Thursday, November 14, 2013

After having run out of "Lamestream media" outlets to pimp her book, Sarah Palin starts crawling through the sewers of the Right Wing propaganda merchants.

So this interview is with Newsmax, which many of you may remember used to offer free issues of her "Going Rogue" book with a subscription back in the day.

So of course you know they are completely non-biased.

The interviewer is some guy named Joe Concha, who I have never heard of, and he starts off asking her about Chris Christie.

Palin: "I think what the suggested question here is 'How would he do in a presidential race,' 'How would he do nation wide?' That remains to be seen. Because so many Americans, me included, me being a proud participant in that grassroots movement that is referred to as the Tea Party. We are tired of politicians kind of vacillating on some very fundamental issues. for one, let's talk one specific issue. When we are a pro-immigration nation we want people to come in recognizing how exceptional America is, we want them to work hard for the awesome benefits and blessings of America. But we want, right out of the shoot, them not to break our law. Because we are governed by laws."

(Apparently as opposed to wherever these dirty non-Americans come from which is probably governed by nothing more than games of rock, paper, scissors.)

Concha tries to get some kind of rational response from Palin instead of this chaotic word sausage, so he suggests that perhaps it is on cultural issues, like gay marriage or immigraion that she disagrees with Christie.

Palin: "I just absolutely want to make sure that the next GOP candidate can so excite, and encourage, and empower the American people, that we want to get out there and vote FOR that person, and FOR their message, and FOR their agenda, instead of just voting against the statist, big government, socialized policies that now doubt the far left Democrat will be representing. I want, we want something to vote FOR not just AGAINST." 

(It seems to escape Palin's notice that she is only speaking for a tiny part of the Republican party, and that a candidate who she would eagerly vote FOR would NEVER get the nomination, and if they did would suffer a crushing defeat in the 2016 election.)

Concha then reminds Palin that she accused Christie of "going along just to get along."

Palin: " Too often that is what we see, and not just necessarily Chris Christie, but so many politicians think that this is the time to compromise with the Left. Take Obamacare, politicians ran on the idea of replacing Obamacare with something that is market centered, patient centered, something that allows competition in the marketplace of health care coverage. (Does she not realize that she just described The Affordable Care Act?) And yet when it came time to stand up and defund it, which is the legislative tool that Congress holds to get rid of a policy that is absolutely a train wreck for this country, too many politicians waved the white flag instead and did not stand with Senators like Tex Cruz and Mike Lee who were fulfilling their campaign promise to do all that they could to defund, to replace Obamacare. So that's a disappointment."

Concha then reminds her that the government was partially shutdown, and that she referred to it as a "slimdown."

Palin: "Oh yeah a slimdown, oh yeah what? Sixteen days of 17% of the government kinda turning down the volume of its expenditures and its activities, that was not a shutdown."

Palin then went on to blame the "Lamestram media for not reporting that the shutdown was the fault of President Obama and Harry Reid, and instead blamed it on the Republicans. (You know, the ones who actually shut down the government.) Palin also said that if it were up to her she would do the same thing, with "better" messaging" this time.

Concha then returns to Chris Christie and asks if she would support him if he got the nomination.

Palin: "It depends on who else is out there at the time. I’m not so anti-Chris Christie that, certainly, it’s not like I wouldn’t give him a chance to make sure that what it is that he stands for, and his record would have tor reflect, this recognition that America's going bankrupt and we can;t rely on the federal government to continue to bail out businesses and communities (Super storm Sandy anyone?), making our freedoms fade and making our free market be stifled. I would want to make sure that any candidate, not just Chris Christie, understands the import of empowering the people, individuals, our own businesses, our own families to make decisions for ourselves, not big government."

Okay that is enough for me. That last statement may have broken my brain.

I will add however that Palin is asked if she would support one of her kids running for public office, and surprise, surprise, she would. 

Do you hear that Trig? You're going to be the Mayor!

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    She's traveling light today... no wig/hair piece, no boobs, no wedding ring, no Todd.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      lots of grease and funk though..

    2. I had to look up Rib Mountain; it's down by Wausau. I know a nice guy in Minocqua, but he's safely north of the calamity.

    3. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Does she take showers? Because she never really appears clean. Her wig certainly has not been washed in ages.

    4. Anonymous12:22 PM

      When will they release the people in the bathroom? Sarah has a way about her, cool, as long as no more bodies are found.

    5. Anonymous12:38 PM

      Here is a funny comment...

      John Moody · Top Commenter
      It's so good to see so many white, freedom-loving patriotic Americans lined up to see me! This is the REAL America right here, you betcha! Now before you approach me, be sure you have cash in your hand! Although I do accept major credit cards, minor credit cards, bank transfers, money orders, registered cashier's checks, travelers checks, and of course, gold bullion! Let me know when your next local squabble is so I can inject myself into that one too! You white people love me! You REALLY love me!
      Reply · 2 · · 16 minutes ago

      Samantha Shortell · Wausau, Wisconsin
      OMG. I'm dying of laughter!
      Reply · 1 · · 14 minutes ago

    6. Anonymous12:51 PM


    7. She wore the same outfit in Wausau that she wore at almost every interview appearance since last weekend. Indeed, it must be getting pretty funky by now.

    8. Anonymous2:40 PM

      She may not want to pay extra for more luggage on her flights. She likes shoes, wigs and must have a ton of make up and such. Who needs clothes? It is frontier Alaskan to sleep in your clothes and wear them day after day.

    9. YIKES!! Check out this picture of Baldy at today's book signing!

      And this one....

      How does she walk on those stick legs??

    10. Anonymous3:13 PM

      The Belmonts are back!!! How clever Mrs Palin. Same clothes, different boob sizes!! Trendsetter!

    11. Anonymous4:21 PM


      the first pic shows skank's handlers must've fuked up - instead of bendy straws looks like skank got a non-bendy in her diet vodka/coke/ketamine cocktail

    12. Anonymous4:26 PM

      fukin' luv how skank's wastin' away - the end can't be far now ..

    13. What on EARTH is that thing attached to the back of Palin's head? It looks like Willow has been experimenting with one of these...

    14. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Wow. She's a toothpick. In Hollywood, they call women like her lollypops because they're so skinny that their heads appear ENORMOUS.
      M from MD

    15. Anita Winecooler8:12 PM

      LOL @ KaJo's comment. I use that to scour my pots and pans!

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I am sure Newsmax thinks that was brilliant!

  3. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Pimp Palin is working his little Ho hard. PAC funds must be dwindling. Judging by past experience with Sarah, we doubt she is up to the task. Rid'er hard Todd, she's about to come up lame.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I think you're right about those PAC funds! She hasn't worked this hard ever, that I have seen.

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    she's delusional, encouraging her kids to run for office?? they are uneducated trash, maybe in wasilly, ak or bumfuck, texas where the proudly ignorant are held at a premium..I see she's having a herpes flare stressful lying your ass off across the country to squeeze nickels out of the rubes.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Don't they have to finish high school first?

    2. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Don't they have to learn to read and write and stay out of trouble with the law (Track and Willow?)

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      She is friggin' nuts! No one in Alaska would elect any of her kids - even in Wasilla, Alaska!

      And, you can be sure no one would elect the 'quitter' governor to run for the Senate in Alaska. She is a moron and nuts!

    4. Anonymous11:34 AM

      I'd love to see them dismantle Palin in the national news like they are doing to the Mayor of Toronto!

      She has so much baggage - booze - drugs - no pregnancy w/that youngest retarded child that lives in her home - ethical issues proven in Alaska when she was quitter governor, etc.

    5. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Bristol has been basically hiding since Willow's birthday. She may pick out a few pictures for Brancy blog but she is brain dead and for months can only pose in pictures that cover her belly. She may get a fake skin certificate but who can believe she attended many if any classes? Bristol would make some kind of a politician. They leak bull about Willow working but it is highly unlikely, she is political material? Of course, the 'combat vet' is a real winner for Sarah's political dynasty.

    6. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Bristles and Willing would probably like to run for Vice President, until someone explains that the "vice" is not part of their father's business.

    7. Anita Winecooler8:10 PM

      That's the part that made me laugh the hardest. I think he ran out of things to ask and just blurted out that question, and she actually tried to answer it! Hello!
      Gotta wait for Toronto's mayor to step down, and that's iffy.

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I do love consistency and Ms. Palin from the first time I heard her (2008) until now, has consistently proven to sound like an idiot. She has also, too, double-downed on looking and sounding trashy and having no class.

    However, I do wish someone would ask her what she meant when she said a GOP alternative plan would have "less tort reform threat". Sarah, I know you read IM so please explain that statement.

  6. No comments yet at the YouTube version I just sampled, and it says "published November 12." Maybe there's hope for our country after all.

  7. Boscoe10:25 AM

    So what is this new fantasy she's peddling where anyone ever proposed any "free market based solutions" as an alternative to Obamacare? I mean, unless she's actually counting "we don't need to fix anything, we have the best healthcare in the world" or "health care is a privilege not a right" as "proposals"...

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      She is talking about the Native Health Care her family receives. That is all she would know about.

  8. She doesn't ever want to be on the "inside of that malfunctioning machine" (US gov't) but she ran for VP? hello?

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    "Governed by laws," says she who was found guilty of ethics violations, spewed "I'll do anything until the courts say I can't," and was married to a known pimp. You betcha.

    On that lamestream media kick again after they did nothing but showcase ad nauseum this week? Hmmmm....Daddies Sawbucks Kochs not too happy with ya, Queen Heifer? YOUR doing, not the media's!

    Why didn't you just say what you really wanted to concerning Governor FULL TERM Christie: "He's fucking FAT!"

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      She is mad that Christie isn't an extreme anorexic.

    2. Anonymous12:43 PM

      ...and he FINISHED his term, was re-elected, and wasn't ostracized by the GOP as she has been. Poor little BABY.

  10. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "...concha tries to get some kind of rational response from Palin instead of this chaotic word sausage,..."

    YES! Word Sausage. I admit to being the anonymous poster who first proposed that term instead of "word salad".

    Her words truly are bottom barrel bromides of bombastic bullshit stuffed in a literal shit sack. Word Sausage! I'd love to get this usage spread to a point where a lamestreamer interviewer eventually asks her to respond to charges that her response are nothing but word sausage.

    1. Anonymous11:31 AM

      I'm spreading it, too. thanks for it.

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Congrats, 10:40 AM! I'm doing MY best! :)

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Another horrible picture of the idiot! She has truly aged in such a short time of having come on the national scene. Ugly is as ugly talks! Not pretty inside or out!

  12. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Off topic, rightwing so called christians force feeding their shit in the schools again, part 5674, TEXAS abuse style. Some smart kids call BULLSHIT to this Justin Lookadoo (yes, that is really his name!) dipshit.

    "Justin Lookadoo was the guest at a student assembly at Richardson High School. But the Christian motivational speaker, hired by the PTA, instead faced harsh criticism from students after the event.

    Students circled around the speaker and hurled questions about his philosophies.

    "Why did you tell girls to get out of abusive relationships instead of telling guys not to be abusive in the first place?" one student asked."

    People looked at his website and found some disturbing things. Like:

    "This is an excerpt from Lookadoo's list of rules for being a "dateable" girl:

    Dateable girls know how to shut up. They don’t monopolize the conversation. They don’t tell everyone everything about themselves. They save some for later. They listen more than they gab.

    And from his rules for being a "dateable" boy:

    Dateable guys know they aren’t as sensitive as girls, and that’s okay. They know they are stronger, more dangerous, and more adventurous, and that’s okay. Dateable guys are real men who aren’t afraid to be guys."

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      What a guy...gag me!

    2. Anonymous1:40 PM

      my girlfriend would literally kick lookadoo's ass into next week

      LMAO !

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The day when one of her half-wits gets elected to anything is the day I move to Panama.

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      They just consider that crap about her kids running to be her politician game. You know they are laughing at her. Her kids are not considering running for an office. Bristol will do her scripts, doesn't mean she would run. They just preform and collect their take, that is why they put up with her ridiculous nonsense.

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Willow and Bristol can run for County Commissioner of Spread your Legs County.

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      They would probably have to move someplace where the guys have not all sampled their wares already!!

    4. Boscoe3:05 PM

      Hey, Trig punches $a®ah™ in the face every chance he gets. -I'd vote for 'im!

    5. Anonymous6:20 PM

      If Sarah and Todd think they're building some kind of political dynasty with all their grifting and toadying, they're just building sandcastles. Their kids will waste anything they leave behind because they lack intelligence or real ambition to do anything.
      M from MD

  14. Anonymous11:03 AM

    ..." But we want, right out of the shoot, them not to break our law. Because we are governed by laws "....
    shoot or chute ?!?

    dumb fukin' bagger_tards

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Laws? I thought it was the law that one had to respond to a subpoena? I recall Todd ignoring one back in 2008 while you, Sarah, were pretending to run for VP. And that is only ONE law that we know you have broken.

  15. Anonymous11:03 AM

    word sausage indeed, and she sure has been grinding out a lot of it lately. no variety, really, just plain old beef.
    the image of it is horrible.

  16. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Here's a real Whackadoo err Lookadoo.

    When your FAQ has "How old are you?" and the answer is "Legal in every state" that's a wtf for school speakers. Not every school administrator is all haha about statutory sex violations. Maybe I misunderstood, and the "legal in every state refers to alcohol consumption.

  17. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Forgive me God but I had to write a review on Amazon:

    A Siren's Call


    1. jcinco2:12 PM

      haha I"me rated the most helpful critical review with my Dorothy Parker quote review.

  18. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I can't believe how clueless some people are about SP. Just reading some of these comments males me want to bang my head against a wall.

  19. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Just reading some of these comments and how clueless some people are about Sp make me want to bang my head against a wall.

  20. Okay, it's a stretch here. (Imagine a French accent) and Mad Men, Season 6, Episode 6, Don Draper's mother-in-law Marie Calvet, describing Peaches Rennet, bubble-headed wife of sleazy Jaguar magnate, Herb:

    "She is the apple that goes in the pig's mouth!"

    1. Anita Winecooler7:53 PM

      Excellent!! No offense to apples or pigs, but that's damn funny!!!!!!!

  21. Crystal Sage11:27 AM

    A few of us are having fun on Amazon remarking on her latest book. Can't get any of her fans to show us the battlefield of the War on Christmas. Casualties? I did report that I heard that Sarah shot one of Santa's reindeer.

    1. jcinco12:45 PM

      I just posted a Dorothy Parker quote.

  22. ThanksABunchJohn11:34 AM

    Ha! Apparently Palin did NOT like the piece at the Atlantic Wire, where the journalist interviewed the morons standing in line for her signed piece of moose dung! Today in Wausau, WI, journalists were locked away in a back room, denied access to the mouth-breathers:

    "Journalists who came to cover the event were locked away in a back room, according to Tweets from Wausau Daily Herald reporter Theresa Clift.

    "About 8 media members and myself now locked in a back room. We aren't allowed to talk to guests here to see Palin," Clift tweeted Thursday morning."

    Read more from Journal Sentinel:

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      That is the crime of Kidnapping.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Sarah Brand is a scaredy-cat and control freaks, like fascists. It is more important to oppress the 5th Estate. That is Sarah's WAR, all is fair and that is how you do it in war. Lock 'em up, they are the enemy.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      But what about their FREEDOMS, Sarah???

    4. Anonymous1:17 PM

      God damn, how does she get away with this bullshit?

    5. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      Barnes and Noble defend this as their right because it's private property. Journalists aren't stupid, it's illegal confinement/ kidnapping. Someone should slap a lawsuit on the thugs AND Barnes and Noble, they'll go the way of Borders books. The Curse has a long reach.

    6. Anonymous5:47 AM

      Enemies of Palin Dynasty have no FREEDOM!

  23. Desperate times call for desperate measures for Sayrah the low information loser. The desperation smells so nasty you can get a "smellavision" whiff through the intertubes. This is a meltdown in progress and it is a sight to behold.

    Sayrah's spiral into madness reminds me of the time I saw a guy at a party, roaring drunk trying to be the life of the party. You've heard of the phrase "turning green"? Well he sure did as he ran to the back yard and puked his guts out. That was something I'll never forget. Heh. Just like Sayrah's march into oblivion.

    Sayrah, keep doing what your "advisors" tell you to do. You keep practicing those hand gestures and memorizing those run on sentences.. You know, the ones you don't know what the words mean but they sure sound good. Also, too keep hiking up your skirt and wearing your glorious wardrobe ensembles. Yes it's a marketing scam, but scams are your bread and butter. Marketing yourself to the most ill informed uneducated people is a stroke of savant genius. Heh.

    BTW those advisers don't give a shit about you-they want a piece of your cash as they laugh at you behind your back.

    Sayrah, you are turning greener then the Wicked Witch of the West. Remember what happened to her? Oh wait, you don't read-never mind.

  24. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I finished reading "The Whore on Christmas." I didn't read the first two books of the trilogy but this one I Kindled for the recipes. You can learn a lot about a person from their chili recipe. Her chili is short on the meat, seasoned with mystery mixes, and is mostly canned ingredients with lots and lots of beans. In fact, she suggested adding more beans to feed more people. So what she is feeding you is a Crock of Beans!

    As for the word salad/sausage: When Sarah was in high school, a Walkman was the big deal to have. She was just sure that she was getting one for Christmas but when she opened the promising package she received a dictionary....and evidently that was how she got her start as a wordsmith.

    Nothing really current about Trig. No mention of the Gift from God Birth announcement. Mary has nothing on Sarah, Donkey ride to Bethlehem with a birth in a stable. Where Sarah tightened her abs and put an aspirin between her knees and gave that speech and returned home to the new holy land under the big dipper and the north star. The sofa pillow brought forth life. The three not so wise men, Kristol, McCain, and Murdoch, following their dicks came bearing fame, media and the greatest gift of all the grift. It is better to deceive and to grift.

    Some of the reviews on Amazon have been written as spoofs. Check 'em out. But for right now, recalling the story of Ol' Chuck getting food poisoning from eating a 1991 can of salmon, I have a case of Wasilla's Revenge. Headache and chills. If she is really that pissed over nativity sets, holiday greetings, and people that don't follow her brand of theology and all the other whatevers.......SICK!!!!

    RJ in Brownbackistan

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Crock of Beans = GAS

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      I, also too, have written a spoof review. I suggest more of us do the same.

    3. Anonymous12:47 PM

      RJ, she got the dictionary for a whole different reason. As that saying goes, "You want sympathy? It's in the dictionary between shit and syphilis." They were obviously tired of hearing her crap, too.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:46 PM

      For someone whose supposedly owned a dictionary for that many years, her diction is atrocious. She, who also again sticking to one topic, blah blah blah.....

      Some of the reviews from her defenders on Amazon are a hoot! They emulated the family by missing periods all over the place!

    5. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Missed periods? Is she pregnant again? Or is it Willow this time?

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Has she changed her clothes this month?

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      It doesn't appear so.

    2. Anonymous10:09 PM

      And Todd is working on Day Three with that wrinkled pink shirt. What? No laundramats in Wisconsin?

    3. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Apparently her publicist refused to wash her panties.

  26. translation: "I'M RUNNING!!!!! For what or when, I cannot say..."


  27. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I refer to her as smelly word garbage. This book signin' is going to get reel old as she fakes friendly to the sycophants. BTW: I thot Wallow had a hair job?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:38 PM

      Me too! If practice makes perfect, by the looks of Sarah's wig, it was a correspondence course, or maybe she got a phd in brazillian waxing.

  28. Anonymous2:00 PM

    She has the ugliest ears! Why wouldn't her "Hair Stylist" (who went to that very expensive "hair school") see that and make sure her hair covers those Dumbos?

    I can't believe that other girls at that school haven't posted about the Palin girls.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Also too her nose looks like a moose in rut. Flare those nares, Moosella. makes you look so hot - if I were a moose.

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      skull fuk it

    3. Anonymous10:08 PM

      I'm sure, like te McCains, they had to sign a nondislosure agreement. "Thou shalt not speak truth about the Palins or you might lose more than your credibility."

    4. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Everyone at the Hair School probably had to sign non-disclosure agreements re: Willow and Bristol.

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:13 PM

    I was having a crapola kind of day, and just the visual of the Tart wearing her usual ho get-up, CMF spikes and a miner's helmet, on her hands and knees shimmying her way through a sewer pipe was too priceless not to laff. While she's trying to pick the dung out from under her fingernails, maybe she'll run across a few more wig-like things to add to her collection...

    Thanks, Uncle Gryphen!

  30. Anonymous2:30 PM

    How is union busting and lower wages going to help our populace Sarah?
    What an idiot

  31. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I think just about everyone here can agree with this article:

    Sarah Palin on book tour: Stick with Christmas
    ..."If there’s a public service in engaging the former veep candidate on serious issues, indeed, it’s to let everyone know that she continues failing to wrap her thoughts around complicated issues and continues offering rote responses to questions she’s fielded any number of times."

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      It's 2013. It took this Wemple guy 5 years to say something like this? I could have said in August 2008.

    2. Anonymous10:07 PM

      She's taken to locking up the press in a padded room while she has her 'piboic' signings. The press in Wasusau was NOT happy to be sequestered into the back room at Walmart, and having to be escorted to a restroom when the need arose. Sarah Palin is al about freedom, though...HERS.

  32. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    Hmmm She's written a book on the "WAR on CHRISTMAS" and the take away is her "WAR on CHRISTopher CHRISTie"?
    Whatever happened to the good book and "Whatsoever you do the the least of your brothers, that you do unto me" ?

    She's high as a kite again. Her clothes can stand on their own with the grand funk skunk wig and make more sense. She's got a book about Christmas and is all over the map with politics and the same bullshit talking points.
    Clueless, as always, about how debt in Government works and what government does and how it works.

    "Shoving it Down our Throats", gosh I'm starting to miss the tip of the spear already.

    And she dusted off her son Track and their son Trig as props! Right On! We'll see recent photos on her FB page. Right?

    1. Anonymous9:48 PM

      I'm sure Track wishes he had his BIRTH dad Curtis instead of a pimp stand-in.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Track is a grown man. He doesn't have to settle for lies and anybody else's crap. He can stand up and claim his birth right. He does not have to be a prop for a national joke, the fraud Palin, his mother or anyone. He should be proud of who he is and able to speak up. If he is AIP he must be ashamed to admit it. It is known that he is not a Republican. According to Sarah he does do research for a Republican. Too bad he isn't proud and able to speak up about who he is and what he does. The mommy's prop-boy image is a sad legacy for the history books.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.