost to President Obama back in 2008, because had McCain won, we would be stuck with the embarrassment of Sarah Palin as VP. I'm also, too, thankful that more and more people are acknowledging that Sarah is an imbecile who can't talk and can't think, has no morals and is worthless. What is she good for?

    1. Anonymous9:10 AM

      OMG! She would have been insufferable! But...I'm pretty sure there was a plan in place to make sure she didn't take the oath, that's what Steve Schmidt and Nicole WhatsHerButt said. IMO -- it means that they would have leaked the truth about babygate...because that was really the only thing that could have come out that would have been big enough to get her booted, without severe consequences.

    2. I'm sure those two idiots wouldn't had made it one term.

      The world would be beyond mad max

    3. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Had McCain won, I honestly think that Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace (although I like your WhatsHerButt better) would have left Palin in place and suffered through daily damage control. Had they won, I think their attitude would have been "the public went with McCain and besides, it will cause too much trouble to take her out of the picture. Teabaggers will go crazy". It's easy for them to say now that they would have stepped up and saved the country but they had chance after chance and didn't do it when it might have actually helped McCain. But who knows? Sure glad that President Obama won in 2008 and 2012!

    4. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Sarah's good for 'Postage' fees, and Dorm Room 'one nighters'.

    5. If McLame had won, $P woulda the President in less than a year. (Think Curtis Menard, Jr; Dar Miller)

    6. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Thank God McCain didn't win and that Sarah helped greatly in losing the race for him. Had McCain been elected, we'd have had more war and financial loss to our country.

      And, they probably would have had to cut out Palin's tongue to keep her from disrupting McCain's government. Hell, someone might have even had to do her in! Who knows?

      Thank God, we have President Obama leading our nation....he has proven to be a wonderful, kind man in spite of all the crap the Republicans have thrown at him. Love the guy to pieces as do many, many other Americans across the nation - that are NOT racists!

    7. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Somehow the mem that McCain would have outed Palin for BabyGate is a winner. Imagine the books! And, somehow, Palin would have picked up her tail and made her way back to Alaska to spend another day doing her nails in the governor’s office and trolling Nordy’s during lunch.

    8. Anonymous3:06 AM

      No way in hell ouls she have been VP for long. She'd have the final nervous breakdown. Or, she'd show her incompetence in all its glory very quickly and she'd be given an offer she couldn't refuse. She'd balk as no one puts baby in a corner, but then her plane would crash on the way to visit Africa and viola - game over.

  13. Anonymous8:19 AM

    If you are to win the war on grumbling, an assault rifle might be the weapon of choice.

    Sarah and her Mom look so much alike that they could be sisters.

    Aren't the guys guarding Ma Heath members of the AIP? That photo looks familiar.....

    "Doncha, just love our freedom?!!!!," Sarah screeched so many times.

    It's my county and I'll grumble if I want to....
    RJ In Brownbackistan

    people fought and died so we could grumble or not.

    1. Loblolly Pine8:53 AM

      Without makeup, Sarah is often mistaken as Sally Heath.

    2. Anonymous9:12 AM

      I can see why.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Let us and Gryphen be optimistic Palin will write a FB post about positive things she is thankful for in the ACA:)hahahaha

    I'll start: Insurance now pays for breast pumps....

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Sarah would only like that if it paid for the pumps that fill up her fake breasts. Breast milk pumps? Not so much.

    2. Anonymous3:08 AM

      How about "ear forms"?Does it pay for ear forms for your grandchild born with ruffly deformed ears?? How about the prosthetic ear used at the convention? Does it pay for those??

  15. Anonymous8:47 AM

    hmm, appears shit for brains has pulled down the dead bear picture and sally palling around with domestic terrorists

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      the real bear killer was probably pissed off that she stole his photo and photoshopped it.

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Once again, proof she reads this blog!!!!

  16. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I notice that the Happy Birthday post on rah-rah's FB page got more likes than the post she did on the "fake" fainting pregnant lady. And the posts with Trig in them are the most viewed of all rah-rah's spewings. Maybe there's hope for the positive folks after all.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      The "fainting pregnant woman is so hilarious" post on many right wing sites has been hardly commented on. I really think even her own are embarrassed by her childish, mean girl comments.

  17. Anonymous8:57 AM

    OT - Atheists barred from soup kitchen

  18. Anonymous9:04 AM

    That thing from Wasilly is a bloody, barmy, Billy no-mates, binty, berk and she cocked it up. Also, too, a dodgy, dozy, duffer.

    Would you believe there IS a British slang dictionary on line. How'd I do Brits? Yes, I know this relates to the Morgan post. Just thought I'd put it here where y'all could see it. And as you can see, I only made it to the Ds.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      Funny 9:04!

      Piers would have creamed her ass on his show! She tries to be so, so tough on Facebook, but in person is nothing more than a frightened, insecure idiot!

      Sarah has such a nasty mouth with zero foundation or facts to support her word salad!

      The woman is an imbecile or dolt, whichever word you want to use to describe her!

      Sarah, we can't be rid of you soon enough! Know you read this blog. Haven't you figured out YET America is laughing at you?

  19. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Do any of you recall that the poster to the left side of the photo of Mom and boys-with-guns is about getting rid of all the "bad" people and starting again?! Gryphen, can you help me out with a photo of the "positive" message on that poster?

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Well, at least she paid more attention to her mother's birthday than her father's recent surgery.

    Just gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling all over. Oh, wait a minute...that's a rash.

    Never mind.

  21. Anonymous9:46 AM

    That screeching, ignorant, vile, ugly, bitch just needs to STFU!

  22. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I remember Sarah Palin calling out the "lamestream media" asking them, in honor of the troops, to stop making things up. I call on Sarah Palin, in that same spirit, to honor her mother's birthday by following her own Facebook advice to stop grumbling. In the Spirit of Sally's Birthday, Sarah, Stop Grumbling, Bitching, whining, complaining, writing insulting things, using nasty language, sexy slogans, stop name calling and being such a petty child. Can you do it for just one week? In honor of Sally's birthday?

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Whine and piss and moan. Whine and piss and moan. Good fecking god, she whines and pisses and moans more than a bad country western song.

  23. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Sally Heath, you and your husband raised a horrid daughter. I would suspect you both are very, very ashamed of her and the hate and evil she continually spreads throughout Wasilla, Alaska, Arizona and the USA. She is an embarrassment to women as in: mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, daughters and granddaughters.

    I know I would not want to be related to her in any way and I sincerely feel sorry for the children that she says are hers and that she has an influence on raising! Look how the adult kids have turned out!

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Heath! I sincerely hope your other adult children bring you truthfulness and joy!

    1. I doubt that Sally Heath is ashamed of Sarah Palin. I assume she is, at least, a raging alchoholic and may have mental disease as well. How else could she live for decades in her husband's House O' Bones and Death while he abused his daughter(s)?

    2. Anonymous10:58 AM

      10:04 +1, 10:35 +1.

    3. Anonymous11:41 AM

      10:35 I agree. She is married to a creepy man. Chuckles Sr. is no prize. in the husband and father department. Dysfunctional to the nth degree.

  24. Boscoe10:05 AM

    What's astonishing to me is that Palin is such an utter narcissistic sociopath that she actually thinks what the world really needs is HER, lecturing to it every damn day.

    How about go fuck yourself $a®ah™ Palin.

  25. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I am a patient man. The anvil of karma has yet to drop on this brain dead magpie, and terminate her once and for all. I will indeed celebrate when it finally does. Until then we'll have to endure this idiotic douche nozzle for a paycheck, which will only make her ultimate undoing that much sweeter. So....rail on you stupid twit!

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      skank will never have the intelligence level of a magpie

      oxymoronic comparison

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Magpies are smart birds AND they have an obnoxious sound. The latter matching the screeching of sister Sarah!

  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Sally was keeping up the Heath-Palin tradition of "what's in it for us" and charged those guys $10 each for the photo.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      Whew! I breathed a sigh of relief when I read "that photo"!

      The apple falling far from the tree....

  27. Anonymous10:29 AM

    No photo of the happy Heath/Palin/whatever tribes all together to celebrate the happy day?
    Mama's had surgery this year, and Dad's still recuperating, but there is no excited party, or flowers, or festive cake, or gifts, big or small? No Sarah to kiss her mother and thank her for all she's done for her? .....
    Please don't preach about Christmas, Sarah, when so many other chances to share joy with your family merit nothing more than a finger-wagging FB post.
    Sincere Happy Birthday and many Happy Returns, Mrs. Heath!

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      $arah and Toad are in Scottsdale.

    2. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Of course they are. Todd now only appears when it's time for his big snow races in Feb., and Sarah can't be bothered to see if Piper is doing her homework. What a sad excuse for a family.

    3. Anita Winecooler6:40 PM

      OR a multi generational photo of strong american independent pioneer type women..... Cue up "Impossible Dream"....fade to black......

  28. Anonymous10:33 AM

    beware folks, lest we fall prey to the rule all true magic people know; that the one who casts a curse suffers harm, too.
    this is a gentle reader reminder to protect yourself from the curses you utter, and don't do yourself harm!

    1. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      Do Soothsayers really say "Sooth"?

    2. Anonymous3:11 AM

      ooga booga

  29. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Didn't Bristol say something about her family wanting privacy? What would Sarah Palin do without facebook. She constantly wants attention. Stupid bitch

  30. Anonymous10:39 AM

    @Gryphen... totally OT, but it would be amazing if you could put together a tally of just how much the "Alaska Film Subsidy" , or whatever it's called, has cost the state of Alaska so far.

    People everywhere are saying "Why the fuck is every other show on TV about Alaska?" Gold this, gold that, miners, troopers, crabs...I know you live there and love it, but, quite frankly, those of us in 'the lower 48' are sick to death of hearing about ******g Alaska, you know?

    And whose fault is it???? Can't quite remember the name of the anti-government advocate who advocated spending government money on crappy TV that serves nobody but's on the tip of my tongue.

    Wonder how much government welfare has been doled out so far by her awesome 'just before I run out the door' law makin'.

    If you could get a figure on how much it has cost the government, it might resonate with a lot of regular people who are getting sick to death of hearing about anything that has to do with Alaska.

    Did someone say 'overkill?"

    Who would've thought a Palin stunt would backfire?

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Many Americans associate Alaska w/Sarah Palin which hasn't helped Alaska one bit!

      Folks, Alaskans cannot stand Sarah Palin. She lives in AZ more than AK and we truly wish she'd move there permanently.

      She has embarrassed the majority of Alaskans and has used our treasury throughout the years only to her personal benefit! The current governor (Parnell) has been in bed w/her and is up for reelection. It's time he be voted out of office!!! He covered up her emails, provided her funds for the reality shows that were flops, stopped the release of specific documents from the State of Alaska w/regard to Sarah and the many things that have been dug up about her.

      Sarah et al are nothing more than a dark spot on the State of Alaska (Wasilla area especially!).

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      I too am sick of the emphasis on Alaska. It just pisses me off my state subsidizes this kind of crappy “reality” TV. It makes Alaskans look lame.

  31. To represent Christian or simply decent humns, wish every citizen would compare Sarah Palin, spewing petty mewlings to this, our President:

    1. Ailsa3:34 PM

      Very moving. He's a good soul.

  32. Anonymous10:52 AM

    O/T but Obama Destroys Republicans’ Concern Trolling After Their Govt Shutdown Over the ACA

    President Obama is not impressed.

    In his weekly address, the President pointed out the absurd hypocrisy of Republicans concern trolling the ACA (ObamaCare) website for not working, when they just spent years trying to destroy the ACA and even shutdown the government trying to defund it. Obama pointed out that Republicans are so obsessed with denying care that they threatened to default over it.

    “That’s why it’s also interesting to see Republicans in Congress expressing so much concern that people are having trouble buying health insurance through the new website – especially considering they’ve spent the last few years so obsessed with denying those same people access to health insurance that they just shut down the government and threatened default over it.”

  33. Anonymous10:58 AM

    First Texas and now KANSAS? Is the BLUE wave coming to the RED states? Is PURPLE the next big story?

    Kansas Could Turn Blue as Democrat Leads Republican Gov. Sam Brownback by 4 Points

    The Republican Party is so damaged that even in deep red state Kansas, Republican Governor Sam Brownback is trailing Democrat Paul Davis 43%-39%.

    According to a new SurveryUSA poll, Davis leads Brownback 43%-39%. Only 59% of Republicans support Gov. Brownback. The governor gets the support of 62% of conservatives, but trails Davis with moderates, 58%-28%. There are several things happening in Kansas that mirror the problems of the national Republican Party.

  34. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Hey, it's all about Sarah's good buddies...

    Schaeffer Cox

    To some, Schaeffer Cox is a domestic terrorist, who conspired with members of his Alaska Peacemakers Militia to murder employees of the federal government including a judge, and amassed an arsenal of illegal weapons he’d use to foment bloody revolution in the streets of Fairbanks. He is a violent, mentally unstable criminal who is better in the hole than on the streets.


    To others, he is a visionary, a brave and outspoken idealist, father and family man, son of a preacher, persecuted and prosecuted by a government gone out of control, which no longer represents the will of the people, and is willing to destroy lives in order to keep dissent at bay. He is the voice of resistance, and the patriotism of our founders, who stood against tyranny at the risk of losing everything, including their lives.

    After a trial spanning six weeks in the summer of 2012 in Anchorage, the 28-year old Cox was found guilty and sent to prison for 26 years on a host of weapons charges, and conspiracy to commit murder of federal employees. A Sergeant in Cox’s militia, Lonnie Vernon, received an identical sentence. A third militia member, Major Coleman Barney, an electrical contractor from Fairbanks was the only one of the three charged, not to be convicted on the conspiracy charge and was sentenced to five years in prison, including time served which was almost two years at that point.
    Plan 241 – The Documentary

    The “241 plan” the film references was so named because Cox and his associates had planned to retaliate against the government by killing two feds for every one of the militia that was killed, burning two houses for every house taken, kidnapping two people for every one of them arrested. Two for one = 2-4-1. No violence was committed, but evidence was gathered and the FBI, troopers, and Fairbanks police arrested the three, plus Vernon’s wife Karen during a staged illegal weapons sale facilitated by another militia member, JR Olson, who was actually a criminal informant for the FBI who had infiltrated the group.

  35. Anonymous11:52 AM

    8:44- Brilliant !
    It could be entirely possible that Queen Grumpy Grumble doesn't understand the actual meaning of the word as evidenced
    by her misuse of shambolic yesterday.
    Maybe she's talking about gremlins or granola.

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Funny, the pee pond thinks she brilliantly made up another word, and they would be adding the suffix "bolic" to all their name calling now.

      Good God they are stupid.

  36. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Valerie Plame's comment regarding the threat & danger of dominionism in our country on Bill Maher last night makes me feel good. Coming from a former CIA agent indicates to me that organizations like the CIA, FBI & DHS are keeping a close eye on sarah's group. Valerie stated it was a fact they have infiltrated the US government..a much more valuable statement regarding palin then the flash on the screen of bristle and tripster during Bill's spiel about letting shoplifters steal my book anyway

  37. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Aha, the usual pantheon of stalker comedy brought on by those flashers high tailing it out of town when Palin's husband arrives to shaft their collective scrotums to a billboard that advertises leftover skunk urine as a laxative for those on the dole, the go...or just plain throne sitters, which does characterize 100% of them. Snarly, snarky and with a snout-full, they mill and crow as their collective clocks run down....and then out. Bingo! The Bejesus creepers have shit in the street and then run off to find asswipe paper while stinking up the spectrum again. QED

  38. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Been fiddling with the extremities again, eh Alouisous?

  39. Anita Winecooler5:54 PM

    She does have a point. Everyday I'm thankful that Sarah Palin will write a totally laughable post about something she's completely clueless about. Always with that "perceived whine" she's so famous for.
    Happy Birthday, Mrs Heath! And just in time so your chickenshit daughter to divert from her Piers Morgan kefuffle. Can't run with the big dogs?, then stay on the porch and do something useful with that tongue. smiley face!

  40. Anonymous7:11 PM

    The greatest whine of all time is the self-promotion of the Great "O" world that revolves around a teleprompter full of jokes keep keep the hoi polloi seething, reeling and just plain loopy.

  41. Anonymous7:28 PM

    How is this post hypocritical? She was describing her mother well. Just because liberals read shit into sunshine.....

    Honestly, the most hypocritical people in my view are nasty commenters here, who complain and accuse Sarah of writing mean things when ALL THEY DO is attack, lie and write MUCH MEANER things.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      Lets get this straight, you get off on her nastiness, but not ours?

  42. Anonymous7:29 PM

    idk Sarah's good at laughing at stupid things, like the lies liberals perpetuate.

    Though it's got to be hurtful to hear the lies.

    To all nasty commenters here, act your real age, not your emotional one.

    1. Anonymous6:59 AM

      We will when Sarah progresses past a Tween mentality and

  43. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Every time I see Sarah out with her family being normal, which is a lot, she's the complete opposite of everything written here. She's really funny. There is a reason people and kids friends are always at her house.

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Somehow I bet you also believe all the lies Mrs Palin has told about the President's personal life as well as the constant lies about his agenda as president. There is also a reason so many people, babies and pets love the President. You have just chosen to go along with the false memes set out by your party and a woman named Palin who you obviously do not know.

    2. Anonymous2:33 AM

      7:30 You LIE.

    3. Anonymous2:37 AM

      7:30 PM Like when she and her family verbally attacked the School Teacher at the Airport?

    4. Anonymous2:38 AM

      They are always at their house to collect postage, and buy drugs from Track.

    5. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Little Shop of Horrors, is how the Palin clan have been described in public outings, being normal.

  44. Anonymous7:31 PM

    You all here could stand to be much less hypocritical. Gryp too. MUCH LESS

    1. Anonymous10:48 PM


      really, howz that ?!?

      compared to what, shit fer brains ?

  45. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Well, the present theme of the Demonocratic Party is that of total non-acceptance of anything that does not go with their beliefs and the idea that any other thoughts in the world but theirs should be obliterated. Curious mess that is...

    1. Anonymous6:57 AM

      Does this make sense in your head?

  46. Anonymous11:39 PM

    7:28/29/31 and 8:59 PM The Demon is Sarah Palin the Pimp's crazy wife. Your Idol is a foolish Heathen who proclaims to be a XTIAN. She can dish it out but she can't take criticism. Stupidity
    is a Palin Trait.

  47. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Troll bought a thesaurus.

  48. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Is that Satan's mother wearing the red baseball cap with the GOP logo on it?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.