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"Look saying I'm a fake Alaskan, is like saying my glasses and hair are fake. Who'd believe ya?" |
Earwigs who don't care for Our Sarah are taking heart from the fact she didn't apply for a Permanent Fund dividend this year, presumably because she was out of the state longer than is allowed. They seem to think this means she can't run for the U.S. Senate in Alaska.
Sorry. Not so.
Ear checked with Elections Goddess Gail Fenumiai, who said federal rules require only that one be 30 years old and an "inhabitant" of the state. Which is why that wacko from Brooklyn who was in Zaz Hollander's ADN story Friday can probably show up here and run in the primary.
Just what we need. Are there no shelters for the weird in Brooklyn?
Anyhow, while serious lobes were thinking politics, Ear was noticing that Todd, Trig and Piper did apply. So apparently, they don't spend as much time Outside as Mom.
Now of course the article focused on the question of whether Palin could run for the Senate or not, but I know there is no way that she would run for political office again, so that part did not interest me.
What did interest me was the revelation that Palin had not filed for her PFD this year.
As you know I already documented the fact that she did not do so last year either. So I did a check over at the Alaska Department of Revenue, and sure enough Palin's name was not on there.
Bristol was on there. As were Todd's mom Faye, his sister Diana, Track's daughter Kyla Grace, Piper, Todd, Track, and Trig.
But no Sarah.
The other name that was missing was Willow, who I assume was gone to "hair school" in Arizona for much of the year, but who still should have qualified since attending school out of state does not a disqualify you for the PFD. Here are the guidelines for such an absence:
1. receiving secondary or postsecondary education on a full-time basis;
2. receiving vocational, professional, or other specific education on a full-time basis for which, as determined by the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education, a comparable program is not reasonably available in the state;
So perhaps Willow did not qualify for some other reason, or somebody in her family did not prepare the appropriate paperwork.
However what is not in dispute is that Sarah Palin, for the second year running, is no longer a resident of Alaska.
And that is something we Alaskans need to advertise far and wide.
Sarah Palin is no longer Alaska's problem, she now belongs to the world. (And more specifically Arizona. Ha, ha, ha Arizona!)
Willow wouldn't qualify if there's a hair school in AK.
ReplyDelete2. receiving vocational...education on a full-time basis for which... a comparable program is not reasonably available in the state
How does Kristan Cole receive it when she lives in AZ and travels all over the world regularly?
DeleteDo you know for certain that she does?
DeleteGrifters find a way to Grift.
DeleteWhat stands out to me is that any Palin DID apply.
ReplyDeleteThey've been divorced for, what, a couple years now?
DeleteWHy lie??
DeleteLooks like somebody overslept.
Delete@11:20 So, you start at the bottom and work your way up? Why is your vocabulary so limited? If everything is a lie, why don't you tell us what the truth is? You sound like a professional heckler, all talk and no facts.
DeleteShe has been over at gretawire ZZZZZZZing and slobbering all over Sarah all night.
DeleteWhy did Mrs. Palin suddenly appear wearing a wedding ring on Wallace interview when she has not worn one for years?
DeleteYes, Arizona...no need to thank us.
ReplyDeleteLOL. then why was she at Piper's bball games in October?
Deletebecause airplanes can fly in from AZ to AK and $arah's PAC is happy to buy her tickets to fly in to visit her family whenever she needs to make an appearance.
Delete11:20 AM
Deletelink? verification?
She may have been up for a brief stint then went back to AZ before beginning her book tour. There were Colony Middle girls basketball games on 10/2 and 10/8, however by October 17 she was in her AZ studio for her Megyn Kelly show appearance and did no October TV appearances from AK.
DeleteShe hardly ever broadcasts from her AK studio, only from the Fox station in Scottsdale or her AZ home studio.
Delete:20 AM Troll then why is Piper not with her team now?
School is still in session this week. Do any of the Palins stay in School full term?
ReplyDeleteWouldn't he be listed as Tripp Johnston? Not under the name Palin?
DeleteShailey you jest!
DeleteSome people from Alaska were seated next to us in a restaurant, so I asked the open ended question, "So, what do you think of Sarah Palin?" They laughed out loud and said what everyone else in Alaska has been saying, "Sarah doesn't live here any more." They added that she spends more time in Arizona that she spends in Alaska, and that all of the hunting-fishing-outdoorsy stuff is a great big fake.
ReplyDeleteBut, what about Willow? The key words in the provisions that Gryphen posted about a student receiving education or vocational training out of state is "full time." From the looks of Sarah's wigs and hair, I don't thing that Willow met Alaska's requirements for being a full time student. We also have some interesting history of Willow's behavior. Sarah had to cut short a Hawaiian vacation and rush back when Willow and her friends vandalized an empty house.
While I like Willow's spunk and sass, as shown in Bristol's silly reality show, there has to be a reason that a kid only finishes two years of a four year high school. And spare me that accelerated program or a GED. It looks as if Sarah may have bought all of the necessary credentials for Willow to have "completed" high school (It's called, I'm done with that sinking place!) and maybe her hair school and licenses, too. How nice of the beauty parlor in Alaska to let Willow take so much time off to travel with her mother. (And judging from the look on Willow's face, I don't think that she enjoyed it very much). Sarah has to keep an eye on Willow in Arizona, or maybe Willow is being kept quiet, good and quiet.
Why do you lie?
Delete@11;19 What's your problem?
DeleteWhy don't you take a little break and come back when you've figured out how to Go Fuck Yourself you crazy bitch.
DeleteI have noticed that Sarah tries to monopolize Willow's time. Is Sarah afraid of what Willow might say to the Media? Isn't Willow the reason that Shawn Christy was arrested after Sarah lured him with Sexting messages? Sarah keeps Willow on a tight leash.
DeleteI am stuck in a rut and can only repeat irrelevant nonsense.
Delete11:19 AM
Yes - sarah was sexting with shawn cristy. When she was caught she blamed it on Willow.
DeleteSarah tried to hire Cristy to kill Obama. even said she had state troopers to help with the murder. OMG - She promised to show Shawn a good time as a reward.
She was caught red handed and forced to resign.
Her lawsuits claiming rape and attacks by SC were hyperbole. The kid (and his father) are not the brightest bulbs and their mouths didn't help the situation for them.
Sarah's father and mother frequently called Shawn Cristy offering 'help' and encouraging him to call SP.
It's a long, sordid story, but the info is in the court reports.
1:55 Which court? Which records? Is it online? Got a link?
DeleteI've always said, how did that kid get Sarah's personal cell phone number? He didn't just dial a million and one numbers and get llucky.
They can have her!
ReplyDeleteWe don't want her or any of her brood here in AZ.
DeleteWell, as far as I'm concerned, I think she's caused Alaskan residents enough grief to last a thousand lifetimes. Good riddance, bitch! Just waiting for the day she's silenced for good.
ReplyDeleteYou have a very loaded statement here, diminishes us all as valid critics.
Deleteas a 32 year Alaskan i totally agree with 9:53 - i'm also in 110% for skanks demise, sooner the better
DeleteNo one is more Anti-Sarah than Sarah. Her eating disorder means she is literally eating, killing, poisoning herself from within. Neither Sarah or the cultist can grasp the reality of her slow form of suicide. Nothing like denial, that is all they have to try and hold on to the dream.
DeleteGryphen, I am not sure, but I think $arah has not claimed a PFD for three years at least.
ReplyDeleteI hope the word spreads far and wide that the lying $creech does not live in AK anymore and only uses the state as a phony prop!!
She's on the list to get a check in 2011, so it's definitely only two years. Gryphen linked to the database and you can download the lists.
Deleteso she cheated....she must have been caught.
Delete11:09 You may be onto something. Sarah, et al, know that the PFD is the most visible and telling "standard" for Alaska residency.
DeleteI've always wondered why they didn't make a point of scheduling her away time so that she qualified. I just wrote it off as them not being good with thinking ahead and follow through.
But to do it two years in a row after so many comments on the Palin's favorite defunked blog?
The rules are that if you are found guilty of faking a PFD requirement and applying, you will lose benefits for LIFE and have to pay back all those you've ever gotten.
As much as people don't like her and question what she's up to, I would not be surprised that someone turned her in. They would be forced to investigate and if they found out she had lied on the application, she would be FOREVER out of the PFD.
Why apply if you've been banned for life?
This proves that Trig is no longer a useful prop for $arah Paylin and she has left him behind with Todd and Piper.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful, caring mother === NOT.
Why do you lie?
Delete@11:18 Why do you write that crap?
Delete11:18 AM Why do you come here? You are not wanted here , and C4PEE can't stand you either. ZZZZZZZZZZ.
DeleteI've decided I'm starting to enjoy 11:18's comments. It reinforces my view of her ilk's ignorance and it actually makes me laugh out loud. It's also refreshing to know that our fearless Grypf's posts have hit a major nerve. Nice to watch them squirm.
Delete1:14 PM
She tossed Trig prop out of her life awhile back. They meet up for promotional work. I don't see that she ever participated as a parent. If so, a loving wonderful family would have many videos of her teaching him and loving him and many mother/son moments.
Her fans are too stupid to figure that there would be a lot of videos to document her parenting of Trig..
What caught my attention is that she obviously does not have Trig with her very often. He is in Alaska while she is in AK. Some Mama Grizzly - she doesn't even spend time with her *son.*
ReplyDeleteSeems Sarah isn't much of a Mama Bear because I have never seen nor heard about a bear abandoning their cub.
DeleteShe's no Mama Bear, She dropped those kids with whomever she could.
DeleteI meant to say she is in Az.
DeleteWhy do you lie?
Delete11:17 Why do you whine and make your feeble attempts to defend the indefensible. $arah lies and libels all the time but that doesn't seem to bother you in the least.
DeleteMiss 11:17 has been all over the place, "Why do you lie?" I think that the person is telling the truth. I think that Miss 11:17 doesn't like to read the truth.
DeleteThe reason that Sarah can't use Trig as a prop any more is that she can't control him like she did when he was a baby. If people ask him a question, can he understand them and answer them? Can he say more than three or four words (that's what Chuck Heath Sr. said in a radio interview). Is Trig toilet trained? Does he lash out and hit people if he gets frustrated? Does he wear his glasses and hearing aids? What kind of therapy is he getting, and doesn't it depend on a structured program-- not being dragged all over the country at all hours?
Feck off Krusty. You're irritating me.
Delete11:17 AM Lie, libel, sad, stalker do you have any other words in your LIMITED vocabulary?
DeleteSarah Palin hasn't been an Alaska resident since Aug. 29, 2008.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you lie?
DeleteI can tell when IM has comments that really do hit home. The troll has the same tired, juvenile routine. Lies. Haters. Immature. Get a life. Grow up. It's called projection; look it up.
DeleteKrusty/RAM/Sarah/Willow/Bristol @ 11:17. Why are you a retard?
I LMAO when I read Ear yesterday. Well, duh! I think everyone who has any links in Wasilla knows that Sarah does not live there anymore. She is not welcome in Wasilla. Todd is living at the house, getting ready for the Iron Dog again (sigh- yes Todd we know you like hot throbbing metal between your legs- its really the only thing you got going that is "yours" isn't it?) I understand Palin made some VERY disparaging remarks about AK natives recently. That pretty much sealed the deal on her ever going to Dillingham again to "help fish". The marriage has been a sham for years, they are just getting increasingly tired of trying to hide the fact that they aren't together, nor have any plans to be. This next year should be fun when Palin finally has a huge meltdown and the rest of the family just doesn't care enough to hide it from the public anymore.
ReplyDeleteYou're so nasty. I feel sorry for you.
DeleteWhy do you spread libel?
DeleteThey seem happy enough when they appear together and are probably friends after all these years. I'm sure Todd plays the part when he has to because Sarah pays the bills that allows Todd to simply fish, ride snow machines and babysit Trig when Bristol's not around. He's got it made so why not be pleasant to the old skag when he need to.
Delete@11:17 Honey, did you know that you could make more money selling the true story of Trig to National Enquirer than Sarah's PAC will ever pay you. With that money, you could leave home and get your own life. Isn't it time?
Delete11:15/16/17 Don't feel sorry for us, we are happy. Feel sorry for your Empty Life, Troll ZZZZZZZZ.
Delete11:17 - what's libelous?
Delete1. Sarah is not living in Wasilla - true (see PDF application)
2. Todd is in Wasilla, preparing to run the Iron Dog
3. Sarah true feelings about Native Americans are well documented. See "bringing cookies".
If there were any libel here on this blog, Sarah would have sued and shut it down years ago. She can't prove it (since it's true) or she sure would have tried.
DeletePermanent Fund and Native Healthcare, isn't that Free Stuff that Sarah says the Obama Admin. is offering? But it is o.k. for her Dysfunctional Family to receive? Sarah Palin should STFU about any Socialism, she and her Family receive Free Stuff.
ReplyDeletePalin was asked about the PFD and socialism during the 2008 campaign. Her answer was one she should never be allowed to live down....something about it wasn't socialism because it was in the AK Constitution that the oil belonged to all AKans. (((head-desk)))
DeleteSome moron of Huffpo was wondering why liberals 'hate' Sarah so much. "Is it because she's female, beautiful, a conservative, a Christian, intelligent, or because she was such a great Governor and showed her state how to shrink government?" I gave him a earful.
ReplyDeleteThey are too dumb to create new material so they do the same tired bs over and over.
DeleteIf someone said that to me I think I would hurt myself laughing at them.
DeleteDoes she receive benefits from AK as a former, half-time governor?
ReplyDeleteI've researched this subject and can't find if she would qualify due to her abbreviated tenure as Gov. Other state employees, such as Alaska State Troopers retire with a very sweet benefits package, enjoying a pension that is a very high percentage of their salary at retirement and medical benefits as well. I'd have to assume that full term Governors enjoy the same, however, whether the Quitter qualified is unknown.
DeleteIf she was forced out of office, as many believe, then either she would have asked for the retirement benefits package as a condition of her surrender, or she simply slinked away relieved that she had not been publicly ridiculed for whatever behaviors forced her from public office.
Current Gov Parnell (a friend of Palin's) would cover it up at this point IF Sarah is receiving State of Alaska funds due to being 'quitter' governor. It will become public knowledge at some point!
DeleteThanks for your effort. I just found this and it looks like she gets nada:
DeleteThe Elected Public Officers Retirement System (EPORS) was enacted as a retirement system for elected state officials (Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Legislators).
It became effective January 1, 1976. It was repealed by referendum in the 1976 general election; however, the Alaska Supreme Court subsequently ruled that those elected state officials who served in 1976 were entitled to continue to be covered under the terms of the system.
All other elected officials may be covered under the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS).
I suppose Wasilla might have a retirement plan for former mayors who leave them in debt.
11:56 no one needs to "cover up" Palin's info, it's either public information or it isn't. Just because she quit, doesn't erase her right to privacy in non-public personnel matters.
DeleteHer work time pay is public info, I don't know about retirement pay.
12:58 The "point" was the pay she received. or didn't, AFTER being 'quitter' governor.
DeleteRetirement pay, to my way of thinking, was never warranted due to her having 'quit' half way through her elected term.
And, I'd argue that Parnell has covered for her!
1:31 Sorry, I'm not following you.
DeleteThe question was does Sarah receive state benefits after quitting on Alaskans.
Why would she get paid to NOT work? (from the state anyway). Are you suggesting that she's getting some sort of pay-off by the state and it's buried in some Parnell Administration kitty fund?
That's a bit far fetched, but possible.
And quitting has nothing to do with retirement for public employees in Alaska. That is based on when you first went into the PERS system (Public Employees Retirement System), how long you were in it.
If Sarah only had her quitter governor time, she wouldn't have enough to be vested. But she likely has a lot of local office time that counts.
Many cities, boroughs, school boards, etc. pay into the PERS system for people who serve in elected office.
It's not a special separate plan for elected officials like (12:11) seems to suggest. Elected officials can get opted into the PERS plan by their local government. It's, just the standard PERS plan, based on the fact that they get paid a stipend to participate. The key being PAID.
If Wasilla had that, then Sarah's time on the City Council counts towards PERS, as would, likely her Mayor time (if that was a regular paid job, that would automatically be pension eligible). So based on that assumption, YES, she would very likely be able to draw a state pension when she reaches 65 or whatever it is because she would have more than 10 years of service in the PERS system.
So, like it or not, her 1 year + time as governor would also count toward retirement. And because your final retirement pay is based on the top 3 (I think) years of pay, that governor paycheck easily boosted her up so that she'll get a mighty fine retirement check each month.
Maybe her timing for quitting was determined after adding up all her various years and finding she needed to tough it out until July to ensure retirement? Or maybe she figured WTF, I'm already set for retirement, why not just leave?
BINGO!!! I will make another post as this is long.
If you add up Sarah's various times in office based on Wiki, she has just at 10 years on July 4th when she quit.
Sorry, I wrote down a wrong number, Sarah had more than 10 years in the state system if all here city and mayor time counted.
Governor: Dec. 2006 to July 2009 -- 2 years 8 months
Oil & Gas: Feb. 2003 to Jan 2004-- 1 year 1 month
Mayor: Oct. 1996 to Oct. 2002 -- 6 years
City Council: Oct. 1992 to Oct. 1996 -- 4 years
Trig is a resident of Alaska. Who would dare accuse Sarah Palin of abandoning Trig? Greta is Sarah's last hope to clear up who lives where and with whom. Sarah is nothing if she is not Trig Palin's bio mother. The one and only to give birth to him. The person responsible for his care and treatments. No way can Sarah abandon Trig.
LOL Get a life and intelligence. It's not exactly mature to fabricate lies.
DeleteYes, Trig is in Alaska except when he's taken to AZ for brief vacation visits with Bristol and Tripp. Seems to split his time in Wasilla between Bristol and Todd. Bristol has always been one of his main caretakers, funny that. Why would any young adult with a young child want to take on the responsibility of helping raise her "brother"? As on of our favorite trolls like to say, weird, huh?
DeleteYou can always tell that a comment is dead right on the mark when the troll writes, "Get a life and intelligence." The troll's writing is at the level of a 15 year old. Now, what reality show featured girls from Alaska who still sound like they are 15 years old. (And, I'm being generous, 12-13 is more like it). Honey, take care of your kids and get a life of your own. I'm sorry that your mother crippled you so that you are still a kid, an immature kid.
Delete1116 am
DeleteHow do you know that Trig is not resident of Alaska?
lol 11:16 We are your Life, Troll. No one else pays attention to you. You are a SICK Stalker ZZZZZZZZ.
DeleteSarah was never known as a mother around her local village. Curt Menard's last days were spent trying to get her attention. Curt tried to deall with her for not caring for her offspring. His concern was his son, Track Palin. The world can see how things turned out for Curt and his son, Track.
Delete11:57 What I always found strange was the fact that the Palins were suppose to be close friends of Curt Menard's mother, who was a member of the Alaska Legislature at one point. (She didn't seem to be a very smart woman - was not reelected last go around.)
DeletePerhaps she remained close to them to keep a watch on her grandson, Track Palin, who supposedly is Curt's son. The kid assuredly has had his problems....
It would be hell being a member of that Palin group - no doubt about it!
Since McCain brought $arah to the world's attention, it's appropriate that she reside in his home state! Karma, Johnny, karma.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol qualified, then Tripp should have too. Is he on the list? or does he live with Willow......weird.
ReplyDeleteTripp's on the list under JOHNSTON or JOHNSTON PALIN.
DeleteBristol and Tripp are in Arizona until January 2014. Like Willow, Bristol is to be in school. I think they will still qualify for socialist money from Alaska.
DeleteBristol is in Arizona until her new BABY is born. She has 9 Month Mono again.
DeleteBristol and Tripp arein Arizona until January 2014. Does that mean that Levi doesn't get to see his son, ever? Bitch!
DeleteWasn't the baby already hatched? SEND MONEY!! https://twitter.com/junker907
Who knows when/if Sarah or Bristol have a whim and return to Wasilla DEAD LAKE. Sarah may decide it benefits her for Bristol to be nice to Levi. If not, Bristol is satisfied living in Arizona. Levi won't see Tripp until the court says. The Palins can post pone forever. Custody is just a nuisance the lawyers will take care of.
DeleteAnon, 1:46
DeleteBrancy Parench has a blog post pimping Junker's "project". And one titled "My Little Stud" (no, not Joey, Tripp is "her" little stud LMAO
Junker is an adrenelin junker. He is closer to Todd's world. Extreme Sports and all the toxins they produce while ruining beautiful nature. He is also another beggar. First beg for money to make a film about himself and others. Next get Alaskan film tax credits. Bristol's services are part of the perks. He must have a big package.
DeleteI'm betting they are divorced, but divorce doesn't mean any decent parent would move thousands of miles from their minor children, especially a special needs kiddo.
ReplyDeleteWhile I realize Sarah is a worse Mom than any mammal in the world, that is pretty low even for her.
And yes, I realize she probably didn't give birth and so adoption somehow makes it that much worse.
"virtual" adoption....you know.....like Chuck Sr. was "virtually" adopted = given away, not really adopted.
DeleteYou should REALLY get a clue because spouting off bs.
DeleteNo, 11:15, the truth hurts or you wouln't bother to post your poorly written comment. Chuck Heath Sr. was "adopted" by a family in Utah. We would love to know why. And Levi let us know that Sarah wanted the baby that Bristol was expecting. Levi wanted us to think that it was Tripp, but that wouldn't make any sense-- a woman running for VP, adopting a baby right after she was supposed to have given birth to a special needs child. No, the baby that Levi was talking about was Trig, and Sarah just "took him" when she announced her "pregnancy" in March, right after McCain was selected to run for President. In her interview with Greta, Bristol said very firmly, that she wanted to keep THIS ONE, said while holding Tripp. That means that she didn't get the keep a different baby.
Delete11:15 AM Trolling for Palins is BS.
DeleteHey, I'm no fan of Sarah Palins, but tell the truth! She DID "Facetime" him from her book tour. That's kinda like a few seconds of "Mothering"
DeleteAlaskan Permanent Fund Dividend...
ReplyDeleteA State-owned enterprise that divides income among citizens?
Isn't that (gasp) SOCIALISM?
The permanent Fund? Every Alaskan gets some?
ReplyDeleteSeems like a marxist socialist program to me.
No wonder Sarah moved to Arizona. She is a purist. No socialism for that Mama Grizly.
Delete"No socialism for that Mama [Grizzly]"? Think again. She and her family were more than happy to run to Canada for some sweet socialized medical care, as she stated in Going Rogue, and also too was content to collect the Permanent Fund Dividend until she moved out of state. I'm a little surprised that as greedy as she is that she is not claiming the dividend regardless, however, the penalty for false claims can deny your dividend for life as well as those of your direct family so I guess the negatives are high enough to make her follow the rules.
DeleteAlso too, again, while Governor Palin engaged in some Super Socialism of her very own creation by giving every man woman and child in AK an additional $1200 energy rebate tacked onto our 2008 Permanent Fund check.
So, as you can see, Mama Grizzly is just fine with socialism, she's just followin' the rules so her family doesn't have yet another reason to hate her.
I think if you don’t apply for a couple years you have to go through the application process and wait a year to receive a new dividend. It is a big hassle. Maybe she just doesn’t think it is worth it.
DeleteOr... she's not qualified. The pdf. is there. No way Sarah would quit the application half way. She wouldn't leave a free crumb on the table. "What's in it for me?"
Delete“Alaska was conceding too much, and chipping away at our sovereignty. And Alaska—we’re set up, unlike other states in the union, where it’s collectively Alaskans own the resources. So we share in the wealth when the development of these resources occurs.” And she said, “Our state constitution—it lays it out for me, how I’m to conduct business with resource development here as the state C.E.O. It’s to maximize benefits for Alaskans, not an individual company, not some multinational somewhere, but for Alaskans.”
ReplyDeleteRead more: http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2008/09/22/080922fa_fact_gourevitch?printable=true#ixzz2lgo55lW7
And sane Arizonians wept. . . . .
ReplyDeleteSarah has not had the welcome mat rolled out for her in AZ. Except for the same type of palinbot/teabaggers that reside in every state- nobody wants to associate with her.
DeleteLook out Alabama! She's working on the "A" states, and it looks like Bristol put them in Alphabetical order, while working full time in the skin salon er .... dermatologrift's office.
DeleteWhat kind of parent doesn't encourage her children to do their best in school, teach them good manners, generally be available to them?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of parent doesn't help her children navigate through their growing years while providing a loving, honest and caring Mother in the true sense of the word?
Sarah Palin is simply a money-grubbing fraud, a liar, a disgustingly unfit mothe. She only cares about herself first, last and always--with no regards for her children or anyone else. Memememememe!.
What are you talking about? Get a life and stop lying about people.
DeleteSuspect we have a troll on this blog!!!!
Delete11:27 AM GOT MEDS?????
Deleteso easy to spot when the truth hurts the most. The illiterate 'you lie' troll appears.
Delete$arah does not have a job.
DeleteTodd does not have a job.
Track does not have a job.
Bristol does not have a job.
Willow does not have a job.
Likewise, none of the Paylins show interest in taking classes, traveling outside the US, volunteering for a worthy cause ....
They are all sustained by the shameless and clueless Quitter Queen of Grift --
$creech Paylin (R-Facebook) 2016
S_r_h P_lin
DeleteCan I buy a vowel, Pat?
Keep in mind that if she were to apply, she'd be HARSHLY criticized for the amount of work outside the state. Forget about how she's in AK more than any other state. Because of the nature of her work, may as well just not apply for the $800-900. Willow was probably just busy with school to think about it. If I were her and were working at Fox, i'd forgo the PFD just to avoid assholes on the net.
ReplyDeleteWhat's interesting to me is, Kristan's cole family applies. Kristan hasn't lived in AK for years.
If your statement is correct about Kristin Cole - report her to the State of Alaska, Dept. of Revenue - Permanent Fund. They investigate people that are receiving PFD checks when they shouldn't be!
DeleteI'll say it again. AK is a red state who uses more federal money than they collect but has money to give every man, woman and child. That doesn't seem logical or fair.
ReplyDeleteCongress should investigate.
PFD isn't fed money, It's oil money.
DeleteIt's oil money.
It is Socialized Free Stuff, right, Sarah?
DeleteAlaska is a petro state, just like Norway. The PFD doesn’t come close to making up for the incredible cost of living in Alaska. But, if you have a bunch of kids, it helps. Then again, it probably doesn’t as things are just so expensive.
DeleteThe cost of living is higher in many states, including my state of NH, than AK.
Plus....No state in the U.S. received more money per person from the federal government than Alaska
Federal workers here also get a cost of living bonus of 25%. That being said, food is very expensive up here. I find that I can shop Whole Foods in the lower 48 for what I pay at Fred Meyer or Safeway up here. $4 gallon milk and decent hamburger $8/lb.
DeleteThe Federal money is another issue altogether and was decided upon when Alaska became a state. The US always knew that to be able to bring Alaska in as the 49th state was going to mean subsidizing the state pretty much forever. The main objective in purchasing AK was the strategic Pacific theatre location in times of war and convenient location as an air crossroads and of course the fact that we have a wealth of natural resources. To get at those resources they needed more infrastructure and still do and always will, thus the federal tax dollars that flow our way each year. I'm not saying it's right, just saying that the government decided that it was worth the expenditure to bring us under the flag of the US.
Land and homes are more expensive in many other states, it's food and healthcare along with having to have so many things shipped that make it expensive. Then to do many things one has to get on a plane and fly somewhere.
DeleteIt's Palin money
DeleteI don't have a problem with Alaska being the premier welfare state if the money is going to help the most vulnerable. Sarah's recent distracting spew about "vulnerable children", does she put her money where her mouth is? Let the people of Alaska say what her record was and what she did for Alaska after she quit on her title? Did she keep her promise? Any promise?
DeleteI remember reading a comment from WIllow when the last PFD amount was announced. She was saying how everyone should be grateful for extra money and to stop complaining. It's just funny how there are people who would complain about supplement income, no matter the amount.
ReplyDeleteI've not read the above responses, but as far as I'm concerned, AZ can have her! It reinforces the fact Sarah Palin is a horrid mother, is not raising her kids and is a fraud and liar! What else is new?
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a lie.
DeleteShe and Tripp have identical eyes.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather you lie.
DeleteActually her eyes look more like Trigger's, no offense to the little guy, but he obviously hasn't been given The visual therapy he needs.
Deleteskank's fukin' wonked out crosseyed - trig, not so much
DeleteShailey's eyes look nothing like Sarah's. They sparkle plenty and both focus at one thing at the same time.
Deletecue up Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life"
The 'YOU LIE' Troll never responds to postings about Todd Palin's Pimping.
DeleteThe above photo of Palin really reflects how much she has aged since 2008! It's amazing! Don't find her pretty at all anymore - the evilness has expanded to her exterior!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you lie about that?
Delete11:49 That's getting pretty old, troll! Fuck you!
Delete@11:49 Do you have some kids to take care of?
DeleteWho broke the troll? It's stuck on "why do you lie?".
ReplyDeleteIt infects every post when we've hit on the truth, Charlie.
Delete"Why do you lie?" sounds like an immature girl who has nothing else to do besides collecting her consultant's fee. When the truth hits too close to home, she strikes again. Gryphen must have really hit a nerve today. Bravo!
DeleteBristol is busy with a new baby daddy. It must be crazy , lazy Willow.
DeleteOn another site, someone wrote that true karma would be Palin moving next door to McCain in AZ.
ReplyDeletePretty good, but I prefer jail for her.
McCain spends his time in Washington & traveling the world - never heard a word about Cindy since election day 2008 - was it 13 homes they owned? She would be able to escape Palin.
DeleteWould be interesting if Palin tried to run for McCain's senate seat when he retires - would he support her?
I wish someone in media would ask ol' John McShame if he would support her run for the AZ senate.
DeleteThis once honorable man's legacy will forever be his putting our nation at risk with his choice of the half term, half wit,
Once Honorable man's legacy? What was honorable? McCain Finegold...Keating Five... Maverick.... His legacy IS Palin., it's the next word people associate with "McCain"
DeleteLook at that picture, the gauze on the camera lens is so thick it looks like they used her KKK hood.
ReplyDeleteIt only makes Palin look like she has another layer of scum.
DeleteIf it wasn't for bad taste, she would have no taste at all.
Anonymous9:48 AM
ReplyDeleteIt's called, I'm done with that sinking place!
Ain't that some shit? Why did the family of a multimillionaire apply for Alaska's Permanent Fund Dividend?
ReplyDeleteThose fuckers.... Piper, Todd, Track, and Trig are greedy bastards.
There are hungry cold Native Alaskans that would benefit from that money.
I wouldn't be surprised if those Sums Of Bitches go to the food banks for food.
Happy Holidays you fuckwads!
Hey no need for that. Why wish those fuckwads a happy holiday?
DeleteWow you're stupid. The amount doesn't change if 4 people dont collect. Remember, individuals in families have their own income or future income. smh at you
DeleteHappy Holiday to you, 5:54! Instead of roasting the turkey the night before, put it in now frozen @ 225 degrees, guarantee the plastic thingy willl pop up on Thanksgiving day at noon. Believe me, it works!
ReplyDeleteI hope she will go overboard trying to prove she is a hands on attentive mother. Her performances are so stupid and prove her to be the liar she is. The liar that has sunk so low she hires troll as stupid as she is.
OFF: Brancy cares about Pastor Saeed but she is too careless to get her facts right.
In a post, "Obama Left Pastor Saeed Behind" Nancy French writes for Bristol:
"He’s the American pastor who was sentenced to eight years in Iran’s most brutal prison simply because of his Christian faith." In Iran, Saeed Abedini is an Iranian citizen (born in Iran), dual citizenship would be the best they would allow. Brancy is of no use or help when she passes on half or part truths. When in Rome do as the Romans, when in Iran consider you are under their laws regardless of what you believe or imagine. As much as we want to see Abedini free and back on American soil, it is a situation that requires dealing with another government whether it is their laws or lawlessness. For Brancy and others to misrepresent Saeed Abedini as they do it will harm him more than help him. What a hateful thing to do to a good Christian man.
In Iran Saeed Abedini was arrested for building an orphanage, not for his faith, as Brancy claimed. In the country of Iran Abedini was arrested on charges of undermining their national security. Not that others like or agree with Irans position on the arrest. When people want to help Abedini they must tell an accurate story and not leave out facts. People like Brancy do not take serious this matter if they are leaving out so much of his story.
The most important part of Abedini's story is that he was born in Iran, and under Iranian law, he was still an Iranian citizen. Yes, Abedini married an American, converted to Christianity , became a minister, became an American citizen, and traveled back and forth between the US and Iran, setting up Christian churches and orphanages. In a country where the state religion is Islam, the authorities decided that was not in the country's interest. It's their country and their laws, and as an Iranian citizen, he was still subject to their laws.
DeleteNancy French is as stupid as Bristol and Sarah Palin. They are reckless with their statements, and do not believe in researching before running their mouths. Fake Christians are worse than the Devil.
DeleteNancy French is as stupid as Bristol and Sarah Palin. They are reckless with their statements, and do not believe in researching before running their mouths. Fake Christians are worse than the Devil.
DeleteI wan't following this story, but file any post on there under the tab of "rank ignorance". Why do they want tax dollars go to "save" missionaries who try to convert people who live under a totally different set of laws, yet scream for less Government "Interference" here with our social programs?
DeleteAm with you here, G., that it appears she doesn't live in AK, if she didn't apply. But could there be any other reason NOT to apply?
ReplyDeleteLike, for instance, maybe she wants to help Alaska's economy and feels she is adequately financially secure, and feels she shouldn't apply (cough, cough).
I know this is way over the top. She'd never turn down money, but could her bots use this as an excuse? Has it ever happened that wealthy Alaskans have chosen not to apply? Or is this a mandatory thing? Though I must say, even if a wealthy recipient didn't need it, they could give it to charity.
Oh my God, you made me laugh so hard that I sprayed coffee out of my nose!
DeleteSarah Palin voluntarily turning down free money, now I have heard EVERYTHING!
Sarah Palin would never turn down free money. Neither would Willow.
DeleteThere's lots of free money in Anchorage if you are a pimp.
DeleteDid anyone see the swag she and her daughters loaded up on at the Mall of America? That time she canceled those suckers at Costco in Omaha...
ReplyDeleteSwag = purchased items. It IS a mall and it IS holiday time.
Deleteswag = money or goods taken by a thief or burglar.
DeleteWith all of Sarah's charms she can work a dil. No doubt she will trade an autographed copy of her latest war book, Good Tidings and Great Joy.
Anon @ 5:53 P.M. - Swag = free shit! Remember the palin mantra - "what's in it for us?"
DeleteWhen I first heard that the spouse of the Alaskan governor is a pimp I thought it was just people being mean. Now that I've read that this same family of a multimillionaire applied for the Alaska PFD, I then realized the prostitution claim is believable.
ReplyDeleteThey'll do anything for money.
DeleteUmmm, kids income have nothing to do with their parents. You should probably think before you write.
DeleteWhy is it that trolls offer advice when they don't use it themselves? The benefit has nothing to do with "kids income", it has everything to do with "kids RESIDENCY" (that's ":Presidency" without the "P" and means "Where they live vibrant, happy lives eating skittles and tooting rainbows wherever they go.
Prostitution money is to be reported to the IRS. How does that work?
DeleteHey, where did Bristol go? I was starting to enjoy her limited range of comments, "You lie," and "Get a life." Oh, I know, she ran to the mirror to make duck faces with Tripp (new post by Gryphen). Is that supposed to distract us?
ReplyDeleteIf it quacks like a duck, walks like a hippo and has a chin with it's own zip code, What do you call it?
DeleteA pregnant Bristol.
DeleteI wonder how she'll spin this one?
ReplyDeleteName that tune time!
"When the real thing don't do the trick
You better think of something quick,
You're going to burn, burn , burn
Burn down to the wick"
Anita - "Barracuda" - those lyrics were written for $arah!
DeleteI liked that HP reported sarah accepted the martin apology but said ANYONE that wants to comment vile stuff at her must go thru Todd and her children. Well ok. ringy ding dong. Hello? $%^&*()_)(*&^%$#$%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*&^%$#%^&* off. and sarah states.......they will come to me. $%^&*()(*&^%$#$%^&*()(*&^%$%^&*(*&^%^&* and I will spin and lie as always........sarah says so. All bow to the short boney troll.
ReplyDeleteNOPE. Arizona called and said come and get this idiot called "sarah" from Wasilla, Alaska. She will be selling her house in az and brassy's soon. no mo money honey. lousy book sales will not support lousy frauds. My guess is that she was establishing residency in az for mcnuts job......but it has failed too........sara cant pass a background and vetting process nor would az vote for her.