Saturday, November 23, 2013

Bill Maher's New Rules from Friday night.

Rude, crude, and totally bipartisan, last night's New Rules skewered targets both on the Left and the Right.

However Maher saved his best smackdown for those who worship at the alter of Ronald Reagan.

In response to Sarah Palin's statement that there are no Ronald Reagan's around today for her to put her faith in, Maher said "When Reagan was elected, Sarah Palin was barely sixteen, probably pregnant, but still in third grade."

Then Maher goes on to unfavorably compare the Rooster Cogburn image of Ronald Reagan to the Don Draper image of JFK.  Yeah, THAT should win him more fans with the Reagan sycophants that populate the GOP.

And speaking of Reagan sycophants here is Palin behind the scenes as she sits in preparation for her interview with Chris Wallace, in which she will pimp her book and bitch about the Martin Bashir comments, to be broadcast tomorrow on Fox.

As you can see she has her personal flotation devices firmly attached just in case she gets in over her head and starts floundering.

P.S. Just in case HBO decides to be a party pooper you can still find the video by clicking here


  1. Anonymous4:56 PM

    hey, her magic pancake flat titties grew today - how about that !

    fukin' dried up crosseyed old skank

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Maybe Faux Snooz owns the strap on boobies?

    2. Anonymous6:55 PM

      skank appears to be way out in left field - got that glassy eyed thousand yard stare goin'

    3. That is the batshit fulll blown crazytown look. This should be fun.

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Same tights and boots she wore while kissing up to the mall cheerleaders. No books to sign, so Sarah took a stroll around the mall and found two victims who were paid to be nice to strangers.

    Reminds me of the scene at the Valdez airport when Sarah was with Greta and company. Sarah was running up to people and asking them to have their picture taken with her. Kinda sad.

    But dayum. The same tights? Does she ever bathe?

    1. Anonymous5:29 PM

      Bathe? Are you kidding? Water makes her makeup run.

    2. Sally in MI5:33 PM

      I think those are the same black jeans she has worn every day of her 'tour.' She even had the wrinkled things on at her $5000 a head Dallas fundraiser. Such class. Such dignity. Such a royal bitch. And she's afraid to be on live? bet she was going over the pre-arranged questions and her 'recorded' answers. Also too.

    3. her funk must be like an outhouse on a tuna boat.

      Instead of her "blood libel" woe is me we have "shit libel" woe is me.

    4. Anonymous9:49 AM

      She does not need to bathe: she merely tears off a layer of flaky dead skin with the attached hairs and that's it. She also does not need to shampoo- just slap one of her cheap and hideous wigs on any which way. As for clothes, anything cheap, ill-fitting and trashy will do. DONE!

  3. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Hey Bristol Palin's Mother, the if you should have a book signing at a Costco, you may want to consider buying your daughers some condoms with instructions on their use.. the condoms not your daughters!

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Don't forget the baggies and moist towelettes! Pee Sticks, also too!

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Yes, yesterday they were non existent. What 'RILL' POLITICIAN
    displays herself like a 2 bit whore?

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM

    So here is someone who complains that the media comments on her appearance because she's a woman. Well when your boobs are an A cup one day and a DD cup the's hard to NOT notice the "EXTREME" physical change. What a complete fraud!!!

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    those rick perry's boots skank's wearin' ?

    1. Sally in MI3:44 AM

      No, his are the black ones with the classy white star. But I guess we figured out why she has only worn one pair of black jeans for two weeks: the boots took up all the room in her carryon.

  7. Baldy is one sneaky..slick ass bitch! She just twatted on Twitter a picture that supposedly came from CreepyJr...the picture is her favorite ass lickers!

    A couple of them are from the Asylum and the woMAN in the back in the blue...let's call her Big Blue is Lynda Armstrong..the "medical emergency" from Plano, TX! Check this shit out....

    1. GinaM, thanks for the link! Don't you just love the photoshopped sign?

    2. Anonymous7:13 PM

      @GinaM Thanks for explaining what it was, since I was born and raised in Minnesota I thought it was Bab the Blue Ox!

    3. Anonymous7:54 PM

      They all operate like a tag team (in wrestling, which is also fake). Sarah posts a link to Chuck, Bristol posts a link to Sarah, so does Nancy. That way, they all get consultants fees $$$$$.

    4. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Well, isn't that "Special"? Add Cool Aid and you got a Par-tay!!! They all have the same "Doh!" stare, are they related to each other?

      I love Sarah, too! Sarah Silverman is a riot!!!!!! But I wouldn't put it in a tweet.
      Someone should photoshop it and retweet it back.

      "We Love Martin"

    5. Mary Barbour5:02 AM

      This looks like yet another photoshop slop to me. Those words look like they were added after the fact, don't they? They're not straight and they're much clearer than the rest of the photo.

    6. Anonymous5:10 AM

      Makes me think the woman may have been paid to put out her 'medical emergency'.

  8. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I think her girls are drooping like an orange in the bottom of a Christmas sock.

    1. Anonymous5:11 AM

      could be what she's wearing under her shirt.

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Once upon a time, the palinbots were voting for Sarah to be VPOTUS. After a swift nose dive, they endured the humility of pouring all their energy into voting for Bristol on DWTS.

    Now they are being called upon to rally behind a pair of fake boobies.


    1. Anonymous5:21 AM

      Hilarious observation. Untalented, monosyllabic and confounding weight-gainer Bristol coming in 3rd on DWTS surely was a ril awesome consolation prize and what not to give America the finger for not electing Juicy to VPOTUS.

  10. Anonymous6:37 PM

    LMAO!!!! Stinky pants from Wasilla interview with Wallace will be ignored. Obama Administration reached a deal with Iran on nuclear weapons!!! ha ha ha! There is a Gawd!!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      No one was going to watch it anyway.

      Nonetheless, great news!

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I KNOW! Isn't it wonderful! Baldy's probably blowing up her IPhone calling Roger the Hut and pleading and begging that they don't preempt her tired ass interview!

      The Asylum has already started sweating over this tonight....and by tomorrow they should be in full meltdown that Baldy's ugly mug will not be hopefully shown! Please let this happen! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Fox really has to make a big decision. Sarah has declared a War on Christmas and another War on Bashir. On the other hand, Wallace could get a bunch of blood thirsty Republicans who were all ready to nuke Iran and they can really throw fear into the hearts of the Fox watchers-- which is one of their main objectives. Be afraid, be very afraid.

    4. Anonymous8:21 PM

      Wait, What? First the Senate went nuclear and now we got a deal with Iran on nuclear weapons? Oh this doesn't look good! I hope the President breaks the news just as Wallace's show begins. Maybe have Cher sing the national Anthem and take a question from NBC but not FOX.

    5. Anonymous8:24 PM

      A Real President and Real Diplomacy in action!!!!

    6. Sally in MI3:41 AM

      Whoa. First we don't attack Syria, and now this! Watch out, GOP, this President is going to have a real legacy, not one made up for his Presidential Library like he who cannot be named (and who cannot be accused by the US of war crimes after next year.)

  11. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I am an honest D-size woman. No way do I look like Mrs. DD Palin. She looks more like porn star DDD.

    Also too, no way can I squash my D boobs flat. The tissue won't let me do that. So how does she get that absolutely flat boy look? Must be her "tight abs."

    She is really wearing the "push up bra to get her way", isn't she. Poor old geezer won't be able to help himself - staring at those ginormous boobs.

    1. Anonymous11:44 PM

      I'm sure Chris will know they are as fake as his fake news channel.

  12. Anonymous7:20 PM

    The prayer warriors came out in full force in 2008. The power of the Lord was mobilized. Sarah Palin would not be denied. All those prayers. Unanswered in 2008.

    What about all those prayers asking for Sarah not to mess up too badly in the VP debate and interviews? Weren't they answered? Certainly, in the same way crossing your fingers makes something happen.

    2008 was not Sarah's year. Our Heavenly Father was saving Sarah for 2012. The prayer warriors would literally will it to happen in 2012. All signs were favorable. By God, doors were opening left and right every minute of every hour of every day! All those prayers, plus the cumulative force of four years of mighty praying, will surely be answered. Nope.

    All those prayers wasted on Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      I personaly don't believe that prayers are answered when the prayer is telling God what to do.

    2. AJ Billings8:55 PM

      The kind of people that were "praying" for $arah were exemplified by Mary Glazier

      She's the so called "apostle" that predicted all sorts of great things for Caribou Barbie, who has been defeated, who quit, and who failed to run in 2012.

      She, who, WILL NEVER run for President because the money isn't nearly as good as good as grifting off her pac, and cuz she'd be too shackled by a rill job.

      The kind of prayer warriors like Mary Glaizer and Thomas Muthee have boasted about how their efforts have killed people like Mother Teresa and Princess Di

      The true level of malignancy, ignorance and delusion behind criminals like $arah Palin and her prayer warrior sycophants amounts to lunacy and madness.

    3. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Sarah said it herself on election night in 2008, "God wouldn't let the wrong people win." He didn't. They can pray all they want. They can donate all of their money, and Palin will never be President of the United States.

    4. Sally in MI3:38 AM

      Heck, she will never be President of the PTA, the Church Board, or anything else. The woman is a disaster.

  13. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Mrs. Paslin got off easy.

    She won't have to bother with decorating her house - ummm which one? - for Christmas. Tree and all - nativity scene on the lawn, all the colorful decorations and traditions foods, especially those comfort ones, if they could show those on tv, gather up all the wayward kids and make sure they were sober and agreeable....all at the same time. Not even Mrs. Palin could pull this off.

    Nope, ain't gonna happen. She gives a crappy interview where she can lob her hate. She found her excuse and ran with it.

    Mrs. Palin is the Grinch Who Stole Christmas and then she made money off of the theft.

    1. Sally in MI3:36 AM

      If Sarah and Toad decorated the comppund for Christmas, it would look like one we have around here: the front lawn is covered with those inflated rubber things: Grinch, the Holy Family, camels and Wise Men, Santa climbing in a chimney, Rudolph, shepherds, sheep, an angel...I kid you not, there is a small house in my town with the lawn covered in these creepy tacky things. 3 year olds love it...the rest of us just grimace as we go by (and the guy has them for every holiday.)

  14. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I think you meant to say altar of Ronald ...Although I would lke to alter history and make him and Ms Palin disappear -

  15. Anonymous8:17 PM

    LMAO!!! He got her number!

  16. Anonymous8:22 PM

    What is it with Sarah Palin? Is she channeling Tammy Faye? Palin seems to be stuck in the 1980s. She is approaching 50 years old and looks and acts like a Valley Girl. Grow up Ms Palin, it will be good for your children to have an adult in the house.

    1. Anonymous9:20 PM

      She keeps auditioning for another TV show. Maybe DWTS will call her, and she and Bristol could both appear, competing against other mother/daughter or father/son teams. Or maybe Sarah Palin's Alaska will get renewed. Bristol keeps trying to market Tripp as an adorable, photogenic stud or gangsta.

    2. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Photogenic stud or gangsta with Pink Toenails and Fingernails? Yeah, that will go over well.

  17. ibwilliamsi8:22 PM

    What is WRONG with this woman that she only wears her fake boobs SOMETIMES?

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      It's like her hair, she just can't choose which wig and which set of boobs to wear. If only one of her kids had learned to be a stylist instead of becomming a hair dresser or a single mother.

  18. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Something tells me her interview will be pre-empted for discussions of the deal with Iran. This was all a plot. As soon as word got out that Palin was going to be on Fox Pres. Obama told Sec. Kerry to make the deal with Iran today in order to block here interview. ( snark)

    1. Anonymous9:16 PM

      Don't give Sarah any ideas. She is very good at playing the victim. Now, she'll have to pay the ghost writers weekend overtime pay to craft something for her Facebook.

    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      As it turns out, Fox aired that interview, or at least it can be seen on line. (In my area, that show doesn't come on until later). Fox had two choices. Scrap the show and go live, discussing the most recent news about the filibuster break and Iran, both subjects hated by the Republicans-- or take the cheap way out and go with what was already taped-- Sarah discussing something that happened 10 days about and still carping about Obamacare, even though it is going to work. It will not be scrapped. I think that Fox was too lazy to do a show about the important news because they really don't have much to defend in the way of obstruction Obama's appointments. And, it's hard to be against trying to find peace in the world.

  19. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Sarah has declined to the point of pretending to be full of herself.

    Reality has sandpapered her facade raw.

    All of her children are dropouts.

    Her family is broken, her self destruction public.

    The best reality freak show ever!

  20. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Sarah's book has dropped to 311. The more she pimps, the lower it goes.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      #358 and dropping like a rock

  21. Anonymous11:26 PM

    God, Sarah Palin is such an imbecile. She must think she's a female Ronald Reagan, always with those stupid "cowgirl" boots. Plenty of people who live in AZ don't walk around all the time in cowboy/cowgirl boots, or travel all over the country wearing them no matter the occasion, even those people who legitimately have a need to wear them because they ride horses or have a ranch of some sort. She's such a flagrant poseur, but she's too damn dumb to understand that everyone with a brain just laughs at her juvenile behavior and her age-inappropriate clothes and footwear.

    And, yes, of course that includes the fake "big tits" and low cut top. I don't have large breasts, but I'm pretty sure that someone with real boobs that large, wearing a bra and a top with that plunge, would have obvious cleavage. Most men are smart enough to know this as well. Maybe not delusional tea bagging nut jobs, but most men who utilize their gray matter and their heads in general for something other than a hat rack.

    I truly look forward to the day that those who have evidence of her fake "birth" and other frauds feel free to come forward and put this horrible, worthless excuse for a human being out of business. I'm afraid people like Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace will never confirm the most damaging info they have on her as John McCain is still alive and/or in the Senate.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      If you look you can see where $arah "painted on" cleavage with blush.Unreal.

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Oops. I meant "as long as John McCain is still alive and/or in the Senate."

  22. Randall3:09 AM

    I like Sarah Palin because she's so classy.

    1. Anonymous5:11 AM

      Juicy sure lives vibrantly progressin Alaska's fungible commodities for thirsty markets against those so hell bent on destroying us this so blessed exceptional nation here. So while she's slaying modern day scrooges by delivering razor-tongued insults at every other demographic, remember, she protects the heart of Christmas there.

    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Dear Randall, You must be one of Palin's paid consultants. She is classy, but you didn't say which class. Don't make me say it.

  23. This is just too sad. One of $ara's fans who stood in line, wore an armband, and then paid for a book is selling this autographed treasure on E-Bay. Here is chance to get an autographed book, armband, AND XMAS button all at once with free shipping! What a treasure to pass on to future generations. It has not opened at $35.00 and it has over three days to run. Such a dil. That book will only go up in value. I'm thinking of bidding on it to supplement my retirement investments of Franklin Mint Porcelain Trademark Thimbles and Thomas Kinkade prints and collectibles.

  24. Anonymous4:51 AM

    I suppose that is Sarah's "thoughtful" pose. But those of us with functioning brains know that's impossible. She does look rather borderline trashy: too low neckline, those boots, Belmonts at the ready, etc. I would hope Chris Wallace at least tries to act like a journalist. Too bad Wittle Sarah is scared of the great mind of Billo. I won't be watching (I NEVER turn on Fox) but will rely on IM for a report on how Queen Sarah continued to make an ass out of herself.

    1. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Has anyone told this bimbo that brown boots do NOT go with black pants?

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      If her legs are so great and her lady parts so enticing, why is she even wearing slacks? A mini skirt and those boots would be stunning on an anorexic grandma. The fake boobs are so ridiculous. Who but she wears them only on certain occasions? If you want people to believe that they are "rill", you never go out in public without 'em. What a strange and evil creature she is.

  25. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Reagan barely had the intellect to tie his own shoes.............there,I said it.............

  26. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Chris Wallace must be in love with her, because that was the most pathetic softball interview i've ever seen. She is the most pathetic horrible person. She spews venom about people and then plays victim when someone says a bad word about her.

  27. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Martin Bashir was right. Sarah Palin IS an world class idiot. No one has to run their apology through Todd and her children. There is no apology needed. All that Bashir suggested is that if Palin is going to use the word "slavery" so casually, maybe she should receive the same kind of treatment that slaves received. Now, Bashir gave a very graphic description of one kind of humiliating treatment of slaves. But all that he said is that for Palin to understand how badly she misused the word, maybe she should be treated like a slave herself. And by the way, that is not the same thing as Alec Baldwin, who has a foul mouth and a hot temper using gay slurs towards a photographer. Wow, that reminds me of Bristol used the same kind of gay slurs towards a heckler in a bar. The Palins can't have it both ways.

  28. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Here's the transcript if anyone wants the usual word salad this morning.


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