Sunday, October 06, 2013

When you realize that your political positions are just way too extreme.

This of course is a cartoon, but I have to imagine that there are many across the world who think American politics has gone insane.

Or that the American system is so fragile that it can be taken over from within by a small group of zealots making impossible demands.


  1. Anonymous3:07 AM

    Great cartoon. America's domestic terrorists = the tea party.

  2. Anonymous3:57 AM

    I started to see the decline of America during the disastrous Bush administration, but with the election of President Obama it gave me hope that the decline might be reversed and the U.S. could become a respected leader once again. That hope was dashed, however, with the emergence of the Tea Party 'Patriots'. It seems as if the influence of this segment of insane citizens have not only been able to cause a government shutdown but also caused irreparable damage to America's image throughout the world.

    It saddens me to see a once mighty nation and our nearest neighbor brought to its knees, not by a foreign enemy, but by a group of its own citizens.

  3. Sharon3:58 AM

    I can agree with that cartoon. I have been reading so many posts from around the globe....we look so vulnerable right now. If that wasn't bad enough, for those who saw SNL last night..OMG.
    I can see Taran Killam is gonna be doing John Boehner every week. The entire skit including that Republican song was the ultimate mock out....Boehner couldn't have been more gay. I am no Miley Cyrus fan but Michelle Bachman never looked that good. Jay Pharaoh peeking thru a curtain as Obama with that big eyed scared look was priceless. I can imagine that skit is gonna be circling the it!

  4. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Read today's front page story in the NYT about who is behind the shutdown and how long this action has been planned. It confirms your suspicions about who has been funding SP's facebook posts. Koch brothers are even writing tweets for their lackeys.

  5. Anonymous4:15 AM


  6. Anonymous4:24 AM

    You are absolutely correct...people in other countries (like me) do think the US is nuts. It was bad with George W. occupied the WH and started a war based on false information but there was international hope when President Obama was elected. From the outside looking in, the republican party has been an embarrassment time and again for the US. With people like the pizza guy and wild-eyed Michelle Bachmann taking (for a time) centre stage in republican primaries and now a Congress that reminds many of 70 years ago in Germany with their my-way-or-your-(politically)-dead attitude.........

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Well....maybe the world learned a lesson.......maybe.

  7. Scary, yes, and here's how it happens, with reference to the original virus, Sarah P.:

  8. Anonymous5:17 AM

    And so it begins...

  9. Anonymous5:25 AM

    If the mainstream house republicans had any balls, they would threaten the tea baggers by completely ignoring them with legislation that aligns the moderate republicans and democrats. Keep doing that until they come in line and learn to participate in the political process in a reasonable manner.

    Of course, that will never happen, because they don't want to give in to the black man in charge.

    republicans....worthless, all of them!

  10. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Confirmation of what foreigners think about the US right now:

  11. Anonymous8:44 AM

    My husband (an embarrassed Canadian who has lived in the U.S. for 50 years) is currently in Switzerland and colleagues are bringing it up to him, completely incredulous at what is happening in our government. He doesn't know what to say to them...

  12. An European Viewpoint4:33 AM

    I'd say the rest of the world who is still interested in the US is hoping against all hope that the Republican Party gets wiped out as a result. It sure deserves it.

    @3:57 America, a respected leader ? A bit out of touch with the world, are you ? More like a gung-ho murderous uneducated bully clad in money and mass destruction weapons. Nobody likes a bully. "There are Americans who are not nuts" and "there are Americans who are educated" are the two messages I've been trying to pass around for years here in Europe. Nobody's been too interested.

    It was hilarious to be asked in the 90s by an American teenager if I was an exchange student in the US "because of the American Dream". No dummy -- because Australia is more expensive.


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