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"Look at me, look at me, look at me!" |
President Obama flew in to Boston today to deliver another “ShamWow”-style infomercial for Obamacare, and it went about as well as his entourage’s snarled traffic debacle in Beantown. (Yes affordable health care for Americans is JUST like a product that cleans up juice spilled on your counter top. How astute of you to notice, "lady who puts words in Sarah Palin's mouth.")
As millions of Americans are being kicked off their desired insurance plans and seeing their premiums skyrocket, the President had a lot of 'splaining to do today. (Okay leave Ricky Ricardo out of this!) For starters we anticipated a Presidential apology for lying to Americans repeatedly when he promised things like, “If you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.” Make no mistake, he knew he was lying when he said that. (I don't think he did. I really believe that the President thought the insurance companies would play ball and help facilitate these new insurance changes, and it is becoming clear they are not.) And make no further mistake, after five years of false Obama claims, no one should actually expect contrition on this administration’s part. (Okay I think at this point most people's bullshit meters should be going off concerning these mass mailings of letters from insurance companies. Clearly it is a coordinated effort to undermine the Affordable Care Act and also to use that panic as an opportunity to convince their customers to buy more expensive insurance with THEIR company. Chris Hayes had a great spot on this yesterday.)
Bloomberg reports that in June of 2010, the administration knew millions would be kicked off existing healthcare plans due to Obamacare; but President Obama continued to knowingly deceive the American people with repeated claims that if we liked our current plan we could keep it.
So, finally busted, did the President apologize? Was remorse and sympathy shown for Americans who now can’t afford health insurance thanks to Obamacare? Nope. He instead informed us that Americans who receive cancellation notices have been on “substandard” plans supplied by “bad apple” insurers. (That last part is all true.) That’s right. Obama didn’t lie to you when he said, “if you like your plan, you can keep it.” Why? Because, you sillies, you DIDN’T REALLY like the plan you chose for yourselves! No arguing. Barack Obama knows best and he’ll tell you whether you actually liked your insurance plan or not. (Okay just HOW many stories have we all heard of people finally getting sick after paying their insurance premiums on time for decades only to find that it did not cover the cost of their care, or that their out of pocket expenses were bankrupting them?) If you’re an elderly bachelor, your old plan was clearly “substandard” because it didn’t offer maternity care. What’s that you say? You don’t need maternity care? Well, according to the President today, he says you do, and any insurance plan that doesn’t offer it is a “junk” plan provided by a “bad apple” insurer.
But don’t worry, the President also promised that only “rich” people making $250,000 or more will see their premium costs rise. This lie is so appalling and so easily debunked that the brazenness with which he made it is simply breathtaking. But who will hold him accountable for it? Media, you know I love you... so let me help you save your hide with the American public by suggesting you fact-check that. (Oh God, she is going to tell the media how to do their jobs again. THIS ought to be good!)
Despite the Obamacare rollout disaster and the broken government website (which HHS Secretary Sebelius admitted is a “debacle” in her testimony before Congress today), the President gleefully highlighted the few people signing up for Obamacare as indicative of his socialized medicine’s “success.” (This is NOT "socialized medicine." This is the plan that Richard Nixon dreamed up, the Heritage Foundation tweaked, and Mitt Romney implemented in Massachusetts. Now if the Democrats had gotten their way, and we had adopted single payer, perhaps THAT could be labeled "socialized medicine." However it would also be labeled a rollicking success by now.) He neglected to mention that the government is forcing Americans to sign up for his program or pay fines that will increase each year we fail to do so. (He also failed to mention how doing that will lower health care costs for everybody, convince younger people to get yearly checkups to help find problems when they are still quite treatable, and in the end prolong the health and life of our citizens.)
For sheer chutzpah, the President closed his speech by praising America’s “rugged individualism.” Because nothing says “rugged individualism” like heavy-handed big government forcing individuals to buy a product they don’t want and arrogantly telling them they didn’t really like the product they wisely chose for themselves and could afford. (You mean the product they "wisely" chose for themselves when they only had a handful of choices, and no control over whether they would get kicked off their policies or denied coverage someday?)
Thanks for the infomercial, Mr. President. I don’t know anyone who wants your “ShamWow” product, but the IRS will make sure we call that toll free number or go online to order it right now…. well, just as soon as your impossibly broken $600 million website is fixed and your phones lines aren’t busy. (Actually the cost of the website is somewhere between 70 to 150 million, NOT 600 million!)
Happy with this, America? Make your voices heard. 2014 is just around the corner. (Yes it is, and once we get these Tea party obstructionists out of the damn way we MIGHT just get this whole health care thing tweaked so that it is running smoothly. I can hardly wait.)
- Sarah Palin
You know with all of this news about the problems with the website, and so many cable news stations piling on, I am a little surprised that it took Palin's ghostwriters this long to finally sift through her late night, Red Bull fueled, rantings well enough to craft a semi-literate Facebook post.
I mean what is she paying these people with Palin-bot retirement funds for if it takes them this long to make her seem almost sane-like?
Palin then links to some bullshit article by Eric Bolling, that I refuse to link to because he reminds of of every smarmy middle aged Lothario who ever tried to grope your mother during a cocktail party in the seventies.
Look I will give Palin this, the website problems ARE indeed a target almost too tantalizing to resist for pundits, journalists, and anti-Obamacare fanatics. But keep in mind that websites DO get fixed, however stupidity for many of these asshats is a lifetime curse.
By the way, for those who missed it and may be wondering just how Palin is misrepresenting the President's words, here is a link to his speech yesterday in Boston.
You don't have to be Nostradamus to predict that by the time 2014 rolls around the website will be up and running like a well oiled machine, and that all of this overly dramatic rending of clothing will have been forgotten.
What's more the Right Wing realizes it as well and that is why they are running around building as many mountains out of available molehills as possible before they all get steamrolled by the eventual success of the ACA.
Less than 4 months til you turn 50, Sarah.
ReplyDeleteFeeling irrelevant yet?
Are you sure? She looks at least 65. I guess all her lying and hate speech has had quite a toll on her decrepit body.
DeleteI find it pretty easy to ignore her ghost-written tripe. The only ones who will bother with with reading her crap are curious to see a deranged monkey amusing herself rolling around in her own feces and throwing it at others who stop by to watch her act. No thanks, Sarah, but please proceed.
DeleteIf you'd rather laugh at something funny though, google "Sarah Palin stupid photos"and peruse the 'images'. You will laugh until you are exhausted. On Sunday afternoon, I decided to try to pick my 10 favorite Sarah pics and found it was impossible to narrow it down that much. I realized a couple of hours later, I only had it narrowed down to about 200, and had to give it up because I have other hobbies than just laughing at her foolish antics. But none are as consistently LOL-worthy.
Sarah's begging for attention, but I will give it to her on my terms only. I refuse to be angered about her stupid ideas that are written for her in order to incite the low-info Baggers. There is such a small group of RW Nututters who are really only going to be a factor in GOP primaries as long as the Republican Party allows them to push them farther to the right and that only increases the appeal of the Democratic Party to more and more moderate Republicans and Independent voters.
Other than riling up the paranoid, uneducated and easily misinformed nut crown, Sarah Heath Palin is a source for amusement purposes only. If I want to be educated on a subject, I will look elsewhere than her screeches, unless I am researching the effects of anti-social disorders or narcissistic behavior.
What 8:22 said.
DeleteI am not eloquent.
But I believe in what I see.
Sarah Heath (she is divorced) has formaldehyde coursing through her arteries and veins.
IOW. Sarah Heath is a cadaver.
How do you know she is divorced?
DeleteGoogle "ShamWow" and you'll see a bunch of RWNJ articles using the "ShamWow" Obama claim before Palin. Not her original thought.
ReplyDeleteThey are idiots. ShamWow is very successful, so I hope his speech did help. Let them twist and "dither"--another of their over used words
Its the Heritage foundation. She is being paid by them.
DeleteThey have been sending emails out over the "Encroachment" of gov bla,bla,bla!
She is a paid shill.
Sarah is a 50-year old porn actress who can only find work by being more and more extreme in her appearance and her antics. Her specialty is exploiting hate and fear, both of which she is filled with. Her next act will be having sex with animals, which is still popular among a sliver of the rural, rotten-teeth, extreme racist hater-baggers who haven't seen a paved road very often in their miserable lives. They're still looking at 5 year old pictures of her and fantasize while they pound ol' Bessie, because she's locked in a stall in the barn.
DeleteHappy Holidays, Sarah. Ain't you got a fitness book coming out?
My daughter is currently applying to colleges, but the Common Application is experiencing severe website problems.
ReplyDeleteThe Common App is the standard college application form that most colleges use for admission. Many colleges have had to extend their deadline for application because of Common App problems. The deadlines for early decision admission for a lot of schools was supposed to be tonight at midnight!!
So, website problems plague many high volume, secure websites, where demand is high.
NOTE to BRISTOL AND WILLOW: College is a place where you go after high school to get a 4 year degree and do intense study in a major area of your choosing. The Common Application is the form high school seniors fill out to apply to college. I know you never did any of this but do you understand it now?
Maybe one lesson in all of this is that websites instead of real people are not always a good solution. I guess a lot of colleges have been able to reduce their Admission Offices substantially by relying on the Common Application website. Sort of the equivalent of multiple choice tests that are corrected by machines. Not the best way to test for comprehension of materials taught in the classroom but easier and faster to grade. Modern times have taken over everything. (Proof: I want to write "e-e-e-k-s" but the computer keeps correcting it to "eels.")
Well this is Obama's fault, right? Has to be! Just like the hang-nail I'm dealing with at the moment?
DeleteAnon at 7:39 am. Of course this Common Application glitch is not President Obama's fault; nor are the glitches encountered in the ACA rollout. It's simply one of the things that happens with computer-driven applications. I remember that the law office I used to work in always had issues whenever new office software or hardware was installed. Multiply that by all of the locations involved in a national program; problems are inevitable and will be resolved. It also would have helped if all of the states had cooperated as was originally planned. With college applications, I still think the best thing is an individual application for each college. And I'm not going to try to write "e-e-e-k" again!
From a purely technical standpoint the problem with Healthcare.gov is that it was not tested. Any website/software designer worth their salt knows that you test based on worst case scenario; highest user traffic, most functions used at once, etc.
DeleteTo have a roll out of this magnitude on a website that obviously wasn't put through it's paces prior to going live is simply not done. There must have been something catastrophic happen prior to going live that did not allow the designers to properly evaluate the real world functionality of the website. This kind of thing should not happen in 2013 and when it does it should be corrected in much less than the one month timeframe the government is touting.
I see the whore of babble on is back at it...
ReplyDeleteNever thought I'd see the day when Joe Everyman (no matter how thick-skulled) would be bitching IN FAVOR of his shitty insurance company. People have been demonizing the industry of insurance for DECADES but now all of a sudden they're the good guys?? God, my head hurts ....
ReplyDeletePeggy Noonan: “It’s unfair to compare the rollout of Obamacare to the voyage of the Titanic ...”
[1] The Titanic was in the middle of the ocean rather than still tied to the dock.
[2] The Titanic directly caused the deaths of over 1,500 people, disproportionate numbers of them from Third-Class; Obamacare is specifically designed to help with our existing “Third-Class” problem.
[3] Computer code is a heck of a lot easier to repair on the fly than are buckled steel hull plates.
Obamacare is not about to "sink" – and certainly NOT from the bumpy roll-out of a website which will be fixed soon.
Piggy Nooner is still in love with Ronnie Reagan. She just will not accept that he is gone. Hoping to score points with St. Ronnie by insulting any democratic politician she can. Fortunately (for her) the MSM is on board. Outr local Walgreens and the local Medical Clinic is open to help people sign on to the ACA. These people are professionals, and most likely have ways to access the website.
DeleteI just feel bad for the people that were waiting anxiously to get insurance ahead of the January deadline. There were some eager applicants that needed to be insured ASAP, let's hope they can get in the door in December for that January coverage.
DeleteOK Sarah, then since Obamacare is so horrible, let's do a plan where everyone's premiums are low, there are minimal or no copays, no deductibles, and everyone is covered regardless of their problems (and this would include the mental health coverage you do urgently require). Single payer is lookin' real good now, aina?
ReplyDeleteIt must be scary for Sarah to be reaching maximum irrelevancy.
ReplyDeleteThey scream loudest when they are about to be tossed in the bin.
That woman is the seven deadly plagues all rolled into one. I am so sick and tired of her ranting about everything under the sun. I just wrote rhetorically, "does she ever stop and reflect?," and then deleted the words because the all-too-obvious answer is that she would never stop and think before saying anything. Her handlers really need to step in and get her under control.
I agree w/you 6:42. We've all been following her crap for so long that we're tired of her and the folks that write her 'stuff' due to her being totally inept! I, too, begin to write a comment and then delete it.
DeleteShe is NOT being followed at all like she was...she is laughed at by the majority across the nation and the less we write about her, the less and less coverage she has!
I will say for the final time that I cannot imagine being related to her...she's such an embarrassment - to her family members and women across the nation!
Those yelling loudest on the right either have wonderful health insurance, or are those that use the ER as their own free health care plan.
ReplyDeleteThe people I have encountered haven't even tried to find out what their personal costs would be. It is as if looking at the plan would give credibility to the President or Obama (who is really our President).
DeleteWe see it all the time in our local state-run health clinic. People who in their youth accessed free preventive health checkups refuse to grow up and purchase insurance despite the fact they now have kids, homes, boats and businesses. When they get cancer we hold spaghetti feeds for them. Yet, do they see the irony? No, they vote Republican.
DeleteI tried to read through her ghost-written garbage but didn't get too far before I was once again spitting out "fucking bitch" at my poor long-suffering computer. I'm on Medicare now so the ACA roll-out doesn't personally affect me BUT I can't help but think of the health insurance policy that was offered on my last job. My premiums were $38 per week (times 52 weeks that equals $1976 per year). It covered a small number of illnesses, absolutely no ER trips for maybe falling down the stairs and breaking an ankle, didn't cover mammograms or anything routine and didn't cover prescriptions. The deductible was $1,000. Then, IF I got sick, once the deductible was met, I was covered for $1,000 worth of "care". That's it. $1,976 premiums + $1,000 deductible = $2976 that I would have paid but the most I would been covered for was $1,000. I'm was bad about not reading the fine print for insurance policies and actually signed up for the above policy in May of that year. Fortunately during the Open Enrollment in Sept. or Oct. of that year, I read the fine print and immeidately dropped the policy. Then I went years with no health insurance before I reached 65 and could get Medicare.
ReplyDeleteACA protects people (like me who wasn't paying attention and who was desperate for health insurance) from that sort of junk policy. I can't believe that policies like that one don't still exist and that the insurance company that offered it is now one of the ones kicking people off. I currently see ads for the company who offered that policy that say they have "75 million customers". That's 1/4 of the people in the country! I know they have - and had - cadillac policies as well as junk policies but I have to think that sort of thing is exactly the type of junk rip-off that our President is protecting us from.
I am also on Medicare. I get shots for Macular Degeneration. There is a new shot out, that costs $1,100.00 Medicare pays 80% my supplement (or any one of them according to my opthalmologist) will only pay 80% of the remaining 20%, leaving me to pay $70 a shot twice a month for 3 months!! I just got the exact same supplemental policy with the same company for $93 a month less than I was paying!! Figure that out, I can't. My son claims it is part of the ACA, I do not know.
DeleteACA is streamlining policies and making them easier to understand and compare.
DeleteAs for medicare changes, well I know ACA closed what used to be referred to as the "donut hole" in medicare.
Did y'all see Baldy's sucking up piece to some family member about golf? I love how Baldy let her white hood show with her "Asian gals" comment! Good old Baldy....still racist after all these years huh! LOL!! Here it is for those who can't stand the smell over on Baldy's Fecesbook page!
ReplyDelete"Ok, America, before I tell you what I REALLY feel about today’s Obamacare Debacle Developments, let me share some GOOD news with you! Don’t you just love it when good things happen to good people?! Epic day in our family’s little world! My brother-in-law, golf aficionado Kurt Bruce, proud owner of Bruce’s Muldoon Chevron (Alaska’s finest gas station!) chalked one off his bucket list. He hit a hole-in-one! Hole 16 at the Anchorage Golf Course, 170 yards, 7 iron. Kurt was playing with two other people and asked them, "Did that possibly go in?!" When they approached the green to check they didn’t see the ball, so Kurt said, "I’m gonna check the cup," not knowing for sure if it had gone long or was in the cup. It was in the cup! He yelled, "YES!" The Asian gals he golfed with gave high fives all around. They announced to Kurt that hole-in-one means “10 years of good luck for all of us!” Yeah, Kurt! So happy for you! On to Augusta!"
Bitch be crazy ALL the time now! Keep it up Baldy...you're doing a hecka of job!
I have to wonder if he hit it off the ladies tee?
DeleteSomeone wrote that for her as she knows zero about golf!!! She/her writers make her look as though she is trying so, so hard to include the racist comment regarding the Asian women who often DO golf in Anchorage!
DeleteHer mother-in-law plays golf but none of us has ever seen her on the courses in Anchorage w/her wonderful daughter-in-law! In fact, we never see photos of Toad and sister Sarah w/any of Toad's family members!
It's so, so evident they've never wanted to have a thing to do w/her! Ever, ever, ever.
Wait..hasn't it snowed in Alaska yet? We're baring still golfing here in MI.
DeleteSuch a bigoted ignoramus. Would Saint Sarah have said "The white gals" if they had been Caucasian? No. Then there was no need to mention race.
DeleteUnless, of course, you're of the mindset that thinks "hey, if I mention that there were Asian 'gals' there, people with totally think I'm kewl and totally not a bigot".
Idiot Palin strikes again.
Toad’s family despises her.
DeleteIf you want a good laugh this morning (and have a strong stomach) listen to Palin talk about Eskimo Bingo, her "rack" and gas cards...
This must be her family's way of keeping Christ in Christmas.
Eskimo bingo? Is that what she did when she visited the starving native people that year with old Franklin Huckster Graham and delivered cookies instead of fuel and food? Then they all sat around and played bingo?
DeleteShe was such an effective Governor, wasn't she?
Forget the "Obama Lied" nonsense. HERE IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT:
ReplyDelete[1] "Old" plans can continue UNLESS changes are made to them
[2] Insurance companies spot opportunity for profit; "change" ALL plans; issue cancellation letters "DUE TO OBAMACARE"
[4] Companies DO tell customers they will be AUTOMATICALLY re-enrolled in much higher-cost policies
[5] Companies DO NOT tell customers they can go to lower-cost exchanges instead
[6] Companies DO NOT tell customers they will not be able to get subsidies if they accept the automatic re-enrollment (or any other direct purchase plan)
Insurance Company Executives: "Last chance to rip off the public? Hey, what's not to like?"
What happened to [3] ?
Delete[3] Given the chance, insurance companies will screw their customers and blame it on Obamacare.
DeleteIt got combined with [2] then I failed to renumber. Mea culpa.
DeleteSarah who?
ReplyDeleteThe facts are:
ReplyDelete1.millions of people have had their insurance cancelled WHEN they needed insurance but we didn't have the rwnjs screaming about it then.
2. Many people are waiting until the new year to get insurance from the aca marketplace because of the shutdown and near hurdle off of the debt ceiling cliff.
3. Calling insurance companies to get insurance and finding one that fits your needs and budget takes days, weeks, months if you get it at all but of course aca has to be up and running without a hitch first day right?
4. The insurance companies are canceling the policies that no longer meet the standards in place and are offering better plans to replace them. There was one rwnj on Greta's show and even Greta busted her for her complaints. She had sub pat insurance with low premiums but high co pays and prescription costs and no long term coverage for serious illness/hospital stay. She didn't even know what was covered!
5. I get my yearly check up and that is it and still pay huge premiums for a plan that covers everything with low deductibles in the event I get I'll. just like I have always paid for comprehensive car insurance and never just liability insurance only. We get all insurance to cep over us in the event of a disaster/emergency.
Those who can't afford it get subsidies and tax breaks. There are more stories of people with pre existing conditions and with children and spouses with pre existing conditions who now are covered because of aca.
Yes policies are being dropped but not because someone is sick or old but because the policies were junk!!
Remember folks skank is being paid to push an agenda and it sure is hell not about our well being. Spread the word about those who are getting affordable insurance with aca who couldn't get it before.
Remind peeps of the millions cancelled when they most needed it.
We are smarter than the likes so skank and Cruz!!!
Policies are being dropped because the INSURANCE companies want to drop them. I heard an interesting report on NPR yesterday. It seems the President didn't "lie". ACA says all policies, whether they conform or not, can remain in place for at least the next year. (There are a few that can remain forever, but the reporter thought it was very few). So, the insurance companies are using ACA as an excuse to dump a bunch of policies they don't want to keep.
DeleteElizabeth 44
It is not true that insurance companies are ONLY cancelling JUNK policies. I have coverage with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Mich and my policy, which cost $320/month with $1000 deductible is now cancelled. I am unemployed, COBRA ran out and don't qualify for Medicaid. To stay insured I will now have to pay a min of $380/month with a $5950 deductible.
DeleteI believe it is the insurance companies taking advantage of the change in the law, but that doesn't help me one bit.
I suspect since you are unemployed you are eligible for subsidies....
DeleteAnd a better policy! Don’t give up.
Delete10:26 is correct you can get subsidized until you are employed. The big difference now is you have many options.
DeleteNo, actually you can NOT get subsidized unless your projected income for 2014 is within a certain range, which means you must be employed or go on Medicaid, which I don't qualify for. This is in Michigan and it may differ in other states.
DeleteAfter watching the committee harass Mrs. Sebelius yesterday, it was evident that there are companies that are sending new annual re-registration letters to their customers offering new plans. What is happening is the recipients of these letters, find out that their rates are going way up; they assume it's because of the new ACA plan that is causing health insurance companies to increase their rates.
ReplyDeleteBut what seems to be the case, is that these greedy companies are trying to weed out any customers that may require long-term treatments and care and just want them to cancel their policies, so they have no choice but to apply for a better plan, under the ACA. These greedy companies are getting rid of unhealthy customers as fast as they can. It's all about their bottom dollar.
It's private health insurers that are strangling their customers. It's not Obamacare.
It's only 5% of the population who are being offered better choices. The other 95% have satisfactory coverage. The whole ACA thing was to provide the 5% who either had no coverage at all, or who had pre-existing conditions, or who could not make the high monthly payments of their existing plans. Why is Sarah sooooo against helping out her neighbor?
She doesn't have a clue. The hardest thing when listening to these people of her ilk, speak out like this? They all make over $250,000 a year in salaries and have the best of the best coverage. Why don't they allow the process to even itself out and allow "we the people" to make their own choices about what health care coverage they decide to choose"? What is sister Sarah now trying to take away people's choices?
I was sitting in the park a couple of weeks ago and overheard a conversation between 2 very expensively-groomed women. They were complaining about how $250,000 a year isn't "rich" at all, it's "barely even middle class." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this is the mindset you're dealing with.
DeleteWig flying, bracelet and belt buckle flashing, hooker shoes stumbling, it’s Sarah Palin! I have a hard time getting through her stuff. Thanks for taking one for the team.
ReplyDelete$carah has to hold her arms out like an airplane in order to keep her balance on her hooker shoes. She has the body of a 12 year old BOY. So very sexy.
DeleteHey, and if you can't get your customers to change to the policy you want them to, just rob them of the doctors they want. United Health Care, for example, is dropping doctors from Medicare Advantage contracts, making old folks find new doc/plans ones before Medicare sign-up ends in Dec.
There is nothing ever so bad that this evil person can't delight in profiting from it. She is foul.
ReplyDeleteThat's for damn sure.
DeleteShe sure has the knack to spin evil to her benefit. Sick.
DeleteThese millionaires who have health ins should just keep on screaming.
ReplyDeleteI'm in Dallas area Tx. On sat, 10,000 people showed up for an ACA outreach at the convention center. If 10,000 showed up on a Sat in this area, think how many more have actually stayed home and gone, or will go, on the website. People are interested. My son is for sure. 27 yo and just waiting for the website to function.
Bachmann actually said one time that if ACA went into effect, there wouldn't be another Repub president for 25 years. That's what scares them--but it would suit them because they have to have something to be sour about.
Wonderful turnout! And Bachman is so right about this, no GOPPER will be electable after the program is up and running smoothly. Palin has no skin in this fight, her immediate family is and has always been covered by Native Health (federal not state people!). And, considering how the deficit has been winnowed during Pres. Obama’s term despite the crappy economy (fewer taxes collected) the end of two unpaid for wars and a racist and truculent Congress, I say the president’s administration will be favorably considered in the history books. The Bush presidencies? Not so much. In fact, I think future historians will wonder why Bush Jr. and Cheney weren’t tried for treason.
DeleteI know that I'm not as smrt, educated, well read, and facile with the english language (read: glib) as Sarah Palin, but one would think that an "elderly" bachelor would be on MEDICARE, and not in the private insurance market. But what do I know?
ReplyDeleteObviously you know more than Sarah...but before you get big-headed, that wouldn't take much! Kidding aside, though, that was my first thought too. She doesn't live in the real world, like a lot of other people who are mentally ill.
DeleteShe also would like us to "forget" that the government only contracted with private companies to set up the website, so for those who want to bite on someone, they are looking at private companies, not Obama, not Sebelius, not the "government". They should also be biting on the insurance companies for all the impediments they've thrown out at the last minute. Maybe next time they cry about what they "need" Obama will just say: sorry, too late for changes instead of trying to be accommodating. Let 'em stew in their own juices.
He doesn't have a little woman at home to serve as his private secretary, all that gubmint paperwork, you know.
Deletethere was an elderly couple on Megyn Smelly's show the other night too, whining about losing their policy, and I kept thinking they looked old enough for Medicaid. They kept smiling too, so I'm guessing the whole thing was a Fox setup.
DeleteI think you mean Medicare. Medicaid is for low income folks of all ages. Medicare is for those over retirement age and we DO pay a monthly premium plus supplemental ins premium for the 20% that Medicare doesn't cover. The mo prem for Medicare is currently around $96 and it covers 80% of covered procedures.
Delete10:23-- I think you mean Medicare, not Medicaid..
DeleteRAM stole that meme from the Sebeliusgazipalooza monkey court. Some GOP "woman" asked Mrs Sebilius "when was the layust time a mayun give birth?". RAM just added old bachelor because that's all that answers her "Match . com" profile.
DeleteCongressional hearings began 4 months after Medicare Part D began, because it was such a mess. Good thing that the dems joined in with the sponsoring republicans to make it work, even though it was not even funded.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. there is a quote somewhere from Hillary saying she didn't vote for it, but since it was passed, she was going to work to make sure her constituents understood it and would benefit from it...the GOP has no biparyisanship any longer, if they ever did.
DeleteI'm getting pretty tired of the media only re-reporting the GOP talking points. 1) They should be reporting on the part of the ACA that is working wonderfully, ie children on parents' policies, no pre-existing problems for children as of now, and for adults as of next year, and the welcome changes to medicare, ie preventative testing with no co-pay, and the eventual closing of the donut hole that Bush left open. 2) For about 1/2 of a day we hear about the $24 BILLION that the GOP lost for our economy through shutting down the government, and the media follows nitwits like Palin who rant on the cost to fix the online access. 3) why doesn't the media make the point that the health care is still private, through the insurance companies, and not at all a government take over. Even MSNBC is not doing a good job of reporting the parts of the ACA that are working exactly like they should.
DeleteI liked Sarah's other Facebook post, the one about her brother-in-law sinking a hole-in-one when he played golf. What was completely unnecessary was for Palin to mention that the guy was playing golf with some Asian gals.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, she would note that. Remember Chuckie and his comment about Asians and Pacific Islanders in Hawaii? These are people who are acutely aware of someone’s skin color.
DeleteYou bet I remember! Most likely done under the guise of "plays well with 'others'," when we know darn good and well they don't.
DeleteSHAM-pocrisy: when someone's family has access to free health care for life, paid for by the federal government (US). Free health care based on ethnic characteristics. SHAM-pocrisy occurs when the head of this family tries to prevent OTHER american families from even getting help with insurance because the other families don't have the right ethnic characteristics. .
ReplyDeleteIf it's more than one or two paragraphs long, written with complete sentences, then you can be sure that Palin did not write it. She probably didn't even read it.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Sarah's family enjoy free medial care because of Todd's Native American Heritage?
ReplyDeleteSarah never mentions that fact.
DeleteIsn't it free medical care for life that her family is eligible for as we speak?
DeleteCan you imagine what people must think when little blonde haired Tripp walks in for his native healthcare?
DeleteToo bad the media doesn't start asking questions about just who gets what medical care supported by federal dollars. Starting with the loudest shriekers.
DeleteI bet the dysfunctional stinkin family gets100% paid medical insurance not 80% like the folks on medic.
DeleteThe meaningless skank needs to stfu- President Obama is saving lives and making people's lives better while she goes around looking like a kook.
Sarah is nothing more than political porn of the angry, degrading, hardcore, fetish-oriented variety. She's a one-woman-one cup specialist who has her own straight-to-DVD production, thus thinks she's a star.
ReplyDeleteIn her hate-oriented, snuff film circle of enthusiasts, Sarah is their Facebook/Twitter Pin-Up Princess.
Oh Sarah, Sarah, Sarah....really? "his entourage’s snarled traffic debacle in Beantown". Snarled traffic in Boston? It's our life! And may the worlds biggest sports fan hasn't heard of something called the World Series. Or the fact that was a concert going on at the Boston Garden. And, we are always happy to have our President visit Boston.
ReplyDeleteJust spiteful, MM, that she doesn't doesn't command the attention let alone the crowds.
DeleteYup, I bet the Palin retinue never snarled traffic, just wig hairs.
Deleteto bad she's too chicken shit to come out in public here in AK
Deletefukin' dried up skank
Yep, she barely is noticed these days. And, I hear when she or her family travels in Alaska very few people acknowledge them. It must be tough after the adoration of the campaign trail? Snark.
DeleteThis reminds me of when she was on her bus tour and there were news agencies following and the bus kept trying to out run them and play "hard to get" so finally the reporters just gave up and stopped covering the bus tour. Then Mrs. Palin had to resort to calling local TV in advance of her bus stops and invite them to cover her. Very few took her up on her offer.
Deletewas that Facebook post simply a commercial?
ReplyDeletea commercial selling rah-rah?
I don't understand.
I am getting insurance for the first time in my life, thanks to the ACA, so rah-rah's infomercial is a bunch of hooey as far as I'm concerned.
rah-rah who?
the woman is an idiot.
I am happy you will have coverage.
DeleteCitizens may be upset with the website glitches and policy problems, but, it doesn't mean they like the Cruz / Palin / Tea Party Republican Party.
ReplyDeleteThat fact is registering with normal Republicans.
The endangered species Republicans begged the national Republican Party to disassociate from the Palin/ Cruz / Tea Party , but, it fell on deaf ears.
22% approval is what they get for ignoring the few remaining sane Republicans.
Meanwhile the illogical fringe like Palin and Limbaugh and the Tea Party make the assumption that they are now beloved
because of problems with Obamacare.
Palin has been tossed in the gutter like a used..ah..tissue by her former lovers, Limbaugh and the Tea Party.
Limbaugh because he is selling a comic book at the same time as Palin and the fickle Tea Party has now scurried over to worship Senator Shutdown.
I shudder to think what gyrations and public displays of crudity Norma Desmond Palin will resort to try and regain the lost spotlight.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Her publishers must be tearing their hair out , the It Girl has become the S**t Girl , thanks to the new cult of Ted Cruz.
Scarah and Rafael are too dumb to realize the people trying to get on the website WANT insurance.
ReplyDeleteACA is stopping insurance companies from gouging their clients. They are no longer allowed to make as much as they want. They now must spend(and prove) that they are spending 80% collected on medical care and/or health programs, such as smoking secession.
Major healthcare insurers now have standardized plans, making it easier for an individual or group to compare plans and rates. A good example of that is I just negotiated our next company's plan for 2014, still giving my employees a Cadillac plan, no cost to employee alone, $140 a month for employee plus family.
Our company will actually save approx. $800 per employee per month. As a businesswoman I can't think of anything better. Our employees were going to have to contribute more but now they won't have to. Our company saves money meaning most likely updated computers and probably a few raises or at least bigger bonus' for 2014, I haven't quite planned that out yet.
We also have a whole slew of college students( close to 40)on their parents policies, our old one used to cut them off at 21 before ACA. Happy parents on that one. BTW most colleges demand you be insured, I know with my own kids it added a burden on our family finances.
I love ACA and changing to an easier to understand, easier to compare prices and coverage probably saved me WEEKS of time comparing plans alone. It actually took about 10 minutes studying plans to select the platinum one.
Anyone that has ever had to read through multiple plans can vouch for me on how hard it used to be.
So Sarah, to quote an American Vet "You're an Idiot!"
Thank you! You have shown a real-life example of how this can work! We too remember how expensive it was to insure our children after they went off our policy at 21 and were still in college, it was such a relief to find them insured until 26!
DeleteThe only thing wider than Sarah's thigh gap is the space between her ears.
ReplyDeletePalin is the ShamWow of political pundits. Cheap, not very effective, the postage costs more than the product and you get on a mailing list for even more ScamWow products. But wait there's more....she screeches. Your order for nothing much of value will be doubled for additional postage.
RJ in Brownbackistan
OMG, RJ, can you imagine getting TWO of her, available if you call right now and you pay additional shipping and handling?
DeleteAnonymous9:31 AM
DeleteThe only thing wider than Sarah's thigh gap is the space between her ears.
amazing her guts don't fall out, eh
"President Obama flew in to Boston today to deliver another “ShamWow”-style infomercial for Obamacare..."
ReplyDeleteSarah, bubelah, you ain't fit to polish ShamWow salesman Vince's sneakers. With your tongue.
BTW, anyone else pick up that Hollah-For-A-Dollah has been using the word "sham" lately? "Sham-bolic" and now, "ShamWow"? Think maybe there's a subliminal message in here that the paid C4Plop cheerleaders are probably LTAO about, and her numbskull fan club will never, ever catch on?
From the typical right wing playbook bitch but have no alternatives he man woman haters club.
ReplyDeleteWTF are you talking about? Your comment makes no sense. Who is a woman hater?
DeleteWonkette weighs in on the book.
Wow, she looks like a slutty action doll in this photo. That said, this missive or whatever is clearly channeling her friends at FAUX News. She hasn’t had a creative thought in her life. And, of course are there any ideas as to how to fix problems? No, she is all about the skank and how much it reflects on her bank account. GO away Sarah Palin, you are mentally ill.
ReplyDeleteThe good news is that the MSM does not pay much attention to her anymore. They realize that she is just a joke.
ReplyDeleteI wonder when they will report the truth about her. It has to be coming since it will sell a lot of advertising clicks.
OT Hey, Gryphen, Be sure to listen to the brief bit of Sarah's audio book, which you can hear at Amazon. The part that I heard is all about playing Eskimo Bingo, stealing gifts, Sarah not quitting until she got the gift that she wanted, in fact, it's all about Sarah's gifts. I thought that was supposed to be a special time of giving, not greed.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing she lives near the North Pole up there in Wasilla.
DeleteHOLY CR#P check out the latest Murdochgate revelations!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is palling around with Communist Cubans. She only likes minorities when it benefits her Pac. When Rafael Eduardo Cruz Jr. starts to fade, and he will, Sarah will flee Cruz like he is the Plague. How're those Fidel Castro Communist Freedom Fighters treatin' ya, Sarah? How is that Canadian Citizen who wants to RUIN the U.S.A. treatin' ya?
ReplyDeleteYep It shows where she got her "You got some 'splainin' to do" idea.
Deletesaid she who gave $500 Million out of her state's treasury to Trans-Canada to do NOTHING as part of her Legislation she featured as her resume of executive experience. Absolutely Nothing. Then she quit and the first shovel full of dirt has never lifted from the ground. Sarah is not only incompetent, but she's a liar and a quitter.
ReplyDeleteTrans-Canada Corp is based in Calgary, Alberta, which is where her new soulmate, Calgary Rafael "Ted" Cruz was born and lived for four years before emigrating (legally?).
Emigration is the act of leaving one's country or region with the intent to settle permanently in another. Ted Cruz will always be a Canadian citizen, even though apparently he has become a naturalized citizen of the United States.
Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Didn't stankin ed-wrongdo have duel citizenship while in the senate? Didn't he only give it up when he was pressed?
DeleteThe beat-up washed-up old immature silly insufferable retard is begging for attention AGAIN.
ReplyDeleteI wish I had a million dollars to entice someone to snatch the
ReplyDeletedirty wig from Palin's bald head and shove it in her dirty,
lying mouth! I am too old and too short.
This, from a woman who took journalism, and doesn't have the backbone to go on Piers Morgan's show. At least President Obama did an interview with Billo, but then he didn't graduate with a degree in journalism after six years.
ReplyDeleteFox is going off the deep end with this whole "insurance companies are kicking people off their plans" bullshit. Even my crazy teabagging neighbor took the time to call the 800 number and realized that Obamacare is so bad, terrible, draconian, awful, he signed up because it saves him over 600 bucks for a better plan with lower co pays and his medical costs are shrinking.
I think the choir Sarah's late to the table with is bound to shrink once they compare the plans on the market.
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