Sunday, November 17, 2013

Possibly the best review of Sarah Palin's new book ever!

This comes to us from the Daily Beast:

Initially I planned to ignore this week’s release of Good Tidings and Great Joy, Sarah Palin’s book waging war on the war on Christmas. Few political hucksters milking the culture war for an easy buck peddle antics more shopworn than the annual fear-mongering that secularist Scrooges are coming for our creches. 

But then I couldn’t stop wondering: What happens when the Queen of Grievance takes up arms on behalf of the Prince of Peace’s birthday? 

I’ll tell you what happens. Pure magic. 

Don’t misunderstand. Palin’s book is neither well-written nor informative on either a political or a theological level. She does what plenty before her have done: scour the news for any cases of holiday-themed lawsuits or political scuffles, even ones where Christmas emerges triumphant, and whip them into a towering soufflé of proof that Jesus’s, and maybe even Santa’s, days are numbered. Her favorite conceit is to weave unconnected news snippets into over-the-top fantasy sequences—some set in the future! That allows her to mash up real-world episodes with more baroque scenarios sprung from the fever swamps of her imagination (like the lad docked points for using the word “Christmas” in a school essay), jack up the outrage factor with moralizing dialogue, and then proclaim: See, it’s all really happening! 

But to focus on Palin’s narrative or polemic gifts is to miss the point. The book is not, as the subtitle maternally suggests, about “Protecting the Heart of Christmas.” As with pretty much everything the former governor does, this is all about Venting the Spleen of Sarah. And that’s what makes it so gosh darn refreshing. Screw those treacly holiday offerings aiming to melt your heart or lift your spirits. Dickens? Bah, humbug. It’s a Wonderful Life? Sentimental swill. That tear-jerking “Christmas Shoes” song so nakedly exploitative that it makes you want to take a blowtorch to your ears? ’Nuff said. Good Tidings and Great Joy gives the finger to all that, offering instead Palin at her toxic best: snippy, snarky, snide, and thoroughly pissed off.

The review goes on from there to give the ghostwritten future doorstop the savaging it deserves.  And never forgets to remind people that this book has really NOTHING to do with Christmas, and everything to do with furthering Palin's brand. Above all, Palin never misses an opportunity to turn the attention back toward herself and how shabbily she has been treated in recent years.

I almost did not post this article, but then I ran across another article posted by a starry eyed Palin-bot and I thought the jarring juxtaposition between the clear headed and those who are still drunkenly stumbling around under the influence of Palin's potent purple potion. 

The title of this mash letter is, and I kid you not, "I Dream of Sarah's Eyes," which is all about this person's experiences seeing Palin during a book signing in Naples, Florida.

Here are a few of the low points:

I squatted in front of her. She was focused on her book signing right away and was kind of waiting for me to speak. So when she looked up, I asked: “Sarah, I just want one thing today: 

 I just want to look straight into your eyes.” She looked up from what she was doing and liked the question I think, and immediately stared right into mine. I was in heaven. 

I can’t describe just how powerful that encounter was. I will have to etch it in my memory and sketch it soon, because no one I know has a shot of Sarah’s luscious, penetrating eyes anywhere. Not from the angle I was at – eye level. Not up close. 

After Sarah and I looked at each other she asked me my name. I told her it was Isabel and that we had met in New Orleans last year. That’s when something clicked and she knew who I was. I know we’re a community, and I am always happy when someone gets something from Sarah or Chuck, but for two years I have yearned for some type of formal response or a special card from her recognizing something, anything, but nothing. This was so special - just for me and in front of me. I cannot ask for more. The rest is a blur.

I have heard less gushing from faithful Catholics who have had an audience with the Pope, or teenage girls of the fifties who got to see Elvis live in concert.

Yet somehow, from this small pool of deeply disturbed people, Palin is still able to elicit this fanaticism.

Something to keep in mind even as we celebrate how despised and ridiculed she is by a growing majority of Americans.

(P.S. I feel I should mention that I included the link to the Palin-bot blog becasue it is the right thing to do when borrowing somebody's words, but I caution you against going there and trying to mock her or challenge her in anyway. After all, nothing would make her feel closer to her ideal then coming under attack from the "libruls.")


  1. cckids2:41 PM

    Wow. That is just . . . icky. And kinda disturbed. I wouldn't have written that in my personal diary when I was 15. Its so strange!

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Play Misty for Me...

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      fatal attraction

      (fingers crossed)

    3. Anonymous5:20 PM


    4. Anonymous5:45 PM

      "something clicked and she knew who I was."
      I sure bet it did.

    5. Anonymous8:47 PM

      YES! Play Misty For Me

    6. Anonymous3:08 AM

      At 15 I would have - to an actor or Steve Perry from Journey lol!!!

  2. Anonymous2:41 PM

    ...but you forgot perhaps the best line of the review:

    "Without intending to, the score-keeping, eternally offended governor may have penned the perfect manual for a different holiday altogether: Festivus. Let the airing of grievances begin!"

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Yes, great ending - but the whole thing was good. One really interesting thing - there is a mention in this review of a part of the book where there is a "fight" between Sarah and Todd about Bristol's pregnancy!! Anyone here read the book?

    2. Anonymous4:28 PM

      According to that little fable, Mrs Palin wanted Bristle to marry Levi to make an 'honest' woman out of her. Mr Palin did not. They went round in circles until Mrs Palin realized that Mr Palin might be right and gave in. Mrs Palin then had a momentary epiphany when she realized that sometimes you must give in and compromise (or some b'shit like that. Like the rest of the book, it's all a bunch of twaddle and fiddle dee dee because Mrs French is not a very talented writer.

    3. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Wow, thanks, anon IM commenter. Ask and you shall receive. -- Sarah B

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Yeah, I read the book and also read Bill Ayers "Public Enemy: Confessions of an American Dissident." The war on christmas vs Vietnam and Civil Rights. Learned much more about life from Bill.

      If Levi was such poor husband material, why was he cleaned up and put on stage at the RNC? Also, too, wasn't Sarah wondering if they should have the wedding before or after the election?

      If you are going to spin, don't get caught in your own web of lies.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    5. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Golly Gee. I wonder why Pimp Daddy Todd hates Levi so much. Could it be cause Levi found out about Shailey Tripp and tricked Bristol into naming their son Tripp?

      Todd is as vindictive as Mrs. Palin is and Bristol has outdone them both.

    6. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Sarah dreamed of a White House wedding, even though that would be unheard of for a VP. But when has Sarah ever cared about protocol or history? I still think that Bristol did not marry him after they lost to stay on Daddy's free heathcare plan.

    7. Balzafiar6:44 PM

      @4:28 Honest woman? Of the town pump? Not in your lifetime.

    8. Anonymous7:35 PM

      she would have still been on it. Not like marrying takes away your genetics. After all Toad is still on IHS and he married all-white $carah.

    9. Anonymous8:52 PM

      5:58 Just to clarify. It's not Todd's healthcare plan, it's Todd's Native blood that he passed on to the kids that counts.

      Alaska Natives receive the medical coverage by right of birth/bloodline. Bristol has a certain percentage of Native blood and therefore qualifies for the benefits on her own. Same with Tripp and any other Palin children of that generation.

    10. Anonymous10:05 PM

      3:54 PM 'Did anyone here purchase and read the book'? Are you kidding? Nancy French's writing is abhorrent.

    11. DetroitSam5:50 PM

      Todd Palin is 1/8 Y'upik through his grandmother.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Dumbo called; he wants his ears back!

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      But her hair does look real and healthy in that picture.

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Palin loves the Pee Palin Worshippers for three reasons... cash, check or credit cards!

  5. Anonymous2:45 PM

    A palinbot must always gush about Sarah's beauty. It is vital to Sarah's pychic health. Sarah must constantly be told she is hot. Adrienne Ross is "in" with Sarah for this reason alone.

    Plus Sarah's handlers request you to do it.

    IOW. Sarah Palin is fueled and strengthened by empty flattery.


  6. Anonymous2:51 PM

    No wonder Palin stared at her, I bet she was shit-scared and her mind was focused on the location of her bodyguards.

    One of these days she'll reap what she has sown.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      If only...

    2. Anonymous3:11 AM

      My plan wa to look her in the eye and tell her I know she is not TRi-G's birth mother.
      I thought about squatting down to her eye elvel also too!

  7. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I love the way all the strange people who gush over "meeting" Sarah always talk about how "nice" she is during those 5 seconds that she's accepting their $16.

    Sarah knows she doesn't have to do anything at all to keep these psychotics praying to her and sending money.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Yes, it is utterly astounding. I think these people are mentally and emotionally challenged. One has to wonder how long the madness will continue. After all, what does she add to their lives? I wonder what she gives to them that makes them want to give her money?

      Emily Post

  8. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:59 PM

    At least Elvis had talent! Actually, I believe that these maladjusted malcontents' slobbering Palin worship has replaced wandering around the local thriftee marts, searching for the ghost of Elvis and his three-headed yak baby.

  9. I actually went to the blog, I Dream of Sarah’s Eyes. My Experience in Naples, Florida 11/16/13 written by ISABEL MATOS. This is not a parody site.... it is for real. Go there at your own risk, I think my IQ went down at least 10 points.
    One thing I will say, Isabel is one of my favourite names. Whenever we had team meetings at work and had to sign in on a "sign in sheet", a name I frequently used was: Isabel Ringing.
    Other sign in names were: Hedda Lettuce, Iona Trailer, and Ben Dover to name a few, but Isabel Ringing was my favourite...

    1. How about Tenna See, Mary Land, Ida Ho, Della Ware?

    2. Olivia4:14 PM

      My favorite is Xavier Onassis.

    3. My favorites: Eileen Dover or Hugh Jass

    4. Balzafiar6:42 PM

      Then there's the classic: Heywood Jablome.

    5. Olivia6:49 PM

      Harry Butz deserves a mention. Poor Harold is a real person. Another real person has the name Robert Micheal Hunt. Rob Mike Hunt. And we cannot forget Ima Hogg, another real person.

    6. Anonymous3:13 AM

      Ima Fakir

    7. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Dick Trickle, one of my favorites. Harry Peters, real person. Candy Cox, real person. Who does this shit to their own children?

      And yes, Ima Hogg. I about choked the day I heard that.

    8. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Dick Trickle, one of my favorites. Harry Peters, real person. Candy Cox, real person. Who does this shit to their own children?

      And yes, Ima Hogg. I about choked the day I heard that.

  10. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Palin's book has fallen to #200 on Amazon

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      My, that's quite a drop in a week. Maybe people figured out it has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with selling Sarah.

  11. Anonymous3:14 PM

    i dream of scarah's wonky crossed eyes

    LMAO !!

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      not exactly "Betty Davis eyes"

  12. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Okay important point about Isabel who wrote "I dream of Sarah's eyes"- she is a grown woman!!!! This wasn't written by a teenage girl but a WOMAN!!! I read her post and cringed because either she is a not so closeted lesbian crushing all over skank which could get her thrown off the pee pond little bus or she is already around the crazy bend on a train hurtling towards a disaster!!

    These are skank's followers!!! Like Audrey who keeps running all over amazon trying to glorify skank and repudiate negative reviews the she runs to the pond trying to get others to go to amazon and help her-all week she has been doing this!!! These people cannot have jobs or relationships or any life because they spend their days and nights on line!!!!! Who are these crazies????

  13. Her crowds are tiny. The pictures from her events are always shot at the same angle...they only show a few dozen books at the table and a few folks drooling to pay for it. But the crowds are in the dozens I suspect...

  14. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "After Sarah and I looked at each other she asked me my name. I told her it was Isabel and that we had met in New Orleans last year. That’s when something clicked and she knew who I was."

    That is sick. These pathetic people. What will happen to devotion like that when Sarah is no longer on the scene? What happens when they see or hear her ridiculed?

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Poor thing. Sarah tricked her.

    2. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Yeah, I'll just bet Sarah remembered her. I could say that her tomorrow and she'd say the exact same thing.

    3. Anita Winecooler8:02 PM

      Something clicked alright - the snap on the security guard's walkie talkie.

  15. Anonymous3:21 PM

    ps-you know all those pathetic pee ponders that paid $60 or more donation to pre order a signed book? None of them have received it yet!!! The book has been out almost a week with the price dropping to below $15 yet these poor suckers donated to sarahpac and still have no book!!! Bbbaaawwwaaahhhhh! A fool and his/her money continues to be parted-over and over and over again!

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Costco price 12$ and some change on Saturday. I flipped 'em over and there wasn't a very large stack. Her book wasn't displayed on a eye catching place on the table. Bill O'Reilly's "killing christ" was given the high traffic spot on the display and there was a huge stack of copies.

      I made an attempt to get Shailey's Boys will be Boys in circulation. Dropped my copy in the returns bin at the main reference library. Hope that a librarian or someone will be curious enough to browse or add it to the collection or at least put it in the donation bin.....

      I am not going to waste my time going to the book signing. But might do a crowd check and grab some dinner at the mall.

      RJ in Brownbackistan

    2. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Willow is "working" on getting them out with the same enthusiasm seen in her pushing the books across the table at Walmart or was it B&N. Everyone should have their books in a year or two

  16. I think Isabelle has a girl crush on Sarah!
    Not that there's anything wrong with that!

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      There is in Sarahland...gays are evil, almost as evil as librul atheists.

    2. Balzafiar6:40 PM

      @5:52 Gays are evil? Well, except for Tawd of course. It's just a phase he's going through, ya know.

  17. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Love the book review but that woman's letter is just sad and pathetic.

    Even in my pre-teen years, I never was so obsessed with a celebrity that I would have acted that way. I simply cannot imagine behaving that way as an adult. I have way too much respect for myself.

  18. Anonymous4:23 PM

    "I squatted in front of her." "I can’t describe just how powerful that encounter was. I will have to etch it in my memory and sketch it soon, because no one I know has a shot of Sarah’s luscious, penetrating eyes anywhere."
    Like reading a BAD Harlequin romance novel.

    1. Anonymous4:31 PM

      My eye's just threw up in my brain a little reading that.

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      "her luscious eyes".
      That's when I got queasy.

    3. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Please issue a spew warning next time.

    4. Anonymous3:18 AM

      4;31 and8:55

      Spew alert indeed!!
      Still laughing!!

    5. Anonymous6:49 AM

      I thought I was about to read the script for a scene for the sequel of two girls one cup a la Brancy French. TeaBagger Romance.

  19. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Creepy and gives me the heebie-jeebies. And that is just one instance that someone happened to write about of probably hundreds of creepy people and their wacko "epiphanies" showing up to see their anointed one.

    The things I'm reading about that are in this book of The Fraud interjecting her perceived injustices about things that happened regarding herself in a book that has a title containing the words "tidings of great joy" is just totally and utterly mind blowing!

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      I just cannot get over "I squatted in front of her." Pardon me, having a GinaM moment. HAHAHAHAHAHA

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      anon at 4:36pm
      I thought the same thing!

    3. Anonymous3:19 AM

      It would be funny to squat on front of Sarah and birth a square pillow !!!!

  20. Wendy4:25 PM

    This is a great example of word salad as Palin compares a TV network cutting away from a football game to a government shrouding its actions in secrecy, no kidding -- from her Facebook page:
    Great enthusiasm and insistence on a united team effort to protect the heart of America was in Naples! By the way, on this day in history in 1968, NBC cut away from the final minutes of the big New York Jets vs. Oakland Raiders game to begin the TV special, "Heidi," so the movie would start on schedule. Meanwhile, the Raiders came from behind to beat the Jets 43-32! Now, as I mention in “Good Tidings and Great Joy” we didn't have live TV in Alaska back then because of our young state’s unique location and rugged conditions, so that traumatic media distraction didn’t affect our day (we wouldn’t know of it until proceeding radio reports). But lesson learned.

    We can apply this story to today’s political and economic climate with all the distractions and interruptions to what’s really going on behind the scenes as our freedoms are diminished day by day with the march towards socialized medicine, our government spying on us, the IRS targeting patriotic Americans, and the bloated federal bureaucracy and our exploding national debt hurtling out of control. But unanticipated outcomes do occur. The underdog does win!

    Well that’s America today! We the People aren’t giving up; we “come from behind” and we win over this out of control government and political correctness run amok... all while attempts to distract ensue. Also, ironically on this day in history in 1800 Congress met for first time in the partially completed Capitol building. Look how far we’ve strayed since then from the Constitutional balance of power with Obama's actions today.

    So, on this fine football day, consider this day in history. Don’t let your guard down, America; don’t let their distractions take your eye off ball. As big government fumbles and penalizes us with broken policies and false promises, we must focus on the goal line and push for a come from behind victory! With a united team effort in 2014, we’ll win! It starts with great patriots like those we met yesterday in Naples, Florida, at the book signing and SarahPAC event.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      and I just finished my dinner..... urp

    2. Anonymous5:03 PM

      "It starts with great patriots like those we met yesterday in Naples, Florida, at the book signing and SarahPAC event."

      Sarah's probably mentioning SarahPAC because she'll be expensing some of her book tour travel/meals to her PAC. What a convenient setup -- all income goes to Palin personally but any expense is written off by her PAC.

    3. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Yep, I was totally confused as to what she was trying to say.

      However, also, too, I think this TV thing is a response to people mentioning that TV wasn't anything to brag about in Alaska many years ago. I think she wove some tale about about seeing people (Billy Graham?) on TV while growing up and Alaskans were rightfully questioning her comment given how TV worked here back then.

      Also, in 1968 when this supposed important lesson was presented to Sarah, she would have been, what about 7 or 8? Yeah, sure, I believe every word of it and am so thankful that she shared this with we can call her out on it!

      Call this one: Inspirational Moment FAIL.

    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      "the IRS targeting patriotic Americans" Hmmm hopefuly the IRS is on her ass. I know they had questions for SarahPac misplaced NRA funds....lolololololololol!

    5. What the fuck is she babbling about? Heidi? The NFL? The sad state of Alaskan TV? Obama?

    6. Wendy6:32 PM

      Palin would have been 4. I'm sure she eagerly awaited the "proceeding radio reports" each day. And, how many 4-year-olds follow Pro Football? "Proceeding" as in .... what does she mean exactly?

    7. Anita Winecooler8:17 PM

      Some things can't be unread.

    8. Anonymous6:53 AM

      But Sarah was 4 yrs old and already an expert in TV programming and Monday morning armchair quarterbacking. She's such an expert on everything and always has been. Just ask Creepy Chuckie Sr.

  21. Anonymous4:30 PM

    That's what I wondered, how on earth is this woman, this family, capable of spreading Good Tidings, and Great Joy? They are all about blood libel and flipping the big middle finger to America.

    That smirking, arrogant, mirthless bitch hating the h8ers and sticking it to Obama-Pelosi-Reid every chance she gets. When reporters and pundits had nothing nice to say about Sarah Palin as a candidate for V.P., they always fell back on her being "nice," well, they were just being nice.

  22. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Gryphen I think I figured out something that we've all missed! This entire book is about IM and it's readers!

    Read this again
    "Not that the abuse ended after the election, mind you. By way of explaining to readers how a vocal “fringe” of atheists command so much attention, Palin offers: “When I post something on Facebook, for example, you wouldn’t believe the angry, outraged, and just plain silly and rude responses that immediately follow. And that doesn’t even touch on the vile tweets people fire off. Does that mean a huge percentage of readers dislike what I write? I honestly don’t think so.” And don’t get her started on the ethics investigation of her tenure as governor: “I was slammed with ridiculous charges (some charges so hilarious they actually gave participating lawyers a bad name), costing millions of dollars and most hours of my days…”

    I am almost positive that she thinks we're a bunch of atheists who are against her just because she's such a great christian. This was her way of "sticking it to us" LMAO!

    Sarah, I now am absolutely positive you read this blog. So tell us, can you see an epic fail from your house?

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      There are many ways indicating she reads this blog. She uses our language; ie, “narrative”, “meme” "accessory on one’s arm” (referring to her daughter’s baby jewelry.” People who know her notice IM is on her phone continuously. We get under her skin.

    2. abbafan6:38 PM

      Anon @ 4:42 P.M. - you just might be onto something here. Her ghostwriter deliberately threw in those stinging barbs; that explains why the fuckin' fool is always staring at those Crackberries - she reads what is said here! This stupid brainwashed 'bot who fawned over $arah , she wrote that she squatted in front of her - was she going for a shit? Hey Isabel - next time, you better genuflect in the presence of your queen skank, not squat, you dumb turd!

    3. Anonymous7:01 PM

      “When I post something on Facebook, for example, you wouldn’t believe the angry, outraged, and just plain silly and rude responses that immediately follow. And that doesn’t even touch on the vile tweets people fire off. "

      REALLY? Really? Oh, Sarah, you can't be that naive and innocent. It's the internet, baby. Welcome to the real world... of free speech.

    4. Anonymous7:19 PM

      You BET she or her minions do. For getting kicked out twice from book signings, Gryph sure gets under her skin, now doesn't he? That family HATES intelligence. LOVED when he photoshopped her cell phone with IM uploaded, can't remember how long ago that was but thought I would die laughing. For all her gansta stuff, she is SO pwned.

  23. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Sounds like Sarah has a big ole stalker to me. Good luck with that one Sarah, I think she has got your number....

  24. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I bit the bullet and had to see that blog post for myself. One interesting thing in the comments section was the blogger responding to a comment with "Like I’ve said before to my friends, you go to see her to tell her how great he is and she makes you feel like the center of her universe. Even if for a short while. I already have my Christmas gift this year."

    Wow, tell any narcissist how great they are and they most certainly will make you feel like the center of their universe. That's a narcissist's life force, what they live for. Classic. I wish those people would just take the time to investigate what's behind the curtain of their Wizard of Oz from Wasilly. Nothing!

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      If you want to see the "Rill" Sarah watch this!
      You will see how fucking evil she is.

  25. Anonymous5:06 PM

    This besotted Matos woman is a member of the Florida branch of the " Patriot Action Network " - some fringe tea party group.
    I'm being redundant-fringe and tea party are synonymous.
    These tea party groups have become lonely hearts clubs for social outcasts and misfits.
    Other than communing with their cats, belonging to an internet tea party group appears to be the only place where these pathetic people can interact with others.
    According to her internet postings , Matos has been infatuated with Palin for years.
    Her entire life appears to be built around a very unhealthy obsession with Palin.
    Considering Martin Bashir's recent and apt comments about Palin and slavery , when Matos wrote that
    she " squatted in front of Palin " it appears
    she may have thought Bashir was relaying a kinky request from Palin.
    Yikes. I don't envy the janitors who are forced to clean up at these book signings ..

  26. Anonymous5:17 PM

    What a self-satisfied smirk on Mrs. Palin's face. I am surprised she does not have her tongue out licking her herpes-infested lips.

  27. Anonymous5:17 PM

    This Isabel reminds me wayyy too much of Krusty.

  28. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Hey Sarah why don't you donate the proceeds of your book to the victims of the midwest tornadoes?

    While people have no homes right now and are trying to pick up the pieces, will Sarah's eyes have compassion on these people and help out? Or will she pop up with Franklyn on his private jet and stand around picking up a branch for a photo-op?

    Don't think too many people are worried about her war on Christmas now. Who is the Scrooge now Sarah? Are you still going to peddle this book this week while many are without?

    1. Or will Todd ask; "What's in it for us?"

    2. Exactly, 2emptynest. When her tour was first announced, my first thought was "wait for it.....wait for it....." and there she goes. Hence my avatar and name just for HER. She's fooling no one except the lowrst of fringe.

  29. Anonymous5:28 PM

    When Sarah sings the Christmas carol that contains the words "don we now our gay apparel" I'll be she doesn't sing that. She probably has changed the words, kind of like how many people say Happy Holidays rather than Merry Christmas.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      The Palins should change it to "dawn we now our day of peril" for when the money stops rolling in.

  30. Anonymous5:45 PM

    She's so damn cute when she juts out her jaw like that. It's so playful and adorable! She loves Jesus and she is so womanly! Lol!

  31. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Sarah better save $$$ for future bodyguards, when all her crazies finally figure out they have been scammed out of their money I'm betting it will send quite a few over the edge.

  32. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Oh, the crazed Isabel. She's a pure nutjob. Can you even imagine how freaked out Scarah was when she figured out she was being stalked by one of her crazies, up close? She faked her way through it and breathed a sigh of relief when the poor wacko left. She should expect nothing less. The people who respond to her the most, are totally nuts. To the point of actually being dangerous, some of them, I believe.

  33. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Will someone send "SQUATTY" a picture of QUITTY PANTS
    without her glasses and wig. OH HORRORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Get a load of this!
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I can't imagine Chuck Heath would pay for a US hospital when he could take Sally to Canada to birth their children.

  35. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Palin's so called "book" is now Rank: #207 in Books

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      Fall, Baby,Fall!

  36. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I bet Sarah's fans scare the hell out of her. That's one of the reasons her signings are such controlled affairs.

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      She appears to be afraid of her own shadow!! Must be awful knowing you are disliked so much that you are constantly fearing someone doing something horrible to you!!

  37. Anonymous7:18 PM

    When will Sarah Palin have a book signing in Wasilla?

  38. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Stalker Isabel is to Sarah Palin as Sarah Palin is to President Obama.

    Karma is a bitch huh Sarah?

  39. irish lass7:29 PM

    That little fookin wanker that Palin is, with the evil shite grin she got on her face. Says, you paid me, now fook off!

  40. I think it was a TV character I once heard say, "I prefer to pick my heroes from those at least 50 years dead, they make so few mistakes." That advice hasn't left me.

    You know I could almost tolerate that gushy letter if, before she turned so militantly insane, there was a stack of genuine accomplishments Palin could be admired for. But there is truly nothing.

    1. Anonymous10:58 PM

      absolutely unequivocally nothing ...

    2. How could you forget one of $ara's biggest accomplishments? She saw Russia from her porch.. or was it her back yard...whatever that was really something.

    3. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Giving birth to a square pillow is an amazing accomplishment. The first Frontier woman to ever do such a fete. I would think they would erect a statue to honor her incredible physical abilities.

  41. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Has anybody heard from Rebecca Mansour? Is she still on SarahPac's gravy train?

    1. Anonymous9:21 PM

      I think she is still writing Mrs. Palin's FB comments. Neither Mrs. Palin nor any of her brood could put together a complete sentence much less a coherent one.

    2. Anonymous5:15 AM

      If the nastiness is coherent and grammatically-correct, it's Becky.

  42. Anonymous8:20 PM

    My favorite line in the Scary Squatters Tribute to Sarah's Soulless Eyes blog post:

    "She ended sharply at 12:00 and I’m sure that is how she would run government."

    I agree. Sarah would definitely stop running the government when the day is half-over. It's her nature.

    1. Anonymous9:15 PM

      So true! "Where's Sarah?"

  43. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

    Well, no one deserves a "Fan" like this more than Sarah. "I squatted down before her and gazed into her eyes"......
    What will she do when the money runs out and she can't afford "protection" any more?

    1. Anonymous7:19 AM

      TeaBaggers get that happy face on whenever they see a squatter begin to unbuckle their big Jesus buckle. FreeDumb!

  44. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Geez Mrs. Palin. What is in that wad of hair?

  45. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I'm trying to figure out just how in the hell Isabel was able to gaze into Palin's eyes. That wonky eye of Sarah's had to have presented a real challenge.


  46. Sally in MI10:52 PM

    Wanna bet there is no 'more venues to come after Thanksgiving?' She'll fly back to Alaska for a 'family photo' pretending that all is loving and friendly, fake some events with Matt Lauer (who lost all credility anyway) and then the big old book tour will just be done. No publisher will keep funding something that doesn't make them money, and her book sales are falling faster than her real boobs. Even Townhall and Newsmax aren't saving her bony butt this time around.

  47. Hahaha can you imagine that nut waiting for a freaking note or jumping at each phone call hoping her jedi mind melt worked.

  48. comeonpeople3:07 AM

    I'm a little shocked - Isabel and I sort of had the same plan.
    I planned to squat also too in front of Sarah, look her in the eyes and tell her "I know you are not Tri=G's birth mother".

    Alas, the wirstband gods were not with me on that day.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      While she's on "tour de Grift" I hope someone squats by her front door in Wasiller so she will know that she's been missed.

  49. Anonymous5:45 AM

    I didn't know eyes could be luscious. Isabel is one lascivious cult member. Bad dog Isabel, bad! Sit!

  50. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Anonymous6:42 PM
    Palin's so called "book" is now Rank: #207 in Books

    Not anymore. ....
    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #227 in Books 

  51. Anonymous7:11 AM

    How can anybody go on a book tour when their book is #227?

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #227 in Books 

    Won't be too long before Sarah is back in Wasilla on her Me Me Me Facebook page

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Another Sarah Palin failure. Just like her children, political career and Sarah Palin's Alaska.

    2. Anonymous7:39 AM

      The Sarah Palin Curse strikes again

  52. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Hey narcissistic Sarah we are still waiting for your Palin family health / exercise / cookbook.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Don't encourage her

  53. Anonymous7:25 AM

    LOL poor Sarah Palin. Her book ranks #227... 226 behind the Number One Best Seller "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid"

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Book 8 by Jeff Kinney
    Hardcover $7.86

  54. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Looking at the picture posted above, you think we would feel bad and embarrassed for another Sarah Palin failure.

    But we don't!


    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      List Price:$22.99


      In a few hours: $1.09

  55. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Sarah Palin should give up trying to be an author and instead go to hair school. If Willow can do it then Sarah should be able to get a shampoo certificate

  56. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Oh shit, Sarah Palin's book is dropping faster than her daughter's panties. It dropped to number 232 in a few minutes.

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #232 in Books

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      If I were Sarah Palin, I'd be embarrassed as hell to show up at the signing spots!!! Plus, the turnout isn't good - areas report only hundreds appearing! Wow!!!

      She is finally hitting rock bottom and that is good, good, good!

  57. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Anonymous7:18 PM When will Sarah Palin have a book signing in Wasilla?

    That ship has sailed. Not even Wasilla wants her to have a book signing there and embarrass them.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Hell, Alaska doesn't want her in ANY of their cities/towns and she knows it!!

  58. Anonymous8:04 AM

    This latest Sarah Palin failure book signing tour reminds me of her Sarah Palin SarahPac Paid For Palin Family Summer Vacation Tour.

    It starts off with enthusiasm and family members then after a while all you see is Sarah by herself.

    Looks like Todd and Willow abandoned Sarah's Me Me Me Tour.

  59. Anonymous8:16 AM

    This is just a suggestion. How about Sarah, Bristol, Sarah's brother and father go on a family book signing tour together?

    They can all hawk their books and reality show DVD's at the Ninety Nine Cent store.

  60. Sarah's book rank is now 256


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