Sunday, November 24, 2013

Heartwarming story of the day.

Great group of kids.

Now if you will excuse me I think I have a speck of dust in my eye.


  1. Irishgirl3:44 AM

    It's quite dusty here in Ireland too. Sniff...

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    my goodness gracious - such a great dust cloud has come over me. the look on his face of confidence with his pals is priceless.

  3. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Well, me too. I hope those children remember all their lives that kindness works wonders.

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM

    What a wonderful way to start my day. And a good morning cry. Now I shall venture back to the comments section of the last Palin post to have some laughs! I love this blog, Gryphen!

  5. Anonymous6:52 AM

    This may be a little O/T -- but similar and so beautiful. Enjoy!

    1. Sharon7:34 AM

      Thank you so much for this link....I don't care what religion you believe in or don't believe in, these words are true for all of us. To hear this beautiful song from Jackie is all the more special. I have such faith in the next generation as my girls, now in their 30's, and all their friends have no rules about race, religion, sexual orientation or wealth. They live their lives by the golden rule and make me so proud everyday as compassionate, kind and loving human beings.

  6. Damn! That speck-in-the-eye thing is going around in my house now.

  7. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Well, it's not dusty here but darn if my allergies aren't acting up today.
    And remember, let's also thank the parents of these wonderful kiddos, the parents that not only raised caring kids but also went out and bought suits for their boys. Kudos to all involved.

  8. Kids can be great - especially when "adults" get out of the way.

  9. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Sweet kids. Excuse me while I reapply my eye make up!

  10. Anonymous10:55 AM

    i remember that america used to be like this.

    thank these kids for showing the adults how humans
    can live together.

  11. Anonymous10:57 AM

    That is the most important lesson those children will learn all year.

    And it will follow them for the rest of their lives.

  12. Anita Winecooler11:57 AM

    Children who display this level of empathy for a fellow human being give me hope for the future. We need MORE reminders like this, the bullies get all the airtime in the news.
    Fred Rogers was right "Always look for the helpers"

  13. Anonymous12:13 PM

    The kids are alright! With more kids and young people like these, the future is looking bright!


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