Friday, November 29, 2013

First Lady welcomes Christmas tree to White House along with Sasha and Malia. Right Wing immediately assumes it is a pagan socialist trick.

Courtesy of CNN:  

First Lady Michelle Obama, along with daughters Sasha and Malia and dogs Bo and Sunny, welcomed the official White House Christmas tree Friday. 

The 18.5-foot-tall Douglas fir will go in the White House Blue Room. Chris Botek, the third-generation Christmas tree grower from Crystal Spring Tree Farm in Lehighton, Pennsylvania, and his family, were at the White House when the tree from his farm arrived. Last year's tree was from a farm in North Carolina. 

A White House tradition, the tree was delivered by carriage to the North Portico. 

"We're honored to have it. This is the best part of the holiday season is when our tree comes," the First Lady said.

To be honest I usually avoid posts about these silly fluff stories about the President and First Lady, you know the whole pardoning the turkey, Easter egg hunt, and  Christmas tree decorating thing.

However this year with the Right Wing ramping up the War on Christmas, and the book by "She Who Must Not be Named" falling like a flaming turd down the Amazon best sellers list (Right now at #438 as of this posting), I think of this kind of thing as a giant FU to the forces of darkness who attack this President and his wife at every opportunity.

So yeah, the Obama's got themselves a big ass Christmas tree, just like most other American families.

And I am sure that once decorated it will be spectacular. Just like the family in whose home it will now reside.


  1. The RW acts like there has never been a Christmas tree delivered to the White House and welcomed by the First Lady. It happens EVERY F**KING year. It happened when we had republican presidents too. Geez, I am so sick of their whining. They are a bunch of silly crybabies and an embarrassment to this country.

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      I was thinking the same thing when I read the post. Every year a giant tree is delivered to the White House, no matter who the president is, and it is received by the First Lady. The Obamas are lucky to have two lovely daughters who also come to see the tree arrive and Bo has always been a perfect "gentleman." i'm sure that Sunny was a perfectly well-behaved "lady." I just wish the right wing would disappear for a while and let the rest of us enjoy our lives.

    2. Anonymous4:18 PM

      I totally agree with's only because the First Family is black that they're having a problem with....a bunch of racist whiners. I think everyone sees through the RW.

    3. Anonymous7:36 AM


      We would all like to 'just enjoy our lives' but liberty requires constant vigilance.

  2. "And I am sure that once decorated it will be spectacular. Just like the family in whose home it will now reside."

    Exactly. Which is what will make the nasty, small-minded, bigoted, stupid, vicious, anything-but-actual-Christians heads explode. And good riddance to those right-wingers.

    They have no understanding of what Christmas really means, as evidenced by Palin's stupid and bitter ghost-written nasty attack on everybody and everything that doesn't worship her.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Send all of them back to Kenya

    1. Oh, fuck off, you stupid traitor. Our country needs to be kept safe from awful, hateful people like you.

      President Obama and his family are better Americans and better Christians than you will ever be. You mock Christ and his teachings with every lie and hateful thing you say.

      You don't deserve to live in this country. And you are stupid and ignorant, too.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Prosecute Bush
      Restore our country.

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      You need to get laid 2:42

    4. Olivia3:16 PM

      Fuck you and your mother and grandmother and all the men in your family too! Happy Holidays!

    5. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Do it yourself ya lazy Fuck!

    6. Your mother still giving you a nickel a post, Wiillow?

    7. Don't you love how all the "hate" posts are always...NOT...posted using the poster's name? Anonymous sure makes trolls brave. And that's what they are...trolls just like $arah Palin.

    8. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Poor Willow, you seem more angry about your Mom forcing you to give up your birth born than when she forced your retarded sister to do so.

    9. lostinmn3:50 PM

      I think 2:42's problem is gettin laid in a tent after a round of wine coolers. The only question is which one of the little tramps is doing the writing. I'm pretty sure big sister is showing the younger one how spreading for dollars works pretty well

    10. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Fuck you, Sarah.

    11. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Willow? Bristol? The first one of you to find Kenya on a map, name its capital, and give a rough outline of its history will get the IM Thanksgiving Poster Award.
      Time limit: five minutes, on your honor. No using wikipedia. Ready, set, go! We can't wait to hear who wins!

    12. Anonymous6:39 PM

      @Anonymous 2:42 PM

      IMPEACH Anonymous 2:42 PM
      Send all of them back to LaLaLand

    13. Anonymous12:15 AM

      2:42 keeps saying the same thing - over and over. Just ignore!!! Not worth the effort responding to the his/her bullshit!

  4. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Some people say that big ass tree seems like the sort of thing uppity folks might use to make themselves look like more than they are.

    1. Maybe your comment is snark? It's hard to tell as there has been a "some say" commenter around lately.

      If your comment is not snark, maybe some people would say that the White House has always featured a large, beautiful Christmas tree, and that people who suggest that there is anything untoward about this particular tree and this particular First Family are racist morons.

    2. Olivia3:27 PM

      Yeah those Bush's and Reagans were always trying to puff themselves up.

    3. Anonymous5:14 PM

      "Maybe your comment is snark? It's hard to tell as there has been a "some say" commenter around lately."

      Maybe? That comment is clearly pegging the snark meter at a solid 10. Alsotoo, "Some say..." is the infamous Faux lead-in to their most egregious manifestations of altered reality illusions masquerading as reporting.

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Clean up needed at 2:42. Bring the bleach.

  6. Sharon3:03 PM

    The best part of the WH trees is that they are all decorated by volunteers from all over the country. Each room has a different theme and then the First Lady picks a special message for one.
    I truly wish we could change the rules and keep the wonderful Obamas in the WH for 8 more years. Imagine this country with Dems in congress and senate enacting all the changes he wants to make. I googled for lists of all Bush's screwups and there were so many I didn't even know about. The Dems really need to remind those assholes how much damage they did in 8 years....they were the same men in power now as then. We lost a generation and yet there is still no remorse, recognition...just hate and lies.

    1. Olivia3:41 PM

      I love that idea too, but it would be an awful thing to do to that family. They have sacrificed so much and shouldn't have to suffer any more than they already have for this country. God bless them for what they have endured.

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      I agree with you, Olivia.

    3. Anonymous2:05 PM

      I love the Obamas but Pres BO has earned a well deserved rest. I am sure he and Michelle will continue to be a positive influence on the country but the guy needs to be able to play some bball or a couple of rounds of golf without being criticized for it.

  7. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Your words may carry a little more weight 2:42 if you didn't hide your identity.


  8. Anonymous3:25 PM

    They have no need to try to make themselves more than they are.

    1. Olivia3:42 PM

      They are already more than they ever needed to be from the very beginning and more than we have ever had in our history.

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Our wonderful traditions

  10. Karen in SoCal3:36 PM

    Hey Anon 2:42: It's my country too, so STFU. You're an asshole.

  11. Anonymous3:38 PM

    That is exactly what we are doing, saving our country from idiots like you. The President was twice elected. Did that escape your moronic pea brain? Damn, give it a rest!

  12. Anonymous3:39 PM

    O/T: What will Sarah do? Who will she side with? Her dear friend and supporter, Rush? Or, her Catholic "friends and family" who have guided her in times past?

  13. Anonymous4:11 PM

    I've discovered that there are many TP/GOP who immediately denounced Sarah when the Glen Rice story came out. The very thought of her with one of "them" was enough to end the adoration for both men and women. Sarah knows, don'tcha Sarah? Happy Holidays, you Stupid Bitch.

  14. Anita Winecooler5:04 PM

    Perfect photo of the First Family, Bo and Sunny. Love the troll's short memory span, remember Shrub (President George "W"Bush) fake thanksgiving plastic meal with the troops photo? "Mission accomplished" and the turkey pardon where his pecker gets the beak?

  15. Sarah's book sales falling back to about where they were before the spike in sales and the resultant rise on the book sales list, pretty much confirms the spike in sales was the result of a bulk purchase of her books. Whoever bought the books will need to unload them before the season is over, or pay to warehouse them until next season. I suspect the only one willing to do that would be SarahPAC. By next season I predict those who want to purchase the book will only be able to purchase it through SarahPAC because the book will be out of print from the publisher. She also may get stuck with a lot of books that will be able to be purchased for a dollar or less in the book stores in another month.

    1. At Barnes and Noble, the "autographed first edition" (be still my heart!!!) Is the same discount price as the plain one. 16 reviews . Happy holidays, Sarah. Maybe if anyone gives you a 4th fake book, you could write something positive.

  16. Anonymous8:43 PM

    AAAAAHHH, our First Lady welcomes the tree. Meanwhile, Maryline Blackburn's voodoo doll gets another pin from x-tian $arah. She started it, you know.....

  17. I love the pictures where you can see Sasha and Malia clearly. Both of them are coming into their teenager years, and both look like they adore their parents, but with trust and not intimidation. Well-adjusted kids, and each self-possessed to a degree appropriate to her age.

    Here and there, there's a moment when you can sense some boredom on one, like any teen eager to get back to her own interests after getting through Mom or Dad's ritual event, but for the most part they both come through their various photo ops very gamely.

    You really can't find things to pick wrong with this family, and those who try look foolish indeed.

  18. Anonymous10:04 PM

    What am I missing? This is a factual, bland reporting of a White House tradition. I read nothing right nor left leaning in this report. Where do you see accusations of pagan socialist tricks? Why do you look for trouble where there is none?

    You're attempting to use a non-story to rile up your audience. Do you really want to put yourself in the same company as Limbaugh, Beck, et. al.?

  19. I saw this story and thought,"Just about right, to read this lighthearted story while I nurse my Thanksgiving food hangover", then I made a mistake and read some of the comments. One woman wrote, "That is NOT their tree, it belongs to the PEOPLE of these UNITED STATES and this is NOT OBAMALAND, and we will NOT put up with this DICTATORSHIP!!!"

    Sheesh. I am just sick of this filth and hatred they spew at any opportunity.
    I can only imagine how the Obamas must feel. No wonder they feel such a strong need to protect those beautiful girls. Anyone remember the 'antics' of the Bush twins? Those girls were raised in the White house and will never hold a candle to the girls in this family.
    I am looking forward to seeing photos of the decorations. I sometimes wish I lived close enough to take the tour.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.