Friday, November 15, 2013

During tour to promote her book about Christmas, Christianity, and freedom, Palin has journalists herded into a locked room of a Wausau Wal-Mart. Apparenty the First Amendment is not covered in her book.

When Palin arrived she started right away to spread the freedom.

The press was then informed that they would soon get to access to Palin, sort of, and only for five minutes.

Then finally the moment of truth.

There was even a little video captured of the event.

Boy could Willow look any LESS please to be there?

As expected there was some backlash directed at Theresa Clift over her reporting of the event.

Here were a few follow up tweets in response to challenges and questions.

Personally I think that Clift should consider herself lucky that she was only temporarily held captive by Palin. Remember I am the guy that got kicked out of not one, but two different Palin book signings.

Apparently the ONLY part of the Constitution that Palin has ever read is the 2nd Amendment, and she skipped right over that whole freedom of speech and freedom of the press portion.

Let's face it, Palin is really only interested in having HER freedoms protected, and those who think just like her. For the rest of us, it is "Go to your little locked room until I call for you," or "Get the hell out of here."

(H/T to Mediaite.)


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Can you imagine the outrage if this happened at an Obama event.

    Instead of her always saying: "Do you love your freedoms?" she should say "I love my freedoms and anyone who agrees with me, the rest of you can eff off"

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      She could say she loves her freedom for the .0000.005%

    2. Anonymous5:02 AM

      Boy, Willow looks like "I'd rather be trolling" LOL! She got that leash on ya, huh wallows?

  2. Leland12:40 PM

    Okay, first off, the only people not surprised by this are Palin's idiots who will believe in her even when she actually sprouts that horns and tail!

    Second, this is NOT news. This is typical Palin crap.

    Third, if anyone wants to understand how truly stupid she is, all they have to do is ask themselves why she is still opening her mouth after that damned Paul Revere crack.

    Or the comment that N. Korea is a great friend.


    1. Her blood libel screed should have ended it for her right then and there, but there's this pesky little thing called the First Amendment. Not surprising in the least that freedoms allowed her, she will not allow others. Typical Palin crap indeed. Who the double hockeys does she think she is?

      To answer Sarah Jones' question, "How do you like Ms. Palin’s America now?," didn't then and even moreso now.

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      At least she is never running for office again. She pretty much has been saying that the last few interviews. With Tapper, she doubled down and put all rumours to rest.


  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    NEVER FORGET. This is what warrior body combat vet son of Palin fought for in the wars he was lied into.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Only trouble is - he was never a 'combat' vet!! Another friggin' lie she put out there.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      Depends on what one calls "combat". He may have fought with one of those sham wow packages while detailing some general's car.

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    If the press had any integrity or spine, they would refuse to cover her "events." Don't bitch about being a doormat if you're just going to lie down and take it.

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      I can't imagine why the press would waste their time covering her.

    2. CJWhite3:43 PM

      You know, I kind of like the way the press keeps covering this shit. It just adds to the stacks of evidence that will bring her down.

      I hope.

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Well said Gryph! She only cares about her freedoms and I guess it must make her feel so powerful to have journalists restricted and control them. The only retaliation I see is for the media to stop covering her...she just ain't worth it!

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Her war is on the media. This is a win for her.

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Why can't people see through her? Willow sliding the books across the table was hilarious. No warmth. No eye contact. I think a certain type of American just wants to be hoodwinked.

    1. Why drag a sulky teenager along, and make her dress like a middle-aged woman. And the one woman called her "brave", yet Palin is afraid to face some small-town media people.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      If they left Willow at the compound with the needy boys and brother Track can you imagine the disaster? the grandparents, aunts and uncles no doubt have their hands full or travel with Sarah to baby sit Willow.

    3. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Typical family Christmas with the Palins, I suppose.

    4. Anonymous2:48 PM

      Sarah's hair is a mess, and Willow doesn't want to be there. But she is being paid more than any hair stylist in Hollywood. I guess they can't leave her alone, either.

    5. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

      It's a "Added value" to her true believers. "OMG! First, Todd opened the book and checked if it's "Mein Kampf" with a "Good Tidings" cover, then Willow touched the spine and gently slid the genuine article to Sarah...... IT's the postage thing wink wink.

  7. Anonymous12:50 PM

    She is SCARED SHITLESS that smart people are going to ask her questions on any one of her lies/hoaxes/word salad sound bit vomitus.
    Sarah, what a sad pathetic way to live your life. Dragging your pimp husband as a body guard and one of your kids as a human prop.
    You are the laughingstock of the US of A.
    Someday soon everyone will know about your tight abs video, how CBJ faked being your high risk OB, how Toad is a pimp, how many grandkids you really have, who TriG's real mother is, what Tri-G stands for.

    It is going to be real and it is going to be spectacular!!

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Remember what it is where the Palins come from...

    2. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Hey, Sarah:
      1. What church do you go to?
      2. How is the Pope so liberal?
      3. How IS Trig?
      4. What makes you think slavery isn't slavery?
      5. What is tort reform threat?
      6. When is the last time you went to church?
      7. What do you read to inform your world opinion?
      8. To which charities do you donate your own money?
      9. What kind of therapy is Trig receiving?
      10. When Bristol is going to school and working, who looks after Tripp? Where does she live?

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      What kind of health care do Bristol and the Palins have? Why won't they ever talk direct and tell the truth?

    4. Anonymous4:35 PM

      That's why you only get ten secs max. Kiss the irng and move on. Hey, maybe that's why she's so mad at the Pope! He's got the ring, she just has her bony ass for smoochin.' bwahahahaha

    5. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Todd is a HINO.

    6. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Yep, 5:16 PM. When it comes out (no pun intended) the puddlers will just send more money.

  8. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Kind of like the Nazis - Sarah and Todd Palin! Control, control, control and no freedom!!! People are nuts to even give the Palin klan the time of day!!!

  9. I don't get the process. There are four people involved in this assembly line: the guy handing her a book, which is pushed over to Willow, and then pushed to another guy, to what end? And if she's not personalizing signatures or talking to anyone, what is the point of the tour? Bizarre.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      What a rip off. Someone wakes up early, drives to get there in time to get a wrist band and a number, then wait in line to watch Palin scribble her name in the book and toss it down the table. It reminds me of the scene in "Christmas Story" where the kids wait to tell Santa their wish, and Santa tosses the kid to a nearby elf who throws the kid down a slide-- whooosh, out of there in three to five seconds, just like the Palin book signing. Those poor fools. They are actually paying money to be treated that way.

    2. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Like an abused husband or wife that keeps going back for more. Sad. They will also lie and cover up for the abuser.

  10. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Glad to see Wallow finally got off her butt to earn a buck. Wonder how much Sarah PAC is paying her to sit there and slide books across the table with a frown on her face.

    As long as she is there, why doesn't she do something to clean up her mother's wigs? What was that 20K tuition at Hair School for if not to enhance her mother's looks?

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      Willow would rather be at home with her Baby.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Obviously the $20,000 was to buy Willow a Hair School certificate. No way she earned it, look at her and her mother.

    3. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Willow does not "speak well" of the Penrose Acedemy with her and her mother's hair "styles.'.

    4. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Willow will get paid to tend to the wigs and Bristol will get paid to get Mama's makeup done on SarahPac $$$$$. Gifters...every last one of them. Next it will be Piper.

  11. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I know this is O/T but Greta Van (whatever) interviewing Mike Tyson on her show, opened the door for him to bring up the fact that scarah slept with Glenn Rice.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sarah Palin can't be too happy about that interview with Tyson. Maybe Todd will have something to say about that.

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      I wonder if it was Greta's idea or if was Sarah, holding another grudge, and asking Greta to fight her battles for her.

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Sarah would be in on it.

    4. Anonymous4:22 PM

      What I find funny is that Tyson just denied any badmouthing an Greta accepted it! If I remember, Tyson said some pretty disgusting things that any woman should be offended at, but Greta just let it go at his denial!

    5. Anita Winecooler6:46 PM

      Here's the rest of the interview in the green room

  12. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I don't see Todd or Willow sitting with Sarah. No wonder she had to have security lock those snooping reporters in a room away from the teeming crowds. What ever happened to the first amendment, the part about freedom of the speech and of the press? Sarah didn't tried to stop the free press from simply talking to her fans. Thank goodness that she busted up that terrorist plot.(snark)

  13. Caroll Thompson1:10 PM

    No freedom of the press or freedom of religion for Palin. She wants to control the press and shove her religion down all of our throats. And since her religion seems to consist of how much money she can make, I think I will pass on that one.

    Willow looks less than pleased to be there. I wonder how Mom got her to come to such an event.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      With the promise of $$$$! That's how she got Willow to go with her.

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Earlier Sarah Palin was talking about slaves and masters.

    Would Sarah be considered a master and the journalists sent there to cover the book signing are her slaves?

    The journalists are kept away from everybody and has to get permission to go to the bathroom and have to leave.the premises when their time is up and they are not allowed to talk to anybody.

    Doesn't seem like Sarah is too much into Christmas if the press can't record this festive Christmas event without their guards and master's permission.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      With Palin being this paranoid - there is no way in hell she could run for any position anywhere! Even dogcatcher.

      Possibly running for Senator against Begich (in Alaska) is the biggest joke that's been put out there.

      She's too afraid, couldn't answer questions unless prepared prior for them, more dirt would be brought about her and pimp Todd, and then she'd lose! (and she knows it)

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Sarah and the words "Christmas Spirit" don't belong in the same sentence or the same paragraph. How dare she laugh about slavery when she imprisons people?

    3. Anonymous5:13 PM

      Any "journalists" who would allow themselves to be sequestered deserves to be sequestered. Get a clue. Palin is not the story. Being locked in a room is the story that needs to be told.

  15. Anonymous1:32 PM

    This is the same thing that happened during her other book signings. What is Sarah Palin afraid of?

    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Sarah Palin is afraid to confront Truthful Questions. Everything that is not scripted is a 'GOTCHA' QUESTION. She is TOO STUPID to speak off the cuff.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      I know that Sarah had a hissy fit and had Gryphen and Zaki tossed out of her Alaska book signing. Has she locked up the reporters, or prevented them from covering other book signings?

    3. Anonymous6:10 PM

      I was in Costco the day that Sarah had her teeny weenie book signing. Outside they had marked off lines and lines to follow for the signing and there was not a single person out there. The measly crowd easily fit along a short aisle on the side of the store. Chuckles was there with his permanent scowl, Chuckles, Junior was leading Piper all over the store to the food stations,,,Free Lunch! I heard the loud yells as Gryphen and Dennis were discovered in line..It disgusted me beyond words. After that Chuckles , Sr had his chest all puffed up and proud.

      People in line were not happy about having to put their coats, cameras and cell phones in bins. Disgusting. Sarah's paranoia increases all the time. Just what is she afraid of?

    4. Anonymous10:58 PM

      I'll wager the Palins are getting death threats. It would not surprise me one bit as paranoid as they are about Americans they solicit for money for her PAC.

      What horrible lives they lead...would not trade mine for theirs in a heartbeat!

  16. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Talk about martial law and taking the spirit out of Christmas, look at the beginning of the posted video and you will see people putting their coats, bags and belongings into plastic bins before seeing the wizard (Sarah Palin) behind the blue curtain. Sarah is serious about not allowing anybody to record or see her without paying.

    Talk about being paranoid with a giant narcissistic personality disorder!

    Are you allowed to say Merry Fucking Christmas to Sarah before having to kiss her ass and before giving her your money?

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

    A monkey would do a better job than GED Willow. There's no warmth coming from her. Where is Willow's Christmas spirit?

    This book tour is just a payday for her and has nothing to do with Christmas.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      What do you want to bet that Willow hates her mother? It would not surprise me one bit. Seems like we saw these same type photos of her in prior book signings - bored as hell and deeply put upon!

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Yep, she did the Colony Gang routine before.

      What a spineless coward this Palin turned out to be. I guess the money is good when you sell your soul.

  18. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Willow is hilarious with that bad attitude and a scarf. Is she trying to tell us something?

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      At least Todd said, "Nice to see you." He knows what's in it for him. Willow just expects to get paid for sitting there and tossing the books along.

  19. Anonymous1:55 PM

    If Sarah, Willow or Todd has to use the shitter, do you think they have to get permission from the guards before leaving the area?

    Their Wasilla shit stinks just like the journalists so why the different standards?

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      Sarah Palin's shit doesn't stink!

      Dontcha know that?

  20. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Her celebrity is holding her hostage. Payback for the mountains of lies, hate, and bullshit she has perpetrated. She probably needs protection 24/7/365

  21. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Willow dropped out and quit high school in her sophomore year just to slide a book on a table?

    And Sarah feels that Willow, Bristol and Sarah are role models for America's females.

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Willow dropped out of High School with 9 month Mono and never went back to High School. Raising Babies is a Job.

    2. Anonymous2:31 PM

      BWAHAHAHA, Willow looks like she needs her favorite Vodka drink and a Joint.

    3. Anonymous2:35 PM

      That's Willow? She looks so unhappy. And the way that they toss those books around. Those poor suckers who bought Sarah's books.

    4. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Willow looks like she is cursing them all. Anyone who touches those books after willow will need an exocism.

    5. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Willow seems like the kind of vapid girl who could sit for hours just picking at her split ends.

    6. LOL at the exorcism 3:19!
      And 3:58' that's Bristol. Willow is the one who sits for hours either rollong her eyes or beaming her Manson Lamps at people.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      Guess mom and dad couldn't find a Willow sitter.

  22. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Willow sure does have poor work ethics. Reminds of Bristol during her DWTS days.

    If Sarah is going to bring somebody all the way from Alaska to promote her Me Me Me book then Sarah should have brought someone with her that looks like they want to be there.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Todd and Willow must have gone out for a smoke? a drink? oh, wait, it's 10 AM. Where are they?

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Probably needed to snort.

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      willow is just pissed because her parents snorted all the meth before she got out of bed. Poor thing.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

      That's the beauty part of being a business owner with no debt. You can take the day off and travel the states with Mom and Dad to learn the finer aspects of the social graces. Locking up people who want to do their jobs and hanging out with swooning morons who travel for miles for a chance at the first 100 "bracelets".
      My kids, once they hit puberty, wanted to be anyplace but with their parents, you know, like normal kids.

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Good Tidings and Great Joy: Protecting the Heart of Christmas?

    That's not the message being portrayed by Willow Palin. I would hate to have Willow cut and shampoo my hair with her stinking poor work ethic attitude.

    No wonder she has her GED and not a high school diploma.

    1. Anonymous3:21 PM

      I am glad that poor Piper did not have to sit there and space out. They would really torture her, dragging her out for the pretend family crap.

  24. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Gee Sarah.

    You are such a brave and strong woman (NOT!), always having to have Todd or one of your uneducated children next to you in case someone says "Boo".

    Where's that fierce independent spirit.

    Stupid woman.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

      I'm beginning to find it difficult to call her a "Woman" just as I do calling Todd a "Man". She's got this porn like fixation on the "Visual" aspects of males, especially the plumbing. And Todd the purse carrier, plays the role of "the good wife" (not in the TV show kind of way, either). Stupid? Hell Yes!!

  25. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Stop complaining Alaska, I would rather have Willow in the lower 48 sitting next to her mom instead of running around Wasilla casing out vacant houses for the Colony Girls drug and sex parties.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Willow is obviously on the SarahPac payroll as "book shover." What a talent Willer! You looked pissy, too. Mommy make you do it!

  26. Anonymous2:19 PM

    What a hypocrite. Will these reporters sue?

    Palin is up the creek if this gets out in mainstream media. Of course she'll blame media, but she's out of control with her paranoia and I would bet it was her team that put the Wal-Mart security up to this.

    1. Anonymous3:57 PM

      MSM won't pick it up. It's just dinky Palin bullshit, and they've all had their moment with her in the last week and are now done with her while they try to destroy ACA. We're talking about a book signing that took place in a children's book section in an out of the way place and was attended by a not very impressive crowd. The thing with the reporters might have been something if Palin hadn't already shot her wad and showed her ignorance again, just in case anybody had forgotten about it. She cleaned up nicely in the interviews, but now she's back looking like crap and eating dinner from a convenience store. She must smell. So I see no traction for the reporter story unless the reporters make it a bigger story.

    2. RW MSM only attack the President - despite the media has access every minute of every day - the media loves Sarah - dumb is good - she makes them look smart

  27. Anonymous2:19 PM

    At least the reporter didn't end up driving 260 miles round trip to see Sarah, only to be refused entry to the Mall, as posted by one of her (still?) faithful followers on facebook.

  28. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Let's face it, Palin is really only interested in having HER freedoms protected, and those who THINK JUST LIKE HER. For the rest of us, it is "Go to your little locked room until I call for you," or "Get the hell out of here."


    thing is skank doesn't "think", she 'thinks' about the same way that she claims to be some devout religious type personality, the june cleaver mother of all moms, etc etc

    with skank white is black and up is down, anything that's logical she'll claim otherwise - feeds that perpetual ' i'm the victim here ' syndrome - when in fact she's nothing more than a white trash, seditionist, crosseyed griftin' fraud

  29. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Is it customary for authors to exchange books?

    Shailey Tripp and Sarah Palin should show their X-mas spirit by following this practice.

  30. Anonymous2:23 PM

    re the publicist saying Wausau wasn't chosen b/c of the controversy. Really? Out of all the states in the union, and all the Walmarts in WI, Wausau was randomly chosen?

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      O little town of Wasilla, I want to hear your hymns sung again in the schools. What a coincidence, Palin holding up a CD on her FB.

  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Anyone that would even want to follow in the footsteps of Sarah, Bristol or Willow are friggin' nuts!!! They are ALL disasters and poor examples as to ethics, hard work, being REAL Christians, living truthful lives, etc.

    I know I'd never want my daughters to be anything like hers! But, look at the example they have! Poor Piper - god knows how she is going to turn out!

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Piper doesn't stand a chance and will turn out just like her older siblings. An ignorant high school drop out, pregnant and unwed, a lazy bully, totally dependent on pimp father and narcissistic mother for support and validation.

      As long as Sarah's PAC money is sufficient to pay for "postage" expect the staus quo regarding keeping family secrets. When the funds run out, one of the kids will expose their mother's skeletons. For whatever reason, I don't think they will criticize Todd. Deep down I believe they despise their mother, at least subconsciously, for the dysfunctional family they are a part of. Though I don't believe Track, Bristol, Willow or Piper have enough self-awareness to see just how very messed up their family is.

      Bristol's already been bought off and since she's a "mini-me" Sarah and not at all bright, it will probably be one of the others to spill the beans. Also, Bristol is the most likely to follow Sarah into televangelism and grift some money there. I just don't think it will be enough money to keep paying for all the "help" and silence that Sarah and Bristol need.

      One wild card could be a close relative who decides to end the family's charade...someone who is sick of it all and feels put upon. It might not take much...I hope.

    2. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Or one of toad's girlfriends?

  32. Anonymous2:24 PM

    In that video, she didn't stick her tongue out, sliding it all across
    her lip glossed lips and teeth while rolling her eyes in a flirtatious
    way at the old males buying her silly, little book as she did on her
    last book tour. Of course the look at me, me, me and give me your money tour is just beginning! Happy Holidays!!!!!!

  33. Anonymous2:29 PM

    A BIG lesson.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      Here's the entire exercise:

      The Angry Eye - Brown Eye-Blue Eye Experiment - part 1

  34. Anonymous2:32 PM

    After watching the video, I'm wondering what the big attraction is-- especially for people who woke up early, drove for hours, waited in line, had all of their things taken away and put in plastic bins-- Sarah scribbles an "S" and a "P" in the book with a red marker, hands it to her other gal, and the person stands there, being pushed along, for a total of 3 seconds. Maybe 5 seconds if they are befuddled like the woman in the video, and they don't know where to go.

    I've been to book signings, and it's a chance to meet the author. You do get enough time to say how much you liked the author's book or that you are looking forward to reading the book. The author engages the person, asking for a name to personalize the autographed book.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      The signings are a chance to meet with the author, you're right. A short chat or sometimes I've gotten to have a conversation with authors.

      Why would you bother with camping out in freezing weather for hours if not to chat? Unless it's just to gawk at false idol?

      As usual with the Palin fans, it's all about the visual, nothing about the content.

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      I kinda of see this as how $arah Paylin will end. Some over caffeinated worshiper of her's who got up at 3AM; drove a 150 miles, and stood in line for five hours in the cold only to get blown off in three seconds by her and the always charming Willow gets pissed off and goes all Second Amendment on his goddess.

    3. Anonymous3:59 PM

      As usual, the Palin klan displays zero class! Can't even hold a book signing w/grace and dignity and inclusion as to the buyer of the book.

      The last thing in the world I'd ever do is purchase Palin's books - especially when we know none of them have been written by her and she probably couldn't even utter one bit of their content accurately!

    4. Anonymous5:37 PM

      @3:59 You're right. Since she didn't write it, she could scribble in it and toss it to Willow who couldn't care less. I can see Willow rolling her eyes, "Do I HAVE to? How many more? Get on with it, this is boring!"

    5. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

      I used to love going to book signings and miss Borders Books because they had authors actually reading parts of their books and explaining the inspiration and processes used to flesh out the characters.
      I've never seen this "rushed" herding cattle treatment the Palins use. It's like "hit and run, got my story in the news ha ha suckers!"

      Who goes to Walmart for anything, especially a book signing that's not even near the book section?

    6. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Anita - it's to make money and also because she is scared shitless of people.
      Patience. Soon she will be done.

  35. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Love this comment at Mediaite:

    "There is no war ON Christmas. It's a war ON THANKSGIVING being WAGED by Christmas."

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      i thought Thanksgiving was supposed to load up the carbs for the BIG day for Christmas shopping, Black Friday. Now we don't even get to carb up? What's that about?

      Can't have couch potatoes lounging about after all that Thanksgiving food! Forget that! Keep hungry and they will spend more!

      It IS a war on Thanksgiving!

  36. Anonymous2:54 PM

    In the last tweet, the reporter links to a Palin post...check out her collar bones...yikes...

  37. Anonymous3:18 PM

    What I don't get is why these people allowed themselves to be put in a room and told they could not leave. I would have been raising hell and calling 911. They were fools to fall for Palin's BS.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      That's just what I was thinking. Were they threatened with physical violence if they tried to leave the room ? Were the guards armed ? I definitely would have been calling 911.

    2. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      Me too, and after being treated like shit, she wrote a pretty neutral to favorable article and left out the unconstitutional holding cell treatment. If she put it on her facebook page, she might as well have used it in the story as well.

    3. Anonymous7:00 PM

      I have this fear that this ends up with Ms Clift 'leaving' her job with the paper. If so, I hope it's for better opportunities for showing a little spunk.

      What galls me tho is Mrs Palin would seize on this in the hottest nanosecond, again trying to avenge her 'honor', hoping to validate her incessant whine that she is victimized by the 'media'.

  38. Anonymous3:38 PM

    At least she knows her demographics. She would be eaten alive, chewed up, and spit out in the nearest dumpster in metropolitan areas where people actually think.

    1. Anonymous10:45 PM

      And, if she and Todd tried that in Alaska their asses would be grass. Course, they don't appear in Alaska anymore (in public) because they know they are terribly disliked!

      Those two are going to get theirs one of these days and I can hardly wait!!! Jail time perhaps?
      Really don't think either of them would like that government system because they would both be at the bottom of the barrel!!!

  39. Balzafiar4:15 PM

    Well, I hate to have to be the one to bring this up, but Palin's actions regarding the reporters are nothing new. The Clinton's have a history of the same thing when they speak on the campaign trail. The media people are not allowed to approach them with questions. Anyone who doubts this, you only have to look at the 2008 campaign.

    Disclaimer: I am in no way trying to excuse this activity by anyone, merely pointing out a historical fact.

    And now, for something completely different: Sarah, you nasty bitch, where is Trig's birth certificate?

    1. I can't believe you can't see the difference between press access to a candidate being limited at a campaign event and not being able to talk to ANYONE, including shoppers, at a book signing in a store that's open to the public.

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM

      And GWB's goon squad operated at his town hall meetings. If someone wore a t-shirt with a slogan they didn't like, that person was thrown out. Car with a bumper sticker with an opposing point of view. Get those people out of here. Reporters penned and prevented access at the convention. But, Sarah is not a politician. She is a former politician turned celebrity selling a ghost written book. It's one thing to have a security detail to protect her from the teen aged boys who seem to stalk her and locking reporters in a room so they can't report about an event in their town. The reporters might not have been allowed any where Palin, but just wanted to describe the excitement in their town. It takes a real paranoid person to lock them up to prevent them from reporting anything. It's not a fair comparison, a politician running for office who is careful about speaking on the record and a celebrity selling a book who just gave a number of interviews on every possible subject. Maybe Palin was afraid of those gotcha questions like what church she goes to or why she thinks that the Pope is too liberal.

    3. Balzafiar6:02 PM

      @Liz I, thanks for pointing that difference out. I had not considered it at all. At least the media people following the Clinton's weren't shuffled off to a room; they just could not approach the candidates.

    4. Anonymous10:41 PM

      5:33 - Palin is the furthest thing from being entertainment - she is comedic relief and all the comedians are going after her! Bill Mayer did a great sketch on her tonight w/the Pope!

  40. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I can't wait to see the huge honkin nativity scene the Palins set up on Dead Lake Lucille. Track and Willow will be Joseph and Mary. TriG and Trip will take turns at being Baby Jesus. Pimp Daddy Todd will be the Magi and Mrs. Palin will be the camel he rides in on. Willow will be the donkey eating hay in the background.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Sarah will be dressed as Mary, since each is known for having a miraculous birth.

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Better. Sarah is Mary and Pimp Daddy Todd is Joseph. TriG is Jesus. That leaves all the others to fill in as needed. As they always have.

  41. Anita Winecooler5:05 PM

    She, who masticulated with a supposed degree in "Journalism" after six years of attendance at more than two institutions of higher learning, would have some idea of how "Journalists" do their jobs, She must have been playing hckey the day they taught about freedom of the press.
    I understand Theresa has a job to do, but why the somewhat neutral reporting? I'd have written a much more scathing critique of the Bitch and how she operates. Raise holy hell, call 911 etc.

    She had just as much right to view the nomadic Palin circus as those idiots who think she wrote this book to protect Christmas. Walmart paid a cop 750 bucks to play mall cop/ restroom escort for Palin? WTF? Did Sarah pay for the snacks and rent for the guarded jail cell? Wonder if anyone who ate them got sick or worse?

    Yeah, Willow looked psyched to be there, NOT.

    OT Martin Bashir had an interesting "take" on Sarah's "Slavery" comment:

    I can't agree more, Martin. Well Said!!

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Sarah may have thought that she was controlling the MSM, the people she loves to hate. This stunt got worse publicity than anything that they could have written about her.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      The Palinbats are going crazy over Bashir's remarks.
      Which they are of course, grossly misrepresenting.
      They're demanding that Ted beat Bashir to a pulp.
      I assume with Sarah's purse.
      Here's a lovely response from one of the hate filled sickos at the tea party Free Republic

      I hate to say it, but Bashir’s death will be traced back to this broadcast.

      42 posted on November 15, 2013 7:34:41 PM CST by Dogbert41 (Up yours NSA !)

    3. @5.30pm - Always on the attack - Sarah can say the nastiest things but anyone who dares to explain the hate that Palin spews should be assassinated. Truly sad and horrible people that Palin has collected as her financial support.

    4. Anonymous10:36 PM

      Bill Maher went after Palin tonight on his show - in regard to the Pope. The segment was a riot and assuredly showed her to be the moron she is.

      She's getting it from all the shows...and she deserves every bit of it!

  42. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Poor Willow. She is to the Palin Family as Meg is to the Family Guy Family.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Don't recall Meg having a native child out of wedlock, vandalizing homes or selling drugs. Did she also work for her pimp daddy?

  43. Paul - Minnesota8:05 PM

    Thanks WalMart for giving me another reason to NOT shop at your stores. You imprison journalists and prevent them from trying to do their job.

    1. Anonymous10:33 PM

      I'm a senior citizen and have never been in a Walmart store...just never have had the desire to shop there! Now, hearing about this asinine tale w/Sarah Palin, I REALLY have no desire to go to the place!

    2. Anonymous7:19 AM

      Though I have no desire to step foot in a Walmart it was someone with palin who stood guard not Walmart personnel.

  44. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I am sorry I don't have links to these stories, but it isn't exactly news that Walmart doesn't object to preventing people from leaving a certain area. I have read at least three press accounts of Walmart LOCKING THE DOORS of their premises when the store is closed (night shift) to keep their employees from going outside. One case involved an employee who had a heart attack at work and no one there had a key to unlock the door to let in the ambulance attendants. I think the guy died. In another one, there was an injury, an ankle injury I think, and same thing. No treatment until the day shift supervisor arrived with the key - in the morning. It made me wonder what would happen if there was a fire when the doors were locked.

    Walmart probably didn't even blink an eye (you know you can't blink) when told to foot the bill for restraining access and movement of people the Palins don't like. Don't you wonder if the book sales covered the security costs? I sure wish one of our legal readers would weigh in on the concept of false imprisonment. Are journalists required by their employers to tolerate the treatment that is described here?

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      It was a palin security person who stood guard not Walmart security.

  45. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Did you guys see the 2008 election eve SNL special? It was really funny. They mostly ran all the previous skits, but they had some new stuff. Like they had Palin do an additional thing where she talked about what it will be like when she's VP and she says, basically, that she's going to remember how they picked on her and make them and NBC pay...and...I sort of don't think it's a joke. I sort of think that that is EXACTLY what she would have been like! She probably would have tried to have NBC's license pulled with the FCC or something...

  46. janice4:56 AM

    Per Sarah's new Facebook post and picture which looks like Willow sleeping on a plane, is she doing the whole book tour with Sarah? I thought she was working....... now, who is watching Piper and Trigg, are they homeschooled and have a nanny?

  47. Anonymous9:06 AM

    This is such a weird story. Why the secrecy? This is a celebrity book signing. What's to hide?

  48. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Exactly! However, Palin lives in contant, irrational fear of not being in total control of every situation and also being nailed with a "gotcha" question. At this event, Todd and Willow were her immediate shields, followed by paid protection.

  49. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Why the long face Willow? You get to jet around the country to all those famous places with your awesome mom AND get paid also too!

    That probably beats standing on your feet all day cutting hair.

    What do you want to bet Willow hasn't even read the frickin book. Some astute reporter should ask her what her favorite parts are. Course, Mr and Mrs. Palin wouldn't let any of the LSM near her.


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