Sunday, November 17, 2013

Bishop plans to exorcise Illinois to rid it of gay marriage. Yeah, that should work.

Courtesy of the CNN Belief blog:

The devil made them do it? 

According to a Catholic bishop in Springfield, Illinois, Satan was behind his state's recent legalization of same-sex marriage. 

So, next Wednesday, at about the same time Gov. Pat Quinn signs the gay marriage bill into law, Bishop Thomas Paprocki will hold an exorcism ceremony "in reparation for the sin of same-sex marriage." 

Paprocki, who's something of an expert on exorcism, says he's just following the Pope's marching orders. 

When Pope Francis, then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, was an archbishop in Argentina, he called that country's legalization of same-sex marriage "a 'move' of the father of lies who wishes to confuse and deceive the children of God." 

In a statement released on Thursday, Paprocki said: "The pope's reference to the 'father of lies' comes from the Gospel of John, where Jesus refers to the devil as 'a liar and the father of lies.' So Pope Francis is saying that same-sex 'marriage' comes from the devil and should be condemned as such."

In my mind I have a picture of this idiot throwing holy water on the ground and screaming the rites of exorcism while a mocking crowd forms, and men with white coats step out of a van with straight jackets at the ready.

Oh, now they won't do that will they? Because you know religion is not classified as a mental illness.

At least not yet.

By the way, speaking of the Pope, it may be time to stop giving him a pass and believing that he is really all that different from those who proceeded him. This is what he said on Thursday: 

“The spirit of curiosity distances us from the spirit of wisdom because all that interests us is the details, the news, the little stories of the day.” 

Such a spirit, he warned, brings about dispersion and distances people from God. The Vatican leader further noted that Jesus himself warned against a worldly spirit of curiosity, as it causes confusion and impels people to want to feel that God is “here or there.”

So to paraphrase a little, what is being said is that being inquisitive and asking questions damages our relationship with God. And of course that message has been enforced since the beginning starting with the story of the Garden of Eden.

So the very thing which makes us humans, and that is behind ALL of the great discoveries which have allowed us to conquer the skies, improve our health and longevity, and explore both inner and outer space, are against the will of God?

I think that is pretty much all I need to know about religion, and its impact on our future.


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    That's why towns in IL were leveled by tornadoes today.

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Because this bishop is a bigot?

    2. A brainless, Kool-Aid swilling bigot.

  2. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Here's the first thing this guy needs to do-- an exorcism of the church to get rid of all its pedophile priests!!


    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      And turn the pedophile priests over for prosecution. And seek out and help the victims. And, maybe, acknowledge the god-given right of women to hold positions of power within the church. LOTS of good things to do instead of farting around with whole evicting demons bit.

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I was never impressed with him. I always thought his peaceable remarks after his accession were self-serving. People are too willing to cut the power structure a break. It's a mistake.


  4. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Gryph, I think you are misinterpreting that quote. At least I am interpreting it differently.

    “The spirit of curiosity distances us from the spirit of wisdom because all that interests us is the details, the news, the little stories of the day.

    "Such a spirit, he warned, brings about dispersion and distances people from God. The Vatican leader further noted that Jesus himself warned against a worldly spirit of curiosity, as it causes confusion and impels people to want to feel that God is “here or there.”

    I think (just based on what you've posted) that he is comparing those things people sometimes call "idle curiosities" to "WISDOM". Wisdom is the goal (as with the ancient and current eastern practitioners).

    Wisdom comes from searching and work and life experience. Idle curiosity tends to seek the surface, easy things and to appear to be busy and in the know. When, in reality, if they were truly in the know (wise), they'd realize they don't know crap.

    So my interpretation of the Pope's comment is keep your thoughts and efforts on the long-term goal of wisdom and don't let yourself get distracted by the day-to-day what's in the news stuff that will always try to appear more important, but often isn't important at all.

    Haven't we all said as much in our own lives. Yes, keep informed in important, but so much of what we here is lies and really is trivial--especially when compared to our family needs and long-term values for us and those around us.

    And for 1:01. Yes, sounds like a better thing.

    Also, too, didn't the Pope just chastise Catholics for spending too much time getting worked up about homosexuality and that they could better use that time helping people?

    A case of the "trivial curiosities" vs the "wisdom" of following Christ's message to love one another (and act like a Liberal!).

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Get caught up in the frivolous, do not, to wisdom pay attention. Yeesssssss.

    2. Anonymous4:53 PM

      First, I apologize for typos in my post above.

      And to 1:53, I didn't say it wasn't FUN to get caught up in those frivolous things, and a bit of gossip and being catty once in a while. We are human, after all.

  5. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Yes, that is my interpretation too.

  6. Boscoe3:25 PM

    So the guy in the pink beanie and jewelry featuring a naked man is going to banish gayness?

    Like I always say: the universe is clearly made entirely out of irony.

    1. fromthediagonal6:04 PM

      Boscoe... Personally, I don't think the Universe gives a good "Goddamn"!

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Pope Francis said this:
    "Pope Francis warned against the "spirit of curiosity" when attempting to find God and religious messages in outside forces, or trying to predict when Jesus Christ will return, reminding believers that the "The Kingdom of God is among you."

    "When we want to be the masters of the projects of God, of the future, of things, to know everything, to have everything in hand … the Pharisees asked Jesus, 'When will the Kingdom of God come?' Curious! They wanted to know the date, the day… The spirit of curiosity distances us from the Spirit of wisdom because all that interests us is the details, the news, the little stories of the day,"...
    Rest of story here:

  8. Anita Winecooler7:52 PM

    I don't know, Why is it that folks who aren't even married always have a strong opinion on the issue of Gay Marriage? Not to put the kaybosh on anyone's wager, but I think the pen is mightier than the Bishop in this case. My money's on Gay Marriage being legalized, aren't we all "created in God's image"? (according to the Catholic Church)????

  9. Anonymous10:41 AM

    You know what is so unreal. These so called priests are not married, but tell everyone else how to marry, stay married. It still doesn't mean they are not having sex with others nuns, children or other priests. Tear away the secrets, of all of them. . They sin just like everyone else, but think God exempts them. Just like all these so called religious right people most of them have had multiple marriages and affairs. Just plain stupid to listen or take their advice. Maybe he ought to expel all the demons out of all the religious people and the congress. There isn't anything good in most of them.

  10. ....ain't no fool like a religious fool.....


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