Thursday, November 14, 2013

Congress poll numbers now in the single digits.

Courtesy of Swampland:

Gallup announced that Congress had reached a new low, winning the approval of just 9% of the American public. This breaks Congress’s record nadir from last year, when the amount of Americans who thought lawmakers were doing a good job dipped to 10%. 

Gallup has been asking Americans how they feel about how Congress is handling its work for 39 years, and the average approval rating since 1974 is 33%. Affirmation hit its high in 2001, following the Sept. 11 attacks, at 56%. As to why approval ratings now equal the number of letters in Harry Reid’s name, pollsters said that “Americans’ views of Congress have not recovered” from the government shutdown. Even with all the media focus on Obamacare snafus, they note, lawmakers couldn’t sneak out of the doghouse.

Yes it could be argued that the President's poll numbers are also down, now around 44%, but let's face it, there is a HELL of a lot of difference between 44% and 9%.

Let's face it STD's and Adolph Hitler now poll better than the Republican led Congress.

THAT should indicate a complete reorganization of the Congress, and replacement of its more partisan members, but of course politics is all local, so we will see if this has any impact in the next elections cycle.

I kind of think that it might.


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I think the majority of the Republicans in Congress are nothing more than racist pigs! I'm sick of their obstruction and hope to hell that Americans pay attention when voting and do not reelect them across the country.

    The individual vote can counter the money that is and will be put up to have them reelected. McConnell in Kentucky as an example. Vote the jerk out of office!

  2. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Sorry to posting something totally off topic but wanted you all to read this review of Palin's fake war (apologies if this has already been posted):

    In connection to this fake war on Christmas I was reminded of all the decorations seen during the Holiday season that are termed Christmas decorations. Do the Fox people not know that those decorations are paid for by the taxpayers? And do they not know that some cities controlled by their own right wing buddies have reduced budgets and have therefore reduced the amount spent of said decorations? So it looks like Fox and their friend Ms Palin are picking their fight with the wrong group since republican controlled governmental bodies are slashing their budgets and Christmas is at the top of the list:

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Thanks for the posts. I don't mind getting posts that are off topic and it keeps me .... THANKS!

    2. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

      What 8:25 said. Some of the best links to information are in off topic comments. I know it bothers the hell out of some folks, but to me it's an added value to the blog.

      I'd rather have decorations slashed as line items than WIC, SNAP, etc. that directly effect real people in need's lives.

  3. Anonymous7:38 AM

    O/T here too but visited the asylum and the pee ponders are all upset over the hysterical reviews on amazon!!! The old bitter hateful Audrey ihrig is posting over and over begging them to go to amazon and post positive reviews!!! The best part is the five star negative reviews!!! Reminds me of the banana cutter reviews:)
    Imers keep up the great work!!!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      I love what gets their panties in knots. Up arrows and five stars for their precious gift from Wasilla.

  4. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Alex Jones had tea party nutbag Larry Klayman on his show and the duo discussed using force to oust President Obama out of office. Jones said that Obama is ‘evil’ and hates freedom. So, it makes total sense to want to overthrow the president, in which he won both the popular and electorate vote, which is exactly what freedom is not.

    Nevertheless, the duo discussed a ‘coup’ against President Obama.

  5. Boscoe7:58 AM

    -And the best part is that the rightwingosphere will come to the conclusion that the numbers are only so low because they aren't being extreme enough.

    Haha It's funny because it's true.

  6. But Republican control of so many state redistricting plans makes it much harder to vote most incumbents out.

  7. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Sarah's poll numbers are lower than Congress' numbers.

    he he he

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    OT...and may have been covered but Oh So Funny.

    Evidently we were wrong here at IM, Sarah's statement about the debt was not raciest...just super stupid.

    Love Jon Stewart.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Last night was one of Stewart's funniest shows. They also used the word 'moron' for our favorite former 1/2 term governor.

      The pizza bit that followed was even funnier.

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    OT - Masterful response to Palin's attempt to polarize the folks in Wausau WI about the controversy over religious music in school programs.

    One point they didn't make is that the controversy was about 'limiting' religious music. Palin seemed to have misinterpreted (a common result of her cognitive disabilities) the issue as one of eliminating Christmas hymns.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      400 people showed up at her Wausau book signing so that's not even 1% of the area's population.

      As of the 2010 census, Wausau had a population of 39,106. It is the core city of the Wausau Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), which includes all of Marathon County and had a population of 134,063 at the 2010 census.

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Link to journalist live chat from Scarah's visit to wausau. Journalists "locked in back room" and only allowed to cover the event for 5 minutes and not talk to anyone. Please! LOL!!
    Mark Treinen@MarkTreinen
    .@SarahPalinUSA book-signing agents force @wausauherald journalists to stay locked in Walmart room out of sight, except for 5 minutes.
    Plus...looks like possibly at the most 400. her numbers are dropping, lol!

    1. Anonymous2:24 PM

      She's afraid of journalists and had them locked funny is that?

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      If the journalists had been smart, they would have left without giving her any media time (maybe she has to "kidnap" them cuz she really not all that important)

  11. Anonymous9:27 AM

    wow wait! Now I read only 100 idiots were lined up at 9 in!

  12. Anonymous9:32 AM

    an fantastic open letter to Sarah Palin from a Wausau citizen. This is really good.

  13. Anita Winecooler7:11 PM

    9 percent? Are they polling on a curve? Seems a bit high to me.

    Next , a vote to repill defund and abolish the ACA, for the 44th time, you know, to take attention away from the 9 percent number.

  14. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Let's see what Mark Twain has to say about this.......
    “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it”....Mark Twain


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